Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1497912-Taylor--Ryan-4
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Teen · #1497912
Ryan is at the ball...
4. Ryan

Everyone was dressed in their most expensive robes and matching flamboyant jewelry for the 'event of the year' as most of the nobles liked call it. Around two hundred or so people casually exchanged gossip while walking along the pathways of the main courtyard. Most of it was aimed at Ryan.

" Can you believe that the family has waited this long to make a suitable match?" one rather odd looking old woman whispered to one of her friends as he passed on his horse.

" It’s not like he isn't good looking. What is the King waiting for?" the woman's friend answered in an even lower tone.

" I'm not sure. One of my friends works in Laundry and she says that he is ill." the old woman said earning a gasp from her friend. Ryan had to refrain from laughing too hard as he rode past.

It’s amazing how quickly rumors got spread around when they were about the Royal family. By the time he had circled around twice, the two old women were surrounded by almost every other eligible girl at the party. They smiled and waved as he dismounted his horse. He gave a crooked grin in return at no one in particular. A few girls even squealed slightly. He walked past them, searching for a familiar face. He then felt a tap on his shoulder.

" Ryan dear, I haven't seen you at all today." A young looking woman, who was really in her mid forties, said after giving her son a warm embrace coupled with a smile. Her auburn hair was elegantly swept into a low bun with more curls than it could handle to accent her turquoise eyes and dress.

" How are you, Mum?" Ryan answered returning the smile and embrace. Peaches and Cream, one of her wavering scents, lingered on his jacket for awhile.

" Much better than your Father, for that matter. George never has been known refuse a glass of wine." the woman replied gesturing to a plump man holding a large goblet. His rubinus hair was slightly tousled and his hearty laughs could be heard from a few yards away.

" Did you bring it? I think now would be a good time." Ryan asked laughing at his possibly intoxicated father.

" Bring what? Oh, right. I think he truly will love this. Be careful with it." she said handing over a small, light blue box wrapped with red ribbon. Ryan gave his mother a small peck on the cheek before crossing the courtyard to greet his father.

" Ryan, m' boy!" George boomed when he was within hugging distance.

" Happy birthday, Dad." Ryan said presenting the box. George's face was filled with joy and genuine curiosity at his present. He gently untied the ribbon and lifted the top. Inside were two gold rings.

" They are marriage mood rings. Whenever Mum feels a distinct emotion, the ring will change color and display the name of the emotion in the gold of your ring. The same goes for you. And as a plus, you don't have to be wearing the rings for your spouse to see your emotions. I know how forgetful you are. Do you like them?"

It had taken Ryan about six weeks to get the spell to work on the metal completely. The charm was a level H. George gave a warm smile before answering.

" I love them. Do you know how hard Allison is to read sometimes? These will definitely come in handy. Thank you, son."

" You're welcome, Dad. What time is dinner being served?" he asked rubbing his stomach. Some people were already heading into the Banquet Hall entrance.

" As soon as I announce it. Which would be now." he said gesturing to the musicians to stop playing. Everyone looked up as the music muted.

" Welcome everyone to my 47th Birthday Ball! Dinner is served." he said getting to the point. Apparently, almost everyone was waiting for that announcement because as soon as George finished talking, people were already beginning to go inside.

The Banquet Hall was mapped out to resemble a modern day country club. In the center of the room. was an enormous dance floor. The shiny tiles were surrounded by around eighty or so tables. To the right were the kitchens. Right in front was the normal dining table, reserved for the royal family.

Everything was Cream colored trimmed in a palate of pastel colors. The scent of gourmet dishes filled the air as waiters and waitresses carried various trays stocked with full plates. Quiet chatter filled the room as silverware began to clink. Ryan glanced up at his parents as George presented Allison the ring. She gave a childish squeal before shoving it on her slender finger. She turned slightly, gave a wink, and continued eating while George explained what the ring did.

After everyone was finished eating, the band began to play again. Pairs of two began to assemble on the dance floor and gently sway to the music. Ryan spotted Will and Janine in one of the far off corners gliding as well.

He hated this part of the balls. His parents always expected him to dance with at least one girl. All of them were the same. They didn't care about him, just his title and would always attempt to gain a marriage proposal.

Like it was that simple. He gave a sigh and made his way to one of the girls before his parents could scold him about being a gentleman and that he should make a match before they did. The girl was at least good looking.

" Excuse me miss. Would you perhaps care to dance?" he asked flashing a rehearsed smile. The girl looked in awe as she nodded her head. A couple of the others stared as if she was the luckiest person in the world. She probably thought she was.

He gently took her hand in his as he guided her onto the dimly lit floor. He gave a bow, she returned a curtsey. He wrapped one of his hands expertly around her slim waist. She gave a giggle as she laced her fingers with his. Ryan could feel his parent's approving stares on his back as they began to sway.

" Why did you choose me of all people, your highness?" the girl asked shyly. He would gladly have said 'because my parents made me', but it wouldn't be right to burst the girl's fantasy bubble. He would have to lie.

" Er..because you are the most beautiful girl here." he answered testingly. She looked convinced. He felt bad leading her on, but he couldn't tell her the truth. They continued to sway for a few more songs. He gave another glance to the table. Allison nodded in approval again. That was his que.

" It has been an honor dancing with you. Thank you." he said abruptly as the next song subsided. The girl seemed disappointed that he hadn't even asked for her name, but curtsied anyway. Ryan returned the bow, and made his way back to the table. George didn't look happy.

" What was her name?" He asked simply while stuffing his face with a slice of birthday cake. A few crumbs fell on his jacket as he spoke.

" I don't know. I didn't ask." Ryan answered honestly, taking a cookie from one of the platters. George gave a scowl before answering.

" Why didn't you? You are aware that this is your marrying year. If you don't make an effort to find a match, then we will have to. I don't want to do that, I would much rather have you marry for love. That's why your mother and I have waited this long." George said grasping his wife's hand.

" You can't take the throne without a queen dear." Allison reminded him. Why did he have to be so difficult? Almost every maiden in the kingdom was swooning over him. Just pick one for crike sake!

" I'm aware of that, Mum. None of these girls appeal to me. They're all the same. They care more about what's on to of their head then what's inside it. Find me a girl who can relate to me without falling over, then I'll happily take the throne with her at my side."

" I might just take you up on that." George said licking the icing off of his fork. Ryan had had enough of his parents' annual lecture.

"Feel free to do so. If you need me, I'll be in the forest." he said before hastily rasing himself up, exciting the Banquet Hall, and climbing onto his horse.

"Should we send the guards with him, George?"

"No. He needs some space. Ya know...to breathe." he answered taking his wife's hand.

" Maybe the fresh air will knock some sense into his head."
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