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by Clover
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1499256
This is what I've gotten written for this story. So enjoy and I beg for feedback
The day I found her was the day my life was lost. I was cooking my dinner trying to figure out how I got fired that day. I had done nothing wrong I was just let go. Of course the screaming match that had broke out the day before that ended in the police being called did not help me in any way. But there I streaming hoping that asshole of an ex-boss would somehow just fall out his 20th story office window by accident, when my cabin’s door swung open and a naked woman came running in. “What the hell?” I yelled jumping up and swinging around the table. Crying and breathing heavily she whispered, “Help me.” Then she just passed out. There I was with a naked passed out woman in the middle of my living room. I thought about taking her to the hospital and just leaving her there, but there was something about her eyes that wouldn’t let me do that. I ran to the bathroom and got a couple of towels to wrap her up in. Rolling her into the towels I felt that she was freezing cold. With no doubt she was hypothermic I quickly got her in the bathroom where I started a to pull warm water in the bathtub. While she got warm in the bathtub, I used towels to keep her from slipping into the water and drowning, I got my ex’s clothes and put them in the bathroom. They weren’t the greatest but they were better than nothing. Keeping an eye on the time to see how long it had been since I put her in there I heard her start to move. I pressed my ear against the door. The water sloshed around in the tub, then it just stopped. The door opened and I almost fell into her she was wearing the clothes I put out for her. “Who are you?” I managed to say. “I’m…a…a…Angel.” She spoke with a strange accent. I was unable to place it. Then she said, “Who are you?” Replying, “My name’s Ethan. Ethan Clay. Where did you come from?” With tears in her eyes she didn’t reply. Gently I took her and sat her down at the table. I got her some of the food I had made before she broke in. “Eat, it’ll make you feel better.” I said sitting down to my food. She started to eat with her hands, even though the basic utensils were there. “Umm, what’s your name?” I asked. “I’m an Angel.” She said in between bites. “That’s not what I asked. What’s your name?” I pressed. “I’m an Angel!!!” she yelled and it felt as if the floor shook. “I’ll call you Angel then.” I told her. Smiling she went back to gnawing at her food. Becoming completely uninterested by eating I got up and went to throw away my food when Angel spoke, “Ethan I need your help.” I dropped my plate, shattering it. She spoke completely clear even with her strange accent. Turning on my heels I faced her with my face in complete surprise of how well her English got within the minute and a half that it had been since she last spoke. “You look surprised.” She grinned. “How did you… then… what?!” I stuttered out. “I told you I’m an Angel. Well I was but now I’m a fallen angel.” She shoved her plate away. “I don’t know what you’re on lady, but do you expect me to believe you?” I said picking up the pieces of the broken plate. Before my eyes the pieces were lifted off the floor and flew into the trash. I somehow knew it was her that had done it. Turning around I saw her standing behind me handing me the mop. “You’ll need this too.” Nodding in thanks I cleaned up the rest of the mess. “So why are you a fallen angel?” I asked falling into the mindset that she may not be crazy. “I, I lost my faith. I don’t know why just one day I looked around and questioned why I was needed. The next this I new I was sitting here at this table. Why are my fingers messy?” She said. “You don’t remember that you were eating like an animal with your fingers.?” I asked. She nodded and began to clean her fingers with the napkin that I had when she burst in. “How old are you?” I asked puzzled. She look only about eighteen to twenty years old possibly younger. “I’m five hundred in human years. But I was nineteen up there.” She said pointing up. “Are you human?” “Well, it’s a strange process. I’ve seen another angel turn into a human. I’ve also seen them turn into demons. It depends on how you act on earth. But you can’t become an angel again.” She hung her head. “What’s your name? I asked you before and all you would say is ‘I’m an Angel.’” Puzzled she replied, “I don’t have a name. To tell you the truth the only ones that got names were those who fought in the battle. You know what I’m referring to right?” Nodding in reply I said, “Yeah. I do. I guess I continue to call you Angel.” She nodded in agreement. I made up the couch and let Angel sleep in my bed. I mean if she really was a fallen angel I really didn’t want her pissed off at me. After what she made happen before I was afraid of what else she could do. I woke up early the next morning, before Angel did. I went into the room and got clothes. Then I stopped and studied her. She was quite beautiful. Her eyes were shut but I could still feel their uniqueness. Her black hair glowed around her ivory skin. Her lips were perfectly shaped. The morning sun kissed her face and just made it glow. I felt myself get closer to her, but I couldn’t stop. Finally I regained control and moved back away. Not knowing what had come over me I backed out of the room clinging to my clothes, as if using them for a shield. I showered after that I shaved. But after I shaved I heard Angel yelling for me. I ran to her and saw her floating above the bed. Naturally I grabbed her ankle to pull her back down. When I did I felt a shock, though it was extremely painful I still pulled her down. After that I blacked out. During that black out I had strange visions of colors morphing into figures. When I came to I was lying on the couch and Angel was watching over me. “What happened?” I asked trying to sit up. “Something I’ve never have heard or seen before. I can’t explain right now. But what happen to you?” Angel asked pushing me back down on the couch. Fighting to get out from under her grasp I replied, “When I grabbed you to pull you down I got an extremely painful shock.” That was all I got out before she gasped. “When you were out did you have strange visions?” She asked moving her hand. I nodded while looking at her strangely. She stepped back and shook her head and then spoke in a quite voice, “What happened in the bedroom was me fighting a demon and he was wining. My force and his were dancing on and around me. When you touched me both forces touched you.” Then she trailed off. “Why don’t they cancel each other out?” I asked feeling my heart start to beat faster and faster. “Normally it does but sometimes it doesn’t. Usually when that happens the person dies. But when they don’t they see things no else sees. Sometimes neither side can see the things that they see. What I’m saying is you’ve become one of The Touched. That’s what both sides call it. Look around and tell me if you see something you didn’t see before.” Looking around nothing was different but I could she an aura around her that was a dingy gold. “I see an aura around you in a dingy gold. But other than that nothing is different.” Nodding she walked over and put water in the kettle and put it on the stove. I got up and looked out the window. I noticed that it had snowed last night. My car was just a pile of snow. You could see no metal on it what so ever. Then I saw something weird. It didn’t scare me but I saw a gold aura move around. I turned around and said to Angel, “We’ve got company. Don’t worry it’s a gold aura.” She walked over and looked out the window. Nodding she saw it and turned to me and said, “You’re learning quickly. But we have to get out of here. You need to be somewhere else.” “Why what’s going to happen?” “That’s not a good sign. An angel doesn’t just come down this close to a fallen angel unless it’s to warn of impending danger. Pack you stuff and get it in you car.” She stopped me and said, “Do it quickly.” I hurried and got all the things I could get. I started my car up by the remote and went out to clean it off. I put my bag in the back of the car and started the cleaning process. I looked into the window I saw Angel pulling on a coat and saying something while looking up. I knew that we didn’t have very much time left before what ever was going to happen would happen. I just knocked off the excess snow and got in the car. Angel rushed out and got in the car. I pulled the car out of park and the seatbelts engaged. I pulled out and was about halfway to the road when I saw dark auras attack the house. I gunned the car to get as far away as possible. After we were far enough away I asked, “What’s going on? Why would they attack my house?” “It’s begun.” She replied while looking out the window at the frostbitten world. “What’s begun? Tell me, please.” I said. “An impending war in the making since well since Lucifer lost the battle. And we’re in the middle of it.” “How are we apart of this?” “I’m a fallen angel. If they can turn me I’ll be on their side. Power by number’s, you see. You’re also an asset for them. The demons can’t always see angels. If they had you on their side or as their prisoner they would have everything working for them. I have a feeling that we’re meant to be a large part of this war.” Angel said returning my look. I felt as if I were a child being told they had a week left to live. Driving on into the city I mulled what Angel had said to me. I had so many different emotions. I was scared about being in a war between demons and angels. I was angry with myself for not taking her to the emergency room and leaving her. I was attracted to her but something about her just felt right. My thought on that was her eyes. They were the brightest green you could ever have seen. They were mesmerizing. Finally I stopped at a hotel and got a room. It wasn’t the greatest but it was somewhere comfortable to sleep and live in until the time came to go back home or when all my money was gone, which ever came first. Unfortunately they didn’t have any rooms with two beds so we got a one-bed room.
© Copyright 2008 Clover (funions365 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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