Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1489344-Callan-Sent-From-Above-Part-Four
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Family · #1489344
More and more of our miracle life.
October 13th, 2008 - Callan claps his hands now and laughs. He can pull himself up now too. And he has discovered he has teeth and how to bite with them! Little booger! We exchanged his monkey Halloween costume for a Knight costume. Adam and Krystal bought Ethen a monkey Halloween costume and I did not want them to be the same thing. They aren't twins and it's not cute. So anyways, now he will be my little Knight in Shining Armor!

October 19th, 2008 - This morning Callan was a little fussy. I think it is because his top left K9 tooth is coming in. He woke up at about 6:30am screaming and I pciked him up and he snuggled in my arms. I took him back to bed with me but the minute I let go of him, he started to cry. So I had to hold him in my arms and he was comforted. This lasted for almost two hours until he was finally fully awake. Poor guy. I feel so bad for him because I know he is in pain but I also like how he needs his mama and wants to cuddle with me.

This upcoming week will be really busy for us. But it should be fun. We are going to an award luncheon for Jason. He is geting the Fort Hood Heroes Award for all his help and volunteering at the USO. Then we are going to the Fall Festival, and then the Harvest Fest and possibly another pumpkin patch. And then of course Halloween. I love this time of year.

October 26th, 2008 - I made my son cry for the first time today. I yelled at him. I've yelled before when he was doing something he isn't supposed to. But most times he just laughs, or on the rare occasion, he listens. But does an 8 month old really know what I'm yelling at him for? So I feel bad I made him cry. It was definetly nap time. He was crabby and tired and rubbing his eyes. So I put him in his swing. When he is that tired, it usually rocks him to sleep fairly quickly. But today he put his foot up on the pole to stop the rocking. I said to him, "No!" and moved his foot. But he laughed and did it again. This time I yelled louder, "I said no!" and moved his foot again. Then his pouty lip started to tremble and his eyes got watery and then it was full on crying. I had to look away from him or else I would have picked him up and comforted him and apologized. I'm a wimp. Gee, you think that's why he is spoiled? He finally did fall asleep.

On a happier note, we carved pumpkins today. Callan loved it. He loved the gooey strings of the pumpkin innards in his hands. He tried to eat it! It was so much fun! I love watching him experience new things.

Callan got his first boo boo. He was playing on the floor on his mat and did a face plant right into the V-Tech Driver. He cut his forehead open. Of course Mama freaked out a little. Mama's gotta get a little tougher. (Daddy for that matter too!) We are the parents of a boy afterall.

October 27th, 2008 - The last week or so at night has been rough. At first we thought it might be because Callan was getting some more teeth. But now I'm not so sure. He will sleep until about 4am or 5am and then wake up screaming. Before that he would fuss at night and I would put his nook in and he would fall back asleep, no problem. But now instead of fussing, it is screaming. And putting the nook in just ain't working. So every morning we take him out of the crib and put him in his swing and he instantly falls back asleep. And I end up sleeping on the couch for one or two more hours. I think it is about time we just let him cry it out in his crib.

Callan has been going through some seperation anxiety. He will freak out if Jason or I leave the room or if he can't see us. It is very frustrating! But this morning he played in his room all by himself for about twenty minutes! Yay!
© Copyright 2008 Hayley Decker Kolb (callansmama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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