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Like my Momma always said: nasty is as nasty does! |
I have been accused by some people very close to me of being too logical, too orderly and too much like the biblical Job. One good friend noted that I was very similar to Mr. Spock, the pointy-eared alien character on that Star Trek television series. He said that I believed that everything had to be logical and if it wasn't logical it didn't belong. Another friend noted that I also possessed the characteristics of Felix Unger, the Odd Couple character who had to have everything in perfect order all the time and that I believed there was a place for everything and everything should therefore be in its place and I'd have a hissy-fit if it wasn't. (Doesn't everyone have their can goods dress-right-dress, and their clothes exactly one inch apart?) A family member accused me of having the patience of Job, a characteristic I can identify with. (Especially when I'm sleeping.) I do like things to be logical and orderly, and I have a ton of patience when it comes to dealing with the idiosyncrasies of my fellow man (and woman), but I am also human (really) and there are times when my patience wears awful thin. Have you noticed there are some people who go out of their way to be downright mean and irritable? What about those people who make it a point to create problems for others, those who tell half-truths, those who pass on shady insinuations, and those who intentionally twist the truth simply to humiliate or hurt others? What really ruffles my feathers are the people who never take the time to consider another person's side of the story and think they can do a better job than anyone (at any job) even though they haven't the foggiest notion of what that job entails. Another thing that really irritates me is those who believe, just because they have power and wealth, we should bow down and kiss their dirty feet (and other parts of their anatomy). What about all those impatient yo-yo's who cut in line in front of you, or give you a MacNasty look as they cut you off in traffic, or stick their snouts up in the air and turn the other way when they see you coming? I was entering the restaurant the other day, and as is my custom, I stopped to hold the door open for a lady to enter before me. Did she thank me? No! Nyet! Not only did she fail to thank me; she acted like the Queen of Sheeba, as if my sole reason for existing was to open that door for her. (She was no lady.) Another thing that sort of gets my dander up is people who think they're the only ones who have problems. They come out with that ugly attitude: don't look at me, don't talk to me, don't even say good day! And, the worse part of it is... they are like that every single day! What about that person who calls your boss and complains about something but doesn't have the courage to face you or the common courtesy to give you a chance to defend yourself? There must be a bushel and a peck of them critters around. There are a lot of self-proclaimed Christians out there who would be very shocked to learn that they are NOT a true Christian at all and have never even come close to being one. This is a crying shame because all people have to do is think of that other person; put themselves in that person's position, try to see the good in everyone, and be patient, be gentle and be kind in manner and word. There may be times, very many times, when we have to turn the other cheek, but when you show that other cheek make sure it's a smiling and happy one. (No mooning!) To me it's all very logical and orderly. Kindness brings kindness, anger produces anger, love brings love, hate produces hate, patience brings patience, and, you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you lie, cheat, steal, slander, act mean, hateful, curse, if you are jealous, vengeful, lewd, envious, and so forth, then what can you; in reciprocal justice, hope for in return? Are you not saying to others: "This is how I would have you... do unto me?" (If we got what we give... some of us would be in a world of hurt.) |