Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1489327-Callan-Sent-From-Above-Part-Three
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Family · #1489327
More of our miracle.
Today is September 19th, 2008, and I know I have not been very good about writing in this, but being a mom keeps me busy. Callan is over 6 1/2 months old. Hard to believe. But he is growing so much and is such a little man. He sits up on his own now and he likes to stand. Anyday now he will be off running! He has his first two bottom teeth! Man it was awful to go through him cutting those teeth. I know he was in a lot of pain but I did cherish the times when he wanted his mommy and he would snuggle with me. He can hold his own bottle now and feed himself. Yay! We tried him on the sippy cup but he was not quite ready for that so we will try maybe next month. He can feed himself pieces of crackers too. It is just so cool to watch all the things he does. I am so glad it is Fall now - my favorite time of year. And I am looking forward to all the Fall activities we can do, especially going to the pumpkin patch with Callan, and Halloween. We got him a monkey costume, since he is our little monkey! Hee hee. Callan tasted pumpkin for the first time today and he loved it! Jason and I have been talking about having another baby before it is too late for us. I do want another child, a companion and playmate for Callan. I don't want him to be an only child. Maybe a sister for him. It is something to think about, but right now all my attention is for Callan, and he can be a handful! Man, I love our little monkey!

October 7th, 2008 - I'm sitting here on the bed writing this and Callan is laying here next to me, kicking me and making it hard to concentrate. He is gurgling his spit and saying "Ma!" and playing with his whale from SeaWorld. I can't believe he is over 7 months already. I know I say that all the time about his age, but it is true. The time goes so fast. The other morning he woke up at 6am and that is too early, so I took him back to bed with me and Jason. I thought for sure he would keep us up, kicking and fussing. But he fell asleep between me and Jason with his head curled into Daddy's armpit! It was the perfect moment. The little moments I live for. I think Callan is cutting his top teeth now. His two bottom teeth came in about a month ago and what a rough time that was. He is getting to be a bear again, fussy and mean. So I'm almost certain it's his teeth. Although I do think my son will have an attitude we will continually have to deal with. Ha ha. Ok, he is getting ornery with me, so I guess I better go! Off to be a mama!
© Copyright 2008 Hayley Decker Kolb (callansmama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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