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a young boy is befriended and feminised by an older woman. |
Chrissy’s New Life Part 21 While we were nursing Aunt Mary came into the room and said, “Looks like our two babies are having a lovely feed.” Carolyn said, “Yes they are and they have been changed. Chrissy was a darling and helped with her little sister. She makes a great big sister.” Aunt Mary said, “Oh well done Chrissy.” Aunt Mary said she was going down for breakfast and we should join her as soon as we were finished. After a while we both had enough and then Carolyn helped me into my slippers and gown and picked up Bernice after getting her own gown and slippers on. We made our way downstairs and into the dining room. Another of the maids was already there placing the plates on the table. Aunt Mary said, “Thank you Edwina, Edwina this is Chrissy the girl who is staying with us for the weekend.” Edwina clearly knew of me and she said, “You make a pretty baby girl Chrissy, shall I feed you your breakfast or are you big enough to feed yourself?” Aunt Mary said, “Can you feed her Edwina? Carolyn has got her own baby to feed.” Carolyn had placed Bernice in a high chair. I thought how nice another maid to take care of me and they were going to continue to treat me like a baby. I decided to play the part and said in a babyish voice, “Yeth Auntie Ewina feed me na-nas” Edwina said, “Ooh you are so cute of course I will feed you.” Edwina sat next to me and began to feed me my porridge. This was followed by scrambled egg and toast. With my meal I had milk in a bottle. After I sucked a bit from the bottle I pushed t-t out of my mouth and said, “Dow want botty, want Cawolin titty.” Edwina said, “Ooh baby is a bit fussy, you will have to wait for that, but you like a cup instead, are you a big girl now?, Can you drink from a cup?” I said, “I big girl drink from cup.” Edwina poured some milk into a plastic cup and held it to my lips for me to drink. We finished breakfast and then Edwina took me upstairs while Carolyn went to answer the ringing doorbell. Edwina said it must be the delivery they were expecting. Edwina led me to my room and into my bathroom where she brushed my teeth for me. She took me to my vanity where she brushed out my hair. I heard the delivery being brought up and just enjoyed Edwina brushing my hair. Awhile later Edwina led me to the room adjoining mine. There were various boxes and packages. Carolyn was there also and Carolyn said, “This is your nursery baby Chrissy”. The two maids began to get all the items out the boxes and I noted to my surprise that it was baby style furniture all in a size that would fit me. There was even a stroller and high chair I could fit into. And of course there were the clothes. The room had a nice pink carpet and included were pink lacy curtains. There was a couch already in the room that I sat down on and held Bernice sitting next to me as the maids got everything in place. Aunt Mary and another maid came into the room and also helped to get the clothes unpacked into the various drawers of the dresser and changing table. There were many little baby girl dresses and of course plastic rhumba pants, bonnets, booties and shoes. The furniture was painted pink for a girl of course. I waited patiently while everything was being sorted. I felt my clitty begin to get hard when I saw all the cute baby dresses. Eventually Aunt Mary and the maids finished getting everything ready. I was taken by Edwina to the changing table and she and the new maid Dora got me out of my sleep suit. They got one of my new rhumba plastic pants and put it on me. Next they put on some really frilly petticoats on me that stuck out. This was topped off with the daintiest little baby girl’s party dress. It was made of pink satin cover with pink lace pink knitted booties were placed on my feet and then once of the lacy covered bonnets was tied on my head. I was helped into the stroller and strapped in. I was taken down in the elevator. Carolyn had also put Bernice in a stroller and they followed us down. We went out the front door and into the garden surrounding the mansion. We reached the carpet like lawn and Carolyn got me out of the stroller and onto a blanket they spread out. They encouraged me to crawl with Bernice who was also now dressed the same as me and they commented that they loved to see my cute frilly bottom. Chrissy’s New Life Part 22 I was also enjoying crawling along like a baby and then Aunt Mary came to join us. Aunt Mary said, “Chrissy my dear I just love it when show your frilly bottom when you crawl. You can be a baby for us for the rest of today and tomorrow we can dress you in Susan’s clothes again and take you to mall.” I said, “Thank you Aunt Mary, I love being your baby and I would love for you to take me out again.” We spent the rest of the morning outside on the lawn during which we had snacks. I drank my liquids from a cup which was held to my lips by Edwina, she also fed me my snacks. I felt the need to go to the toilet and began to fidget and squirm. Edwina noticed this and said, “Chrissy my darling are you needing to go to the toilet?” I nodded my head. Carolyn said, “Well my darling you can just use your diaper.” They all moved away and Carolyn said, “We will just give a little space.” I got on to my knees as if to crawl and then just let go and filled the diaper. I was a real baby just to mess myself outdoors. I knew I would enjoy being cleaned again and it be soon no doubt. I moved and sat on my rear and felt my mess squish on my bottom. Soon enough we went indoors. I was helped into the stroller and was pushed into the mansion and we went up in the elevator to my nursery. My diaper was changed and once again I just loved it when I was cleaned and powdered. Once I was in my satin diaper and then a second toweling one, my plastic pants were placed on me again. We went to the dining room for a light lunch and then afterwards Carolyn said it was time for babies to have their afternoon naps. We went to Carolyn’s room and she invited me up onto her bed and to help me to sleep she got out of her maids dress and removed her bra and fed me and Bernice from her breasts. It was just the thing to get me to sleep. Chrissy’s New Life Part 23 I woke later to find myself alone on the bed. Looking at the bedside clock it was 6 p.m. Just then Carolyn came into the room and saw I was awake. She said, “Ooh my baby is awake now. Did you have a nice sleep my snookums?” I replied, still in baby mode, “I have nice doo-doo” Carolyn asked, “Is my baby still dry?” I had not wet myself and just nodded my head. Carolyn said, “Well let me get you up, its dinner time” Carolyn helped me up to my feet and into the stroller and then she pushed me to the elevator. We exited the elevator and went to the dining room. Aunt Mary welcomed us and I was placed in my high chair and Edwina began to feed me my dinner. Carolyn was busy feeding Bernice. Aunt Mary was smiling at me as I ate. Aunt Mary took over from Edwina and fed me my dessert, jell-o and custard. We finished dinner and then Carolyn said I should crawl to the den. I did so and then when we got there I climbed up on the couch where Aunt Mary was sitting. I rested against Aunt Mary’s breasts. Aunt Mary said, “Well Chrissy my darling, your boy clothes are back for the laundry but in any case I suppose you don’t want them.” I said, “Oh not just yet, In any case I could only use my boxers for now.” Carolyn said, “And tomorrow when we go to the mall?” I said, “Now that I have a choice I would still want you to dress me in Susan’s clothes.” Aunt Mary said, “That’s our girl, you just love your frillies don’t you?” I said, “Oh yes I don’t want to wear my boy clothes just yet.” Aunt Mary leant down and kissed me on the lips. We relaxed and watched TV and then Carolyn said it was time for me to go to bed. I was helped into the stroller once more and then taken in the elevator to my nursery. My dress and petticoats were taken off and I was put into a new sleep suit. Carolyn cuddled me on the couch and fed me from her breast while Edwina took Bernice to her and Carolyn’s room. I began to get sleepy and Carolyn led me to my cot and got me settled in and then placed mittens on my hands and raised the side of the cot. She kissed me goodnight. Just then Aunt Mary came into the room and also kissed me goodnight and said I should think about what I would like to wear the next day. I dozed off feeling very happy as I thought about what I should wear. There was such a choice I could not decide. Chrissy’s New Life Part 24 Third day Saturday -------------------------- I woke up in the early hours feeling I needed to pooh and saw bars around me. I was momentarily disorientated and then it came back to me. I was in a cot dressed as a baby. I knew I had no option but to use the diaper. I let go and did it. I dozed off again and was wakened later by someone kissing me on the lips. I opened my eyes to see it was Edwina. She let down the side of the cot and said, “Come my baby you must be uncomfortable, you really smell but I must say you are good not to complain.” Edwina helped me out the cot and to my changing table where she got me out of my sleep suit with the assistance of Dora who came into the room. My plastic pants were removed and the diaper was unpinned. The inner satin diaper was also unpinned and my legs were raised and I was wiped clean. I was taken to the bathroom of the suite and there Edwina and Dora bathed me. I was bathed well and no area was left unwashed including my clitty and friends. My clitty got hard with the attention. I was dried off after my bath and told to get on the changing table again where my clitty and friends were thoroughly powdered. Carolyn came into the room carrying her baby and I saw she also had a panty in her hand. She put Bernice down in my cot and she and the other maids got it on me and as usual my clitty caused the panty to bulge. She said, “OK Chrissy lets go to your big girl room and get you dressed.” I was helped off the table and slippers were put on my feet and a gown was put on me. Carolyn led me to my room and there she powdered me all over and said, “Ok Chrissy what would you like to wear today?” I said, “Ooh there is so much to choose from I can’t decide.” Carolyn said, “One of the nice things about being a girl is the anticipation of what you are going to wear.” Carolyn opened a section of the wardrobe and said, “Look in here and see what you would like.” I went to the wardrobe and started to touch each outfit. I saw a pretty pink and white gingham dress with lots of lace. I said, “Can I try this?” Carolyn said, “That is a good choice, you will look pretty in that.” She took the dress out the wardrobe and put it on my bed said, “Ok I will select your undergarments.” She selected a frilly petticoat and my other lingerie. She took off my gown and gown and noted the bulge my clitty was causing. I did not even try to hide it. Carolyn said, “Ohhhh we will have to do something about that, it’s not very ladylike.” She led me over to the bed and made me lie down and then pulled my panty down and took my gown which was satin and began to stroke me with it. I soon erupted into the silk material. She then pushed my clitty friends up into me and secured them with some bandage tape. She cut more strips of bandage tape and secured my clitty between my legs with the tape. She pulled my panty up again and got me to stand and patted my front and said, “You look as smooth as a girl.” I said, “Yes that looks better.” Carolyn put my bra on and followed it with my suspender belt. She got me to sit down at my vanity and showed me how to put stockings on. She bunched up one into a ring and slipped it onto my foot and smoothed and pulled it up my leg and got me to stand as she secured it with the garter tabs. The action caused my imprisoned clitty to strain to get free. Carolyn handed me the second stocking and said, “OK you try this one.” I did as she had done and bunched up the stocking into a ring and slid it onto my foot. I began to pull it up and smooth it over my leg. It caused my clitty to get harder still causing me to breathe raspingly. Carolyn said, “Ok Chrissy just calm down and relax before you attach the tabs. I know this exciting for you, how is your clitty doing?” Chrissy’s New Life Part 25 I said, “Its straining in its bonds and it is uncomfortable.” Carolyn said, “Would you rather want me to remove the tape?” I said, “Yes I think it would be better.” Carolyn pulled my panty down and removed all the tape and said, “Ok that must be better, I can see it is as your clitty is standing to attention.” My clitty was free now and then Carolyn pulled up my panty again. It still caused a bulge. Carolyn said, “Ok lets continue getting you dressed.” Carolyn attached the garter tabs to the stocking for me. She helped me into my camisole and then held out my petticoat for me to step into. I steadied myself by holding on to Carolyn. Carolyn helped me into the dress I had chosen. She did my makeup for me and brushed out my hair. I still just enjoyed having everything done for me. Carolyn completed my outfit with pink Mary Jane’s. The petticoat I wore was so stiff it flared out my dress so even when my clitty was hard it did not show. We went back to my nursery where Edwina was busy changing Bernice’s diaper. Carolyn said I should go with her to her room while she got ready. She took my hand and we went to her room. She removed her gown and nightgown. She stood before me in her slippers and shook her breasts at me. My clitty hardened further in my panty. I sat down on a sofa after smoothing my dress behind me. Carolyn went to shower and then returned a short while later. She requested I should powder her which I did with gladness. I watched as she began to dress. She was sitting at her vanity and she asked me to help her with her stockings. I took a stocking and slid it on her left foot and she pulled it up further. I did the same with her right foot. Carolyn did not dress in her maid’s uniform and wore a pretty pink floral dress. She wore a petticoat under her dress. Carolyn sat at her vanity and did her makeup and hair. She put on pink high heel pumps and took her purse and we began to make our way to the stairs. I told Carolyn I just had to go and get my purse and she said it was good as I was thinking like a girl. We went to my room and I got my purse. We made our way to the dining room and Aunt Mary was waiting for us. I kissed her in greeting and Carolyn told her I had chosen the dress I was wearing myself. Aunt Mary praised me for the good selection. We sat down and Edwina came to the dining room bringing Bernice. Edwina was to accompany us today and take care of Bernice. Dora bought in our breakfast and I ate daintily. Aunt Mary complimented me for being so girly. We finished breakfast and then went to the hall closet and got our coats. Mine was the pink woolen double breasted coat I wore on my first day at the mansion. We went in the elevator to the underground garage; we got in Aunt Mary’s Cadillac limousine. The chauffeur was a woman called Betty. We all got it and I sat next to Aunt Mary in the rear seats while Carolyn, Edwina and Bernice faced us. We exited the garage and made our way to the mall. We got out and Edwina got Bernice’s stroller from the trunk of the limo. We began to walk into the mall from the parking area. I loved being out again in public wearing a pretty dress. Carolyn took my hand as we walked and looked at the store windows. Carolyn led me into a toy store and we went to the doll section. Aunt Mary followed close behind. Carolyn said that Aunt Mary wanted to buy me a doll and I should select any one I liked. Chrissy’s New Life Part 26 I looked around the store, there was a large selection of dolls. I chose a doll that was dressed in a pink satin dress with lots of petticoats. Aunt Mary took the doll to the counter and paid for it. We continued to look at stores in the mall while Carolyn took my doll back to the limo. We went into a clothing store as Aunt Mary wanted to get a few things. I accompanied Aunt Mary as she walked deeper into the store. We were by the lingerie section as I stood next to Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary asked me to hold a bra and panty set as she looked at other items. I did not feel embarrassed to be holding the frilly items but rather enjoyed touching the silky material. It made my clitty hard within my panty. Aunt Mary went on to select several other items of lingerie and I ended up holding an armful of the frilly items. At this point Carolyn joined us. We went to the outer wear department and Aunt Mary selected a skirt and jacket suit and a blouse and we went to the changing room for her to try it on. I watched as Aunt Mary undressed to her underwear and tried the blouse and suit on. Aunt Mary decided she would take the suit and blouse and all the other lingerie items she had selected. Carolyn carried all Aunt Mary’s purchases. We made our way to the pay point passing the girls section. As I passed the racks I ran my hand over the items. I saw one dress I like and asked Aunt Mary if I could try it on. Aunt Mary said it was wonderful I wanted to try on clothes in the store. We took the dress and went to the changing room and Aunt Mary helped me undress and I tried the dress on. It fitted and Aunt Mary said we could buy it. The dress was made of mauve satin and had a mauve organza overlay skirt. The sleeves were made of layers of gathered organza in the form of a puff. There were wide organza ribbons at the back of the dress which could be tied into a bow. Carolyn went to go to get some shoes to go with the dress. I walked up and down in my stockinged feet outside the changing cubicle. Just then a lady and a girl came through the doorway and she greeted Aunt Mary. It turned out she was an acquaintance of Aunt Mary. The lady Joan asked, “And who is this pretty young girl with you, Mary?” Aunt Mary said, “This is my niece, Christine”. Aunt Mary introduced me to the lady and girl as Joan West and her daughter Sally. Sally and I said hello to each other. It happened that it was Sally’s birthday the next day and Mrs. West invited me to attend the party she was giving. Mrs. West said I had the most beautiful dress to wear to the party. Aunt Mary asked, “Chrissy would you like to go to Sally’s party?” I said that I would. Sally said she was glad I was coming to her party. I knew it might cause problems especially when they started asking questions about where I went to school, etc. Carolyn came back with shoes for me to try on and Aunt Mary told her of the birthday party invitation. I tried the shoes on and they fitted. Mrs. West and her daughter went to try on their clothes after Aunt Mary had confirmed the address of where the party was to be held. It was at their home. I changed back into my clothes and then the dress and shoes were paid for by Aunt Mary. Carolyn took our purchases to the limo while Aunt Mary and I went to select a gift and card for Sally. We got a beautiful card and a book about animals. These were also taken back to the limo. We were also planning to see a movie. Edwina took Bernice to change her and Carolyn returned and told Aunt Mary she had told Betty to return in two and a half hours. We went into the movie house and got soda’s and popcorn and settled down to watch the movie. The movie we watched was a remake of “Lassie”. I sat between Carolyn and Aunt Mary. The movie finished and we all had enjoyed it. Bernice slept though the movie in Carolyn’s arms. We left to go back to the limo and got in. The doll that was bought for me was on the seat and Carolyn helped me get her out the box. Carolyn wanted to know what I was going to call my doll. I told her Sarah. Everyone said it was a nice name. I held the doll to my chest and we drove home to the mansion. It was early evening and we had a light dinner after relaxing in the den. After dinner I helped Carolyn wrap Sally’s gift and I then brought up my concern about being asked questions about myself and school. Carolyn and Aunt Mary said not to worry that they would think of something to tell Sally and her mom and the other party guests. It was time for me to go to bed and I was to sleep with Carolyn. I was to wear a nightgown and not a diaper. In Carolyn’s room she got me undressed and into my long pink satin nightgown. I wore a matching panty. Carolyn also got changed into her sleepwear and we went to Aunt Mary’s room and Aunt Mary said we should say I was her sister’s child and I had come to them recently and living with them for a while due to the illness of her sister and I was not in school. We went back to Carolyn’s room and there Edwina was waiting with Bernice. Carolyn and I got into bed as I held my doll Sarah. I put her down as Edwina handed Bernice to me to hold. Carolyn opened up her nightgown and put Bernice to her breast and invited me to suck from her other breast. I snuggled up to Carolyn and began to suck from her. Bernice dozed of first and Carolyn got up to place her in her cot and I cuddled Sarah. Carolyn returned and I resumed sucking from her and dozed off while sucking and holding my doll. Chrissy’s New Life Part 27 4th day Sunday I woke to feel a hand on my clitty. I opened my eyes to see Carolyn looking at me and she said as I opened my eyes, “Darling I thought this would get your attention.” I said, “Ooh yes I love it when you touch my clitty.” “Chrissy, my dear we must get you bathed and dressed, it’s already 10, and you had such a long good sleep.” We were due at the party at noon. Carolyn pulled back the bed covers and took my hand and pulled me up and led me to the bathroom. She pulled off my nightgown and then gripped my panty waistband and pulled it down to my knees. She left the panty and it fell to my feet and I stepped out of them. Carolyn helped me into the bath. As usual she bathed me all over and then helped me out the bath and began to dry me off. We went to my room after a gown was put on me. Edwina came into the room to carry on as Carolyn had to get ready herself. Edwina removed my gown and powdered me and began to dress me. I wore a white satin panty and training bra. Edwina helped me into my white stockings and then put my petticoat on me. Edwina did my makeup and got my hair styled. She helped me into my party dress and got it zipped up and tied the bow at the back. She helped me into my shoes and then we went downstairs. Aunt Mary and Carolyn were waiting for us. Aunt Mary said I looked pretty in my dress. We left in Aunt Mary’s 59 Cadillac. Carolyn drove us over to Sally’s house. We arrived and we greeted by Mrs. West and her daughter Sally. I gave Sally her present and wished her happy birthday. We went into the house and sat down in the den. We were about 20 girls attending party. The inevitable questions were asked. I told them what we had decided. I had a wonderful time at the party. We had all the usual party eats and I loved the games we played. There were lots of comments about my dress and I felt beautiful and special. Of course throughout the afternoon my clitty was hard in my panty and my stiff petticoat kept it hidden. Late afternoon the party ended and we left to go back to the mansion. As we drove I began to think about the next day when I would have to return to school and also wear boy clothes. I was not looking forward to it. Aunt Mary noticed I was preoccupied and said, “A penny for your thoughts my dear Chrissy.” I told her I was thinking of the next day when I would have to leave and also wear boy clothes. Aunt Mary said she knew how I felt and she hoped I would be able to visit her soon for a weekend. We arrived at the mansion and went into the underground garage and up in the elevator to the bedrooms. Edwina was waiting for me in my room and she helped me get undressed and got me into my nightgown. We went to the dining room and had a light dinner and then relaxed by watching TV in the den. Aunt Mary invited me to come with her and sleep with her in her bed. She took my hand and led me to her room. I got settled in her bed and then she began to get undressed. She got into bed wearing only a panty and had her nightgown in her hand. She invited me to suck from her breasts which I readily did. Even though there was no milk to be had I loved being close to her beautiful breasts. As I sucked from her she got hiked up my nightgown and got my panty down and began to stroke me with her nightgown until I erupted into the nightgown. We went to sleep with Aunt Mary curled up at my back and holding my clitty. Chrissy’s New Life Part 28 Back to school Monday I woke with a kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes to see it was Aunt Mary. She said, “Sorry to wake you darling Chrissy but it’s time for you to get up.” I knew this time would come and I was sorry it had come. Aunt Mary pulled back the covers and then I got out of the bed. Edwina came into the room and she took me by the hand and led me to my room. She began to undress me removing my nightgown and then my panty. She led me to the bathroom where she helped me into the bath. The bath was just filled with water. She began to wash me with plain soap. It was not perfumed like the soap I had been washed with previously. All traces of makeup were removed from my faces and my hair was washed too. After my bath I was led to the bed room where my boy clothes awaited me. I put on my underpants and immediately felt uncomfortable in them. Edwina said, “Ooh my darling that must be so uncomfortable for you.” I said that it was. I sat at the vanity and Edwina dried my hair and styled it into my old boy’s style. Next I put my shirt on and then my jeans. I did not like my legs being encased in the rough material. Edwina put my socks and sneakers for me. She took my hand and then led me down the stairs to the dining room. Aunt Mary and Carolyn were there waiting for us. Aunt Mary kissed me and said, “I’m so sorry to see my little girl go, Chrissy.” She still called me by the effeminate name. I took my seat between Aunt Mary and Caroline. I ate slowly and daintily just as I while dressed in Susan’s clothes. During the meal I felt as though the jeans were rubbing my legs raw and I began to squirm in my seat. Carolyn said, “Do you need the toilet Chrissy?” I said, “No it’s not that, these jeans are really scratchy.” Aunt Mary said, “It’s a really rough material to wear after being in silk the whole weekend.” We finished breakfast and then Edwina took me upstairs and brushed my teeth for me. We went downstairs again and then I reluctantly kissed Edwina and Carolyn goodbye. We got into Aunt Mary’s 59 Cadillac and Aunt Mary drove to the school. We arrived at the school gates and Aunt Mary entered into the school grounds. It was ok for her to drive in as it was few occasions when women were allowed in the grounds. Aunt Mary said she wanted to speak with Father Tom. I went off to my room and discovered that my forgotten suitcase was there. My roommates were not there yet. We had time till 10am to get in our school uniforms. I quickly took of my jeans and shirt and then put on my school shirt and trousers. My school trousers were at least made of a softer material than my jeans. My roommates arrived and got changed into their uniforms and we went off to attend our classes. At lunch time I was called to Father Tom’s office and I was surprised to see Aunt Mary there. I greeted her as Mrs. Alexander. Father Tom told me that Mrs. Alexander had invited to stay with her till the Christmas break. He had been in contact with my parents and they did not have a problem with it. Aunt Mary as I had come to know her had sung my praises as a well mannered boy and she thought I should be in a homely environment like her home. My first thought was that I could carry on wearing my frillies. Aunt Mary said she would return later to fetch me. She asked me to pack up all my clothes and belongings. We had a few classes after lunch and then I went to my room to pack up my clothes and belongings. My roommates wanted to know what was going on. I told them I was to stay with Mrs. Alexander the lady I stayed with for the weekend till Christmas. I admitted to them I was homesick and Mrs. Alexander had given me a home for the weekend. Later I went outside to wait for Aunt Mary to arrive. She arrived and Carolyn was with her. Carolyn accompanied me to the room and helped me carry my suitcases to the waiting car. Carolyn was not dressed in her maids dress but a dress she had worn when we went to the mall. Carolyn put my suitcases in the trunk and I got in the back with Aunt Mary in her 59 Cadillac. We drove out the school gates and Aunt Mary kissed me in greeting and said she did not want to show too much affection while we were still in the school grounds. She said, “Well Chrissy my dear looks like we have till Christmas to dress you up and spoil you.” I said, “Yes that will great thanks for asking Father Tom that I could stay with you.” We arrived at the mansion and Carolyn took me by the hand and led me upstairs to my room. Edwina was there waiting for us. Edwina was dressed in a short low cut maids dress with fluffy petticoats underneath. The vision of her and the knowledge I would soon be out of my boy clothes caused my clitty to get hard. Carolyn said she would be back with us soon as she was going to get changed into her uniform. Edwina began to undress me. She soon had me out of my school uniform. Carolyn joined us just as Edwina was pulling down my underpants. Carolyn pulled back my bed covers and told me to lie on the bed. They had a tub of cream and began to smear it all over my legs and body and rubbed it in. My clitty was hard and erect and when Carolyn got to it she took me on her mouth and sucked till I come in her mouth. Once my clitty was soft they turned me over onto my front and they creamed my back. Chrissy’s New Life Part 29 They helped me to my feet and began to powder me all over in the femininely fragrant powder I had got used to. I smelt like a girl again. I told Carolyn and Edwina I wished to keep on being powdered and pampered. The interruption of going to school as a boy was too much. Carolyn said she was sure I felt like that and she was glad I could at least spend the next 3 weeks with them and be dressed in my girly clothes when I was not in school. There were 3 weeks left before the Christmas break. Edwina went to a drawer and got my panty and Carolyn knelt before me and held it open. As usual the sight of her cleavage as I looked down was stimulating to my clitty which began to harden despite being milked a short while earlier. By the time she got the panty to up my thighs my clitty was standing hard and erect. Carolyn said, “Ooh, Chrissy you are excited again so soon.” I said, “Well it’s the excitement of seeing your breasts, and the fact I will be in a panty soon.” Carolyn pulled the panty up and over my hips. As usual my clitty caused a bulge in my panty. Carolyn said, “It’s only us here so not to worry.” They proceeded to dress me further. Next my training bra was put on me. I liked the constriction it caused on my chest. I wanted to have breasts like my mom’s, Carolyn, Edwina and Aunt Mary who all had large breasts. My garter belt was put on me. I thought back to the first time the garter belt was put on me. I now thought it was so very feminine and it was something I desired to wear. The stockings that followed were similarly exciting. I was so happy when petticoats were put on me. I was led to my vanity and light makeup was applied and my hair brushed into a girl’s style. I chose the dress I was to wear for the afternoon. It was a blue and white dress with lots of fussy frills and lace. I had a light bite to eat before I started on my homework. I went to the study and began on my homework. It was nice to sit there and do it while dresses so femininely. Carolyn came into the room awhile later to see how I was doing. She was carrying Bernice. She sat on a couch in front of me and slipped off the shoulder of her dress and got a breast out and began to feed Bernice. I joked, “Hey, that’s not fair, how I must concentrate on my home work when you do that?” Carolyn said, “Don’t worry you will get your turn later.” Carolyn carried on feeding Bernice and I turned my attention back to my homework but found it a little hard to concentrate due to my clitty getting hard. I finished my homework and then Carolyn and I went to my room after she put Bernice down in the nursery. We got on my bed and Carolyn got out of her dress. She got me to unclip her bra and then said, “Come darling suck from my breasts.” I did not need a second invitation and went down on her and began to suck hungrily. Later when I felt I had enough I stopped sucking and then just began to kiss her wondrous breasts, Edwina came into the room to say dinner was ready. We went down to have dinner after Carolyn got dressed again. Dinner was wonderful and I had to admit more like home cooking compared to the school food. As usual I was fed by Edwina. After dinner we went to the den and watched TV. I was sitting between Edwina and Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary said she was so glad to have me to stay again. Later Edwina led me by the hand to my bedroom. I was given a choice of where I could sleep in the nursery or Susan’s room. I opted for the nursery. Edwina said, “You know of course you will be have to be dressed as a baby.” I said, “Yes I was counting on it.” Edwina and Carolyn who had also come up with us began to undress me. They took of my dress and petticoats and then told be to hop onto the changing table. Carolyn said they were going to leave my lingerie on me as I loved it so much. They placed a diaper underneath me. I di not even have to lift my body as I was lifted. My panty was pulled and then my clitty and friends were powdered. My panty was pulled up again and the diaper was pinned into place. A second diaper was also pinned around me. I felt content to be tightly pinned into my diaper. Next my frilly plastic pants were pulled on to me. Finally my outer garment a sleeper suit which encased my legs in a bag was put on me. My hands were encased in fingerless mittens. I was helped off the changing table and led to the sofa where Carolyn let me breastfeed from her to get drowsy. I began to doze off and then the two maids helped me to my cot. The side was raised and then Aunt Mary came into the room and kissed me goodnight. She said it was good to have me back to stay and I should not hesitate to use my diaper. Carolyn and Edwina also kissed me goodnight and Edwina put a bottle of milk in my mouth. It had been brought by Dora. I began to suck on the teat and was sure that the milk was Carolyn’s breast milk. I still did not like the container and preferred the real thing. With the bottle in my mouth I continued to suck the milk. I began to doze off again without finishing the milk. I was soon fast asleep with bottle teat still in my mouth. Chrissy’s New Life Part 30 Tuesday I woke in the early hours needing to pooh and I just let go and did it. I went back to sleep content from acting just like a baby. I woke up later when Edwina came into the room and kissed me on the forehead. She said, “Morning baby Chrissy, I smell you have done a pooh. I will clean you now.” She let the side of the cot down and she was joined by Dora and the two of them carried me over to the changing table where they got me out of the sleeper suit. They took of the plastic pants and unpinned the diaper, pulled my panty off and cleaned me. They got me back onto my feet and unclipped my stockings, removed it and the garter belt. They unclipped and took off my bra. They put a quilted dressing gown on me as well as my slipper and led me to my bathroom. I was helped into the warm soapy water and the two maids washed me all over. After my bath I was dried off and the maids began to dress me. They surprised me when Edwina held out a panty for me to step into. She said, “There is no reason why you can’t wear a panty under your school uniform.” I was delighted and stepped into the panty. Next they put white silk stockings on me and I loved it when my legs were covered. My school socks were put on put on me followed by a satin camisole. I was helped into my school shirt and trousers. My jersey was put on me followed by my shoes. We went down for breakfast and Edwina told Carolyn and Aunt Mary I what I was under my school clothes. Aunt Mary said, “Well Chrissy you should feel very comfortable today with your girly lingerie.” I said, “Yes, I will like it very much, I wonder what the boys at school would think if they knew what I was wearing?” Carolyn asked, “Would it bother you if they found out?, not that there is much chance.” I said, “It would be a little embarrassing. I wish I could go to another school as a girl.” After breakfast I was driven to the school by Carolyn. As I moved about in school from class to class I delighted in what I was wearing. During a break we played chess and I was asked by Paul about the fact I was now staying with Mrs. Alexander. I told him that she had asked Father Tom if I could stay with her till the Christmas break. Paul asked how it went over the weekend and if I was still enjoying staying with her. I told it was very homely and I liked it very much. Paul said I was lucky the woman took such a keen interest in me. I agreed with him I was indeed very lucky. I was not ready to share with him what exactly happened at the mansion. After school Carolyn arrived driving the 59 Cadillac. Some of the boys were around when Carolyn pulled up at the school gates. Carolyn got out the auto and I saw she was wearing her maid’s uniform. I noted the look of admiration in the boy’s eyes as Carolyn opened the door for me and then went around to the driver’s side and got in. I said, “Those boys liked what they saw.” Carolyn said, “Yes they did didn’t they, just like you did when you first saw me.” I said, “Yes I liked it when I first saw you, you aroused things in me and now I just love it when you, the other maids and Aunt Mary attend to my every need.” We arrived at the mansion and then I taken to my room and my school clothes were taken off me. My camisole was taken off and my bra was put in me before my camisole was put back on me. Petticoats were added and then my dress was put on me. We had a light meal and then Aunt Mary said she had a surprise for me. We were to go a mall. We left with Edwina driving Aunt Mary’s Caddy. Aunt Mary and I sat in the back. We arrived at the mall and went in to the stores. We came to a store, at was devoted to ballet. Aunt Mary said she wanted to buy me a complete ballet outfit as she was a qualified ballet teacher and she wanted me to learn ballet. We went into the store and Aunt Mary got a saleslady to assist us with all I would need, stockings, leotards, ballet shoes and ballet tutus. I tried on the leotards and noted that my clitty stuck out in a bulge. We were to be in private so it did not matter. We exited the store and I noticed one of the boys in my class walking along the mall corridor. He was with a lady which must have been his mother. He had also been present at the school gates when we left. I smiled at him as we passed and hoping he did not recognize me. His mother greeted Aunt Mary, they were obviously acquaintances. Aunt Mary answered her question as to who I was by saying I was her niece. Billy and I just stood there as the adults chatted. I was surprised that Billy did not recognize me. Aunt Mary told her the same story we had told at Sally’s party. After a few tense moments we went our separate ways. I told Aunt Mary that Billy was in my class at school and I was scared he recognized me. Aunt Mary said I need not have worried as I looked nothing like a boy. Chrissy’s New Life Part 31 We went to have something to drink and eat at a coffee shop. I had strawberry milkshake while the adults had coffee. We all had a slice of cream cake. We returned to the mansion. In my room I was undressed by Edwina. She dressed me in my ballet clothes as Aunt Mary had told her. First my pink stockings were put on me followed by my pink leotard. Next my stiff tutu was put on me. My clitty caused a bulge that was clearly visible. My ballet pumps were put on me next and the satin ribbons were fastened around my legs. My hair was done up in a bun and covered with a piece of organza material. Edwina led me to a room with a piano in it. Aunt Mary was waiting for us. Edwina played the piano while Aunt Mary instructed me in basic ballet steps. She said my clitty looked cute under my tutu. I enjoyed the lesson as it was something a girl would do, prancing around in a tutu. I liked the way my tutu stuck straight out leaving my clitty visible. The lesson came to an end and I was led back to my room where Carolyn was waiting for us. All my clothes were removed and I was taken to the nursery after a pink quilted dressing gown and my slipper were put on me. I was helped up on to my changing table and Carolyn and Edwina began to put me into my diapers. The best part was when my clitty and friends were powdered. After my diaper came my pink frilled plastic pants. Carolyn had a dress for me to wear after she put a silky camisole on me. The dress was exquisite; It had a satin underskirt with lacy overskirt. Pink knitted booties were put on my feet and were tied with their satin ribbons. The final touch was a bonnet. It was pink as was the rest of my outfit and had lace all over it. I was led to the study and told to start my homework. I liked doing my home work dressed like a baby. Carolyn was there with me and she had Bernice with her and she began to feed Bernice breast and told me I could feed from her as soon as I was done with my homework. I did not have too much home work and was done in about an hour. We went to my room and there Carolyn fed from her breast as promised. Later on we were in the den relaxing and I was crawling around on the floor while Aunt Mary was videoing me. We watched the tape and when Aunt Mary shot me from behind all you could see was my pink frilly rear. We went to the dining room for dinner and I was helped into my high chair and I was fed my dinner by Edwina. Carolyn was busy feeding her own baby. After dinner I crawled to the den where we watched TV. I was sitting between Edwina and Aunt Mary with my head resting on Aunt Mary’s breasts. Later in the evening it was time for me to go to bed and Aunt Mary and Edwina led me upstairs to my cot. I was helped into my cot after my dress was taken off and my sleep suit was put on me. It was my favorite as my legs were encased in the silky bag of the suit. I was given a bottle of milk to drink and the side of the cot was raised and Aunt Mary and the maid kissed me goodnight. I began to suck on my bottle and enjoyed it and fell asleep with the bottle in my mouth. Chrissy’s New Life Part 32 Wednesday I woke without having to use my diaper. Edwina and Dora came into the room and they got me out of my cot and onto my changing table. They removed my sleep suit and then took of the rest of my clothes off and put a pink quilted dressing gown on me and put bunny slippers on my feet. They took my hands and led me to Susan’s room. There they bathed me after removing their clothes and my slippers and dressing gown. After my bath they began to dress me. As usual pink frilly panties were put on me followed by stockings and a satin camisole. My school uniform was put on me. They led me to the dining room where breakfast was waiting. Carolyn fed me breakfast and then she drove me to school. Aunt Mary accompanied us. During the day Billy approached me and asked about the girl Chrissy that was also living with Mrs. Alexander that he and his mother saw. Before I could answer him we heard over the intercom that Father Tom was requesting me to come to the office. I told Billy I would talk to him later. I went to the office and Father Tom said he had some bad news for me. An aircraft had crashed into my home and there were no survivors. I was devastated and wished I had Aunt Mary to comfort me. Father Tom said he had already called Mrs. Alexander to come and fetch me. I began to weep and Father Tom put his arm around me and comforted me. A while later Aunt Mary arrived and she immediately hugged me to her bosom while Father Tom left the office. Her closeness and perfume was comforting as she ran her fingers through my hair. I wished I could suck from her breasts. We left the office and Father Tom said I need not return till after the Christmas break. We walked to Aunt Mary’s Cadillac and along the way we saw Billy. Billy asked why Mrs. Alexander had come to fetch me. Aunt Mary told him what happened. Billy said he was sorry to hear it. We left the school and drove to the mansion. We arrived and Aunt Mary told the maids what had happened. Carolyn took my hand and led me to Susan’s room. I was surprised to see a girl just a bit older than me standing in the room. Carolyn introduced her to me as Susan. Carolyn told Susan about my bad news. Carolyn took me over to the bed and pulled down the top of her dress and got her breasts out and said, “Come Chrissy have a suck from me.” Susan unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. She was not surprised to see me in her stockings. She said, “Carolyn has told me all about you being dressed in my clothes and I think it’s sweet.” She helped me out of my shirt and then Carolyn pulled me to her and I began to suck the wonderful milk out her breast as she and Susan comforted me. Aunt Mary joined us and she also got on the bed. Aunt Mary said she would arrange to fly me to my family’s town. I just enjoyed being comforted by the ladies in this way. I spend the rest of the morning till lunch time sucking from Carolyn’s breasts. I was dressed in a petticoat and pink and white dress and Mary Jane’s. We went downstairs for lunch. Susan held my hand as we walked. She told me how cute I looked dressed as a girl. We had lunch and Susan noted when Carolyn fed me and took over in feeding me. Carolyn told Susan of how I was dressed as a baby. Susan said she would love to see that. Carolyn said they could get me into my baby wear after lunch. We finished lunch and Susan and Carolyn took me by the hands and led me upstairs. We went into my nursery and Susan gasped in astonishment. She said, “Mom has gone to so much trouble to give you a baby life style” Carolyn began to remove my clothes and Susan assisted her. They soon had me down to only my panties. My clitty was hard and Susan said, “Ooh what have we here?” Carolyn said, “That’s Chrissy’s clitty, it just loves frillies.” |