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Rated: · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1489740
The legacy of The Iron Giant doesn't end,it has only begun.
A/N/Disclaimer:I in no shape or form own this,as it is a product of Warns. Bro and Mr. Brad Bird;he once said that the sequeal would be a bit outlandish.Which,I have done to a degree in this story but it more or less is my version of what happens next..Also,I will try my best to keep the characters close to the original ones (although they have grown of course) I've noticed there aren't many IG fanfics out,or any...Choosing to not want to see or read a continuation of a story is totally respectable. Some people won't agree with me,I accept that.But I've got some far out and groovy ideas. ^^

Chapter One:The Seventh Year.

I.April 28th,1964 Rockwell,Maine...

A gentle golden light settled from the ocean view all the way into the harbor of the relatively unsung historic fishing town. People went about their lives normally, contently, it had been seven years since the 'unknown invader' had given his life for their existence.

It was a debt that could not be re-paid except for moving forward with life. The new rays of the beginning sun stretched down to a craggy ledge, and intertwined with the dew-glistened grass to reveal an unrusted screw that lay against a large rock.

The screw just stayed there, undisturbed for the last six spring times. It laid there with no hint of importance or significance, peering out patiently.

Suddenly, it gave a small jolt. Then another and another. The screw then beeped.


A young woman sat back in her chair, gazing out the paneled glass window of her mother ship with deep, meditative eyes.She turned to look at the golden machine situtated at her right side.

"In shein tu aksink?"Where are the whereabouts of Droid 7000?

What appeared to be a head moved to meet her eyes with it's orange beams. It had been at work scanning and detecting the far reaches of space and time for days, but had not found a trace.

"Eh tun a shae un tavie kashin ta."Location is undetermined,Kina.

She sent the robotic entity a stiff glare, vowing to reprogram it the moment they found their subject. It still remained a mystery to her why the metal contraption always referred to her by her name, but it would undermine her very ethnics to ask it.

"Ka nat kuont tanis!"Droid 7000 located. Estimated time: four days, atmospheric conditions:suitable.Nutritional availability: is plentiful.

The fem-droid reported methodically. She turned to order the bot:

"A kins ta vadum astur waskin ta gutan."Activate homing device.

Kina smiled inwardly, imagining setting her sights on the droid for the first time.It was the last of it's kind and was only days away.


April 28th,1964:Iceland...

A large vessel approached from behind a small isle of ice, coming near the triangular shape of a whale's fin arching above it.Many men worked to steer the ship around and prep a huge harpoon.

"Ready it,now!"Someone called loudly.

The frigid waters moved against them as they attempted circling in the direction of the fin,but managed to get a good position so that the barbed head would aim directly for the fin's mid-dorsal.

As they drew closer a few men noticed something peculiar about it,the water-washed fin looked to have bolts running around the right side of it.Gasps escaped as the gray skin appeared metal.

It was obvious there had been a ship wreck.Hats were removed for a moment of prayer when a deep shift in the iced-over ground made them look back up.A giant silohouette formed from the fog.

All of a sudden,a giant hand reached for the object fixated into the small island of ice and the medium-sized glacier.The whale hunters gaped as a being with big,white eyes dislodged it's arm.


Mother of pearl,the reports are true!It's the robot who hides in the glaciers and attacks ships.It's come to devour our ship,men!"

They watched in befuddlement as the giant reattached it's own metal limb,while one man aggressively knocked another aside to get to the harpoon and direct it right where the chest area was.

"Over my dead body will I let this creature do me in."He vowed.

The giant's eyes fell to illuminate him and he instantly saw the intelligence that lay beyond the calm,ivory beams.Most of all the man saw that the giant had purposely placed his arm there.

It had baited them.

A squelching noise broke the awed daze and the giant reached it's hand down to where the guy fell to his back in surprise that such a creature could be sentient;fear had avoided him entirely.

"Sir!"One of his men called."The creature is reaching down for meh,no,no,ahh!"

The sound of something hard crunched;as bones being grinded might sound.

When he looked up the harpoon was ripped from the floor boards and plopped into the giant's mouth.That's when he saw that a screw was missing from the jawline,leaving the mandible askew.

Yet the harpoon was eaten nevertheless.

They watched incredulously as it spat out the end of the harpoon and pegged it into it's empty hole.Testing the makeshift securer,it gave what appeared to be a satisfied smile.

An antenna suddenly slid out the middle of the giant's head and sent a nearly invisible ultraviolet wave out into the air.There was a moment where it stopped slightly before vanishing all together.

It seemed to be picking something up...

"Ho-garth..."The strange name echoed like a memory long awaiting to re-surface.

The men turned terrified in their fascination when it looked back down to them,gave their hull a small push with it's finger tip to send them floating back and readied itself.

They all watched as the metal being bent it's knees and gave a launch into the air.It's enormous body enveloped their light in shadow and they feared they would be belly-flopped to death,but a moment later the Giant had vanished totally.

More ultraviolent rays had shielded it's body in a wide but thin cloaked spectural.

Flames rippled furiously like rocket fuel being churned out of it's combustion chamber over the gawking observers,and before any person could get out a single word,the fire trails had vanished.

"Where do you think it be goin'?"Someone found their voice to ask the obvious.

No one had an answer.


May 1st,1964:Rockwell,Maine...

A large,red motorcycle raced down the main road with a smaller green one right at it's end,the tail pipes glowing as if they were about to send out jets of fire.Both cycles slowed to the local diner.

People glanced up from what they were doing momentarily,while both riders manuvered their way into the parking lot.The crimson paint gleamed freshly as the person removed a matching helmet.

"You're old man and lady did you one right,Garth."

The sixteen-year-old gave a side grin over at his friend before adjusting the mirror on his handle bar."I'll say,"he replied as he examined his angular features."Dean and Mom don't disappoint."

"We'd have been here sooner if you hadn't stopped to work on that tractor."

"What can I say?John needed a hand.Besides,I'm gonna own my own body shop."

A small spot of stubble was growing on his chin and he fingered it a bit worriedly,shaving was always a pain.Sighing,Hogarth put the kick stand down and checked his wallet for his few quarters.

"Hey,bro."Billy slapped a hand on his padded shoulder."Think you can bum a twenty-five cent piece?I'm a little low on dough."

"You're up to three bone,man."

"Aw,c'mon,be a pal.How about I write an 'I Owe You'?"

He gradually reached over to give him a quarter,when the sight of a hippie gathering caught his attention.Hogarth was ready to disregard them when a long,honey blonde girl with brown eyes made him drop most of his change.

She sat behind a folding table reading a book under a tree.

"Who's that?"

"Who?"Billy asked distractedly,scrambling for the fallen coins.

"Her."He felt a lump in his throat as he pointed her out.

"That hippie chick?I think her name's Taylor Evans from English class."

"Is it okay if I see you around...?"

"Wait."he caught his friend's shoulder and whispered."Are you really gonna go after that free-lovin' female?"

Hogarth glared at him.

"What?Girls like that only want to go with you for the-"

"I get it."

Despite his friend's warning,Hogarth felt himself gravitated toward the girl where several other hippie teens were braiding hair or tye-dying shirts while some were doing balloon animals.

She was a petite girl of around sixteen with almost china doll-like features,hazel-ish eyes,a small bow-shaped mouth and a tiny,slightly upturned nose set in a perfect oval face while framed by straight,honey-blonde hair with a tie-dye bandana.

Hogarth swiped a thick-toothed comb from his back pocket and ran it through his tossled brown hair once before approaching her.

"So,"He rested an arm on the counter cockily."What is all this?"

Taylor raised a brow."Ways for raising money for the vet clinic down town.Fifty cents per item."she added to him.

A boy paused from dipping a shirt."Fifty cents?But it's-Oof!"

It was apparent his foot had been stomped on.

"Fifty cents?"Hogarth reached into his pocket and flipped a coin up expertly into the air."Kind of steep,isn't it?Well,I would go on ahead but it looks like I only have one quarter.Sorry about that."

"No problem."She snatched it up in mid-air.

"Hey."he tried getting it back,faltering a bit."You can't just-"

"Here."Taylor placed a partial ballon in his hand."It's half off."

Hogarth lifted a clear red stub by the rear legs."Is this a tail...?"

"Mm-hm."She smiled sweetly."I made it up to be a donkey."

He smiled back dryly."You're aren't as funny as you think you are."

She stood up."And you're not as cool as you think you are."

"Well,maybe I happen to like leather jackets."he pulled on his collar."And motorcycles."

"And maybe I have a unique sense of humor that goes underappreciated."

"How much was it really?"Hogarth demanded.

The two stared each other down a moment before Taylor let out a weary sigh,slipping back down in her folding chair defeatedly.

"Ten cents,"she admitted before holding out a dime and nickel to him."It's hard to believe,but we haven't had many kids by."

"Not that hard.When I was a kid I always had my nose buried in a comic book."He gave her hand a dismissive wave."Save a pup."

"I didn't mean to con you."She tried giving him his change.

"Yes,you did."

"But not personally.

"But,intentionally."Hogarth pointed out,his index finger in the air for exaggerated emphasise."I put up with many things.But lying about lying?"

She gave a laugh before ushering him away."All right,get going.I think we've already gone and made enough of a scene as it is..."

He turned perplexed when she suddenly trailed off and turned to see Gordan

Rhineston behind him.The bigger teen stood with his shoulders brought back and his body poised in order to confront.

"Gord,"Hogarth greeted him casually."Long time no stench."

"You hittin' on my girl,Hughes?"

"I don't hit girls,and I'm pretty sure people don't still own people."

Gordon loomed down closer to his face."She's my girl."he hissed.

"Guys."Taylor sounded in a struggle to stay level."Come on."

"I'm handlin' this,babe."

"You're making a scene,Gord."She told him.

"Gord?"Hogarth tried not to inhale the jock's foul breath."That's that vegetable they use during Halloween,right?With pumpkins."

The acne-prone face turned from suspicion to confusion to anger.

"You're askin' for it,loser face."

"Ever wonder what one pants leg is called?Is it pants or pant?"

He fumbled a bit with the square brass buckle as Gorgan kept a towering vantage point over him,but grinned slightly when he got it.

"What the-?!"

The bigger boy scrambled to regain a more secure lift for the blue jeans that were failing him.When he got them situated,he thrust a hand out for Hogarth only to find his belt latched onto his wrist.

"Well,you were sort of asking for it."

"Let go!Let go!"

When Hogarth turned to see Taylor's reaction,she was going to board a volkswagon bus while the others loaded the stand inside of the trunk.The girl gave him an unsure glance before getting on.

Hogarth started to move in her direction."Taylor..."

The door closed shut and the automobile left.Everything had back-fired.

He took pity on the stumbling bully by undoing the thick belt,and walked over to his bike to leave.Hopefully his mom had not seen.

A quick glance over toward the diner's window showed Billy giving him two thumbs up in mock congradulations with Taylor while he sucked some of the fizz off his cream soda.Hogarth stuck his hand in his jacket pocket and gave him a subtle Bird.

When his mother turned to wave with a smile at him,he gave a customary wave back and steered the heavy machine out onto the road,stopped to look both ways and started heading home.Something then made him pause to turn toward the setting sun far out in the distance.

His bike was poised toward home and yet he still stared toward the western sky ablaze in bright oranges and pinks.Afraid that he would start remembering,the young man started his destination.

Thinking that it would happen would only serve to erode his acceptance of things.

To be continued...

© Copyright 2008 Lavenderpaw (blueskybandet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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