Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/wordsearches/item_id/1499498-Melas
Rated: · Word Search · Fantasy · #1499498
A girl, a town. things.Werewolves, Vamps, witches, get the picture? read to find out more.
The grass rushed beneath Danny's feet as the moon glowed above her. Her thoughts turned to the events that had happened over the past month. Imediantly her newly found brother sensed her unhappiness and tackled her from behind.
"Dog pile!" Ellie thought loudly.
"Ellie we're wolves.... not dogs." Niel panted as he rolled of his sister.
"Fine then." He mentally stuck out his tongue,"Wolf pile!" And a great salt and pepper wolf pounced atop the grey one. Danny laughed. She could barely remember what it was like to not be around the Pack.
"Real mature." A cool voice sounded from behind them.
"Leave them alone Verbane, it's called having fun. You should try that once in a while."Devon, Danny's best girlfriend, snapped at the other girl. Verbane stuck her muzzle in the air.
"Come on Savannah, We're leaving. First day of school tomorrow, wouldn't want to look like an idiot in front of everyone."
"Ba-ane! Can't we stay for just a little while longer?"
"Stop acting like a child. Do whatever you want to do, you don't have to follow me around everywhere."The tawny wolf stalked off. Savannah, a girl Danny hadn't even really met, looked at her friend and then to the small group. Quickly she ran to catch up with Verbane.
"Verbane does have a point." Neil stated as he stood up. "We should probably be getting home now. Danny come along."
"Feh. I hate having a brother." She growled not really meaning it. "Bye Ellie, bye Devon. See you tomorrow!" She ran past her brother calling him to have a race back to the house.
* * *
In the morning Danny rolled out of bed yawning.
"Why is school so dang early?" She grumbled to no one in particular. Her first attempt to walk down the stairs like a normal human failed and she tripped. Her hands finding their way to the handrail just in time. Slowly she made her way down the stairs like a cripple.
"You know I could always wheel you around school." Her brother joked when he first saw her.
"Neil. Did you keep her out to late last night?" Aunt Sophie asked.
"No-o, of course not."He lied. Danny opened a cupboard and grabbed the ricecrispies from the bottom shelf.
"Heres a bowl dear, and some milk." Her aunt said as she slid the bowl and milk down the counter. She poured the cereal into the bowl and the milk over top.
"Do you have some sugar I can put on this?" They stared at her like she had just grown three extra heads.
"You put sugar on your cereal....?"
"Yeah, all the time."
"The sugar's on the top shelf of the cupboard next to you." Uncle Peter told her not looking up from his newspaper as he sat at the table.
"Peter! You're teaching her bad habits!"
"Seems to me that she has already acquired this taste and that we should accomidate her."
Find the following words arranged forwards or backwards,
in any direction: horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/wordsearches/item_id/1499498-Melas