Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1483003-Symantics---Abandoned-Draft
by 65days
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1483003
A science fiction thriller about timetravel and love.Abandoned and will never be finished.







While I speak, they're probably on their way. In fact I hear them now, rushing up the stairs yelling and stomping around. This file includes the complete documentation of my findings. Absolutely everything, all the statistics, the theories. Every aspect of codenamed: 'H.A.L.O' is included. Before you read on through the statistics I must warn you. They will find you, so after you have quenched your thirst on this valuable information you must destroy it afterwards. If it falls into their hands, everything and everyone will fall.

You must be wondering who 'they' are. They are an elite group a militants hired by a mega-corporation called 'Dynasty Physics'. DP has been trying to find a hole (codenamed: halo) for years now. Their sole belief was that a tear in space time existed somewhere on earth. So they assumed that somewhere on earth was a hole, which sent matter through a flux into the past. After being labeled as 'a waste of money' the little hype soon died down. Little did they know is that this flux actually existed. After the initial hype me and two other renegade colleges (un-expectingly) found the hole, and they found out about our 'off the books research' we became enemy number one. H.A.L.O was located in a crawl space just north of Suffield medical research center. In this documentation I will depict the bizarre events in which follow the discovery, the use and the ultimate destruction of H.A.L.O.

*Un-comprehensible static*





//download complete 100%





-End of transmission-

March 19th 1996

19:02 hours

“An odd energy reading has appeared on our screens.”

“What kind of energy reading?”

“I'm not sure sir, but theres a lot of it and it's happening right now.”

Giles Stood up from his seat and peered over his comrades shoulder. Sure enough there it was, a strange blue light radiating north of the precinct. Giles went back to his desk and fumbled through some papers and retrieved a long sheet of numbers.

“This has been happening for weeks.”

“Sir, thats impossible, how did we not see it before.”

Giles fumbled the papers again and began to read out levels.

“Alpha 0.24%

Gamma 2.4%


“Thats impossible sir, we would all be dead.”

Giles sat down in his chair, he surveyed the room. The small enclosed room was dark, claustrophobic, only one window nestled shyly in the top right corner. The warmth was always overwhelming, all the equipment chattering and whirring, printers scratching, dials turning. Giles and his comrade sat at altar to a heavy and complicated control table, dotted with numerous screens all shining brightly with graphs and numbers. A dim red light shone above their heads.

But not as boring as it would seem. A television set no bigger than 10inches sat propped up above a fridge. Always muted, but the smooth moving images kept the men sane.

Giles, in his early 20's had just graduated top of his class at a leading physics college in San-Francisco. His short brown hair and rugged face showed the obvious signs of sleep and light deprivation. His shirt, unbuttoned to about the middle of his chest, had a vest hiding snuggly behind it. His trousers prim, nothing designer here, showcasing some coffee stains and a small tear down from his left pocket, but non the less still proved un-noticeable in the very dim light.

The desk as to which the two men sat was completely littered with papers. Some displaying intricate graphs and some just long lists of numbers, accommodated well to the already cluttered room.

Giles rubbed his temples in confusion.

“This makes no sense...The levels are equal to that of an x-ray, and these papers said it has been a constant for weeks now. How is this?”

His colleague tried to muster something but was interrupted by the phone.



He lifted his hand to cover the receiver.

“Sir it's someone with an important message for you.”

“Who is it?”

“He didn't say, but he named you exclusively sir.”

He grunted and rose from his seat to take the phone.

“This is Giles...”

“I've not got time to explain Giles...But listen closely, within the last couple of minutes, you noticed information about radiation levels north of where your situated.”

“How do you know that?”

“It's not how I know Giles, it's why I know...Just listen closely.”

Giles grabbed a seat and sat down slouching forward with his ear pressed hard against the receiver.

“In roughly and 20 minutes, DP Militants are going to raid your lab, you have to get out of there.”

Giles bolted upright. He was hanging on every word.

“Grab all of your studies and map details of the anomaly and go to Jessica and Brent's lab over in Riverside.”

“But what...why” Giles was stood up and ready to protest but the phone hung up.

Doing what he thought was best, he grabbed all of his research and stuffed it into a briefcase. He scooped up his laptop and headed for the door.

“Sir, where are you going?”

“Not now, I'll be back in the morning.”

He paced up to his car and unlocked it, he threw his peripherals into the backseat and sat down in the drivers seat. For a moment he pondered the authenticity of the phone call, but decided not to ignore what could be an authentic message.

* * *

Riverside was a short trip from Suffield, just up on to the M4 and it's straight sailing from there. The light from the roadside lamps pulsed as he cruised past them, the road long and dead, not a single car in sight. Complete darkness either side of the road, nothingness in front of him, the eerie relaxation was a some what buzz for him as he drove along, his exit drew nearer and shifted down to turn.

Dextrose Labs was not an unfamiliar place for Giles. He had spent many years here studying and relaxing. He made friends with the owners, Jessica and Brent. Husband and wife. The site always astonished him, the very modernized glass building stood proud at the dead end of a long cause-way. Surrounded by bushes and other beautiful foliage, it would be quite the summer home. Giles pulled up into the guest parking lot and grabbed his case and laptop from the back seat. He tapped onto the intercom and was met by a receptionist who sounded she had had a very long day.

“Yessss, whoissit?”

“Mr. Claymore here to see your superiors”

The noise of some curfuful was evident.

“Is that Giles Claymore of Suffield Medical Research center?” Said a familiar voice.

“Yes, yes it is Jessica”

“I'll let you in Giles.”

The intercom cut.


It added in a final spurt.

The parking lot was relatively empty apart from Giles' car and a couple others. The lot was surrounded by bushes that danced in the wind. Suddenly the gate started opening and he could see someone walking from the main entrance. Jessica, Jessica Anne-Marie Harper, what a women. Her face was hidden through a mess of black hair. Her body curved perfectly and fitted so well into her garments. A long work skirt drooped from her lazily and her shoes chinked against the concrete.

“Giles” She proclaimed as she lent in for a hug

“It's so nice to see you”

Giles hugged back.

“It's so ni....”

He was cut off, some of the bushes rattled violently, and faint voices could be heard. They both turned to search the scene, but whatever it was had gone now.

“Shall we go inside” She whispered still scanning the line of bushes.

Once inside the memories truly came flooding back. Days maybe weeks of sitting on the lobby floor at night, gazing through the glass ceiling to watch the stars. Making makeshift airplanes out of paper and throwing them from the awning just above the alcoved, semi circle shaped reception desk.

She caught him gazing.

“I missed you Giles, star gazing doesn't feel the same without you there to complain about them.”

He smirked and they walked into a meeting room.

“So what brings you out here at this hour” She said as she prepared some coffee.

“Business or pleasure?”

“Business” he replied hastily.

“Do you know if Brent is around?”

“Yeah, I called for him a moment ago he should be here soon.”

As it was said, Brent walked through the door. He was a towering man, gruff and not easily missed. He was wearing what should have been a lab coat but looked more like a mini skirt.

Giles rose and shook his hand.

“Giles it's good to see you” he said boasting a huge grin.

“It' good to see you too Brent, but seriously it's time for business.”

They all gathered around the table. He emptied his briefcase and turned on his laptop.

“This is some research I have recently discovered.”

He handed around the images and data sheets.

“As you can see, there is a tetra-thesis anomaly that has stayed at a constant for nearly four weeks now.”

The two looked dumbfounded, they glanced at each other briefly and averted their eyes back to the data sheets.

“This thesis, is being contained, it is the only explanation. There is no way that this could exist without being confined in some field.”

He loaded up the live feed and turned the monitor.

“We need to figure out what this is...”

He stopped. He reminisced in his head the phone conversation earlier.

“DP” he murmured under his breath.

“I think I have an idea. As you know mine and your company has been under the watchful eyes of Dynasty Physics. Now I have realized why.”

He paused

“Go on...” Brent said agitatedly

“We have been scanning our city for months now, to try and locate any drastic radiation bursts, so we can sort it before it becomes critical...”

He paused again.

“I received a phone call, not less than an hour ago, telling me to leave because what I had found had raised an alarm at DP. They said that DP was sending militants to my lab and I had to come here. But why?”

He basked in his thoughts.

“Dammit man, this is serious, what are you trying to say?!” Veered Brent

“This is it...I really think this is it!”

“What is it?!” Brent demanded.

“H.A.L.O” Giles whispered coolly.

The two sat in awe. Moments later a wide smile cracked across Brent's face.

“Halo? As in, the flux time shift that magically exists somewhere on earth?” He chuckled as he spoke.

“Exactly” Giles retorted.

Brent's laugh broke.

“Hydroxyl Auto-emission Low Ovulating field, a container that can withstand radiation levels up a millionth that of a human.”

“No thats impossible nothing can withstand such radiation.” Brent protested.

“No, no, no it can. This is why it went undetected for the time it did. It's field was protecting the flux. But it is dying, so the radiation is escaping....until”

“Until what?”

“Until the field completely depletes and the super compressed radiation is released.”

“Thats like...One million atom bombs with out the explosion, proving what your saying is true.” said Brent.

“We have to stop it”

Giles stood and shoved most of the papers into his briefcase and slammed his laptop shut. He turned towards the door and open it wide, about to leave he stopped in his tracks. He turned on the balls of his heels.

“What are you two waiting for?” He whistled

“Giles, look. We see that you have found something serious, but to go about calling it the one phenomena that was proved to be scientifically impossible is stupid, your just shooting blanks here.” Brent said, trying not to make eye contact.

“Fine, so be it.”

An abandoned looked crossed his face.

“Can I just use your phone then?”

“Yeah sure it's at the reception desk.”

He dragged his feet along the laminate flooring, completely stricken with what just happened. He retrieved the phone from the counter and mashed the numbers in.

Ring ring

Ring ring

No answer.

“Hmm, thats odd, he's never not answered a call.”

He turned to leave but Jessica stood in his path.

“Giles I'm sorry, but even you must see the outrageousness of what you are saying.”

“I do Jess, but what if I'm right? What if there is a ticking time bomb and only we know about it. I don't want to know everything but do nothing.”

Jessica pondered for a second.

“Maybe you're right, hang on a sec”

She marched back into the meeting room. Five minutes later she re-appeared with a defeated looking Brent following in her wake.

“You don't have to do this you know.”

“No, if your right and if it all goes tits up, I would hate to have not done anything.”

* * *

March 20th 1996


The air breathed salty. Once again the pulsing lights loomed over the car once more. Jessica and Brent sat nervously in the back seats. Giles fidgeted in his seat and wheeled down the window. The breeze was more than satisfying. But the silence was deafening. Giles dropping a gear to turn of again, shook the car and reminded the recipients where they were going.

“I just want to check in at my lab.” said Giles.

Silence was was the only reply.

They pulled into the long pontoon of a road, again, completely surrounded by bushes. His lab was nothing magnificent, commonly mistaken for a shed, it held nothing against the towering Medical center. Giles got out slowly and summoned to Jessica and Brent to stay where they were. He crept as best he could to the entrance and held is hand in his pocket erect. He boomed through the door and help up his pocket so it gave the illusion he had a gun stored there.

“I have a gun!” He yelled uncomfortably

There was no one there, or what he assumed. He scanned for a moment longer and then waltzed into the room. He slipped a little but didn't bother to investigate. The desk where the numerous papers lay was on it's side and all the papers littered the floor. He sifted through the papers and gathered a couple of road maps and turned to leave. He slipped again. This time curious he looked and saw what apeared to be blood. On further inspection he saw drag marks leading from the initial source and followed it to a blackened corner of the lab.

“What the...”

His comrade, which he had worked with for years lay on his side facing the wall. His head bore a large gash and his arms were limp.


Covering his mouth like he was going to vomit he turned and left. He broke into a sprint to a bush and let his stomach go. He puked and he puked and then sat on the grass. All he could see was his comrade laying limp, covered in blood. He glanced back over the shed and noticed what seemed to be a leg sticking out from behind the far wall. Unwilling to investigate he ventured back to the car.

“Are you okay Giles?”

“I'm fine”

“You look very white”

“I'M FINE” He boomed at the worrying Jessica.

“Look, I have some maps. Lets just get on with it shall we.”

Jessica looked down at her hands and muttered.


He revved up the car and pelted out of the scene. His feet kept slipping off the pedals because of the remaining blood. His mind was racing, about his comrade, his lab, everything. Was gone. He had nothing to go back to and if these militants were anything like they were rumored, he would be blamed. With nothing to loose he pulled up to a hard shoulder just to the left and read the maps. He started counting on his fingers and miming calculations. Scribbling on the maps and then handing them to Brent he started he car up again.

“It should be around that area somewhere. Which is about a ten minute drive from here.”

“Is that...is that a play park?” Brent said trying to interpret the papers.

“Yeah, it's in that general area. But I have a suspicion it wouldn't have sat in the middle of play park for god knows how long without being noticed.”

“Hmm, I guess there might be some service tunnels near by.”

They pulled up just outside a school and exited the car.

“But surely it can't be round here, and how do we know hat it looks like?”

“Well with the field being of molecular strength, it would have been too dense to be seen with the naked eye, but now it may just be visible and if it's like the simulation it should look like the spectrum.”

They investigated round the park for a good ten minutes, looking in every bush and under every man hole.

“Face it, it's not here Giles” Brent exclaimed through heavy sighs.

“No guys I think I found it!” Jessica bellowed from some bushes.

Brent and Giles quickly ran over and what they saw stopped them in their tracks, A parade of beautiful colors danced in the dark, they emitted from a crawlspace in the side of an abandoned utility room. The grate lay on the floor a Jessica kneeled just beside it.

“Jessica away from there!” Yelled Brent.

The three stood and stared at the dancing colors. A strange warmth radiated from it. Giles gestured to go back to the car. Once inside he started up the engine.

“Wait, where are we going?”

“We have to think things through properly, we can't just go marching through time. Assuming that it's possible and not dangerous. We have to consider what would happen if we do this, if we could do it. What the dangers are.”

Brent sat back and agreed solemnly.

The car slowed at some traffic lights and Giles noticed some headlights behind them, he dismissed them as nothing.


Someone yelled. Jessica and Brent turned to look. But Giles drove of through the green light. The car behind following. They pulled from the traffic lights and headed to turn off. Then everything slowed down, the car started to tip to the drivers side, the loud screeches of screaming and crushing metal were deafening. Glass fluttered about like feathers and Giles kept the steering wheel held tight. All he could see was the world rotating before him. The back end hit first. Crushing the roof completely down on the two passengers. Giles' head smashed hard against his window. It was then he felt the warmth of his blood trickle down his head. Jessica's screams faded to some low spluttering and there wasn't a peep from Brent.

Giles started to stir, he could hear car doors opening, footsteps, the faint murmurs of conversation.

“You hit them pretty hard...”

“...He said render them immobile”

“Wait, who's that over there?”

“...A witness?”

The sound of gun shots echoed through the air, men yelling and running.

Pop, pop, pop.

Shot after shot. Body after body hitting the floor. Giles started to stir again. His eyelids growing heavy. He could not keep them open much more. Then, silence.

* * *

March 20th 1996


The ground felt cold against Giles head. He flailed his arm to check the area, but hit nothing. He fought to open his eyes and noticed he was on a side walk in front of a wreck. He tried to sit up and it proved to be quite the quest, using a wall and pushing himself of the ground he propped himself against a wall. He flicked his head to his left and saw the silhouette of a man huddled over a body. Giles' hearing had not fully recovered. He tried to speak.


Nothing came out. He spluttered again. Now his hearing came back to him, he glanced over again and he made out Brent cradling a body, sobbing.


No reply. Giles stood and tried to gain balance but lost it a few times. After some struggles a hugged the wall and came over to Brent. What he saw was gut wrenching. Brent's top was covered unrecognizingly in blood. His face also covered in blood, it had streams of clean where a constant flow of tears kept flowing. He petted her face rather hard and chanted to himself.

“Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica...”

Tears kept falling onto her lifeless face. Completely red, her neck bent in a strange way and the rest of her body very limp. Brent rocked forward and backward. Still chanting.

Giles fell to his knees and stared at Jessica. He started to well up. It was his fault.


“NO...Stop it, just...just stop it.”

Giles drooped his head, he rubbed the blood from his head and spread it over his trousers. He looked up again at the wreck and only their mangled car was there, Giles was sure there was another car. Gunshots, he remembered gunshots. Dotted around were a few uniformed bodies, Giles wasn't to sure on the uniform, but just didn't care.

Abruptly Brent stood up, still with Jessica in his arms. Giles stood up too.

“Where are you going?”

“Back to the H.A.L.O”

“Brent stop...”

But Brent had already set off back down the road. Giles limped to catch up.

“You can't do this Brent, you don't know what could happen.”

“I could save her”

“No you couldn't Brent, if you had gone back to save her she'd be alive. So that means if you do go back you won't save her.”

Brent grunted

“Seriously, Brent, you don't know what will happen”

Giles was now getting tired off hopping around Brent and trying to stop him.

“I don't care Giles, I may be able to save her. We'll all just live a different time line and this one will be destroyed.”

“Brent! Thats only a theory, we don't know if that'll happen!”

“I DON'T CARE GILES” Brent roared at the top of his lungs.


“I really don't care Giles, as long as it's within the last 40 years I'll be able to save her.”


Giles stopped protesting. He fell back beside Brent as they turned back into the park. Brent went and sat on the nearest bench and set Jessica down on the floor. He sat back on the bench and turned to face Giles.

“What are the maximum dangers of doing this?” He said through heavy sighs

“Well you could die would be the worst.” Giles said thoughtfully.

Brent nodded his head.

“Even if it does take you back, you have no idea on how far back you would go. Theres no telling where you would end up or anything.”

Giles scanned Brent carefully and watched as he stared deep into the face of his wife. His dead wife. Quickly he realized that no threatening, or a fear provoking comment would stop him. Giles mustered up all of his strength and then stood up.

“Okay, lets do it” he whispered

Brent slid off the bench to his knees and bent over his wife.

“I love you hunny. You will be okay soon, I promise. I will do all that I can to save you.”

He lightly pressed his lips to her forehead and then rose to his feat.

“Lets do it.”

Cautiously the two floated over to the bush where the grate was situated. The two looked at the colors, which were now brighter and more distinct. It was getting hotter there as well.

“So what do we do?..just hop in?”

Giles analyzed the hole more clearly and tried to sum up some calculations in his head of what would happen. The variables and constants were putting some strain on him and he had to sit down.

“This is silly” Giles muttered

Without notice Brent was on his knees and was squeezing through the hole. His legs disappeared through the mess of colors and then there was no sign of him.


Giles contemplated not following, thinking Brent could be lost forever. But if he did get through he couldn't just leave him could he. He got to his knees and started to go through. It was so boiling, he was burning up. It felt like all of his limbs were being torn off, he spasmed and flailed through the nothingness as he was propelled at some speed.

Then, nothing.

* * *

March 19th 1996


“Mister...Hey mister”

Something was prodding Giles hard in the back. He waved his arm. He felt as if he had been asleep for god knows how long. He stirred and sat up, only to be welcomed by the face of a child.

“Mister, are you okay?”

“What?..oh yeah, I'm fine kid..”

He paused and remembered Brent.

“Have you seen a man, quite tall maybe around here?”

“Oh yeah sure I have, he's over there.”

The kid points to a pair of legs sticking out of the bush to his left. Giles stood up and walked over to them and bent down. He shook the body.

“Brent, are you okay”

Brent turned over and looked up at Giles.

“Yeah, I'm fine”

He sat up coughing and then a long, thin smile stretched across his face.

“We did it...Giles we did it!”

“Well it seems so, but we have no idea when we are.”

He turned to see if the kid was still there. He beckoned him over and got to his knees.

“Do you know what day it is?..the date, to be precise?”

“Yeah mister, it's 19th of march”

“And the year?”


“Okay, thanks kid you can go now...Wait no! Where are we?”

“Suffield Primary school”

Giles turned sharply back to Brent who was now stood up. Giles' face now had a smile on it for the first time since he arrived at Dextrose.

“We did do it. It's yesterday morning!”

Brent smiled at Giles and said

“Well we have all day to do something until tonight.”

“Just remember Brent, We cannot interfere with our selves at all, do you hear me? If we were to do something stupid we'd mess everything up. Just don't do anything stupid. Giles knew that Brent wouldn't listen, but the best he could do was keep a close eye on him.

* * *

March 19th 1996


“Bret, come on, we should go to my lab, I'll be leaving soon.”

“Yeah okay hang on.”

He took a final slurp of his coffee and settled down the cup. He got up and pushed his chair and dusted the crumbs from his trousers. They were in a little tucked away coffee shop about a mile away from Giles' lab. Neither of them had been there before so running into someone they knew would be highly unlikely.

They left the little shop and began off down the street. Giles' looked around and admired the scenery. The little town of Suffield wasn't very hard on the eyes, neither did it have spectacular landscapes nor memorable land marks. Some trees littered most of the field beside them and a few old warehouses sat pointlessly to the left. The road twisted and winded and eventually was completely covered with trees so much so they acted as a roof. Sweat formed on Giles' brow and Brent started to huff as the long walked got the best of them.

"Stupid hills, why don't we have a car?"

"Well we could steal one if you like" Giles added jokingly

Brent let out a little chuckle but it was obvious that all of his energy and will power was being spent in preparation. After a somewhat enduring walk the two eventually came to be on the other side of the medical center.

“So what now?” Brent spoke

“I should be leaving in about ten minutes.”

The two ventured over to the shed but made sure they stayed out of sight of anyone. They took up camp in a bush just opposite of the little window of a shed.

“So why are we here?”

“You remember James? My assistant. He was killed yesterday...I mean today...I mean in a minute, by the militants I assume. When I returned here after being at your place, my lab had been trashed.”

He paused and looked down.

“And I saw James had been...He was killed”

“So you want to see how?”

“No, I just want to make sure we haven't done anything that could change what I do.”

Brent nodded and they both turned back to the window. They heard a noise behind them, the sounds of screeching tires. Giles turned around and saw what looked like police vans.

“Who are they?” Brent asked

“I think there militants, they weren't here yesterday.”

Seven or eight men exited the vehicle and stormed into the main building.

“Shit, why haven't I left yet?”

Gilles darted his eyes round in fear.

“It'll be about 20 minutes before they realize I'm not in the main building. It could be less if they interrogate someone.”

Giles' heart started to rush, he started to panic.

“No, wait.”

Brent looked up

“Give me your phone.”

“What why?”

“Just do it”

Giles insisted. Brent rummaged around in his pockets and pulled out his mobile. He handed Giles the phone and he began to mash numbers in.

“Hello, I need to speak to Giles Claymore, I have an important message for him”

“Giles, what are you doing, are you crazy!?”

He dismissed him with a arm gesture.

“This is Giles...”

The voice sounded gruff and tired.

“I've not got time to explain Giles...But listen closely, within the last couple of minutes, you noticed information about radiation levels north of where your situated.”

“How do you know that?”

“It's not how I know Giles, it's why I know...Just listen closely.”

“In roughly and 20 minutes, DP Militants are going to raid your lab, you have to get out of there, grab all of your studies and map details of the anomaly and go to Jessica and Brent's lab over in Riverside.”

He pushed the end call receiver and looked back over to the shed. He could see a head bobbing around and then he saw the door slide open. He saw himself walked from the shed with nothing but a briefcase and a laptop.

“Alright, lets go. Theres a company van just up here.”

They turned to leave but some of the militants started over towards the shed. They were trapped.

“You go round then and I'll go this way. You two carry on ahead.”

They whispered to each other and then split up. Brent and Giles had their heads to the ground trying as hard as possible no to be seen. There was a loud bang and the sound of yelling. They could hear everything being tipped over and then one of the militants broke out into an argument.

“Where is he!”

Followed by some mumbled groans. There was silence for a while. They may still have been Interrogating him but Giles couldn't be sure. There was a loud thud, Giles instantly knew what had just happened. He clenched his eyes shut and tried not to yell.

“Alright, you stay here and see if he comes back, we'll go and check back the boss, got it esse?”

“Yes sir”

The remaining men trotted back up the bank to their vans and revved up the engines.

Giles and Brent sat up slightly and looked back at the shed.

“Theres only one, we can take him”

Without warning Brent had already jumped into a sprint from the bush towards the man. He was caught completely by shock as this brick of a fist came speeding at his face. Before he could react he was on the floor. Brent didn't stop there, he carried on hitting his face. He blond hair now red with blood, his beautifully shaped face now concaved inwards. His legs twitched and he gargled on his own blood.

“Giles, over here”

Brent gestured to him.

“Look we have a gun now.”

Brent smiled wide.

“Do you even know how to use one of those?”

Giles was startled at the gun, he had never seen one in person before.

“Nah, I haven't. But it can't be that hard, you just squeeze the trigger right?”
© Copyright 2008 65days (huggybear_13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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