Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1488455-Forbidden-Love
by Levan
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · LGBTQ+ · #1488455
What a vampire has to go through when he finds a person he loves.
         I walk through this darkened forest. The only guide I have is the radiance of the moon. All alone I am since I am hated. I guess I understand why people can hate my kind. I once was human with many friends but now those friends hate me for what has happened. I did not choose to become this but I merely have. That bite on my left neck from two years ago that has never left me and every time I see it I think back to then. When I was at home just working on my homework my mother came in a rage. Fear had filled my heart when I saw her kill my dad and than she bit me. I was saved by our neighbor and the good thing is that he didn't notice that I had been bitten. I left and have moved from place to place till where I am now. Well now is the time for me to get blood, hopefully I can find some animal so that I don't have to suck blood out of a human. I still feel sorry for those animals but I do what I have to to survive. I only get blood when I absolutely need it so I don't have to drink blood every night or two. I guess it could be worse than how my life is as a vampire because I probably could get fried by the sun if I wasn't resistant to it. I walk slowly in the forest looking for any movement that might be an animal. Suddenly I see something scurry on the forest floor in front of me. I grab it quickly before it gets away. I see that it is a rat and now, in order to survive, I bite one of the rat's blood vessels in its back. Sucking the blood out of it, the taste is a sweet nectar to me but probably disgusting to humans. The thing is that blood is the only thing that even tastes good. The food that normal humans eat tastes bitter to me. Well now to see if this rat dies, stays like a regular rat, or becomes a vamp rat. As far as I know there is and 80% chance of the rat dying, 15% chance of it staying the same, the last 5% is that it will become a vamp rat. If it does become a vamp rat than I will have to kill it so that it doesn't just suck up blood rapidly. I watch the rat for fifteen minutes and see no changes.
         "Phew...Good thing that I don't have to kill this one. Every time I did kill one I would cry for some reason. I just wish there was someone to listen to me talk so that I wouldn't feel so lonely." Guess I should get going to the next village. I never know who will be following me. The only two things that I must watch out for are older vampires and vampire slayers. Well the next village isn't far and hopefully I can get a good rest at the inn without them noticing I'm a vampire. Better get going since at night is a time for many vampires and vampire slayers. I walk out of the forest in about ten minutes and than five more minutes to get to the village. I walk as fast as I can by the people since the urge for more blood growing, since I had just sucked blood not long ago. My fangs were starting to grow longer and the top two start to poke out. Good thing they don't come out far or someone might notice easily. I get into the inn and not many people are here so my fangs shorten back to normal size. I walk to the only counter in this room that has the inn keeper behind it.
         “Hello. What is it that you need?” the inn keeper said.
         “I would like to get a room. I'll take whatever you have.”
         “Lucky for you we have one last room. That will be fifty copper pieces.” I take out a pouch from my pocket and get the fifty copper pieces out of it. I hand him the money. He hands me the key. I could feel my fangs growing again as I see one of his veins that could easily be seen through his tan skin.
         “Thank you.”
         “It's room fifteen. That is on the second floor.” I quickly walk up the stairs and start to search for room fifteen. I walk pass four sets of doors, two on the left and two on the right, than find my room on the right. I unlock the door and quickly go inside. I lay on the bed, trying to stop my urge for more blood. My fangs were poking out of my mouth and I hope they go back to normal size soon. I shouldn't have come here right after I just ate but I needed to make sure I could be safe. At first I actually thought that it was cool being vampire but now I'm in the middle. It is cool and not cool now. Cool because of my abilities but not cool due to the need of blood. Good they are back to their normal size now. I should try to get some sleep now since I haven't slept in the past three days. I close my eyes and drift quickly to sleep.
         I get out off the bed and open up the window. “Good morning people and animals.” I hope nobody heard that but oh well. I should leave soon so that nobody will try to kill me. I grab the key and leave the the room. I rush down the stairs and the person who runs this place is luckily there. I hand him back the key. “Thank you for the room.”
         “I should be thanking you since you didn't bite any of my customers and me.” How did he know that I'm a vampire? I thought I hid my teeth well since they weren't poking out that much.
         “What are you talking about?” I tried hiding my surprised self but I don't think I did well.
         “Don't worry. I won't tell anyone, especially since you seem to be different from the other vampires that have come here.”
         “I need to leave now so goodbye.”
         “Bye.” I leave through the door way. How did he know? I could have stayed but if I did I don't know what would have happened. I walk along the dirt path leading out of the village and not many people are up at this time. I have this weird feeling that someone is following me but if I turn around I most likely wouldn't be able to find out. Eventually I reach the outskirts of town and no one is around except for my stalker.
         “Hmph. Now we are all alone and I can kill you without having to hear the people,” the person who has been following me said. I turn around and see a guy that looks my age. He is wearing a dark black leather jacket that hid the rest of his clothes. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He pulls out a dagger and so do I. I know I have to defend myself but I'm not going to kill him.
         “I was suspecting someone older for a vampire slayer but your my age.”
         “Yeah right. You are probably hundreds of years old. Oh well this should show your true self.” He cuts him self on the arm just enough for a little bit of blood to come out. My teeth came out fast as I smelled the scent of his blood. The urge for his blood is stronger than for anybody else so far. I fall onto the ground and tightly dig into the ground to stop myself.
         “Please get away. I don't want to suck your blood. I told myself I wouldn't suck anybodies' blood so please just get away. I can't control myself much longer so just get away.”
         “You would like that wouldn't cha? I'm sorry but my job is to kill vampires, not show them mercy.” He rises his dagger ready to strike me. My body starts moving on it's own and I jump at him. I knock him down to the ground and grab his arms, which made the dagger fall out of his hand. When I look at him closely I notice how good looking he is and by the feel of his resistance I can tell that he is strong. I feel heat rising to my cheeks and release this guy from my grip. I couldn't suck his blood even when I'm not in control of my self.
         “I need to go. You can chase me if you want but I don't care right now.” How could I think that a guy is good looking and why did I get so flustered. I run away from him quickly and go into a forest. Hopefully I can hid myself from him so that I can think a little bit. I run deeper into the jungle so that I might have a chance. So am I attracted to guys? I never was attracted to girls at all so I guess I should have been expecting it. What do I do now? I guess it doesn't really matter that I'm gay since my mother and father are dead plus I have no friends now. I start to smell his blood again and know that he is close by. My teeth grew again but I had no urge for his blood now for some odd reason. I hope he hasn't lost too much blood by now or he could get his self hurt.
         “Where are you vamp?” I look around a tree that is in front of me and see him. I notice that he is starting to walk awkwardly. It is probably from all the blood he has lost by now. I should go up to him so that he doesn't lose to much blood. I hear a loud thud than run up to him lying on the ground. I turn him over and see that he has passed out. I see where the cut is on his wrist so I tear off some of my shirt and tie it around his wrist. I tear some more off and place it over my mouth and tie it behind my head. I pick him up onto my back and run all the way to the inn again. Once I get there I'm out of breath.
         “What happened?” the inn keeper said.
         “I'll tell you later just get me a place to put him in private.” He takes the key that I was given before. I follow him to the room and place the guy on the bed.
         “So are you going to tell me now?”
         I take of the piece of cloth from my mouth and say, “He tried drawing me out by cutting him self. I had the urge to suck his blood but I keep in control of my self. Man my teeth haven't gone back to normal size yet.”
         “So that is how it is than? Why didn't you just leave him there since he will probably try to kill you.”
         “I have my reasons. I just didn't want to see another thing die due to me.”
         “I'm sure there are other reasons but I'll leave you two alone since I do have to run this place.” The inn keeper left the room and I keep my eyes on the guy I didn't know anything about. My body started moving on its own and my head got closers to his. Suddenly I noticed that my lips are connected to his and the good thing is that my fangs have went all the way to normal size. I feel my cheeks heating up again and getting redder. Suddenly I feel a push on my chest that moved me away.
         “What the hell do you think your doing? Never ever kiss me again especially since we are both guys. Plus your a vamp and I still want to kill you.” He started trying to get up.
         “Not so fast. Be careful.”
         “Ow my head,” he said.
         “You should just lay down. I didn't suck any of your blood so there is no chance for you to become a vampire from me. I'll be leaving soon so that you don't have to see me again. I'll ask the inn keeper to take of you so bye.”
         “I will find you so that I can end things with you.”
         “Do what you want. I don't really care anymore about it.” I walk out the door and down the stairs. I pay the inn keeper the money for a night. “Take care of him please.”
         “You are definitely a weird vampire. Especially since you've fallen for a vampire slayer.”
         “How did you know?” I am totally shocked that he figured that out even though he didn't see me kiss him.
         “Just the way you were treating someone without knowing them.”
         “Well I must be going before anything else happens.” I leave the inn and feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. That was probably the last time I will ever see him. Maybe I'll find some other guy that is a vampire but that will be hard to do. I leave the village with my head down so that I couldn't see the faces of the people. I hope that I can still control myself from drinking human blood. I already miss him even though I don't know him. If only someone could just kill me now I would probably feel better. I wonder if this is why other vampires drink human blood without regret. I could try killing myself but I can't bring myself to doing it. I guess I'll go wait for him outside the village to see if he will come after me. I reach the village gates and leave the village. I stay just outside the gate and tears start falling out of my eyes. Why am I so sad when I didn't even know anything about that guy other than that he wanted to kill me? I'm so confused that I don't understand anything anymore. Man why does crying make me sleepy? I guess I can go to sleep anyway since I doubt that anyone will bother me. I lay on the ground and close my eyes.
         “Huh. What's this cover on me?” It's a blue blanket and I take it off of me. A note is on top of me too. I pick it up and read:

         Look let's talk. I just need to explain something to you. I'll wait in the forest for you for a couple of days even though I doubt that you will come anyways. I'm not going to try to kill you this time and if you haven't figured out who this is by now it's me, the vampire slayer. Well hopefully I'll see you and please bring my blanket with you if you do come.

         Well I guess I can go. Right now I'm not really in the mood to see him but I do need to give him back his blanket. I have nothing better to do anyways. I walk into the forest and go in the place where he became unconcious.
         “Are you here? I brought your blanket back.”
         “Yeah. I wasn't sure you would come though. I thought that you would think that I would still kill you even if I said that I would in the letter.”
         “It's just that I don't care if you kill me anymore. Anyway what did you want to talk about?”
         “Stingy. Looks let's start over and actually get to know each other. You should actually get to know a person before you kiss that person. So let's forget everything that has happened before. My name is Anthony. What is yours?” I must still be asleep or this guy is really weird. He must be planning something since he wanted to kill me before and he was disgusted at the kiss that we had that should have never happened.
         “I guess I'll tell you. I'm Drake.”
         “Good now I know your name so now we can get to know each other. So why don't you tell me something about yourself?” He is definitely up to something but I can't figure it out. The best thing I can do at the time right now is to go along with this even though he is acting to nice that it is suspicious.
         “Well I'm sixteen years old whether you believe me or not. I've been a vampire for two years so I've been going from place to place for the last two years. Ask me questions and I'll answer them maybe.”
         “Now that I think of it Drake sounds familiar. It's at the back of my mind but I can't think of it.”
         “You've probably heard of an occult that worships a vampire by the name of Drusilla. My parents were in that occult so members of that occult must try to get the name of their children close to that of Drusilla. I'm glad that I wasn't in that occult or I could have been killed if I was.”
         “No that's not it but I am searching for that vampire so that I can kill her. Now I remember, a friend of mine that moved to my village two years ago had a friend name Drake but suddenly Drake disappeared.”
         “What's his name?!” Could that have been my friend he was talking about?
         “His name is Ralph. Why do you ask?” I can't believe it. I wonder what happened to my friend Ralph.
         “I'm the friend that he told you about. I can't believe that you know him. How has he been? What did he tell you about me?” I couldn't help myself but smile since I haven't heard about my friends for two years.
         “Your him? Why don't we go see him our selves?”
         “I doubt that he would want to see me in and especially in this condition.”
         “Well he does want to see because he was always saying under his breath that he wanted to see you again. It is going to be hard though since the village I live in is the place where a lot of vampire slayers are. I guess we will start by getting you some new clothes and cutting your hair. Might need to get you some more of whatever is protecting you from the sun so that you don't turn into dust.”
         “I guess we can get me some new clothes and cut my hair. I don't know what stuff you are talking about that protects a vampire from the sun though.”
         “What are you talking about? You should have an amulet or something that protects you from the sun and the magic effects can only last for so long.”
         “Nope. I could walk naked in the sunlight and still not get turned into dust.”
         “You sure are a weird vampire. Anyway let's go find a place that we can cut your hair, get you a shower, and change your clothes. I have some extra clothes and since we are about the same size they should fit you. Got any ideas where we could go?”
         “We could try that inn keeper. He seemed nice. It was weird though that he knew that I'm a vampire.”
         “Yeah. Let's go to him. I now have to ask him something.”
         “May I know what you are going to tell him?”
         “You'll find out once we get there.”
© Copyright 2008 Levan (levan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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