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Rated: E · Script/Play · History · #1486769
English Project review on the story its self, if it feels like the industrial revolution
Elizabeth- Got you, you little brat!

William- Please ma’am t’was an accident

Elizabeth- Accident you say? As in accident you mean slipping your hand down my pocket to steal my purse?

William-Ma’am it dint happen like that I swear to it.

Elizabeth- Oh please do explain then.

Damn it, no way out of this one I say, must be confesin, maybe she’ll let me off easy.

William- Yeah alright t’was me.

Hah, knew I would get this child, to easy, no plan to these people just hit and run. Come to think of it he doesn’t much look like a child..

Elizabeth- Yes I should think so, look you have dirtied my dress now with your grubby little hands, god’s boy do you not bathe.

William- Would if I could ma’am.

Elizabeth- what’s that’s supposed to mean?

William- Well ya know got a job an all.

Elizabeth- A job? Gracious me, how old are you? What do you do?

William- 12 ma’am, work down the old mine’s.

12? 12? That’s the same age as me, yet he looks so much smaller, weaker.  No wonder I could out run him. Poor boy… no, no he tried to steal from me and he must face the consequences.

Elizabeth- Well never mind that, we are not here for a chat are we. Where’s your mother and father I should think they would like to know about this.

William- I aint got no mam or pa, they sorta went gone when I was 8.

Elizabeth- By went gone you mean disappeared?

William- Began your pardon miss but I don’t know what that means.

Poor boy, he couldn’t have gone to school, that or he had a bad tutor.

Elizabeth- Vanished?

William- Yeah that’s what they do, vanished.

Elizabeth- dear me, who is your guardian then?

William- aint got no guardian either, just me and me 8 year old sis.

Elizabeth- How do you pay for your clothes and food then?

Come to think of it, it looks like he hasn’t changed in months.

C’mon William don’t look like a fool now, don’t tell her you can’t afford new clothes.

William- Like I said ma’am I work. But sometimes I need to different work if you know what I mean (hands the purse over)

Elizabeth- oh I see.

This boy is very strange, no schooling, no parents, how does he live? Best to forget the pick pocket incident, he has enough of his own trouble.

William- (groans)

Elizabeth- What is it? (Alarmed)

William- It’s me back ma’am.

Looking at him now she could see his back was weirdly bent.

Elizabeth- what happened? Why does is look so weird?

Great now I have a weird back, this could not get any more embarrassing, first out ran by a girl now this.
William- Well uhh, I guess it’s the mines. I have to bend down a lot so it kinda got stuck like that I guess, hurts now and again.

Elizabeth- Well why don’t you take breaks from work then?

William- Break? Haha they will just replace me, then I won’t have any money for me and Belle.

Elizabeth- How cruel! I should have a talk with this scum who is so cruel.

William examines Elizabeth.

How nice this girl had become, even after I stole her purse. It’s like she aint never seen the slums before. She looks so beautiful in that dress, that long wavy brown hair. Ugh my hairs a mess, why do you have to be scruffy!

(Williams ruffles with his hair trying to straighten it)

Elizabeth caught the action

How nice this boy is. He doesn’t look that bad, I bet if he was wearing one of my brothers buttoned up shirt and brown shorts he would look pretty hansom. What nice eyes he has too, looks like he’s wearing the mascara make up.

Servant: Dear girl where are you?

Elizabeth: My servant is coming, quickly get out of here! Wait, wait take this buy yourself some new clothes and get a bathe!

William- Thank you ma’am good bye!

As William ran off down the alley he turned suddenly for one last time.

William- Say ma’am what’s your name?

Elizabeth- Elizabeth, and yours?

William- Will.

Elizabeth- Well then will I bid you fare well.

She then smiled with one of the most dazzling smiles Will had ever seen.

William- Yes good bye!

Wow Elizabeth… what a beautiful name.
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