Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1492396-Totally-Drama-Digestion-RP
by chaos
Rated: XGC · Other · Other · #1492396
Leshawna and Heather end their rivalry once and for all
Sonic Stantz (8:14:14 PM): Chris: Last week on Total Drama Island. Things got pretty hectic, when the campers knew a shower was at stake this time. Everything from moose riding, to no water water skiing took them to the edge and beyond. Of course, Harold lost for a very 'understandable' reason. Speaking of which, not only did he wind up going home, but it was revealed that he had been secretly crushing on Leshawna. After their big romance scene though, Leshawna was not happy with Heather being the one to not only get Harold kicked off, but showing him her rack in the process. How will this turn out? Well, let's just say this is a very special episode of TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!

ChaosEvilD (8:18:12 PM): Leshawna glared at Heather from the other side of the campfire, she was had been forced to spend the night alone with her hated rival to get immunity. She had to spend all night with Heather, with no food and no home comforts, but most of all no violence. She wanted to strangle the other girl, but couldn’t and that only made her angrier. Shaking her big booty on the tiny log she was sitting on, Leshawna prepared herself for a long night.

Sonic Stantz (8:21:53 PM): As Heather filed her nails to pass the time, she did so with a confident smile. She knew she would outlast her loser teammate. She was the only true strong member, everyone else had weaknesses up the ass. Leshawna's apparently was falling for losers. Speaking of which, once she glanced over at her, she got the expected, hatred glare.
Heather: Oh come on, could you just get over yourself and let it go?

ChaosEvilD (8:24:54 PM): Leshawna: Bite me princess!
Putting her arms under her heavy bosom, Leshawna glared at Heather venomously. One reason for her anger towards the smarmy brat was that she had gotten Harold kicked off after she found out he liked her. The little nerd was kinda cute and she wouldn’t of minded getting something on with him, but Heather ruined that. It was so hard to find a real man that could deal with a real woman like her.

Sonic Stantz (8:29:21 PM): Heather just shrugged her comment off. The night hours passed, and the two ladies somehow managed not to kill each other. Heather constantly switched positions to keep herself occupied, and to keep herself awake. She was smart enough to know that if she fell asleep even for a second, that fat whiner was going to pound her. In fact, Leshawna made sure that she didn't fall asleep so she could do just that.
Eventually, Heather broke the silence and cricket chirping by saying,
Heather: You know, you should be thanking me, I probably just saved your taste in men from permanent damage.

ChaosEvilD (8:32:23 PM): Leshawna: What do you know? No man has probably ever touched you!
Seething, Leshawna let her mind wander. Heather was a pain she wanted to get rid of forever. She eyed the other girl slowly, looking up from her scrawny exposed legs to her pretty face. Leshawna wanted to get even so bad with the other girl and give her a permanent lesson in humility and get rid of her forever. An idea slowly formed in her head.

Sonic Stantz (8:35:45 PM): Heather: Excuse me, but I don't let just anyone touch this body. Anybody wants these(she pointed to her boobs, legs, and ass) they have got to be the cream of the crop.
Before Heather could say more, she saw that Leshawna wasn't even listening to her, before she could ask why, her corpulent teammate got a dumb grin on her face.
Heather: What are you smiling at?

ChaosEvilD (8:40:09 PM): Leshawna: Just thinking about how good you look
The larger girl chuckled, she could think of a hundred ways to get rid of the rich snob from humiliating her enough to leave to physically beating her. But only one idea would be the ultimate humiliation to her and also give Leshawna a little bit more junk in her trunk. She’d see Harold again when this was over, how nice would it be if her booty was nice and plump for her nerdy Romeo.

Sonic Stantz (8:42:34 PM): Heather really cringed after hearing that. Sure, she loved compliments, but from guys, and with the way Leshawna said it......
Heather: Uh, what?

ChaosEvilD (8:43:13 PM): Leshawna: You heard me, all joking aside, you got a nice bod. You could almost call it....yummy.

Sonic Stantz (8:47:05 PM): Okay, now strangely, Heather's attitude went from creeped out, to appreciative. As mentioned before, she loved compliments, and over the years, some girls had been in Leshawna's situation. One thing Heather loved to do was to get a big a head as possible from what they said, and then crush their plans of any bedroom action. Not only was it fun, but now she could put Leshawna back in her place.
Heather: Well, thank you. It's nice to see your taste in women is unharmed. Heather tossed her hair for a teasing emphasis.

ChaosEvilD (8:50:22 PM): Leshawna: Hey, let me get a good look at you.
It was hard not to smile when the other girl walked over. Leshawna knew she could get Heather to drop her guard with a few complements. The girl was vain and that was going to cost her tonight. Heather sat down next to Leshawna on the log, she was close enough that the bigger girl could smell her wonderful scent. She hadn’t been lying the other girl looked yummy.

Sonic Stantz (8:56:41 PM): With the blubbery lesbo next to her, Heather threw in some phony compliments.
Heather: You know, I use to make fun of your weight behind your back. I used to say stuff like "Wow, her butts big enough to sit in a crater!" but I've moved past all that. Honestly, I think you look fantastic like this. I mean that soft belly, those melon sized melons, and of course we cannot forget your best feature, that big, fat, enormous butt of yours. Okay, now compliment me.
Heather almost gagged a few times while complimenting Leshawna, but it was worth it if it worked. She closed her eyes in confidence, awaiting Leshawna's praises.

ChaosEvilD (9:00:50 PM): Leshawna: So, you think I’m smoking do you? What about my big, full lips?
Leshawna ran her tongue over her lips, moaning softly as Heather stared at her closely. She knew what Heather was thinking about her, but that was fine, let her think whatever she wanted because the girl would be the one getting it in the end. Looking at Heathers perfect face, Leshawna licked her lips. Heather was a scrawny bitch, but she was still smoking hot. Her breasts were shapely, her legs sleek and while her butt wasn’t large, it was nice and firm. She was a good meal.

Sonic Stantz (9:02:40 PM): Heather: Oh well, your lips are.....
Before Heather could say more, she watched as Leshawna opened her mouth, like she was about to say something. However, as the seconds passed, and Leshawna's mouth got wider, she didn't speak or yell or anything. Here in the darkness of the night, the only light coming from the campfire, no one but the camera crew around, the last piece of the scary puzzle came in the form of Leshawna's belly growling.

ChaosEvilD (9:07:08 PM): Leshawna’s jaw dropped open, she could feel the muscles in her jaws stretched further and further. She watched Heathers face, confused, amazed, but not scared, that would change soon. Without warning, Leshawna reached over, pulling heathers top off with one brutal pull. No clothes, they ruined the taste.

Sonic Stantz (9:10:56 PM): Heather: You bitch! I'm-WoAH!
Heather quickly fell on the ground once Leshawna tugged on her legs, and then on her skirt. As if not wearing a bra couldn't have been done on a worse night, Leshawna managed to rip through her panties to get her naked. Now terrified at what she thought was about to come, Heather had a feeling no one would come to her aid. Chris and everyone else who made this show were sick bastards, and everyone on the team's were too pathetic to do anything right. Despite all that though, Heather could not have foreseen what happened next.

ChaosEvilD (9:14:27 PM): Leshawna grabbed one of Heathers feet, noticing the well-manicured toe nails to girl had. Not giving them another thought, she pushed Heathers feet into her cavernous maw, feeling the arch of her footrest on her tongue. Before Heather could kick Leshawna with her free foot, the big girl grabbed the other footsie and put it in with the first. Leshawna closed her lips around Heathers ankles and started to suck her in. She was going to slurp this bitch in like a piece of spaghetti.

Sonic Stantz (9:19:03 PM): Heather by this point couldn't form any insult to drive away Leshawna. She couldn't form any words at all, because what was happening had turned her logic upside down. Rather than raping her like she expected, Leshawna had placed both of her feet into her big, smart-ass mouth. Before a foot fetish theory could be formed, Heather actually started laughing as the fat botch began licking the soles of her feet. She paid no attention to the noises her rival made as she swooned over her taste. The only thing that made Heather snap out of it was when she felt her self being dragged towards Leshawna. The wheels in her head finally started turning as she realized the truth.
Leshawna was eating her!

ChaosEvilD (9:22:00 PM): Sliding her hands up Heather’s thigh, Leshawna started to suck her down. Heathers feet hit the back of her throat right away and without any trouble, Leshawna swallowed, a large lump forming at the top of her throat. She moaned happily, finding the bitch to be very tasty, without pausing she gulped loudly, new skin moving on to her tongue to greedily lapped at and then swallowed. She had all the time in the world to eat Heather, no one was coming and no one would hear her cries.

Sonic Stantz (9:25:50 PM): Heather: OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GOD!
Heather tried to struggle free, but Leshawna had a very solid grip on her meal. Heather did get her to wrestle with her a bit though. She tried to move every which way, but in the end, couldn’t do the most effective thing in this position, kicking, as her legs were quickly joining her feet in the tight and hot tunnel that was Leshawna's throat.

ChaosEvilD (9:28:37 PM): Leshawna felt Heather struggle, but ignored it. She had a tight grip on her and unless she got her hands on a weapon, she was completely helpless. Reaching her hands further up, Leshawna sank her chubby fingers in Heathers tight ass. The rich girl cried out as Leshawna pulled her in by the butt, sending her legs down her throat up to her knees. Leshawna was making her way up Heathers thighs now, licking her legs with much joy as Heather remained helpless.
Sonic Stantz (9:34:11 PM): Heather: YOU BITCH!
What little sanity Heather had after realizing her situation created that insult. Even if she was eating her, this cannibalistic tub of lard had no right to feel her up. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could, as her constant struggles proved no match for Leshawna's appetent. Every squeeze of her ass, and every lick of her inner thighs, made Heather tremble in disgust. Adding to it was the fact that she could now feel her toes poking into an open space. Their final destination.
The stomach.
However, after what Leshawna did next, Heather's trembling soon came from pleasure rather than disgust.

ChaosEvilD (9:38:36 PM): Leshawna slurped her way up Heathers thighs, making the rich snob tremble not in anger or fear, but pleasure. Once Leshawna got to the other girl's thighs, she really had to stretch her jaw out to get her in. the thickest part of Heathers body were those big thighs of hers, they were thick, but very tasty. As Leshawna moved her tongue all over the flesh as fast as she could her, her tongue brushed against the rich girls sex. This time Heather’s moans were louder. Leshawna’s tongue dragged around the flesh of her meal's groin, delving between thickly muscled thighs to play in the already-wet depths of her sex. Heather was crying out like a bitch in heat by then.

Sonic Stantz (9:45:06 PM): Primal howls escaped Heather's lips, as she couldn't contain the pleasure within. No one had eaten her out in so long, and with the way Leshawna was doing, she was considering switching over to girls. Just the way her tongue plunged to deeply into her depths, lapping up her tangy cum as it leaked out of her pussy. Slowly Heather felt Leshawna's lips stretch over her ass, taking in her hips completely. Upon which, Leshawna buried her face into Heather's crotch. That sent the rich brat over the edge.
It felt so great, all the worries of the world seem to just disappear.
That is, until Leshawna swallowed again.

ChaosEvilD (9:47:37 PM): The last thing Leshawna wanted was to make Heather feel good, but she couldn’t keep from digging her eager tongue into her wet snatch for two reasons. Firstly, the bitch was tasty and her juices were even tastier. Leshawna wasn’t going to ignore iota of her meals body, even the dirty parts. Secondly, this was revenge. Heather might be enjoying this, but in the brief time between when she finished and Heather was digested, the girl was going to be pissed off. She’d be stewing and hating herself for getting off on this. All that self-hatred was the perfect revenge. What also made the perfect revenge was not giving her an orgasm. Leshawna swallowed again, denying Heather her climax.

Sonic Stantz (9:51:40 PM): Heather: NO!!!
No cum, meant Heater was angry enough again to yell at the one eating her. Now as her ample ass became another bulge in Leshawna's throat, Heather finally tried swinging her fists at the bitch. But the fat beauty was prepared as she snatched both of her arms, and placed them into her mouth.
Heather was close to crying by now as more and more of her gorgeous form went to Leshawna's already huge gut, especially by the time she worked on her chest.

ChaosEvilD (9:55:39 PM): Throat swelling and mouth moving over Heather’s stomach, Leshawna was in hog heaven. After eating Chef’s crud for the last few weeks, it was nice to get some good meat in her belly. Maybe she wouldn’t stop here, there were plenty of annoying people in the reality show that looked delicious. Her mouth moved faster, licking up Heathers trim belly and moving on to her chest. Leshawna got onto her hands and knees as she ate, her body bulging with the other body filling her up.

Sonic Stantz (10:02:04 PM): Heather: Uuuuuuhhn...Ooooooh! oooOO!
Anything Heather said by now came out in constantly fluxuating moans. She couldn't help it, Leshawna sucking down her titties felt so good. Just the way she gnawed on them and licked around her nipples would drive any woman crazy. The only thing she couldn't stand was seeing Leshawna briefly cup her own hooters.
Suddenly Heather felt her body jerked forward again, peering down, she found that her neck and head were that remained. Slowly the last of her was being sucked into that hot and sticky mouth, down that hot and sticky throat, and into that hot and sticky, obesely huge, disgustingly big mountain of fat this woman called her belly.
Heather: NO! NO!! NOOOOOOOO!!! *Gulp*
The last of Heather disappeared into Leshawna's tummy.

ChaosEvilD (10:06:38 PM): Leshawna closed her mouth, a few strands of Heather's hair dangled from her lips. She could feel the girl completely inside her. Her head resting in her mouth, her upper body in hr throat and her legs inside her stomach. Then with a gulp, everything started moving to her stomach. A large bulge moved it’s way down Leshawna’s body. With her mouth now free, Leshawna moaned loudly, her body tingling with excitement from what she’s done to her hated rival. Her stomach swelled out, forming a dark skinned blob that pushed her shirt up. Falling back to her butt, Leshawna laughed happily, at what she’d done.

Sonic Stantz (10:13:13 PM): Heather trembled and shook as she looked at the darkness before her. She was able to somewhat in here, but what she saw was terrifying. The red and pulsating walls, the various fluids dripping down upon her body, and the fact that her skin was starting to tingle wasn't helping much either.
Suddenly her whole world trembled as Leshawna let out a loud belch, which in doing so cut down Heather's oxygen.

ChaosEvilD (10:16:01 PM): Leshawna: I hope your happy Heather. Now you’re going to be part of my belly, breasts and even butt. You gonna be a lot of fat soon, girl!
With her fat belly between her legs, Leshawna grabbed her enormous gut with both hands, and shook it up and down a bit with a naughty smile on her face. The barely awake girl inside screamed, thus riding all air from inside the belly. Laughing happily, Leshawna grabbed Heathers clothes and put them under her head as a pillow. Tomorrow all of Heather would be gone and she’d be even bigger and more beautiful. Her breasts would swell, her belly push out and her butt would most likely split her pants. She was going to be one sexy fatty tomorrow, wait til the cameras see her!

Sonic Stantz (10:23:14 PM): The morning came the next day, and the remaining campers began to awaken. The girls soon blinked their eyes open, and some got a very surprising sight when they did.
Gwen: Leshawna!
Lindsey: Oh my god!
Bridgette: Your....your....Everything!
Everyone could not believe their eyes. Leshawna had never been the thinnest stick around the camp, but this was insane.

ChaosEvilD (10:35:14 PM): All Leshawna's clothes were skin tight, at least the parts that weren't ripped or pushed up. Her arms and legs were huge, fat dangled all over from her bear arms. Her shirt was near the breaking point, it was stretched off her stomach, exposing roll after roll of fat from a belly that flopped forward nearly to her knees. Leshawna wasn't wearing a bra because it had split in half during the night, her now E cup breasts wobbled as her nipples pushed out her tiny top. As she walked it, the girls could hear her fat thighs slapping together and their eyes went down. Gasped filled the room as they saw Leshawna's huge, chunky ass push out her pants. The thing looked like two watermelons forced together in her pants. It wobbled and smacked together as she walked, each cheek moving like it had a life of its own. Leshawna smiled at all the girls. Not embarrassed by her new figure at all.
Leshawna: What do you girl's think of my bootylicious new bod?

Sonic Stantz (10:43:27 PM): The girls all slowly got out of their bunks and approached the mountain of jiggling fat before them. Even as they advanced further, it became pretty clear that this really was Leshawna. This sumo-sized woman was really their friend, and she looked like she had been eating every truckload of food on the island for days.
Lindsey: Oh my god Leshawna, look at your butt!

ChaosEvilD (10:47:51 PM): Leshawna: Why not you take a real good look.
Reaching down, Leshawna roughly pulled her pants off, revealing her jiggly behind for everyone to see. Her ass was huge, two chocolate orbs that were seemingly bigger then someone’s head. They were perfectly round, soft, bouncing orbs. Lindsey, unable to control herself, put her hand against the huge glob of fat. Her hand sank into the fatty buttocks, nearly disappearing into the yielding flesh. Lindsey pulled back, her movement causing the fleshy mounds to shake widely. It was the fattest, most supple ass anyone had ever seen
Gwen: Where do I get one of those?

Sonic Stantz (10:52:10 PM): Leshawna: Come my sister, let me show you my ways.
Leshawna swung a fatty arm around Gwen's slim shoulders. She was cool in her book, so rather than giving her Heather's treatment, Leshawna decided to really teach Gwen her body enhancement tips. She walked out, and didn't even put her pants back on, receiving some very big smiles form Lindesy and Bridgette.

ChaosEvilD (11:01:51 PM): Chris: Hell dudes, we have a winner and it’s Leshawna! She’s our big winner and I mean big. Let me tell you, this girl came in as an extra large, but she’s leaving as a thirty X. This girl has been christened the babe with the butt because of her awesome gluteus maximus. We had some problems along the way though, lots of campers got lost in the woods, but that’s cool because they signed wavers. No one’s sure what Lashawna’s going to do with her money, most bets are she’s buying her own Mickey Ds. Let’s ask her. Leshawna what are you going to do with the money?
“Buy me lots of food and party with my lover! That’s it, a little lower.”
Leshawna’s on her belly, one huge mount of fat, her ass is nearly the size of a fully-grown man and massaging that huge slab of fat is a scrawny geek called Harold. He rubs lotion on, massages it and even kisses it. He worships that ass, but who wouldn’t?

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