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by TOR
Rated: E · In & Out · Fanfiction · #1494865
What I have written for ch 6 of my 2nd book so far
Chapter 6
kent, by shear luck, found troy on the opposite side of the mountain. the sight of kent made troy angry, because he knew kent had found the scroll.
"troy, i found the aqua scroll." kent informed him.
"thats great." troy mumbled.
"now we can head back to borit and take a break for a few days." kent said cheerfully.
so the two headed down the mountain, to take the road to borit.
ike, turton, and kelvar had made it to degrau oasis, a rather dull and secluded place. it was as if the sand absorbed heat, for the three perspirated from simply standing.
"guess what happens now, ike." turton growled.
"we have to dig, and deep." kelvar answered.
"how deep?" ike gulped.
"i think it is around 20 cubits." turton remarked.
so the three began digging. without shovels or a modern day bulldozer, you can imagine how tough it is to dig twenty feet down in sand. if that wasn't the worst problem, it was over 100 degrees. it would take even the three of them together a few hours. so they began, each using their two hands to dig down into the sand and scoop up, and throw it over their shoulder. they dug for five minutes before getting interupted by a buzzing sound. it sounded like a modern day microwave, but to them, it sounded like a giant fly. they stopped digging and looked around in the sky. it looked as it had when they began digging.
"oh no. that isn't good." turton hollered over the noise.
"guys, lets get away from this spot. run!" kelvar shouted.
the three took off, all in different directions away from where they were digging. then, they turned around in time to see a giant flash, and then they heard a giant zap noise. sand flew in the air, making the three invisible to one another. when the dust cleared, the three met at the digging spot.
"well ike, try and guess what that was." turton said with a smurk.
"im not sure, a bolt of lightning?"
"heh heh, common answer, but no. that was what we were digging for."
"you mean the...."
"yes, the scroll. the time scroll. do you know what it did?" kelvar asked.
"went back in time?"
"which means...?"
"which means its in a new location. why?"
"umm, if it went back, say a few days, it is back in the mine?" ike replied.
"yep. and if it went back 250 years, who knows where it could be."
"so your saying, now we are going on a wild goose chase?"
"well, not really." turton said sternly.
"allow me to explain, turton. you see ike, the time scroll is different. the other 8 scrolls sit and wait. the time scroll, however, undergoes random time traveling. how far back in time it goes, is neither judged by how loud the buzzing is, or how bright the light is, which are two common mistakes. the indicator is actually the zap sound you hear. the volume of the zap determines how far back it travels through time. judging by the volume this time, i would say it went about 2 months into the past. it could be in the mine, but i wouldn't place a bet on that." kelvar summed up.
"no, i disagree there, kelvar. i would say it only went back in time about a month." turton argued.
"well, regardless, it is elsewhere now."
"what do they call these random time travels?" ike asked.
"smarter people call them time intervals."
"hmm, wonder if koth knows anything about them." ike said to himself.
"oh, nobody." ike replied.
"man, i was hoping you knew a genius." kelvar answered.
"oh, then in that case, lets go. one of my friend's older brothers is a genius."
"name?" turton asked.
"ah, i've heard of him. pretty smart guy." kelvar informed.
"pretty smart? you have not met him, have you?"
"no, not met, just heard."
"lets go, you must meet him. he is amazing." ike said, heading south, toward koth's house.
turton and kelvar hurried behind him, anxious to meet a superior mind.
tornado, juli, jayrem and tina had been on the beach for a few hours. it was now dark, and they would be sleeping out on the beach. they had been in the waves of the ocean, and were tired. tornado liked to jump the waves. jayrem tried to collect shells for tina, who was constantly knocked down by waves. juli sat in the shallow, playing with little crabs and turtles washed up. now they all were sleeping on the beach, dreaming. tornado, dreaming of one day obtaining the final sentinal scroll. juli, dreaming of being married to tornado. jayrem, dreaming of a girl he had never met. tina, dreaming of sea shells. they all slept peacefully. a few hours past in the night. then, someone was among them. the dark figure crept across the moonlit beach, footsteps blending in with the waves. it had rope over its shoulder. it unraveled the rope, and tied four other figures' hands together, so that all four were connected. this, of course, woke the four up, but they were unaware of what could happen.
ike, turton and kelvar had skipped sleep, and made it to koth's house after quite a walk. the three walked in to a seemingly tired koth.
"oh, surprised to see you here at this time." koth said, followed by a yawn.
"koth, this is turton and kelvar. they have been helping me out with the scrolls."
"hello, kelvar, turton."
"hello koth. i have heard a lot about you."
"oh, have you." koth said with a smile.
"it seems your intelligence has surpassed most in vartik."
"i believe you are mistaken, kelvar. my intelligence surpasses all in vartik."
"we know, koth, but we have a question." ike said, interupting.
"ask away."
"you see, the time scroll has undergone a time interval."
"the time scroll cannot undergo a time interval." koth said with a laugh.
"im guessing it went back in time. that is called a time paradox."
"oh, thats what its called." turton said, smacking himself in the forhead.
"how do you measure how far back it travels, you wish to ask. a bit more complicated. three things must be multiplied together. first, you must find the volume of the flash, in cubic cubits. usually, an estimation on this will give a reasonably accurate answer. then, you must find the sonage of the zap sound heard afterward. sonage is measure of sound's volume, loudness. one sone is equal to a drop of water. 10 sones is equal to dropping a hand-sized rock from your height. 25 sones is equal to two swords colliding, each traveling 50 ultra-cubits an hour. 100 sones is equal to a large wave at the beach. 250 sones is the sound of a loud drum. lastly, used to measure much louder things, is 3500 sones, which is equal to a meteor the size of this house striking earth at approximately 140,000 ultra-cubits an hour. the last thing you must measure, is the temperature of the air surrounding the scroll. if it was underground, at its origin in degrau oasis, the temperature under that sand, down 20 cubits, is around 145 degrees. how loud was the zap?"
"between the drum and the wave." kelvar stated.
"so between 100 and 250 sones."
"i would say about 200 sones."
"ok, so we have 145 times 200. what about the volume of the flash?"
"a good guess would be about 75 cubits squared." turton finished.
"ok, so 145 times 200 times 75. thats, umm... 2,175,000."
"how did you solve that in 3 seconds?"
"im a genius, math is simple."
"so how far back in time did the scroll go?" kelvar asked.
"2 months, 17 hours and 5 minutes. no seconds, which is strange."
"how did you find that out? please teach us." kelvar asked, looking onto koth for the answer.
"ok, the number is 2,175,000, correct. in the millions place, 2, is the number of months. in the 100,000 and the 10,000 places, are the hours. in the thousands place is the minutes. in the hundreds is seconds. in the tens place, centiseconds, and in the ones place, nanoseconds."
"why would anyone want to measure time travel in nanoseconds, you cannot even tell a nanosecond apart from time." turton exclaimed.
"i did not make the rule, but i guess it has to do with time perivals. time perivals are places where time is slowed or even stopped. that doesn't mean you never age if you go there, it just simply means that days do not progress. you know star valley? that is a time perival itself. it is always night in that area. in an area where 1 second is actually an hour long to us, nanoseconds are not that indefinate. a nanosecond would be equal to a normal second. which means every nanosecond in that area would feel like a second to any human being. or 1 second in that area would feel like an hour to a human. understand?"
"completely. i find it fascinating how intelligent you actually are."
"thank you, turton."
"you know anymore about time?" kelvar asked.
"loads. i love the study of time. how god designed it is so efficient and so amazing. let me begin with something simple for now, since you have a scroll to hunt down. first, time is measured in the most basic unit, called a second. a second is about the time it takes a rock to hit the ground if you hold it above your head and drop it. then, it moves into minutes. there are 60 seconds in 1 minute. then, onto a bigger unit, hours. there are 60 minutes in 1 hour. after the hour, it moves into days, then months, then years. if you wish to get complicated, there are also centuries and millenniums."
"what are centuries and millenniums?" ike asked.
"a century is 100 years, a little over the average human life expectancy. a millennium is 1000 years. christ was born around a millennium ago."
"understood. continue."
"on earth, there are normal areas, known as continents, and other areas called time perivals. you know what a time perival is already. a continent is when time is measured normally and time progresses based on the units mentioned. in time perivals, time is still measured the same, but may seem different because of speed in progression."
"ok. thank you for the lesson, koth, but i think my brain is full for now." turton explained.
"not a problem. i figured you wouldn't make it to the unification of time and space."
"thank you koth. you have been a big help." ike remarked.
"oh, and one last thing, you three. the time scroll went back 2 months and about a day, right. 2 months ago, the scroll was in possession of someone very intelligent. not i, but someone. good luck."
"thank you." kelvar said.
the three left koth's and headed for the one place where intelligent people gathered to swap research. koth was one of the very few geniuses that didn't participate. the grand hearing. ike had learned about it when he was younger. he once went, and got lost among the geniuses.
"where am i?" young ike whined.
"you are merely where you shant be in the mere future." a man stated, confusing the young child.
"huh? please, just tell me how to get outta this place. i live in skolpar."
"skolpar is directly west."
"thanks." young ike said, heading west.
"ike, we are almost there. still daydreaming?" turton said, nudging ike.
"oh, sorry. just thinking of the time i got lost at the grand hearing long ago."
"long ago, you cant be any more than 25 years old." kelvar guessed.
"im 23. its been 15 or 16 years."
"ha, 23 is young. im 31." turton exclaimed.
"im only 29, but still, older than 23." kelvar blurted.
"we're here guys. i knew it wasn't far from koth's." ike roared.
before the three towered a large, fortress-like building that almost looked inpenitrable. it towered high above their heads, and had a flag at the top. just a plain, red flag. the ground around the outer edge of it had been pounded to dirt, and contained not a single weed. this was because there were 9 entrances into the hearing, all around the edges. only a genius could find out how to get in. ike had gotten in when he was younger by luck.
"how do you get in?" turton asked.
"i got in by luck when i was young. i dont remember."
"come on ike. we need your memory more than ever right now." kelvar urged.
"i can try."

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