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now that they are in detention... what will alex do? |
Chapter 2 " I can't believe you got me into trouble again. " I said angrily after slamming myself into the nearest chair. " Just like old times. Sorry Syd, I should have turned around." Jay whispered. " I didn't even get the chance to copy the notes." " Not that you needed them. You knew all the stuff that was on the board anyway." Jay whispered softly. " I need to sketch this event out of my head." I said before taking a sheet of blank paper from my English notebook. " They were just the introduction notes to the new book we started yesterday. " Jay said his eyes wandering over to the pretty girl at one of the bookshelves. " Hey don't make me get Alex on you this early in the morning." I said with a glance at him. The moment I said Alex's name the girl went to the other side of the library. " Damn Syd, you messing up my game, " he said losing interest fast. " Well you shouldn't be checking out other girls in front of one of your girl's friends." I said reminding him of my new friendship. Alex was Shae's friend so I wasn't that close to her. " It's only been five weeks since we've started going out, and I'm already getting tired of her." Jay admitted watching my pencil's skillful movements as it glided across the page. " That's genuine Alex for you." I said inadvertently. When I was drawing, everything else took a back seat for the moment. " I mean does she have to parade around with me like I'm her new prize or something?" " That’s just how she is," I sighed. " Well I'm getting tired of how she is. She would get mad even if I even talked to another girl without her around." " Even me?" I asked almost done with the sketch. " Even you! She would think that you liked me or something and that we were dating behind her back." I almost didn't manage to conceal how much I would like that particular situation. " Why is that?" he questioned. " I don't know. Probably because of what happened last year," " Maybe... Hey are you done scribbling yet?" he asked before I handed him my folder. " This is really good." Jay said admiring my work. It was a sketch of a girl sitting on a bench reading a book at the park. It was simple,but very intricate at the same time. " It's just a sketch to vent on. I've done much better." I said looking at the digital clock on the wall. " Have you ever thought about going to art school?" Jay asked curiously. " Once or twice, but I really want to do something in the medical field. Maybe be a doctor or something." " You know you can do both." Jay pointed out handing me back the sketch. Just then the bell rang for the end of first period. " I guess I'll see you during lunch then." I said after gathering my things to go. " Yeah. Will you tell Alex why we can't eat together during lunch for me?" " Sure," I managed to get to second period in time to snag a seat next to Alex today. As usual, she was chatting up some cutie. How can she get mad at Jay when she is talking a hole in this guy's head. I'll wait till she's done before telling her about me and Jay's punishment. Hopefully, she won't jump to any conclusions. " Hey Alex," I managed to get in before class started. " What's up Syd?" she said turning away from the cute guy. " I got detention from Mr. Hall today," I said maybe a little too happily. " He's such a hothead. He gave me one last week just for laughing." Alex said taking out her mirror for the third time this class period to check her face. " Jay got us in trouble today. Now we both have to serve detention everyday during lunch for the rest of the grading period." " That's two weeks!" Alex screeched. Some of the other students turned to see who she was yelling at. " I know and it sucks." I said quietly. " So you two have it together?" asked Alex, still trying to get all the information right. " Yeah, and I wouldn't have it this long if Jay would have turned around." I said trying to make it clear that I didn't want to be in detention. " Oh, okay." Alex said all nonchalantly like it didn't bother her one bit. " That's it?" I asked a little suspiciously. Alex wasn't the type to just take something like that. " Yeah Syd. I don't care." |