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You gain the ability to swap people's body parts |
You gain the ability to swap people's body parts
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
This story is about a 15 year old named andrew. currently it's almost the end of summer vacation and he's bored. one day, he gains the ability to swap traits between him or other people.
characters I'll include for starters (brief description with character):
Andrew, 15 year old (you) Energetic, and not stupid, can be cruel once and a while
Jessica, 6 year old (sister), all she knows about boys is rumor and is interested in other sex (not attracted, more of jelous of boys)
Amanda, 17 year old (sister) what a brat
Mark, 16 year old (brother) all his muscles spent on outside, not on the gray matter, pervert
Jenny, 14 year old (girlfriend) really kind, approaches everything with enthusiasm (Andrew chose her by personality as well as bueaty)
Anna, 38 year old (mother) lawyer, usually not home
Derek, 42 year old (father) job or on some bussiness trip about nine tenths of the time
Jerin, (pet snake)
Mack, (pet turtle)
Out of family characters:
Abbie, 7 year old girl (Jessica's friend) Cheerful and generous friend, like Jessica with gender stuff
Shawn, 36 year old (neighbor) The rock
Linda, 26 year old (neighbor)
George, 8 year old boy (Abbie's brother) a lot like Abbie in personality
Suzie, 17 year old (Mark's girlfriend)
no killing
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