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by Madge
Rated: · Chapter · Fantasy · #1508241
Action is in this one
Luis nodded “Okay but what if they break from my illusions?” Shawn bit his lip then gave him a wary smile “Just make sure that doesn’t happen” Everyone put on some worried face. I get it. Luis won’t be able to fight back if something happens. I looked around and realized more than half of us can’t defend ourselves.
Stew flinched gripping his fists, closing his eyes biting the inside of his mouth. He leaned over in pain pulling Lavi and I down with him. “Stew!” Lavi yelled surprised for his best friend. What in the word? He was fine just a second ago. “C-can ev-everyone s-stop feeling th-the same thing a-at once I-its so-sort o-of painful?!” Stew muttered in so much agony. I could feel him quiver beside me. “Sorry.” we all said nervous and tried to think of something else.
I looked at him “Are you okay?” I asked rubbing his arms trying to comfort him. He nodded “Y-yeah...”
Jun interrupted Stew before he could explain “Being an Impath,” he yawned “Stew feels everyone near him…” He tried to remember the right English word “emotions…” he paused again “Since Stew hasn’t completed his stages he’s extra sensitive to everyone’s emotions.” He searched for the right words. It was very easy to tell Jun was having a lot of trouble talking. “So when we all felt anxiety and worry at the same time it all rushed to him raising his adrenaline making his body weak. It’s pretty much like being jabbed by a hundred needles.” He sighed frowning “I know I’ve copied Stew’s powers before. It wasn’t fun.” He sat down on the floor to rest…I guess that took a lot of his energy. We all sighed bothered by his lack of vigor.
Lavi helped Stew up “Do you need to sit this out?” Stew shook his head and smiled “No, I’m good.” That didn’t convince me, I’m still worried. Stew glanced down to me “Really, I’m fine you don’t have to worry.” I rolled my eyes. His power is going to get really annoying. He giggled most likely feeling that.
Shawn coughed grabbing back our attention “That brings me to my next point, Stew stay away from Luis because their will be a lot of fear over where he is.” Stew and Luis nodded agreeing. I would hate to see something bad happen to them.
“Now moooving on with our strategy.” He turned to Marcus. “Marcus your job is to get anyone in trouble out of it by leaping.” Marcus’s face became serious but it looked cute on him more than intimidating “I’ll be there in two shakes of a shimmy.” Marcus talks like an old man. I chuckled they all looked over “Sorry…”I turned to Shawn “My bad go on.” I encouraged him, shutting up.
Shawn moved on “Lavi and Letty just stay on the side only do something if you know for sure you can do it but Lavi if you get some sort of prediction then just yell it to me. Brendon just do your whole time freeze thing but when you do I want you and Trevor to move the person you froze into the stands, Marcus if you’re free help them. Allen do what ever you can” They nodded except Lavi and I grimaced displeased with our part.
“Jun do your thing too.” Shawn told him. Jun yawned putting up a thump’s up “naturellement” French again…We all looked to Marcus for a translation “Of course.” Marcus interpreted for us. Being around them makes me want to learn Spanish so they don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, just to get back at them.
The whistle went off. My heart stopped. “Alright kids, it’s time!” Coach Jackson boomed from the side of the gym next to the door. I realized the body class also moved by the door as well. I guess if anything goes bad they’re going to run like hell out of here. That makes me feel sooo much better…not.
We all broke from our group huddle and spread across the gym floor dong what we were told. Stew was in the corner far away from Luis and on the far opposite side of Elliot, Allen stood next to him. Lavi and I are beside each other standing near the bleachers. Brendon and Trevor are standing ready to go. Marcus and Jun are together whispering something, I couldn’t hear.
The soul class is made up of seven people, which gives us some sort of advantage since we have eleven. They spread across the gym facing us getting ready.
Luis notice two girls beside each other and slithered towards them. Josh and Shawn went the middle of the gym like it was the unwritten rule for the people with the symbol key chains to try to kill each other.
Angela looked at me and winked, I flinched. Lavi pushed on my shoulder “Ignore her.” I nodded “Yeah…Right.” I glanced to her, still tense. She was still staring at me. Why? I can’t do anything. Lavi put his arm around me. I immediately blushed “L-Lavi?” He rubbed my arm “It’s okay, don’t be nervous she won’t do anything to you because I’m here and all the other guys are close by…” he leaned next to my ear. His hot breathe made my whole neck shiver. I could feel my face turn even redder. “Just clam down and if you need to, I’ll help you run out of the gym.” I pushed him away getting my confidence back “Pleeeeease! I’ll be fine” I put my hands on my hips. He laughed “Great.” I put my hands down and breathed “Thanks, Lavi. I needed that.” I looked up and smiled. His face turned pink “No-no problem.” He then cleared his throat.
The whistle went off, I jumped. I still hate sudden sounds but I’m beginning to hate that sound altogether. “Alright! When I blow the whistle again…You may start…” I looked to Shawn; he stared back at me and smiled mouthing “Go for it.” I cocked my head, “what is that supposed to mean?” “Set…” Coach Jackson continued. Shawn chuckled turning back to Josh, not answering me. Jerk. “Go!” Coach Jackson yelled. The whistle went off.
I felt a hot rush coming from Angela, fire. She was throwing balls of flames at Marcus and Jun. Marcus leaped away barely missed being hit by the fire only leaving black smoke. Jun yelled “Copier Chat” I have no idea what that means but his pentagram mark on his cheek lit up giving off a brilliant lights of blue and orange but the green did not glow, maybe that’s because he isn’t using any body moves. So that would mean that only the skill he use’s colors is the on that lights up.
Jun threw flames back at Angela, giving her a taste of her own medicine. I don’t think she expected that and was thrown against the gym’s wall. Marcus leaped to where she was grabbed her leaping her to the gym’s basketball net dropping her in. “You little prick!” She screeched struggling to get out. Marcus fell on the floor on his side “Ow.”
“Marcus hurry, get out of the way!” Elliot yelled knowing what she was thinking but Marcus couldn’t hear. I looked over t him. Allen was holding the handle bars of Elliot’s wheel chair but they were see through.
A splash of strange light hit them directly but nothing happened…I guess Allen’s using his power to go threw things to protect Elliot from the soul class’s attacks. That’s amazing.
Angela snickered leashing out her flame onto Marcus who was still on the floor “Ah!” he tried to roll away but his leg was hit he yelled again but from pain. “Marcus!” Jun yelled running to his brother. Angela threw another flame at them. Jun did the same jumping in front of Marcus to protect his brother. Their flames hit each other making the room increasingly hot. “There’s no way in hell, Jun! It’s my gift not yours there is no way you can beat it!” She yelled trying to sic him out. Jun laughed pushing his flame making hers disappear. The flame hit her she yelled.
The net holding her came apart making her fall to the ground, she fainted. Marcus grabbed her arm leaping her to the top bleacher.

I heard two girls scream next to Luis (his doing). “Snakes! Spiders!” they shrieked over and over. Luis laughed “Too easy.” His left hand is pointing towards the girls. The mark on his fingers are lighting up just like Jun’s did. I think when using our powers our symbols light up.
“They’re really freaked Luis! You’re doing great!” Stew supported Luis even though it was painful for him.
“They just might give up soon. Make it a little scarier for them!” Elliot instructed Luis.
Luis shrugged stretching his hand father making the light of his mark glow brighter. The girls screamed louder in pure terror “Stop it!”
I can’t take the look on their faces. Lavi shook my shoulders “Hey Letty?” “Huh?” I asked a little disorientated. “Just don’t look” He moved my gaze.

Shawn was no longer there but a giant strong muscle man covered by black smoke, then man had the same thing Shawn was wearing on… Wait that is Shawn he has the pentagram key chain and something was lighting up under his shirt over where his heart is, I’m guessing that’s where his mark is. So he shape shifted. Josh pulled out the wood from the floor and began hurling them towards Shawn. Shawn blocked and grabbed them throwing them back at Josh. Josh moved out of the way not stopping his aerial attacks of wood.
He hit Shawn many times before Shawn gave up and shape shifted. He was covered in the black smoke. Josh waited impatiently holding more wood in the air. Shawn jumped out of the smoke as a little boy version of himself and kicked Josh in the knee laughing. “Shawn! Be serious!” Josh complained throwing more wood at his new opponent. Shawn kept laughing moving away from the wood “I am serious!”
Shawn ran up to Josh and grabbed the key chain but Josh kicked him off right away, Shawn let go of the chain and was now on the floor.
He came back up back as himself covered by more black smoke holding the side that was kicked “Let’s mix things up a bit.” He shape shifted again into the muscle man from before. “Shawn you already tried that” Josh sneered full of himself launching more wooden blanks at Shawn.
Shawn grabbed a piece and hit another plank making the wood shatter into a million splinters. The splinters flew at Josh. He bent over hugging his legs shielding his face. The fragments of wood stabbed his bare arm and hand, he didn’t yell or anything he just staggered back up and looked Shawn straight in the eyes “Smart.” Shawn crossed his new big arms and leaned back like his normal self “Naturally, do you give up?” Josh chuckled “Not on your many lives.” He put his hands on the ground pulling out rock. Shawn goes in his fight stance, ready to get out of that situation.
“Shawn! That last attack really hurt him!” Stew encouraged Shawn.
“He doesn’t plan to do that again!” Elliot told Shawn.

Ice covered Brendon’s and Trevor’s legs because of a boy. That must be Parker, Coach Jackson warned him not to burn anyone with ice. Parker has short curly blonde hair and blue eyes he is wearing the soul class’s orange gym shirt and black shorts.
Parker didn’t walk over to them it was more like he skated. I looked down to his feet when he moved ice would follow making him glide just like a person would at a skating ring. It made me a little jealous, it looked like fun.
Trevor hysterically tried to get out of the ice pulling his legs as hard as he could. Brendon slammed his fits on the ice trying to make it break apart into smithereens but he had no luck. Parker laughed the whole way and didn’t stop when he reached the two helpless boys. Brendon shot up going for a punch at Parker’s face.
“No Brendon! Don’t do it!” Elliot warned.
Parker dodged shooting more ice into Brendon’s stomach just like a punch. Brendon was thrown out of the ice sliding across the floor smashing into the bleachers. I flinched, that looked painful.
Brendon came back up using the bleacher as leverage. When he was finally up he motioned Parker mocking him to come over “Come on pretty boy, is that all you got?” Parker stomped his foot in a hissy fit “Excuse me?!” He skated over at full throttle ready to hit Brendon with another ice attack but this time with more power.
Right before Parker could reach him Brendon lifted his hand with the mark and said “Stop.” His mark lit up. Parker was covered in black smoke. Nothing happened… What? I looked at the smoke closer, and then it finally lifted. Parker was frozen in time. He wasn’t moving at all.
“He’s not thinking!” Elliot told Brendon.
“No emotion!” Stew added.
Brendon put his hand up and called for “Hey! Marcus!” a black smoke appeared next to Brendon, it was Marcus and Jun “Yes?” Marcus asked. His arm is thrown over Jun’s shoulder. “What’s wrong with you?” Brendon asked pointing to Marcus’s foot. He no longer has his shoes on they are both wrapped up with Jun’s sleeve.
“Angela burned me from the basketball net but Jun copy cated her power and set her straight she’s pasted out on the top bleacher. What do you need?” Marcus said at his abnormal, super human talking speed. Brendon chuckled ruffling Marcus’s dirty blonde hair “You could have just said I got burned.” He put his arm down “I need you to take Miss Priss here” he pointed to Parker “to the bleachers and Jun if you still have fire could you melt Trevor.” He pointed to Trevor and his still iced legs, Trevor waved. Jun nodded and gave his brother over to Brendon. Marcus looked so tiny and feeble next to Brendon…well actually anyone would.
Jun went to Trevor making a small flame but suddenly before he could reach him a huge surge of electricity came between Jun and Trevor. You could feel the voltage in the air, every hair on my body stood up. My whole body shook intensely.
The electricity broke Trevor’s iced legs making him fall over. Jun fell over on his back and…fell…asleep. Another surge of electricity was coming and it was going to hit Jun directly. “Jun!” Marcus yelled begging for his brother to wake up.
Trevor got up running to Jun pushing him out of the way taking all electricity “Argh!” Trevor yelled jerking his whole body in painful spasms. “Trevor!” We all yelled for him. Lavi and I ran to him jut when the spasms stopped but wasn’t moving at all and his eyes were closed. He might be passed out! I sat down beside him putting my hands on his arm “Trevor! Are you okay?!” I asked him hysterically rubbing his arm back and forth. “Trevor!” I yelled for him again hunching closer to his face I could feel his breathe hit my face so I know he isn’t dead but I’m still so worried. Trevor moved his arms a little, my whole face lit up. “Trevor!” I shouted happily. I felt so relieved. His eyes fluttered open.
Jun slid to Brendon’s and Marcus’s feet, they instantaneously went down to him.
“Awww, how cute, he jumped in the line of fire for a friend!” A girl laughed. We all turned to see a girl with two dark curly pony tails high up on the sides of her head. Her golden eyes are wild and energized. You could obviously tell she was the cause of the electricity she practically screamed voltage seeing how excited and energetic she was.
Trevor sat up ignoring her and put his hand on my cheek “I’m fine” his voice was so deep but so kind. I grabbed his hand and rubbed his fingers smiling “Thank god.” The girl stomped her foot “Hey! Pay attention!” she’s annoyed. Trevor let go of my face and got back up. Lavi gave me his hand bringing me up “That’s Mexi.” He told me.
She smirked “So…Let’s not waste time.” Mexi jerked her hands down igniting more electricity. Trevor pushed Lavi and I back knowing we couldn’t do anything in this situation. Brendon put Marcus down beside his brother “Wake him up” Marcus nodded while he ran to us.
Mexi threw a ball of energy our way. Lavi quickly grabbed my hand pulling me out of the way at the same time Brendon pushed Trevor away. Brendon threw his hands up in the air, his mark glowing “Freeze!” the electricity stopped in its tracks. I sighed relieved. Mexi Stomped her foot again even more annoyed than before “That’s not fair!” she pouted completely irritated “It’s not as much fun if you keep pausing everything.” Brendon was provoked to yell back “Why the hell not?! It’s the only fucking thing I can do you little brat!” She flinched back offended “Brat?!”
Marcus shook his brother “Jun…please wake up.” He begged again “Come on…We need you.” Nothing happened.
She bit her lip “I’ll show you something bratty!” she jerked her hands again throwing multiple balls of electricity at us. I dodged them over and over again, it never stopped. Brendon froze all the ones he could. I noticed after a while the electricity would disappear instead of getting unfrozen. It was weird.
Mexi laughed “Tired Brendon?” her electricity balls became smaller, faster and more difficult to get away from. I glanced at Brendon escaping more of her attacks. He was breathing hard, tired. You could tell he’s been hit but he kept freezing her attacks over and over again. Lavi yelped I look over. He’s been hit in the leg. He was holding his leg on the ground rubbing his injury. Were losing…
Mexi laughed at us “Jeez… I thought you all would put up a better fight.” she laughed louder making herself even more unbearably annoying. She’s really starting to piss me off. I ignored her turning to Lavi “Hey! Girl!” She barked at me. I continued to ignore her existence by asking Lavi “Are you okay?” I put my and on his shoulder. He nodded unconvincingly, it was obvious he was in pain. I rolled my eyes “You down have to lie.” He gave me a weak half smile stuttering “Wh-what do y-you me-mean?” he is a terrible liar “Lavi you’re a terrible liar”
“S-so I-I’ve be-been told.”
“Hey! Let’s focus people, dangerous girl with deadly lighting here!” Mexi whined stomping her feet…again. I got back up rolling my eyes “You know what?” I put my hands on my hips. “You are very annoying.” I pointed my finger at her “The world does not revolve around you, so could you pipe down one minute?” I turned back around in a huff to Lavi.
“Excuse me?!” Mexi screeched. A burst of energy went past my head throwing my hair in my face. My eyes widened surprised. It missed but I still felt the little shocks on the side of my face and neck. It didn’t stop even after the electricity exploded in the air. My whole face was still vibrating. I touched my face and couldn’t feel my touch… Okay now I’m pissed! I spun back around “No that was un called for!” I screamed annoyed, shocked, irritated, and a little sick from the sudden burst of adrenaline. She flinched back surprised at my reaction. “Letty?” Lavi asked worried, he might have thought Mexi electrocuted my brain making me go even crazier than I already am. “Letty, I don’t think that’s what you’re supposed to yell at a person who just shot at you…” Brendon gave me advice, concerned by my response like Lavi was. Trevor chuckled “Good one.”
Marcus laughed too waking Jun “Hmm…” “Jun! You’re awake?!” he announced excited and a bit relieved. Jun rose back up scratching his head and noticed Mexi’s expression “cette pouvoir pas être bon” “What did he say?” I asked glaring at Mexi with her glaring back at me. “This can not be good.” Marcus murmured hoping I didn’t actually hear him. I gulped…I think I know what he means. I looked deeper into Mexi’s eye’s they’re filled with raged. Shit, I’m in trouble!
“Letty! What the hell did you do?! She’s pissed!” Stew yelled putting the blame on me.
“Letty run! She’s going to attack you, big time!” Elliot warned in terror.
My throat became dry and I couldn’t stop shaking. I have to do something…but what? My power thingy! What was it again? Teanisus? No that’s stupid. Telaphonia? Maybe, sounds better. Telekinesis…Yeah! That’s it! I think. How did I do it the first time?
Mexi jerked her hands creating more electricity. What did I do? My head is starting to hurt from over thinking. She threw her hands together in the air putting the voltage together making it bigger and more extravagant. I remember imagining myself up in the sky and there I was. Was that it? Is it all about imagining? I mean imagining is from the mind and the whole point of my future mark and class is the mind. It’s worth a shot, I do have an overactive imagination.
I studied the ball Mexi was holding remembering every detail. She threw the ball my way. I envisioned the ball being thrown back at her and at that very moment the ground below my feet lit up in a faded blue light making a pentagram shape then began spinning around. The ball of electricity was immersed in black smoke.
“Huh?” Mexi gasped shocked at the scene.
“Is that Letty’s doing?” Marcus asked his brother.
Jun nodded “Oui… It’s Telekinesis.”
“Holy shit.” Brendon murmured too stunned to speak louder.
Luis looked at the sudden uproar. His jaw slowly dropped “What in the world…”
Shawn even got a glance “Go Letty!” he was the only one not surprised. It made me a little happy that he believed in me…Maybe that’s what he meant when he said “Go for it.”
“Amazing” Stew and Elliot chorused.
“I-is th-that safe?” Allen commented nervous for our well being more than being surprised by it.
I smiled and whispered filled with joy “Yes!”
The smoke lifted then immediately raced backwards towards Mexi, she screamed unable to get out of the way in time “Ahhh!” she was thrown rolling to the floor. I felt a little bad but then remembered she was about to throw that at me. I’m over it! Serves her right! The blue light from under me died away revealing the gym floor.
I turned to Lavi and helped him up still smiling, a little full of myself. He looked at me stunned; eyes widened “How did you do that?” I chucked throwing my hair back “Psh! It was easy” I pointed to my head and tapped it “I just had to think a little.” Brendon laughed teasing me “That must have been hard for you!” I crossed my arms slightly offended “Not at all!” I mumbled childishly angry with him. He’s sort of knocked me off my temporary pedestal. Jun and Marcus came over, well Jun helped Marcus over. “beau travail” Jun I think complemented me, he was smiling when he said it. Marcus chuckled “he said nice work.” “ohhhh!” I sighed happily relieved.
“Ahh!” We all reverted back to our situation and looked back to the scream it was Shawn. He was sprawled out on the floor but as the child version of himself. The black smoke came around him again changing him back to himself. He’s beaten up, his uniform is torn and he’s breathing hard. Shawn couldn’t take much more. His eyes closed while Josh made his way towards our pentagram key chain.
We all yelled begging him to wake up “Shawn! Get up”, “Come on!”, “Walk it off!”, or just “Shawn!” We had to do something. A burst of flame came from Jun lifting him off the ground. He flew towards Josh. Josh backed up creating a wall from the gym floor. It was too late for Jun to move. He crashed right into it. He went through it making a huge gaping hole. “Jun!” Marcus yelped before leaping to his fallen brother catching him before he fell to the ground but was pushed to the ground unable to stand on his burned foot.
Brendon ran for Josh screaming an overly dramatic battle cry “Aaaahhhh!” He lifted his hand up about to freeze Josh but instead Josh attacked first hurling a giant wad of rock into his stomach. Brendon gasped for air on the floor holding his stomach. He pulled his body in shaking from the pain.
Allen ran over but…tripped over his own foot (or air) breaking his glasses. Poor guy, I feel bad for him.
Luis broke his hallucination from the girls over to Josh. Josh laughed “Nice try but I won’t be pulled into your little tricks, Luis.” He sneered, chucking rock at Luis hitting him in the face. Luis cursed grabbing his wounded face with one hand but raised his marked hand trying again. This time Josh’s eyes widened and he cringed back falling on his butt. His head shifted side to side staring at things that weren’t actually there. What is he seeing?
Josh pulled more rock from the ground and sneered once more. “Huh?” Luis gasped anxious. “Just kidding.” Josh laughed hurling more rock at Luis hitting him in the legs, arms, hest, and face. Luis fell to the floor passing out.
Josh got back up and whipped the dirt from his pants sighing “That’s the worst thing about my gift, it’s so messy.” He made his way to Shawn again. No! I have to do something! Oh, yeah I know how to use my power. I studied Josh to the last detail burning him into my mind. Right when Josh touched our symbol I lifted my hand pointing at him picturing him in the air. Black smoke covered him making him curse in surprise and fear. The pentagram appeared below my feet again then it began spinning around faster than the first time it did. Josh was raised into the air. “Put me down! Now!” He shouted struggling in the air moving around making it difficult to keep him up there.
“Copier Chat!” Jun shouted pointing to me, his mark glowing. A wave of cold wind rushed throughout me giving me an empty feeling like a part of me was taken. “Letty, keep him up there” Jun commanded me running closer to Josh. He pointed not to Josh but to the key chain taking it away from him. “Oh no you don’t!” Josh said grabbing the key chain playing tug a war with Jun for it. They went back and forth. Until I waved my hand pulling Josh away from Jun. Josh cursed something foul. His grip on the butterfly symbol loosened. I smiled wickedly dragging him farther away until he couldn’t hold on anymore…He let go of the key chain. The symbol flouted down to Jun’s hands.
The whistle blew off. A jolt surged through me causing me to drop Josh to the ground “S-sorry.” I stuttered apologetic, not meaning to drop him. “Mind Class wins!” Couch Jackson announced our rightfully deserved victory. The remaining mind class that was still standing began howling and cheering very unsportsmanlike. I even jumped in the air overly excited. Then we remember our fallen comrades.
Lavi and I ran to Shawn. I crouched down onto the floor “Hey Shawn?” I called for him poking him in the cheek. “Letty is that really appropriate?” Lavi asked somewhat discomfited by my action. “What’s wrong with this?” I continued to poke his face “I’m trying to wake him up.” His eyes flickered opened looking at me “Did we win?” I laughed “yeah.” He smiled closing his eyes “Good… Stop pocking my face.” I blushed realizing I didn’t stop even when he opened his eyes. I drew my hand back slamming it to the floor.
I hear high heals coming our way. I look up and it’s Lucy coming with a white stretcher “Hey, Letty Lavi help me get Shawn on this thing. Lavi you get on too, your leg was shocked right?” We did so by pulling Shawn up and pushing him on the stretcher. Lavi sat on the edge of it “Are they going to be okay?” I asked Lucy before she left “Yeah we just need to heal them and then we’ll bring them right back. It won’t take long.” She answered turning going out the door with Shawn. I look around everyone was on one except for Stew, Allen, Elliot and me.
I race over to my fellow survivors. “Let’s get changed and go back to the door!” Allen nodded “Y-yes that would be g-good.” Stew yawned “All that feeling made me tired and hungry!” He stretched, I rolled my eyes. “That’s good but Stew can you go on ahead. Letty and I have something to discuss.” Elliot asked Stew. Stew shrugged walking to the boy’s locker room with Allen “Whatevs…” Elliot followed reminding me “You did say you’d tell me why your parents yelled at you.” I cringed…Shit.
© Copyright 2008 Madge (creeperbones0 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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