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by TOR
Rated: E · In & Out · Fantasy · #1494677
Ch1 of my first book
(Sorry that everything is in lowercase. I type with a font that uses all capital letters, even in the lower case)

Chapter 1
clunk, clunk! the stepping sound of a knight's boots against a decorative stone ground filled the hall of the warriors united achievements. the hall was emptied of all the warriors and other types of trainees. all except tornado, a rather powerful and well-trained knight. tornado was on the short side, standing at about 5'7", and had short, black hair. he wasn't quite built like an ogre, but his arms were definately not puny. he had finished a hard days training and was heading for his quarters. as he walked down the marvelous hall with stone walls; he observed the many awards that the warriors united achievements, or wua, had earned for flail bash matches and fencing tournaments. he found one with a sketched man next to it. the man looked like him, almost as if it were his brother or even his father. he continued to walk until he came to his quarters. he was rather tired and needed some sleep, for he was graduating from the wua the next day and had a ceremony to attend. he dozed off, but not even an hour afterwards, he woke to a sound that resembled a collapsing wall. he went out into the hall and was greeted by other knights who had also been woken from the noise.
"anyone know what that was?" troy, another knight said. troy had the same short, dark hair that tornado had, and he was just barely not quite as built. he was also about 5'7", like tornado. they could pass as twins, almost.
"im not sure, maybe someone should check it out." another said.
"ok. i'll go see what has happened." tornado said.
so tornado wandered down the hall, past many other knights who were awake, and went into the dummy bash room. he didnt have to look very hard, for there was a giant hole in the eastern wall. he walked over to it and peered out. he saw a man standing there. he was much larger than tornado, over six feet tall.
"who might you be?" the man said in an almost freaky voice.
"tornado. dont mind me asking, but, what are you trying to accomplish by knocking down this wall?"
"hmm. it seems nothing now. i know your name, and where you've been. thats all i have ever needed from here." the man said, this time, truly making tornado nervous.
without another word, the man turned and walked off, but seemed to disappear into the darkness before he should have. tornado walked down the hall to sir baldrick's quarters, and knocked on the wooden door. sir baldrick answered in his robe, and didnt know what was going on, from being asleep during the incident.
"what is it tornado?" he said in a half mumbled voice.
"there is a hole in the dummy bash room. what are your orders, baldhead?"
"ha ha ha. very funny tomato. just let the hole be, it needs it's sleep, just like you."
"ha ha. even funnier, sir." tornado said while beginning his walk back to his quarters.
he walked back to his quarters and fell asleep in a minute. it was not a peaceful night, that is, for him, for he was having a dream about the man he had met just hours ago. he walked up to the man, and the man stabbed him in the chest, without any warning or sudden recklessness. with that, tornado woke with a fright, but found that it was time to wake anyhow. he decided to have one last fight before he left the wua for good. with that in mind, he left his quarters and headed down to the arena. there, he signed up for a fight, a random fight. he knew that nobody in the wua could handle him, so it didnt matter who he faced. he sat in the audience until finally his name was called, and he was instructed to enter the arena. he jumped out of his seat and into the arena, which was not the most ordinary way of getting into the arena. he was facing a wizard, but it didnt seem as though the wizard was much. with that, a giant drum was slammed, and the battle began. the wizard, obviously being new to fighting, instantly shot a rush of fire towards tornado. tornado did not dodge the flame. he did not avoid it in any manor. he simply let it hit him. he brushed the black it had left on his shirt off, and ran toward the wizard. the wizard threw another rush, but tornado jumped out of its way and landed behind the wizard, sword held to his back. the giant drum was slammed again, declaring tornado the victor of the match. while the crowd cheered for him to fight again, he left the arena, only to be greeted by five younger girls, only looking seventeen years old.
"hey tornado, we saw your fight. you always seem to win." cathy, one of the girls, said. cathy had long, blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes. she was shaped like a woman without a doubt.
"yeah, i have trained hard."
"i was wondering, maybe, if you're not doing anything tomorrow, if you wanted to be my date to the big festival tomorrow?" she said while blushing to a rose red.
"i'd be delighted to take you."
"great! ill be at your quarters tomorrow, around seven in the evening?"
"sounds fine. you wont be disappointed."
tornado walked off and heard the girls behind him giggling. he wasnt sure at what, but he didnt care, he seemed to be liked by everyone in the wua. he had a best friend there, troy, and two new friends he had made while attending the wua, zet and thomas. although he had new friends, he had missed his other good friends very much. bishdu, jayrem, ike, and kent. all of them had been his friends for many years, but he hadnt spoken to any of them in a long time, because of his training. he was heading back for his quarters to put his armor on and clean his many awards and medals that had been smelted onto the armor. when he was at his quarters, he began to shine his medals, when someone knocked on his door.
"come in, decency here." tornado shouted over his shoulder.
the door opened, and troy walked in, with his armor and medals shinier than ever. tornado spun around to see him.
"man, troy. your armor looks better than mine, but mine will look better, just a matter of time until this dang smudge is off."
"well, take your time, ill just sit here and daydream, until you're ready."
troy didnt daydream at all, but marveled at the many medals that tornado had. he didnt have many more than he, himself did, but he had some that he had earned from being the "uno fighter". the uno fighter was an honorary name given to a trainee for doing the best in his sector. tornado had two, which were each as clear as glass, but smelted within the glass were the words "uno fighter". he had also won an award called the "templar award" given only to knights under the age of 21, that had completed at least three training facilities. by 21, tornado had completed four, and was on his fifth. he was now 23, and was getting an award today for completing his sixth. he also had awards from fencing school, but troy had fencing awards, because he was a great swordsmen.
"are you ready, troy?" tornado asked
"oh, uh, yeah. lets go."
so they headed to the ceremony, which was held in the chamber of knights. troy and tornado took their places in the many rows of lined up knights. each knight had to hold their sword in their right hand, down diagonally across their legs. their shield was in their left, and was held in front of their chests. troy and tornado got into position in time for sir baldrick to enter the chamber and begin his speech.
"all of you knights are graduating today, and will each be given awards for your hard work. but before we give out the wua awards, we must give a special knight the "uno fighter" award, and this year, for a change, we are giving out an award for the most loyal knight. first off, the "loyal knight" award goes to..............sir troy canton. troy, please come up and receive your medal."
troy walked up to the platform, and took the award from sir baldrick. he then shook his hand, gave a small bow, and returned to position.
"next, we will hand out the "uno fighter" award, to the best fighter. that award goes to..........sir tornado. please come up here, sir."
tornado walked up onto the platform and took the award.
"you earned it, and by the looks of your armor, this is no big deal to you."
"thank you sir, i accept the award with honor."
tornado returned to his position.
"next, we will begin passing out the wua graduation awards, so remember, you are all champions."
men began going up and down the aisles of knights handing everyone an award for graduating.
"i will now speak of my history, since it is that i must speak of at this ceremony. first, when i was bu a.............."
tornado began to daydream. he was thinking of his date with cathy, and how lovely she was.
"hi cathy."
"hey tornado, how about a kiss from the champ?"
tornado kissed cathy on the cheek. they gazed into one another's eyes for some time.
"its over, tornado."
"what, why is it over."
"it just is."
tornado snapped and found that cathy wasnt saying that. it was simply troy telling him that the ceremony was over.
"oh man, i have to rent a horse for cathy and i, we are attending the festival tomorrow." tornado exclaimed.
"cathy, eh. you mean that heck of a girl that joined here about a month after us?"
"yeah, that one."
"ok, i dont know why you would rent a horse, you're rich enough, just buy her one." troy said with a bit of a laugh.
"hmm, i may just do that, troy."
so tornado left the chamber and went to the horse stables.
"hello, sir tor, how may i be of assistance?"
"well, charles, i need to buy a horse, one a seventeen year old girl will like."
"hmm, you could go with a white one, girls love white horses. or one of our rare navy blue horses, only bred in the wua!"
"i guess the white one may have to do, i dont know if a girl will like a blue horse."
"ok, ill go fetch the best one i can find, we just got two or three new white ones."
the man left and entered the enormous stable. five minutes passed and he came out, with a healthy, great looking white horse at his side.
"this is our healthiest. she is only three years old, but she is strong, has a tough coat, and quite the friendly horse, too."
"ill take it." tornado said with a bit of excitement.
"ok, usually, i charge about 100 gold for a horse like this, but since its you, tornado, ill bump it down to, eh, i dont know, lets see......... how about, 85 gold?"
"that sounds great, can you throw in a membership to the daily feeding program, how much will that cost?"
"hmmm, since its for a girl, and she will raise it until death, i guess i can sell you the pass for, possibly 250 gold?"
"and this pass lets her feed the horse daily, until death?"
"yes, until it is off the earth, the pass will guarentee it food."
"ill take the pass as well."
"ok, sir tor, that will be 335 gold, please."
tornado tossed the man a small sack of coins. the man counted the gold.
"umm, tornado, you gave me 400 gold, would you like your 65 gold back?"
"no, just keep it, you deserve it, charles." tornado said in a sweet voice.
"thank you tornado, you are truly gracious."
so tornado waved to charles and walked off with the horse, and the pass of daily food, of course. he took her back to his quarters and let her drink out of his sink. he would keep her there until he gave her to cathy tomorrow. he locked up his quarters, and went to the cafe, to meet troy, zet and thomas to eat dinner and rant with them. when he got there, he instantly found the three at the bar, but they were not drinking, they were eating massive steaks, probably three pounds each.
"hey guys." tornado said still stunned.
troy turned to see tornado, who was practically drooling.
"come, tornado, sit. winch, a steak for sir tornado, if you would." troy said.
"so troy, i havent congratulated you on the loyal award you earned. congratulations!"
"gmm gm hm aggmmm, thanks tornado." troy said while eating his steak.
"so, tornado, i saw that you earned yet another uno award." zet stated.
"yeah, i dont know how i earned it, ill tell you who should have earned it, though, that hector, man, what a hard trainer."
"hmm, you know, your right. hector was quite the trainer." thomas blurted suddenly.
"well, it doesnt matter who should have earned it, it matters who earned it, and that is tornado." troy nearly shouted.
"by the way, have you had your awards smelted onto your armor yet, tornado?" zet asked.
"no, im going to later, though."
"maybe we can all go, since none of us have done so yet." thomas suggested.
"ok, we'll all go." troy whispered.
"why did you just whisper, troy?" tornado questioned.
"i think i made some people mad when i shouted earlier."
"oh, ok. but why am i whispering?"
"i dont know."
so they ate their steak, troy paid for everyone. they headed over to the blacksmith to smelt their awards to their armor.
"so, how much will it cost to get six awards smelted?" troy asked, as though he was paying.
"six silver." the huge blacksmith growled.
"ok, tornado, your first."
tornado handed the blacksmith his two awards and within a few seconds, the two awards were attached to his armor. next, zet had his attached, and then thomas. lastly, troy had his two smelted on.
"see, only took a minute, and twenty-two seconds." troy said with a laugh.
troy paid the blacksmith and the four went out into the fresh, night air. they felt relieved to be out in the open air, instead of in the workshop with all the heat and smoke. they said their goodbyes to eachother and headed to their next destinations. tornado stood, staring up at the stars. while he was staring, cathy had slipped behind him hoping to startle him.
tornado turned around and saw cathy, grinning.
"hmm, didnt scare ya?"
"no, im used to it."
"so, tornado, how have you been doing?"
"oh, just fine, and how are you?"
"nice to hear."
"well, im sure you have sleeping to do, ill just head back to my quarters, i need sleep, too."
"alright, ill see you tomorrow, cathy. now be careful heading to your quarters. i heard that some thieves snuck in to kidnapp lovely girls. you would be their first target."
"tornado, you're so sweet. bye."
tornado waved to cathy and headed for his quarters. he made it into his room, and was ready for sleep. he took his clothes off and fell onto the bed. within a minute, he was out. in the morning, he decided to go and watch a flail bash match, and see how good the flail team was for the wua this year. he got dressed, ate a bit of bread, and went across to troy's door, and knocked. troy answered it.
"yeah tornado?"
"hey, wish to go watch a flail match with me?"
"sure! let me just grab a piece of chicken for some food."
so troy grabbed some chicken and came out. together, they walked over to the flail field. they found a seat and awaited the beginning of the game. a horn blew and the players ran out onto the field, geared up and ready to go. another, louder horn sounded and the game began. the match was the wua against the pf, or paladin federation. the pf flail team was very good, and during the whole game, showed that they had skill. after an hour of the match, the score was 4 to 1. since it was flail bash, the score started at ten, and then as the main player gets hit, they deduct points. the whole object is to protect that single person. the pf had 4 and the wua had only 1 left. then, out of nowhere, appeared the most beautiful girl tornado had ever gazed upon. she jumped up and hit the wua player for the final time, and the horn sounded, ending the match.
"woah, did you see that pretty girl that finished the game?" tornado asked troy.
"no, i was too busy checkin out the chearers!"
"i must meet her, she is so fascinating!"
"ok, ill be here, concentrating."
so with that, tornado jumped out onto the field, walked over to the happy, partying pf players, and found the beautiful girl.
"umm, hey, i saw you playing, your pretty good." tornado said nervously.
"oh, well, thanks. im not usually quite that good, but this game meant alot, we are now 14-1, which means we have 14 wins and only one loss."
"hmm, so it was an important match?"
"oh, im sorry, im tornado, and who might your name be?"
"juli. its nice to meet you, tornado. maybe we can get together some time, how about it?"
"well, uhh, sure. sounds great."
she took out a piece of paper and a small piece of rock that could write. she wrote her unit number, and handed it to tornado.
"i train over at the paladin federation, im just on this team for fun. stop by this number, its my room. we can have dinner or something one day."
"ok, ill stop by."
"well, it looks like we are headed back to the pf to celebrate, ill be seeing ya around, ok?"
"ok, bye."
juli followed the rest of the players, and turned back to wave to tornado. he waved back, and headed back to troy. but before he could find troy, troy had already found him.
"hey tornado, how'd it go?"
"great, she wants to have dinner some time."
"she's cute, and she has skill in flail bash."
"oh crap. what about your date with that cathy girl?"
"that who, what?"
"cathy, your date to the festival."
"oh no, i forgot about her. maybe i can take juli, and cathy can find a boy her own age."
"only if she finds a boy should you ask juli, you shouldnt be mean to cathy."
"i know, i know."
"i know someone, looks like you, acts like you, sounds like you, his name is, uhh, lets see, whats his name. its, uhh, ketin, i believe. nice guy, only about 19 years old."
"perfect, find him, tell him he has a date."
"ok, ill go tell him, you tell cathy whats happening."
so troy ran off to look for ketin, while tornado ran off to look for cathy. he searched everywhere he thought she would be, until finally, he realized that she must be in her room. with that, he went to her quarters. he knocked on the door, and sure enough, she answered it, with 3 other girls behind her.
"tornado! its so nice to see you."
"its nice to see you too, cathy, but i have something to tell you. i cant, cant."
"cant what, tornado? ill understand."
"i cant go to the festival as your date."
"what?! well, why not?"
"im busy today, and i cant make it, i mean, your a lovely, no, very lovely girl, but im just too busy. i am truly sorry, cathy."
"no no no, your ok, i understand, and i want to thank you for being honest, instead of just not showing up."
"good. well, i better get going, oh, and troy found you another date."
"who would that be?"
"i think he called him......ketin."
"oh, ketin, yeah. ketin is cool."
"well, i gotta go, you take care of yourself."
"ok, you too, tornado."
so tornado left the female quarters hall, and headed for the pf to find juli. he exited the wua, and followed a slightly windy road all the way to the pf. when he got there, he was astonished by the size of the facility. he entered through a gate and decided to ask where the units were.
"umm, excuse me, sir. could you tell me where a girl might be staying, i have her unit number?"
"yeah, go down this path and keep looking left, when you see a bunch of hut-like things, your there."
"thank you."
"a problem not."
so tornado followed the path and soon saw the area with the huts. it was huge, around 20 acres. he walked into the area and read juli's number aloud.
"number 221."
so he searched for the number he read. 244, 243, 242. he kept looking until he found 221 on top of the hut. he went up to it and knocked on the door. a girl unfamiliar to him answered it.
"umm, hi. im looking for juli, is she here, or do i have the wrong place?"
"no, shes here, im her unit partner, we live together. please, come in."
the girl had short, brown hair, and was thin. not a skinny kind of thin, an attractive thin. tornado walked into the hut, which was much larger than his quarters were at the wua. his quarters were no more than 120 square feet, but juli's hut was over 300 square feet.
"sit down, make yourself comfortable."
"oh, thanks."
tornado sat down at the table.
"so, whats your name? why are you here for juli?"
"oh, im tornado. i was going to ask her to be my date to a festival at my training facility tonight."
"no way! your tornado? the tornado? ive heard that you have more awards than anyone at your age in history."
"well, lets find out. the greatest ive ever heard at 23 had 5 awards from training facilities, 3 fencing school awards, and 2 uno fighter awards. now lets see what i have. i am 23, and i have not 5 but 6 awards from training. i have 3 fencing school awards, 3 uno fighter awards, and a templar award. so, id say im at the top. oh, and i also have an award from archery school."
"so the old record had only ten awards, and here you are, with fourteen awards. id say your pretty great."
"well, thanks. its really not much."
"dont kid yourself, its alot more than you think. most people with fourteen awards are over 30 years old. my dad is 44, and he has sixteen awards."
"hmm, whats your dad's name?"
"oh, his name is ben."
just at that moment, juli walked into the hut, to find tornado and her unit partner sitting at the table. she could only see the back of tornado's head, so she didnt know who it was.
"who is your friend, carla?"
"oh, no, he isnt here for me, he is here for you."
tornado turned and saw juli.
"its you, from the flail match."
"yeah, i was wondering if you wanted to be my date to the wua festival of knights?"
"oh, id be delighted, but, i dont think members of the pf are allowed at those festivals, are they?"
"oh, as long as one of the two are members, the couple is fine, well, im not saying that we're a couple or anything."
"no, if im gonna go with you, we are a couple."
"well, uh, ok."
juli went behind a small wall that was put up for changing, and she put on something for the festival. she came back from behind it and was in a tight dress.
"how do i look?" juli asked.
"oh, well, uh, you look.......uh, great."
"thanks. then, shall we go?"
tornado lifted juli into his arms with such ease it was like he had an apple. he carried her outside, and began to run.
"whoa, your quite the fast one, arent you."
"yeah, hold on, im gonna jump outta here."
tornado jumped and went soaring into the air, over many huts and even over the wall around them. he ran down the road.
"i run about 40 ultra-cubits an hour." tornado panted.
he ran and jumped over the wall to the wua, and he put her down, where her feet seemed to naturally land.
"that was amazing, i have never seen anyone run so fast, and jump so high."
they walked holding hands to tornado's quarters, since no one could be out while they decorated and prepared for the festival. they arrived in his quarters, when she saw the horse sitting there, in his room.
"what is this horse here, for?" she asked him, puzzled.
"oh no, i forgot about the horse. here, close your eyes, juli."
juli closed her eyes. tornado grabbed her at her hips and lifted her onto the horse. she opened her eyes and gasped.
"you bought this horse for me?"
"yeah. i mean, your accompanying me in a festival where you dont know anyone, so it was the least i could do."
"thank you tornado." she said while bending over, hugging him from atop the horse.
"what are you gonna name it?" he questioned.
"well, your tornado, correct? im juli, correct? well, combine the two, and we get tori. the horse will be called tori."
"ya know, that isnt a half bad name, i would name my daughter tori, its so good."
"is it a boy or a girl?"
"i believe its a girl, but im not totally sure."
"well, since you think its a girl, we will just consider it a girl."
by now, it was dark, and they saw out of tornado's window that the lights were put up. they were beautiful. then, a horn sounded, giving everyone permission to come out.
"shall we?" tornado said.
they held hands and walked out into the hall, where they met troy and his date, who astonished both juli and tornado, for troy's date, was none other than carla, juli's unit partner.
"hey tornado."
"hey troy, hey carla."
"hey tornado, i didnt know you knew troy."
"yeah, we've been friends since children."
"well, carla, we're best friends, dating two best friends, how akward is that."
"fairly akward indeed, juli." carla stated.
the two couples walked down the hall and out into the sight they would never forget. outside, the festival lights were magnificant, and lit up the once dark facility. decorations were everywhere, and there were many small bard bands here and there. the atmosphere was the most peaceful tornado had experienced since he first went to jayrem's house, to live. the couples went to an area with hundreds of tables, where they found a place to sit. for a while, they all simply enjoyed the lights and decoration, but after about ten minutes, juli pulled tornado up out of his seat and they went to explore the festival. there were bards playing everywhere, and there were also games to play, food to eat, the night was truly splendid. there were also many jesters juggling and telling jokes. juli dragged tornado over to a game where you had to armwrestle an absolute brute. tornado sat down at the table and readied for the match.
"are you ready?" the man said with an expression on his face that showed he thought tornado was weak.
"yeah, ready as ever."
then, the man tried to pin tornado's hand quick, but failed. for a while, they both stayed in the middle.
"umm, is this really worth it? im not even trying, sir." tornado mumbled.
then, tornado slammed the man's hand onto the table like he was armwrestling a child.
"what the? how did you beat me so easily?"
"not sure, im just that strong, i guess."
"wow, tornado. you won without trying."
by then, people had gathered around to see if tornado was as strong as he seemed. two men stepped forward and asked tornado to armwrestle the both of them together.
"ill armwrestle both of you, use both your hands." tornado said with confidence.
so the two men sat down and readied. tornado had to put down four hands. the match began, and tornado knew that this wouldnt be such a cakewalk. at first, the men almost had him down quick, but he came back, and they were in the middle. eventually, tornado was trying, and was slowly putting the four hands down. just a little further, he thought. then, with all his strength, he slammed the four hands to the table. the crowd cheered and juli wrapped around him.
"nice match, you two."
"your quite the strong one, arent you." one man said.
"geez, never seen it in ma life." the other said.
tornado and juli pushed through the crowd and found, yet another game. for this game, you had to throw a rock and hit a target. tornado stepped up and picked up a rock. he winged it at a target, and almost nailed the bullseye.
"how about you step back, try to hit from about 100 feet." the man said.
so tornado stepped back, until he was around 100 feet away. he threw the rock and hit the target. he didnt hit the bullseye, but he hit the ring outside the bullseye.
"great job. heres a little prize for ya, not sure if you'll want it, but you have a girl there."
the man handed tornado a ring with a topaz in it. he turned to juli and placed it on her finger.
"oh, tornado. i love it!" she shouted.
the two walked over to the food section, and ate some chicken and drank some wine. while they ate, they listened to the bards, and watched a jester juggle before them and the other people eating. after a while, it was time to call it a night. most people began to wonder to their quarters, leaving behind only those who drank too much or were wide awake. juli was back at tornado's quarters.
"hey, if you dont wanna go back to the pf, you can sleep here for tonight, i promise not to do anything."
"yeah, maybe its best that i dont head home, goblins guard the road at night." she said.
"you can sleep in the bed, ill just sleep with my head on the table."
"no, we can both fit on the bed, we are just sleeping, right?"
"well, yeah."
"well, it would be nice to sleep by your side. oh, and i want to thank you for such a great night, tornado." juli said happily.
"oh, no problem, and ill try not to crowd the bed."
"no problem."
so juli undressed down to her under garments, and tornado went down to his underwear. they both climbed in bed. juli leaned over and kissed tornado. tornado wrapped around juli and the two fell asleep in a minute. in the morning, tornado woke to find juli gone. he found a note on the door. it read, "tornado, i fear that i have fallen in love with you, but i dont wanna do anything stupid before my training is done. i have left for the pf, but i will find you once again someday, i swear it. love juli."
"ill miss you, lovely juli." tornado said sadly.

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