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by TOR
Rated: E · In & Out · Fantasy · #1494859
Ch 6, 7 and 8 of my first book
Chapter 6
the night was rather peaceful for the three. at dusk, they woke to the sounds of birds singing their morning songs. tornado packed up the mats, while jayrem searched for a noise he heard.
"hmm. sounded like someone hiding in a bush." jayrem proclaimed.
"not sure." tornado said, throwing his bag over his shoulder.
by the time tornado turned to follow jayrem, jayrem already had a man grabbed by the shirt.
"get offa me." the man said, struggling in jayrem's grip.
"who are you?" jayrem asked him grimly.
"i told you, i ain't sayin nothin."
"you will, or you will be chained up, or at least tied up with rope. we do have rope tornado, right?"
"yeah, i have about ten cubits of rope."
"i told ya its not cubit, its foot or feet."
"go ahead, tie me up. you wont get a word outta me." the man grunted.
"oh yes we will, or we will have to demand ransom." tornado stated.
"they wont pay for me. they could care less whether i am dead, alive, or missing."
"you were sent to do something. so when you never return with the task completed, they will get suspicious, and either send out a search party or pay the ransom we demand." tornado explained.
"ok, think what you will."
"tornado, get the rope. i've had it with this captive. we are tieing you up." jayrem said.
tornado pulled the rope from his pack and handed it to jayrem. jayrem tied the rope around the captive's arms and torso. he cut the remainder rope and tied it around the captive's ankles.
"sorry, we can't have ya sneaking around with poison." jayrem clarified.
"how did you know?"
"it fell out of your pocket when i snatched you." he said, shaking the vial before the captive.
"do you know what it's contents are?" tornado asked.
"no, im no poison genius."
"well, i just figured you may be able to tell from the color."
"ok, next question. who do you work for exactly?" jayrem asked the man, face to face.
the man thought a minute, and then simply replied,
"i work for a man named troy. he said that you wouldn't help him outta jail. he said he wanted you dead. he made a quick poison, and off i went."
"troy sent you. for some reason i don't believe that for a second." tornado stated.
"believe what you will." the man barked.
"i will, and i choose to believe that troy did not send you." jayrem barked back.
"explain your belief then." the man stated calmly.
"ok, i will. first, troy is our friend. second, he is not in jail. third, he is...." jayrem said, interrupted by tornado.
"actually jay, troy is in jail. but i did help him, i payed enough gold to let him out five days after the pay."
"troy is in jail?!"
"well, he may be out by now, but he doesn't want us dead." tornado said.
"ok, if he didn't ask me to kill you, then how did i know he was in jail?"
"maybe you were in jail and made a friend. then, your leader told you about troy being my friend, and ordered you to lie." tornado explained.
"you have a great defense there, but im telling you the truth."
"sorry, we cannot believe you." jayrem groaned.
tornado buried his face in his hands.
"well, we are taking you with us to find the sentinal scrolls, until you wish to answer our questions."
jayrem lifted the man, tied up, and threw him over his shoulder. tornado lifted tina onto his shoulders, and the group continued deeper into the forest. they wandered the forest for five days before they finally came to a small village in the forest.
"hmm, wonder if they're nice folk." jayrem rhetorically asked.
"only one way to find out." tornado stated.
so the four were off torward the village. they entered, and were immediately greeted by the chief, who wore a troll hide around his head. he had bugbear teeth on a necklace. he was large in comparison to tornado and jayrem, who stood under six feet. he stood at over six feet.
"welcome to the tribe of mismery. you are the first visitors we have seen in quite some time."
"hello. you wouldn't happen to have a spare hut for a few travelers, now would you?" jayrem asked.
"ah, a place to stay. unfortunately, we do not have spare huts. the only true way to find sleep is to make friends with a villager. either that or sleep on the ground outside. "
"hello friend." tornado blurted, bowing to the chief.
"oh, ha ha ha. you cannot stay in my hut. i do not have room. between my servants and i, all the beds and such are taken." he bellowed.
"worth the try."
so the four were now in a village, where they would have to make a friend to find sleep for the night, comfortable sleep that is. tornado and jayrem split up, chatting with people here and there, trying to make a friend among the many rude people in the village. the people were rude as if someone had walked over their graves, or maybe their relative's. finally, jayrem found a man that was very cheerful. he was eye to eye with jayrem. he was a bit round at the stomach, and had a beard. he had already bowed to jayrem, which meant that he was obsequious, and considered jayrem his friend. jayrem politely returned a bow.
"hello fair traveler. seeketh you a place to stay?" the man thundered.
"why yes, i do. actually, i have three others that wish to stay somewhere." jayrem replied.
"i have three spare beds. you four are welcome to useth them at your disposle."
"we shall be paying for the night we stay, even if we have to slip it somewhere while you aren't looking."
"i accept money. i always say, only a fool turns down money from an honest man." the man boomed.
"oh, im sorry. my name is jayrem."
"delightful. i go by albin."
"delightful as well." jayrem replied.
so tornado, jayrem and tina stayed with albin for the night. albin had a warm home, with a fireplace, an intoxicating kitchen, and a great sleeping room. the three felt at home, more so than they did at their actual homes. they stayed one night, and set foot again the next day, but not before eating albin's greatly cooked breakfast. soon, they were headed for the very center of the forest, where they suspected a scroll to be. after they left the village, they hadn't walked for five minutes before a man confronted them.
"state your names, all of you!" the man said, rather rudely.
"excuse me? why not ask a bit nicer." tornado growled.
"im curious, so tell me, please." he said, still just as loud and rude.
"why should we tell you our names? you may not be able to address us by name, yet, but show some respect." jayrem roared.
"what are your names?" the man said, much calmer.
"much better. my name is tornado."
"mine, jayrem."
"who is the child, and the man you have with you, tied up?"
"the child is tina, the man, not sure." tornado stated.
"hmm, so your the great tornado, eh."
"yeah. what do you mean by the great tornado?"
"well, i have been ordered to kill you, and by the description, you were the best. as i can see clearly though, you are a weakling. i will just kill you and report back." the man bellowed.
"ha. we shall see about that, soon enough." tornado said, drawing his sword.
the man drew his sword, and walked toward tornado. tornado stood his ground, laughing at the man in his mind. soon, the man was within ten feet of tornado. he suddenly lunged toward tornado. tornado dodged, easily of course. the man jumped into the air and landed behind tornado, trying to stab him in the back. tornado ducked, spun around with one hand planted into the ground, and kicked the man square in the jaw. the man fell back on his behind, looking at tornado. within a second, he was up again. he slashed at tornado with his sword, only to be blocked. the man had skill in fencing, but tornado had fenced as well, and wasn't going to allow this foe to beat him that easily. then, tina ran toward tornado, just enough to catch tornado's attention for the single second the man needed. by the time tornado's attention returned to the man, he felt a sword piercing his armor. the sword went through the armor, and thanks to the armor, barely pierced his stomach. but a pierce is a pierce, and all pierces in the stomach cause bleeding. tornado held his left hand over the blood, but wasn't about to give up. he jumped high into the air, and landed in a tree. the man could not see him now, since the tree he was in was so densely populated with leaves. suddenly, tornado dove from the tree toward the man. the man barely had time to react, and moved just enough for the sword not to go through him. on the other hand, the sword still went through his armor and cut into his ribs. the man fell to his knees, while tornado stood after the dive he had just taken.
"arghh!" the man grunted.
"now, what about this killing?" tornado asked the man, with a voice that sounded as if he had never been touched.
"i shall save your death for another time. right now, i must report back." the man said, smiling over at tornado and jayrem's hostage.
with that, the man turned and walked away, blood dripping here and there behind him.
"what was that guy's problem with you? why did he call you the great tornado?" jayrem asked, ready for answers.
"i have a feeling someone knows about our search, and are trying to put an end to it."
"yeah, first, this guy, and now the man who decided to attack you with his sword." jayrem stated.
"hey, didn't he smile at our hostage when he walked off?"
"i believe so." jayrem replied.
"i have a feeling that we are up against more than just a search. i think we are up against an evil establishment of some sort." tornado moaned, still hurt by the pain.
"unfortunately, you may be right. i just hope our friend here will tell us some info soon, or may he travel with us until his horrible demize." jayrem said, sternly.
so the three finished their journey to the center of the forest. the center of the forest was a strange place. the center of the forest was within a 200 feet radius of a small rock. they could tell because the air was thick and the gravity seemed to be stronger. tornado felt as though he weighed over 400 pounds. nobody had ever been exactly sure why the gravity was stronger in this one area, but they knew that koth had somewhat of an idea, probably. they searched in the small area known as the center, but found no scroll.
"man, i thought there would be a scroll here." jayrem roared.
"i think there still may be hope. look at that rock. it almost looks as if it is only the top of a larger rock or something. i don't know, just looks weird to me." tornado explained.
meanwhile, gordon, trigend, gilderoy and yhord were all planning their next moves. they knew that the htr recon were going to take care of most of the work, but they had to hold some responsibility; accomplish something.
"i think i should go into the forest of mesmerization and find that heaven scroll tornado decided to hide, thanks to the forest's trickery." gordon stated.
"yhord, i want you to travel over to jyrgon and give me a report on troy. oh, and make it quick, because i would like him dead." trigend demanded.
"right away." yhord said, getting up from his seat. he walked over toward the door.
"yes." he said, turning around at the door.
"find a man named colt. tell him who you are. that is all."
yhord turned and exited the room.
"well gordon, best get going, if you wish to find that scroll." trigend said.
with that, gordon left for the forest, in hope of finding the hidden scroll.
"gilderoy, its time to come up with a plan to kill the king, secretly of course."
"sir, i thought you liked living under his rule? he allows us to run our own secret society." gilderoy said, befuddled.
"i like his rule, but i would like to be in rule. i would never take the people's rights, i only want to take their money, by taxing them to death." he said with a chuckle.
"alright, sir. that shall be my task for tomorrow."
"very well. as for me, i shall wait for a report, and hopefully get the chance to kill mister troy in jyrgon."
tornado circled the rock, wondering what to do. he had already hit it, stood on it, and even tried picking it up. nothing seemed to activate it, if there was an activation.
"i haven't a clue what to do. let's think at a higher intelligence level. the gravity here is superior to that around it. maybe it cannot be activated with such weight on the ground in this area. shall we leave the area and see what can happen?" tornado questioned.
"how can we do anything being 200 feet away from the rock." jayrem said, clueless as ever.
"maybe tina weighs just little enough to activate it. since the gravity is extra strong here, she may still only weigh around 80 pounds or so." tornado suggested.
"great idea." jayrem said positively.
so jayrem explained it to tina, and they left the area, leaving tina behind. tina stood on the rock, and it soon began to lift out of the ground, revealing what was under it.
"woah! i knew it. shall we head over?" tornado asked.
"no no no!"
"huh?" tornado said, stopping himself from stepping any further toward the center area.
"if you put any weight in that area, you will deactivate it."
"hmm, i suppose that is accurate."
"so i guess tina shall travel in alone?"
"yep, looks like tina may be the most important person on this certain quest." tornado said with a grin.

Chapter 7
"i wonder where that scroll is." gordon stated.
he had already made it to the forest of mesmerization. he was now looking for the scroll tornado hid.
"he hid it in a tree, i know that much. where else could he have hidden it?" gordon said to himself. "it could be in any tree, among these thousands of trees."
so gordon began the search, looking in the larger trees.
"hmm. tornado entered the forest from the south, so from where i am, i should just continue north. eventually, one of the trees has to contain the scroll."
soon, night fell upon him, and he still had not found the scroll. he decided to sleep up in a tree, for security purposes.
bishdu and nikita were finally packing up and ready to exit hiding.
"you think its really safe to leave just yet?" nikita asked.
"i believe so. they probably just counted it as a loss and went on." bishdu said, opening the door for the first time in over two days. the two went out into the hall, and were thankfully greeted by nothing but cold air.
"i feel bad about what we did last night. maybe we should hurry and get married." nikita blurted suddenly.
"after we find the scroll here in star valley, we will get married." bishdu confirmed.
tina had worked her way into the underground temple that was secretly built in the center of the forest. earlier, tornado had slipped a glowing mushroom into her pocket, so she was now using it to her advantage. the mushroom gave her sufficient light, and led her down the curving path. all around the air was stale, and smelled of decay. tina, being only five years old, did not like being where she was, but knew she had to find a scroll. she continued down the seemingly narrowing path, until finally she squeezed into a large opening. she could see clearly because there was a network of magma streams throughout the opening. being so, she had to watch her footing, and being a child, would be more difficult than thought to be. then tina noticed something. underground, where she was, the gravity seemed normal, but just minutes ago, she stood just above, and the gravity was very strong. she took a path that led to the middle of the opening, since it had many small bridges leading over the magma streams, and hadn't made it over the second bridge before a dart went flying by her face. she knew she wanted to cry, but if she did, she would upset something. she took another few steps, and again, a dart went flying right in front of her face. then, as if a single step could never kill someone, she took that step, and the stone fell into the ground. the stone was large, so as if fell, it was almost an elevator to her tiny body. she began to scream as the stone fell further and further underground, the heat getting hotter and hotter with every inch. then, as if time itself had suddenly stopped, the rock came to a halt, which was more than enough of a reason for her to step off of the rock. now there was no magma to light the way, only her glowing mushroom provided light. she held it up in front of her face, and walked down the path. it seemed endless, stretching on and on. then, she stepped in a puddle of something. she leaned over and held her light over the puddle.
"ahhhhh!!" she screamed.
the puddle was of blood. she quickened her pace, hoping to get to where she needed, and soon. as she progressed, the ceiling and the walls seemed to close in on her, until she was squeezing through. she finally popped into a small chamber, as if it was the burial site of a pharaoh. in the center was a pillar, about two feet high, with a box on it. she reached out to open it, but was reflected, as if the box had a barrier surrounded it. the truth is, a barrier did surround the box, but how could little tina get through to the box, if it was worth it at all? to the right, against the wall, was a stone cylinder, that seemed to glow blue, as if magic had enhanced it to perform a special task. from the bottom of it dripped blood, but who's, another mystery. tina pulled out the remedy vial jayrem had tossed her, and she poured it into the cylinder. nothing. she decided to retrace her steps and gather some of the blood from the ground. so backwards tina went, until she came to the blood again. she sat the vial on the ground, and began to cuff her hands. she filled them with blood, and slowly collected it into the vial, until it was a fourth of the way full. she took the vial back to the tiny chamber. she poured the blood into the cylinder. nothing. then, she heard a rumbling, but not from where she was, where she had been minutes ago. it sounded as if someone else had followed her in and was now riding the rock down to meet her. it stopped as quick as it had started, without making a single extra noise. footsteps began to eco down the pathway. they grew slightly louder with each step. she decided to hide behind the pillar, since she was small enough.
"argghh! i'm stuck." a voice hissed in the distance.
tina remembered how the path became so narrow that she, being less than four feet tall and weighing 45 pounds, had to squeeze through, and here a man was, trying to get through. tina stood up from behind the pillar, and rested her head upon the barrier of the box. she began to gain glimpses of her past, and all of her memories she had stored. then, the memories came to one, important memory. her parents were holding her. she was just a baby.
"i hope you remember this tina. the truth is the truth unless evil is the truth. and if good is the truth, then the truth is always truth. false is truth when truth is temporary. but when good is false, it is really truth, and if good is truth, it is truth. Evil is only truth if good is truth. is it truth or false that is truly the truth? hopefully, someday you will travel to the temple of perplexity." her father said.
it hit her. she had to figure out what her father meant by what he said. she lifted her head from the barrier.
"false is truly the truth!" tina shouted, giving away her presence to the person stuck in the path.
the barrier dissolved, and the box sat, unguarded. tina snatched the box, not daring to open it yet. now, she had to escape, but how? one way was a wall, the other, blocked by somebody, possibly evil. did she have to open the box to escape from the temple? suddenly, the person broke free, and the dark outline appeared in the entrance of the chamber.
"give me the box girl, now!" the voice growled.
tina was in a state of pending. should she listen to the man, or should she open the box? being five years old, she decided to open the box. inside, nestled comfortably, sat a scroll. she quickly grabbed it from it's place and opened it. she could feel the power of it flow through her fingers. the man began to stride toward her. she placed her hand entirely over the symbol upon the scroll. instantly, she was engulfed with fire. the fire didn't feel the least bit hot to her, but the man backed away, definately scared.
"that's right, back off." she said in a tough little voice.
"don't come near me, please. i'll just be on my way." the man said in a nervous voice.
the man turned and ran the way he came. tina closed the scroll, which extinguished the fire. she went back through the path, and found a secret staircase leading back up to where she had been earlier, before riding the rock down. she fumbled up the stairs, one hand containing the glowing mushroom, the other, the fire sentinal scroll. when she had ascended the stairs to the top, she knew she could not just stagger across the opening. she remembered the darts that had almost ended her life before. she decided to take a new path. she crossed the first rock, and over the first bridge. then, a dart flew by her head, again. she wasn't sure what to do to prevent getting hit. then, she notiiced that the magma was rising, but why? in front of her now were four bridges leading to four rocks. she had to decide which was the safest, and fast. the first bridge was sturdy, but the rock was nearly encased in magma. the second bridge was almost collapsed, but the rock was fine for the minute. the third bridge was sturdy, but the rock was extremely tiny in comparison to the others. the fourth, the bridge looked good enough to walk on, but the rock was jagged, and had no flat surfaces, only an edge to land on. then, she had to figure out which one would not get her shot by a dart. she figured that the first was not the choice because of the rock being almost engulfed in magma. the second, too, was not an option, having a bridge that couldn't support a rat. the third was possible, and so was the fourth, but which one could ensure that she wasn't going to be hit by a dart? the third was too tiny to trigger a fire, because the whole rock would have to trigger it. the fourth was jagged, so what exactly could be stood on to trigger a fire? knowing that neither probably triggered a dart, the next decision was which one did not require the most balance? the third had a tiny rock, so the balance would be crucial. the fourth, the rock had no flat surfaces, but plenty of jagged edges and no foot landing, so it too would require some balance. she finally decided to take the third, having a sturdier bridge and no jagged edges to throw her off, it was a clean jump to the tiny rock. she ran and jumped from the bridge, which held up the tiny girl. she landed perfectly on the rock. the rock sunk a little, so she knew that it wasn't a tiny rock, but merely a rock that had been nearly covered by magma. she had another jump to make, but could her tiny legs carry her five feet to the rock ahead? only one way to find out. she leaped for the rock, barely landing on it with her left foot halfway on. she ran for the exit of the temple as the magma began to increase it's rise. she ran up the stairs leading to the outside, skipping steps here and there when she jumped. she saw the light, and increased her speed, since it raised her confidence to see her adventure winding down. she ran out into the fresh air, deactivating the temple. the entrance to the temple slowly began to descend back into the ground. the air was thicker now, so tornado and jayrem didn't realize that she had made it out. she skipped across the center of the forest to where tornado and jayrem were waiting. as she approached them, they looked up, thankful that she made it out alive.
"tina!" jayrem shouted as he snatched her off the ground and wrapped around her.
"daddy. i got the scroll, the fire scroll." tina remarked.
"great going tina!" tornado replied.
"thank you."
"now that we have the fire, we can seek another, elsewhere." jayrem informed.
"quite correct. i believe we are headed for black troll swamp. lets hope we can find the shadow scroll as easily." tornado stated, as the three happily turned from the center, heading for the swamp.

Chapter 8
ike was in another kingdom, ozrin. far off from everyone else, he was not was secure as the rest. he crossed the border in search of the shock scroll, but never had any luck in finding it. he was out in the wilderness, now.
"hmm, i wonder how the rest of the guys are doin?" he asked himself.
ike had been through some rough times in the foreign land. he had seen creatures that did not reside in vartik, from the galiath toads to the micro-scorpions. he had also met some very nice people, since ozrin had plenty of cities. during his travel, he was even fortunate enough to meet a lovely girl who he spent two days with. he also got in a fight with a rogue knight that thought ike had insulted him. he knew, though, that if he kept searching, he would eventually find the scroll. he was hoping that he could find the scroll soon, so he could return to his home kingdom. where would he look next? he soon headed for a small trading city.
"there has to be a scroll in this kingdom. I just know it."
soon, he entered the small city, hoping to find some vital information. he walked over to a fisherman to ask him an important question.
"sir. is there a place in this kingdom that is extremely dangerous? one where a person might find something ancient?" ike asked the man, curious.
"yes, there is a place with extreme dangers. grave island." the man said, pointing out in the ocean.
"thank you, good sir."
"your welcome fair traveler."
so ike decided that grave island was where he was headed. he knew that being alone marked him at a disadvantage, and he wasn't sure which scroll he could find there. he didn't even know how he was going to make it there, but he knew he had to visit the island.
bishdu and nikita had been in hiding for a few days, and were now out in star valley, seeking the scroll once again.
"nikita, it has to be here. this place is the perfect location for one. the only way there isn't one is if somebody has already taken it."
"if someone has already taken it, i'll be madder than a bull." nikita replied.
the two had spent the days not only seeking the scroll and hiding, but also having a romantic time under the constant starry sky above. actually, during hiding, the two had made love with eachother and both regreted such a thing since they were not married yet. now they had a possible child on the way, and were scheduled to get married in the next few weeks. that means that they would have to abandon star valley and the search just to be married. the chance of a baby's arrival was quite a bit smaller, but babies seemed to pop out when they weren't intended.
"i think before we continue the search, we should head to the closest town and be married." nikita blurted.
"alright. it'll only take a few days." bishdu replied.
"if we have a baby on the way, we very well may have to abandon the search all together." she said, saddened.
"maybe. lets just hope that our mistake won't take revenge on us."
"also, when we go to town, can we maybe research a bit on tarkments?"
"why is that? oh my god! dont tell me you have one." bishdu said with a scared voice.
"if i did have one, would you use that as an excuse not to marry me?"
"no, i would want to marry you even more. i feel sorry for people with tarkments."
"i have one, but i dont want the ones around me that love me to worry too much."
"oh, i wont worry too much. you know tornado, he has a tarkment. he just doesn't like to talk about it, as i can now see is the same for you. you should have told me."
"i'm sorry. i sure hope there is some sort of cure for them though."
"another thing that i shall pray about at night." bishdu stated.
troy had had quite an adventure as well. first, he had been accused of stealing and was sentenced to jail for fourteen days. after he sent a message to tornado, tornado came and paid enough money so troy only had to spend five days in jail. once troy was released, he went to the lord's estate and asked for a sentinal scroll. the lord, of course, had nothing, and kicked him out. troy, anxious to find a scroll first, headed west to griffin valley, where he searched.
"man, i have to be the first to find a scroll." troy whispered to himself.
he had already searched for a few days, and also met a woman. the woman claimed to be the keeper of the valley, and watched over the griffin, so nobody could steal them from their habitats. he had grabbed her boobs and been slapped, so the two never became friends. she did, however, let him sleep near her and the griffin, just so he wouldn't be killed by the people he told her wanted him dead.
"thank you. oh, and i apologize for the pervertedness. its just, when i saw you, you looked as if god had turned you into an angel, and now lived among humans." he explained.
"no problem, wouldn't want you dead. thank you for your kindness, but that is no reason to grab people."
"i understand."
so troy slept under the protection of fifty or so griffin.
kent had traveled to caprice. caprice was an underground city, a mervelous place. the city was surrounded by cave walls all around. next to the wall, a stream of pure, crystal clear water also circled the city. it was truly a spectacular place. he had asked the lord there if a scroll was kept there for safe keeping.
"no. our city was once in charge of the blizzard scroll, but that was before i was born."
"thank you, sir." kent replied.
when kent was not staying in the city for rest and food, he was off in the many paths dug from city to city. there was a whole kingdom underground, and each kingdom had many ways of getting to eachother. these paths could hold anything, from people traveling, to carts, to possible scrolls. kent never had any luck. he continued his search in the caves, in hope of finding a scroll. the advantage kent had was that he could sense the scrolls, so if one happened to be aboveground, he would know it. with tornado, jayrem and tina headed for black troll swamp, bishdu and nikita heading for a city to be married, ike on his way to grave island, troy continueing in griffin valley and kent continueing in the connection pathways underground, everyone had quite an adventure ahead, and were all hoping to find a scroll. with the fire sentinal scroll found, they had eight left. they knew that it was very possible for all nine to be found.

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