Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1491597-Weird-Things-about-Plants
by Anubis
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Comedy · #1491597
Beware, you never know what plants are doing.
Appealing apples ate themselves
Bitter berries grumbled loudly
Cuddly cacti hugged everyone passing by
Drowsy daisies slept all day
Evil evergreen whacked people on the head
Fiery fungi burned down the forest
Giant grass engulfed the backyard
Hungry hay ate the horse
Irregular ivy climbed up the man’s leg
Jumping junipers crushed the dog
Killing kelp strangled the diver
Level lily pads floated down the river
Milling mosses are not good for the rock
Necking nettles irritated each other
Opening oranges can hurt the eyes
Pricking prickly pears poked the neighbor
Quacking aspens covered the squirrel with their leaves
Rubbing roses hurts your fingers
Standing saguaro towers over all
Throwing thistles can be fun and good for the environment
Under the underbrush, a rabbit itched a rash
Victorious Venus fly trap ate the fly
Wielding wheat is good for food production
X-rays can hurt the plants
Yelling yams scream in a can
Zooming zucchini speed down the road
© Copyright 2008 Anubis (black_dragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1491597-Weird-Things-about-Plants