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An evil conspirisy! A young heroine! Japanese dinosaurs! It's all here in this story |
In this continuation of the Jocks VS Nerds saga, I'd like to explore chimera socity and thinking. I also would like to dipict flashback episodes showing the creation of chimera and their use as soilders duing world war three. Plot: Momo Kashi the half triceratops half human woman, who works as a school teacher at Moreau High decides to go back to her homeland of Japan. Momo has always felt conflited for her mother was a chimera but her father was human. Momo is ashamed of her reptile side and stays in human form whenever possible. Meanwhile a dark and sinister force know as GAO led by Telekele Rekks seeks to distroy humanity and create Furtopia, a paradise for chimera and animal alike. Supplot: Human, Ichabod Crane and Cat Chimera Marzipan Cheshire are feeling conflicted about their relationship. They feel they should move on but can't |
Momo Kashi ran the brush through her long black hair that went down to knees. At the moment she looked like any normal Japanese woman. Dark hair, dark eyes medium fair complextion. The trunk of her body was short and her legs and arms were long. She looked like fair maiden right out a manga. But deep down Momo felt that it was all an illustion, a deception a mirage of humanity she threw over herself like a cloak. Momo looked in the mirror and thought back to her earliest memory. "You are my peach." Said a soft yet deep voice "So you will be Momo. You are a little fruit of summer. Be strong Momo and live, I'm sure you will live. Life is wonderful." The face who spoke those words was imprinted on her mind. Three silver horns, green scales a beak like mouth and a frill with bony knobs. That tricertops was her mother who died a few days after Momo had hatched from her egg. She never knew her human father. All she knew about him was that he was a very old man who worked as a coal miner. After her mother died she was moved to the newly built 'Tokyo Home for Unusaul Cases' or as neighbors called it The Tokyo House of Horrors Ever since the Chimera attained full citizenship among the world's nations there have been strange things occuring People didn't think a man and a dragon (or any other chimera) could produce a child together but they were proven wrong again and again. Many times the humans were the mothers who didn't want anything to do with their beastly children so Orphanages for mixed-bloods croped up to house them. "Hey! Momo!" Momo turned around. Greg Narson was standing in the teacher lounge doorway "We're going to put up the Halloween decrations!" Greg smiled cheerfuly "By Friday we'll have the biggest Halloween bash this school has ever seen!" Momo sighed "I'm going back to Japan on Thursday." Greg's face fell "Going to Japan? Why" "That's my secret alone." Momo said firmly Ms.Iris Ogg the silver bat chimera entered "Have you seen Marzipan?" She asked "She's been so sad. Just doing her work by herself not chit-chating like she normaly does and she doesen't want to be with Ichabod. She just clams up around him. Ichabod looks so confused and hurt!" Momo poured herself some coffee "Maybe Marzipan relized that relationships to humans only lead to heartache" |
Greg looked down and said nothing. But he knew that his relationship with Shelly has grown for some time. "Well... Uhh for my case anyways it seems that it might not happen. Me and Shelly had grown more close." he said. "Lets see Greg... Would it have occured to you of what she did to be like you? Yes she told me. You made the right choices anyways." Momo said sipping her coffe. Iris sat down as well and took a cup herself. "Wait... So your saying... That.... That Ichabod should show Marzipan that these relationships do work out?" Momo almost chuckled but didn't. "No Greg. Im saying is that... Well.. Its not my business to tell but they both changed into two different things because they wanted to be together. Ichabod was turned into a cat like Chimera and Marzi turned human. Then...Well... You know the rest." Greg sat down and rubbed the bridge of his nose sighing. Iris scratched her head a bit and sighed not knowing what to say. "Especially for kids their age, its difficult to find a solution to help sort these relationships.... I just wish things didn't have to be THIS bad before." she said sipping her coffe. |
Ichabod was in the library (one of his favorite places) reading The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving He half paid attention to the book half kept looking at Marzipan. She was in a cozy little corner all by herself, reading Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Ichabod rembered that was the first book he introduced her to. Before they met Marzi mostly looked at books by Chimera authors. Ichabod looked at those to but he coulden't help thinking that they were somewhat unreadable at least to him. Every spiecies of chimera had its own unique writing style it was as difficult to discribe as it was to read. Ichabod just laid the book down and looked at Marzipan. Her face was completly hidden by the book. Ichabod tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together "Be logical." His father had always told him "Trust in yourself"" His mother always said to him. Somehow logic wasen't helping him and neither was faith and trust. He ran the senario over and over again in his mind. Marzipan somehow got into his house at midnight, she was carrying a knife, she was unconsious when he found her and when she woke she called off the relationship. His logical side was telling that she was flat out trying to murder him, but why would she do that? As revenge for poisoning her? No, he explained that it was an accident. She was out cold when he found her, was she sleepwalking? That could answer a lot but he coulden't get a word out of her. Ichabod just sighed deepy. "I'll tell Father after class." He thought I have him next for English anyway Marzipan put down her book and got out anouther Fairy Tales by Hans Christan Anderson when it came to this book she liked to open it at random and read it from there. She opened on a specific page of The Little Mermaid it was near the end of the story... The little mermaid drew back the crimson curtain of the tent, and beheld the fair bride with her head resting on the prince’s breast. She bent down and kissed his fair brow, then looked at the sky on which the rosy dawn grew brighter and brighter; then she glanced at the sharp knife, and again fixed her eyes on the prince, who whispered the name of his bride in his dreams. She was in his thoughts, and the knife trembled in the hand of the little mermaid: then she flung it far away from her into the waves;37 the water turned red where it fell, and the drops that spurted up looked like blood Marzipan gasped when she saw that text she rushed to the girl's restroom and dry heaved, all she hacked up was hairball but still she felt something horribly ominous was about |
Outside of the school across towards downtown, a human girl was shivering and traumatised by the horrible things that happened to her. GAO had turned her into a monster, a freak, she isn't human nor Chimera. She was a demonic like freak. Her body was colored blue with red stripes down her body. Her hair was messy and long touching her shoulders colored red and black. She was half naked and completely sick. She had wings from her back and a tail from her bottom both very dragon like. Her feet were dragon like paw foots. Her hands were now claws and sharp. She had horns growing out the sides of her head. She looked down to the ground as people passed by calling her freak and monster. It was from that moment, when she was captured from those Chimeras of GAO, she hated and wanted to kill all Chimera. And terrorize the humans that had not helped her and those that called her names. "I....Hate them all....." she said wondering the allyways. She looked up and noticed the school where she used to go too. She cried and sat down holding her legs close to her. Meanwhile Ichabod was strolling down the hallways trying to get to his father's class. He sighed and shivered at the thought of what Marzipan almost did. "Hey! Ichy! Ichabod!" called out Dojen running towards his side. "What is it Doj...?" he asked solmenly. "You havn't heard? Brad was arrested for involvment in GAO and it was all thanks to Rook!" Ichabod didn't really seem to care and just walked in the room. "Sounds interesting..." "Hey... Ich.... Are you feeling ok pal?" |
Ichabod didn't feel like talking anymore and headed for english class. After class he told his father the whole story about Marzipan, the knife and all that junk. Jonathan Crane stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I don't know." He said "I honestly don't know." He shook his head "Chimeras are strange creatures, one minute they're kissing your hand the next minute they're tearing out your throat." "Do you think she could've been sleepwalking?" Ichabod asked "Anythings possible." Jonathan said After school Momo Kashi headed back to her house, when she came across the demonic girl! "You're not human." The Girl said "I beg your pardon?" Momo asked "You're not human!" The girl "I can smell it!" Before Momo could say anything the dragon-child let out a burst of flame! Thankfully Momo managed to duck just in time by than the girl lost interest and moved on. Meanwhile in his office, Telekele Rekks spyed at the scene through his crystal ball. "Excellent! Excellent!" Said the T. Rex "Soon, very soon GAO's master plan will be ready, but first... A taste of things to come..." Telekele snaped his two fingers and a cage opened. Out stepped a Triceratops, a Stegosaurus and a Brontosaurus. Telekele snapped his fingers again and the collars on their neck glowed. They started growing and growing, than they reterned to all fours finally they became complete dinosaurs not humanoid chimera! "Smash a few buildings" Telekele said "And crush a few humans while your at it, ONLY humans! No chimera stomping! |
Momo was confused as she looked at the girl. She back away from Momo and into the alley. "JUST GO AWAY! YOU CHIMERA BASTARD! YOU TURNED ME INTO A FREAK!" she yelled as she began to run off. Momo was really confused seeing this girl's reaction and decided to run after her. "WAIT! KID WAIT!" she yelled out running after her. The girl looked back and ran faster until she tripped and knocked into another human. "Hey watch where your going you freak!" he said as he kicked her. Momo caught up and saw what the man did and yelled at him. "What do you think your doing?! Don't hit her you bastard!" she yelled pushing him. The man looked at her and spat at the ground and walked off. Momo gently lifted the girl to her feet and saw that she was now crying. "Oh dear.... Kid stop crying... Please tell me who are you." she said soothingly. |
"I don't remember my name." The dragon child said "All I remember was my code name when I was held captive in GAO." "What was that?" Momo asked "Ryu." "Ryu..." Momo thought "That's Japanese for dragon." "I know" said the the child. "Until we find out your real name may I call you Ryu?" "Sure why not." Ryu gurmbled Meanwhile across town. Several Dinosaurs were tearing apart the slums of the city! "What do you make of it?" Sgt Renee Montoya Detective Harvey Bullock shrugged "Probally just mutant critters. Send the Critter Squad out to get 'em (Critter is slang word for chimera and by slang I derogitory slur) A slew of chimera cops headed out for the slums were they faced the rampaging dinosaurs. "You are in violation of code 18-Q!" Said a male bee chimera The Stegosaursus sung its spiked tail but the bee just flaped it's wings and flew out of harm's way "Stop in the name of the law!" The bee exclamed "You can not escape!" Several other insect chimera tried using their pinsers and stingers to subdue the dinos. But than as quickly as they had came the dinos dissapeared! In their place a piece of paper. A wasp picked up the scrap and read "The end is near?" Meanwhile at Marzipan's house Marzi was in her bedroom reading The Little Mermaid she was trying to understand the conection between what happened to her and what she read in the story. "This is no good." She sighed so she decided to tap into her psychic powers. She flattened her ears against her head, shut her eyes and consentrated on the unknown forces around her. She saw an image of ... a cornfield... and a scarecrow... 'a scarecrow?' she thought The scarecrow lifted its head to reveal it was really a human being that was tied to a post! She thought it was Ichabod but... Ichabod had green eyes... this young man had blue eyes. Than she relized she was looking his father Jonathan Crane! Ichabod told her that His father's childhood was hell for him, school was torture, home was torture that was most likely why he went nuts for a few years. Than an image of Bast the Goddess of Cats came to her "Do not anylize the past, look into the future! Look to the Jellicle moon!" |
Marzipan gasped as she snapped out of her trance and panted. She didn't know what it was the goddess said. She didn't know what it means either. She got up and ran out of the library. Meanwhile, Greg and Iris walked down the hall talking about things that were going on in life. And when Greg mentioned that he got Shelly pregnant, Iris almost fainted but regained herself. "Ohh boy... Whoa... I need water.. " she said shaking her head a bit. "That is excellent to hear Greg! But... Arn't you worried about your kids? I mean, they could be weredragons. They would be shuned by society." Greg chuckled and shook his head. "I doubt that at all. Because society will have to confront me! I am Greg Narson after all and im the best damn teacher here!" he said. Iris sweat dropped and chuckled a bit. "And you are also the youngest teacher here besides Shelly." Greg smiled and went into the lounge. "Hey Greg, I have been meaning to tell you, umm... How is it you got this job anyways?" she asked. "Well... Lets just say it wasn't easy for me because I didn't get good education, and I was a leader of an old gang here when I was 16. We were a race car gang known as Singing Daggers and we wiped the floor in every competition against other gangs on streets. I was the best at my age. Then one day, I realize that I wanted more for myself and set off for a carrer." he explained. Iris was surprised by his story of how he was leader of a gang. At the age of 16! Meanwhile, Momo and Ryu walked their way down the streets heading for the teacher's house. Ryu kept on staring at the ground as she walked. Momo wanted to know more of this strange girl. "Ryu.... Tell me... I know you weren't like this before. Did something happen in the past?" she asked her. |
Ryu looked up at the sky. "G. A. O." she said. Momo looked puzzled. "I've heard of the GAO." Ryu contimued. "Once I was a normal little girl, playing with my Barbie Dolls and my EasyBake oven-" "You had an EasyBake oven? I haven't seen one of those in years! ... Sorry. Go on with your story." "I was a normal little girl. My father owned a Chevy dealership. My mom coached the soccer team. My little bother was a pest. My dog could catch a frisbee. And then... and then..." Ryu broke down into tears. "It's alright," Momo said. "Take your time. I know this must be very difficult to talk about." |
"Than one day..." Ryu began "...we were attacked by dinosaur chimera." A lump found its way in Momo's throat as she said that. "Thing is..." She said "They were humongous chimera! They only reason we considered them chimera at all was that they could talk!" By that point they had walked entirly to Momo's apartment. They sat down and the steps. "My memories after that are nothing but blurs..." That night Marzipan and Ichabod went to sleep early and dreamed of each other I'm everything you want I'm everything you need I'm everything inside of you that you wish you could be I say all the right things at excatly the right time But I mean nothing to ya and I don't know why These lyrics pound Marzipan in her nightmares, she tossed and turned in her sleep. Ichabod also had trouble sleeping. But he woke up with a troubled stomach. After tossing and turning in his bed. He went into the bathroom, didn't even bother to turn on the light, stooped over the toilet and retched. He emptied the contents of his stomach for a good 5 seconds when his father turned on the light and came in. "Not feeling well" He asked "Woke up feeling this way" Ichabod blurted this out before he vomited again. Jonathan Crane checked his pulse, felt his brow and concluded he had a stomach virus. "You better stay home tommorow." Jonathan said gently Also that night, Momo prepared the sofa bed for Ryu to sleep in "If you wake up feeling frightened or lonely you know where I am." Momo said Ryu nodded glumly, she just wanted to sleep. |
Momo smiled faintly and walked into her living room and turned on the television. News reported of a group of dinosaur Chimeras on a fritz of rampage. "Oh no... I bet its those Chimeras Ryu was talking about!" she said watching. Ryu was tossing and turning in her sleep as she remembers what happened in the facility. She was in a giant tube filled with water and all she saw was Dinosaur Chimeras. She looked at everything with wide eyes and struggles in the tube and banged on the glass yelling to get her out. No one paid any attention to her and went on to their routine. Then up came a Tyranosaurus walking over to the control console pressing buttons. When she looked down she saw tubes in her body. Her back, behind, head and some everywhere. A surge of electricity surged into her body making her yell out in pain. She gripped her fists tight trying to bear the pain but all she did was scream. She felt something grow and mutate from her back and head and her bottom. The pain was too great for her as she screamed louder. Her skin was changing to a mixture of blue and with red stripes down her body. Her back had 2 larg lumps that soon bursted out wings. The same with her head with horns and her bottom with a tail. Her nails on her hands and toes grew into talons and the grip she put on herself cutted herself until she bled. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she bursted out of the tube. Her eyes were full of rage and almost all Chimera Dinosaurs ran to substain her. Ryu woke up gasping and panting from the same dream she always had. She was sweaty and hot and felt like she couldn't move. She looked at her hands to see the marks still there from the grip. |
Ryu, curled up into a small ball. She closed her eyes and wept. Meanwhile, Telekele Rekks was in his civilan disguse. Dressed oriental robes of red and black, Telekele looked perfectly gentlemanly. He came toward a mansion called Dragon Hull. He rung the doorbell, a large black dragon opened the door, at first he squinted to see the visitor but than he put on his glasses, "Telekele? Is it really you? " The large reptiles embraced (Although Tele's tiny t-rex arms coulden't do very much) "Taren!" The black dragon called his eldest son "Yeah, Pop?" The young green dragon asked "Fetch a bottle of our second least expensive champane." The Father dragon crowed "We have a special guest with us tonight?" "Kay." Taren sighed indifferently "So Gargomel" Telekele smiled "How has your family been doing?" "Oh very well, very well." Said Gargomel "Taren shall wed Lea by December the Dragonaches will be united with the Dracos." "That is so wonderful!" The dinosaur seemed so warm and genuine you could forgive those poor rich dragons for not suspecting him of being a terrorist. "I say," Tele cleared his throat "Do you still have those video tapes?" "What tapes?" Gargomel asked "The ones from the laboritories where we were gene spliced." Telekele's face became devoid of emotion making look more like an animal "Remember they let you keep them as souvaners." "Oh... those." "Champane?" Taren had returned bringing the bottle and some glasses. "If you don't mind" Taren sniffed "I'd like to go back to my yoga dvd." "Oh yes run along Son." "I want to watch those videos." Telekele said "I have very few memories of my creation. My we watch them for old time's sake?" |
Gargomel smiled and nodded his head letting Telekele put in the casset in the VCR. "Yes we may my old friend." he replied sitting in his chair. The screen turned static until it stopped and showed a few scientests. The Tyranosauros in front of the camera was near a tube with a girl in it. "But.... Prehaps always seeing this part of the tapes.... has always got me up and out. This was the ONLY experiment that failed and escaped.." Said Tekelene growling and sipping his champane. |
Gargomel smiled. "What would you say if I told you we had located the escapee?" Telekene slammed down his champagne glass. "What?! Where?" "She calls herself Ryu now. It's Japanese for "dragon"." "I know what it means! But where is she?" Gargomel sipped some champagne. "At this moment she is asleep in a house belonging to a chimera named Momo Kashi." "And why have we not already recaptured her if we know where she is." Gargomel finished off his champagne. "The GAO has plans for Ryu and if the plans are to work she must think she has been successful in hiding from us. One night while she was asleep one of our agents implanted a tracking device under her skin. Thanks to GPS we now will always know exactly where she is." "I still don't see why. So we know where she is. How does that help us? I think we should capture her immediately. She's an abomination and should be terminated." |
Telekele's face, softened for a moment, "Very well Gargomel, I'll play your little game." He turned to exit "You have until Friday to bring your plan full circle. If you do not than I will replace GAO's second in command with someone else. Deal?" "Deal." Answered Gargomel. That Morning Ryu woke up to the smell of oatmeal. Momo was stirring a pot of it. "I was wondering when you would wake up?" Momo said with a smile on her "I've been preparing breakfast for both of us." Ryu sat innocently "I've never known any chimera like you." Ryu said "My family never liked chimera." "I'm half chimera." Momo said "My mother was a Triceratops, my father was a human." Ryu sighed and picked at her oatmeal. "What was your mother like?" Ryu asked "She died a few days after my birth." Momo said sadly "Sorry 'bout that." The Dragon child murmrured. |
Momo looked at Ryu and smiled only a little. "Its not your fault dear. Sometimes it happens. But I would have wanted to meet her one day." she said. Ryu looked down again and started to poke her oatmeal afew times. "Hey Momo....." she said for the first time saying her name. "Huh? Yes Ryu?" Ryu tightly gripped the fork and started to shake. She didn't know what to say to her. She wanted to say sorry for ever doubting a Chimera like her. She couldn't bring the words to say thank you either. "I...I have to say... Umm.....Can... Can you... Can you take me in to be your daughter?!" |
Momo looked thoughtful. "I've never had a child before," She said softly "Did you lose all your family to GAO?" "Yes." Ryu said "Unless they escaped like I did but I doubt that." "Tell you what." Momo said "Until we find out what has happened to your parents, I'll be your legal guardian, I'll take care of you." "Thank you." Was all Ryu could say Meanwhile Marzipan was had left the Comrades of Intellect otherwise known as The Nerd Squad by everyone else and rejoined her old gang, The Royal Lords as the tolken mammal. She reconciled with her old friend Melissa Mallard "I dreamed was trying to stab him with a knife." Marzi sobbbed "And when I woke up I was outside his room with a dagger in my paw." She blew her nose violently "What could it mean?" She asked her duck friend. Melissa stroked her beak trying to make sense of it. "I have absolutly no idea." Rodney Roadrunner, Melissa's boyfriend was polishing his guitar when he spoke up "I think we should go to see Onyx" "Who is Onyx?" Marzipan asked "She's a turtle chimera." Rodney said "The most important turtle in the world. She lives deep underground in a subway station You can only visit her at midnight so we should head out by nine." "How can she help me?" Marzi asked "She knows alot about crazy stuff" Rodney said "She studied with a Native American healer woman and learned about totems, and horoscopes and all sorts of crazy human stuff, If anyone can help you she can." |
Marzipan sat and thought for a second than stood up. "Then I will go. I don't want to kill Ichabod let alone hurt him.." she said. Rodney looked at her a bit awkward. "Havn't you already done that?" he said before walking back to his seat and polish his guitar. Marzi stood there not saying anything and slowly walked out the room. Meanwhile, in history class, Crane had to pick up a phone call so he walked out the room and answered the school phone. While everyone was reading their books, Dojen was throwing pebbles at the window trying to get Ichabod's attention. "Ichhy!" he called out. Ichabod looked over by the window and raised an eyebrow. He walked over and lifted the window up and looked down at the red Dragon Dojen. "Ichabod! Have you seen Alice?" he said. Ichabod looked a bit surprised at his question but answered anyways. "Not in a while. She usually hangs in the Library. I have no idea where she is." he replied. "Oh. Well... I.. I was wanting to chat with her." Ichabod sighed and sweat dropped as he slumped over. "Is that what you called me for?" "Uhhh no... Actually I was also wanting to ask if you seen mrs Momo yet!" |
But Crane walked back into the classroom and Ichabod had to hurry back to his seat. The bad thing about one of your teachers being your father was that if you screwed up in class you got punished twice, once in class and then again when you got home. At nine o'clock, Melissa, Rodney, and Marzipan headed for the subway station to confer with Onyx, the wise old turtle chimera. "Does she actually live in the subway station?" Marzipan said. "Of course not," Rodney replied. "She lives in a hidden cave with access to the river, but we can't swim down through the river to get to her cave, so she has provided a secret entrance and it's hidden in a subway tunnel. It looks like an ordinary service access door." "What if the subway maintenace people find it?" "Don't worry, it's more complex than that. There are secret entrances within secret entrances. If you don't know what to look for you could never find the way." Marzipan soon found the truth of that. After entering the service access door they had to find another hidden door and then negotiate a small tunnel to yet a third secret door. Soon Marzipan lost track of the way, but after an hour of tunnel crawling they emerged into a brightly lit chamber. Onyx was waiting for them. "She has alarms that notify her when the tunnels are used," Rodney said. "That's true," Onyx said. "Good to see you again, Rodney and Melissa. Who is this new friend you have brought with you?" |
This is our cat friend Marzipan Cheshire." Rodney said "She has come seeking your council." Marzipan gushed out all her memories of the past few weeks. Onyx stroked her chin thoughfully and nodded during her rant At last she said "You have no need to worry my dear Felis Catus. You have no secret desire to murder you human boyfriend." Marzipan sighed with releaf "You have unfortunetly been mind controlled!" Onyx said gloomily "Mind controlled?! Marzipan shrieked "By who?!" "I'll show you." Onyx said bringing up an old book. "I believe it was my old pupil, Telekele Rekks." She opened the book to a certain page. "Telekele believed that humans had spoiled the Earth and made slaves and prisonors of the rest of the animal kingdom, He sought to create Furtopia, an idealic Garden of Eden free of opprestion or tyranny." "Therefore free of humans." Melissa added darkly "I tried to convince him otherwise but he just woulden't listen." Onyx said with tears forming in her reptilian eyes "He gathered followers from chimera who felt human had wronged them, before or after they became chimera. Too many of his followers are ferals who enjoy killing for killing's sake." She pointed to an unusual device on the page, "This is his Telephy machine." She said "It was the power to manipulate a chimera's mind and make them to terrible things if Telekele commands it." "So he used this machine to manipulate me into murdering Ichabod!" Marzi exclamed "I think he was just testing the machine to see how far it could go." Onyx said "He woulden't really make you murder Ichabod becuase than the police would get involved and that would draw unwanted attention from the law." |
Marzi was shaken terribly after that last sentence. "T-t-then.... Then that mean I almost...." she was stuttering and fell to her knees. "Im so confused!" Onyx kneeled down next to Marzi and pattet her shoulder. "Marzi... I want you to tell me what was it that night you were at Ichabod's house." Back at Momo's, Ryu sat on the couch with Momo as they both watched TV. Momo's favorite channel was Anime Network and now got Ryu into watching it. Ryu only smiled a bit watching the shows, then her smile begin to grow. She looked up at Momo and hugged her a bit for some reason. She didn't even know why she was. Even Momo didn't know but she returned the hug. "Momo.... Can.. Can you help me against GAO? I... I want to get rid of them..." she said. Momo looked down at her and patted her back smiling a bit. "If only it was possible. They can almost cover up anything." she said sighing. But when she glanced over to Ryu's skin, wings, tail, horns and claws, she struck an idea. "But we have something they don't! Evidence! A victim and proof! And your the one to stop them Ryu!" |
Just than a letter came through the mail slot. Momo went to gather it but noticed a something peculer. It had the scent of lemon juice on it! Momo opened the letter with her nose horn and ran her iron over the note. After the print had become visable. It read like this 'Dear Momo Kashi I know you have the Dragon Child in your care, If you were full blooded human this would be the end of you, but you my fellow Saurian are half chimera so you're life will be spared. Instead I offer you to join my my legion, come to the old opera house tommorow night to give me your answer, leave the child at home. Swarthaly Telekele Rekks' Momo was shocked... bloody shocked. She just stared at the note than colapsed into the chair. The next day. She called in sick and said she coulden't teach today so Ms Iris filled in. Ms. Iris was also the Drama Club teacher so in the morning she made an anouncment to the class "Class, as you know, On Friday we will preform The Legend of Sleepy Hollow for our Halloween Play." She got out a list "I will now read who will be playing the assigned roles." "Baltus Van Tassel, Katrina's father will be played by Albert Candle." The brown haired Albert smiled and adjusted his thick glasses Lady Van Tassel, Katrina's mother will be played by Marzipan Cheshire. Everyone looked slightly baffled, Albert raised his hand "Won't that confuse the audiance if the heroine's mother is a cat? I mean Chimera didn't even exist in Washington Irving's time!" "I know." Ms Iris said "But the state requires we put chimera students in speaking roles so that said... Brom Bones will be played by Taren Dragonacge, Katrina Van Tassel will be played by Alice Tetch and of coarse Ichabod Crane will be played by...Ichabod Crane." Ichabod did not even raise an eyebrow "Very funny Ms Iris." Ichabod said dryly "Who is it going to be really?" "Actually Ichabod it is going to be you." The Bat teacher said smiling Ichabod got highly defensive than "But I'm not even in the drama club!" He exclamed "This is type casting of the worst kind! Just because I have the same name as..." "It's not just your name." Ms Iris said "You look excatly like the character! You have a long nose, a lanky frame even those classic glassy green eyes!" "Does the Ichabod of Irving's story have red hair?" Ichabod asked "Technechly speaking his hair color is never mentioned." Iris sighed "No one is forcing you do this but all of us feel that no one could play Ichabod better than you." Ichabod blushed, but than he looked at Alice's hopeful eyes and Marzipan's sadness and felt something stir inside of him "Very well," He sighed "Since you put me on the spot I'll play Ichabod Crane" |
Momo worried and fretted all day she didn't tell Ryu about the letter she had gotten, Ryu looked at Momo and worried what was wrong with her. Than finally at sundown Momo sent Ryu to bed and headed to the old opera house... Momo saw Telekele waiting outside dressed in his oriental robes, He smiled most gentlemanly at her. "Come in young Tricertops I will not hurt you." Meanwhile Ichabod was at home with his father trying the costume he was to wear for the play. "This is going to be a disaster!" Ichabod said "I'm most likly going to trip over my feet and ruin the whole play!" "Don't be such a worrywort!" Jonthan Crane said gently. He handed his son the trousers. Ichabod pulled on the trousers as he pulled then up an ear splitting RIP was heard! "That. Can not. Be good." Ichabod said mortified Ichabod turned around to see his reflection in the mirror. The seat of the trousers had split right down the middle! "Must've shrunk in the watch." Jonathan mused "What am I going to do?" Ichabod paniced "I'll be the laughing stock.." "Don't panic." Jonathan said "Just put on the jacket and no one will see the rip." Ichabod put on the jacket and indeed it did cover up the rip he sighed with releif Marzipan meanwhile was being helped by her mother into her costume, unfortunetly it haden't been made for someone with a tail |
"Sorry hunney. It may seem uncomfertable for your tail but its all that's there to fit you." her mother said. MArzi nodded and tried to adjust her tail in her costume. Then out of nowhere, Greg came onto the backstage all dressed up as a joker. "Hey gang! How am I for the play?" he said aloud. People laughed and some sighed. And some were in Greg's class. Shelly couldn't help but laugh and fall on the floor. "Greg, mind telling me why your dressed like that?" said Iris as she messed with the pom on Greg's costume hat. "Why im joining in the play~! Its almost Halloween and EVERYONE should join in~!" "Uhh but Greg im not even sure Jokers were present at that time.. Or so I think." said one of the students. Marzi sighed a bit but almost smiled as he looked at Greg. Ichabod didn't even care what he dressed as. "When are we starting?" he asked. |
Momo entered the opera house with Telekele. Momo felt more than a little nervous, nuts to that she was TERRIFIED! As a triceratops she knew by gut instinct that a T. Rex was her mortal enemy! Even though becoming a chimera has stilled predatory instincts, the fear still remains. Mice still fear cats, rabbits still fear foxes and plat eating dinosaurs fear meat eating dinosaurs! They stood on the stage, surrounded by dust and cobwebs. Momo managed to still her fear and ask with a straight face "What's this all about Rekks?" "We are chimera," Telekele said "Desended from animals and bred for intelligence, Humans created us becuase they could not finish their own wars! If the World War 3 had continued much longer the Human Race would have wiped itself from the face of the Earth! So they took live animals and fused them with human intelligance and form to serve as biological weapons of mass destruction!" "That's very interesting but what has that got to do with GAO?" Momo asked "Everything!" The T. Rex exclamed "Let me tell you a story about my friend Gargomel the Dragon." He pulled back the curtain revealing photographs of man's inhumanity to man and all the atrocities of war! "Gargomel was a very important chimera during the war." Telekele said "He was one of the few animal-people who won a medal of valor, His decorations were not for killing enemy soilders but for rescueing hostages and POWs" One night we were staying in Bavaria Germany when Gargomel was insulted by resident Germans. A woman called a dumb beast, a brute and a filthy animal. She was not an enemy soldier, on the contrary she was one of the civilains we were saving so why the hostility?" Telekele took a deep breath for this next part "That night Gargomel had a dream, what he saw in that dream he never told me. But it was clearly a nightmare! When he woke up something inside him told him to enter the museum that was right next to where we were staying, what he found there was not pretty.." He gestured towards the photographs "Look at these pictures Momo!" He said "Humans torturing other humans! Killing them! Driving them out! Why do they do these things, sometimes humans kill humans with different colored skin, others kill for pollitcal reasons but most of the time humans can not agree on who or what God is and kills any human who does not agree with them." Momo was so shocked her face went numb! "I ask you." Telekele said "With a bloodthirsty maniac species like this, should humans really be allowed to be the dominant species after all these wars and killings?" Momo was not sure how to answer that |
Momo took a few moments to think to herself before asking the question to Telekele. She almost considered joining them but one thought came to her mind. That girl Ryu, humans and Chimeras against each other. She gulped down her courage and held firm. "Telekele. I must greatly refuse your offer." she said with no emotion. Telekele growled and crushed the pictures in his hands. "WHAT?! MRS KASHI! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH KILLINGS HAVE BROUGHT HERE?!" he screamed close to her face. Momo did not make a single move or emotion. She stood firm and still. "Have you seen one human trying to extinct one another? No. Why? Because there is always someone or many more there fighting for the rights, race, equal human beings. Negotiations and protections. This is all humans try and do. Europe, Russia, France and Cananda fights Germany to save Jewish. This is done by act of independence and protection. Something we Chimeras don't understand yet. They need a future almost as much as we do. You talk of killing women and children who had no future yet as you strive to create your own. Were all equal Telekele! And what you did destroyed one little girl's emotional life! Were all equal! We all do the same thing in society! Only one can change and its not you!" she said proudly. |
Telekele stared at Momo Kashi, his eyes glittering with fire. "Very well, Momo Kashi, I can see you are firm in your resistance to me. That's unfortunate. I thought you would care for Ryu's fate more than you have shown." "Ryu? What's Ryu got to do with it?" "We know you've been harboring Ryu, Miz Momo Kashi. I assume you felt some affection for her since you kept her in your home. Thank you for keeping her safe for us until we could pick her up." Telekele looked at his watch. "By about now Ryu should be on her way to GAO headquarters. A squad of GAO agents picked her up while you and I were talking." Momo Kashi put her face in her hands. "No! Poor Ryu!" Telekele smiled. "Perhaps you would like to reconsider your decision about helping the GAO?" |
Momo didn't have time to think! All she could do was say the quickest most easy answer. "You have my word." She said quickly "Done." Said Telekele And with that he led Momo away to his Headquarters in a Rual part of town. Momo was givin a black collar the symbalize her newbie status the first thing she did was head out to look for Ryu, Telekele let her go even if she found Ryu she woulden't be able to get outside the building with her the collar would see to that. Momo looked through all the human prisonors finally she found Ryu, she was in a bed, asleep. "She won't wake up for a while." Said a gorilla gaurd "She was injected with some fulid, apparently it will turn her completly into a dragon chimera." Meanwhile back at the school auditorium, Everyone decided the rehersal had gone well enough so they decided to call it a night. "All right everyone." Ms Iris said remember tommorow tonight is the big night so don't be late!" Marzipan went up to Ichabod, "Ichy." She said softly "Yeah." He said not even looking up "I think I know why I was in your house that night." Ichabod looked up "Oh really?" Said he "Can we talk in private for this?" She asked They stepped outside and Marzipan began to explain "You see I was being mind controlled." Marzi said "That's odd." Ichy said "I didn't see a mind controll devive anywhere near you." "I don't mean like Jervis Tetch's mind controll chips!" Marzi said "I mean like a wireless connection." She than told Ichabod all about Telekele Rekks, The GAO and the Telepathy Machine "Ye Gods!" Ichy exclamed "I had no idea!" He thought for a second "Why don't we confer with Rook tommorow to what can be done about this." |
Momo stopped and shivered as she stared at Ryu. She was worried that she might never be human again. "Y-you can't do that to her!" she yelled. "We can and we will. And you won't do anything about it fool." the guard said. Momo laid a gand on the cell bar and sighed sadly. She lightly whispered to herself. "Ryu... I swear....One day I'll get you out. And I'll get you back to your human form." Back in school, Marzi thought for a minute about the idea. Than she sighed and looked down. "Ichabod...I don't think I want Rook involved in this. He might be another target as well if he connected with my mind. I don't know... Its just..." she said stammering. Ichabod stood there unsure what to say or do. "Just what?" he asked. |
It's just..." Marzipan didn't even know what to say, She wanted to say she was frightened, she wanted to say she wanted to face Telekele Rekks alone but instead she said something completly different "It's just that you and Alice were made for each other." She said with tears in her eyes "What?! Ichabod was completly baffled by that statment "We can't keep avoiding the truth." Marzipan said "You are a human and I am a cat, we could never hope to have a future. Ever since I saw you on that summer evening in your garden, singing to a sickly little flower to in hope that it would grow, I wanted you to be mine." "But Marzipan," Ichabod interjected "Alice broke up with me and she only wanted me back because her boyfriend was beating her up." Marzi bit her lip trying to think of what to say next. Finaly she decided to reveal his Ichabod's future to him "I saw a vision in my head." The cat said "You will marry Alice." "Really?" He asked skepticly "You saw that in your head." "Yes." She said "You will have a son." "What's my son's name?" Ichy inquired trying to see if she was for real "I don't know that." Marzi huffed "My visions only give me little snips and pieces of the future they don't give a novella!" She leaned over and kissed Ichabod's mouth, she hoped it would be their last kiss. "We shared something special." She mewed "But it coulden't last forever, you deserve a human woman not an alleycat" And with that she ran off into the night. Meanwhile Greg was tending to Shelly who was beginning to get those pregnant woman cravings. "Are you sure you want pancake batter?" Greg asked before heading out to the Whole Foods Market "Yes and some compost please." Shelly said stroking her enlarged stomach "Compost?!" Greg exclamed "You can't eat that!" "Don't knock it." Shelly said "Eating dirt during pregnancy is a dragon tradition!" "Ur... OK you're the boss" |
Greg got up and ran over to the food mart while Iris looked over Shelly and the rest of the students. "Ok everyone! Places! Places!" she said clapping her hands. Dojen headed over to his position but turned his head over and stared at Alice in her outfit. He almost blusshed a bit seeing her. But he shook his head constantly and thought to himself. 'Wait! Why am I having such a hard crush on Alice? A human! I liked Marzipan... she and Ichabod broke up but... For some reason this doesn't seem right.' He looked over to Ichabod who was standing at where he was alone and sad. He sighed and walked over to him. "Ichy..." "STOP CALLING ME THAT! AND STOP TALKING TO ME!" he yelled and walked off. Dojen sighed and went over and sat on a prop crate thinking to himself. He sighed sadly and clenched his fist. He never felt so sad before or hurt for others. Alice looked at him and walked over to him. "Uhh.. Dojen is it? Are you feeling ok?" she asked. |
'No," he said. "I'm not feeling okay." Alice put her hand on Dojen's knee. "What's the matter? Do you want to talk about it?" All Dojen could think about was how warm Alice's hand felt on his knee. She was so beautiful and compassionate. Some barrier inside him melted and he blurted out, "I think I'm in love with you!" He immediately regretted saying it and felt himself blushing so he looked down at his hands. But somehow Alice's hand on his knee calmed him. She could have yanked it away, he thought, but she didn't. He looked up and she was looking at him. For the first time their eyes really met and suddenly he saw in her eyes that she liked him too. She smiled as though she knew he understood that she liked him and he smiled and a feeling of warmth washed over him and he thought: My God, she loves me too! For a moment he thought tears were going to come into his eyes so he hopped down off the prop crate and took her in his arms and it was as if they had already been girlfriend and boyfriend forever. My life has changed, he thought. Everything is new. Then she pushed him gently away. "Do you feel better now?" And the realization filled him that she hardly knew him. She was just being kind to someone who was hurting. It was her way. He felt like a fool to think she might love him. He looked in her eyes and saw just another classmate. "Yes, I feel better. Thanks. Well... I've got to go now." He walked quickly away, replaying the entire little episode in his mind. What a stupid jerk he was! Alice watched Dojen walk away. That was odd what he said about loving her. She hardly knew him. He has broad shoulders, she thought, as she watched him walk away. Maybe she would ask around about him. She was curious about him. Who was he? |
Meanwhile Momo was sitting alone in her room wondering when Ryu would wake up. "Poor little Ryu" She Said Meanwhile at the School play 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' was beginning "I can't beleive the useed Chimera for the supporting roles!" Said a disgruntled parent "I haven't got a problom with that." Crane said "What I hate is when they censor these classics just to make them 'pollictly correct'" Meanwhile at the Whole Foods Market Greg was picking up food when he saw Telekele Rekks! |
At that moment, an ocean of his past swept by him. During his teenage time as a leader of a raceing gang, he remember seeing Telekele! Greg always spyed on him whenever the gang were sleeping in the warehouse. He'd follow him to the docks and watched how he secretly tortured humans. One was a chimera amoungs the group and was tortured unbelivably for falling in love with a human! Usually when Telekele was away, Greg would sneak in and free the captured humans. That was until Telekele suspected something and relocated. He snapped back to reality as Telekele almost spotted him. "Crap!" he said as he hid behind the shelves away from him. At first, the Dinosaur Chimera thought he saw something but srugged it off as he walked away and headed out. "What the hell is he doing here?" he said to himself looking out. Back with Momo, the gorilla guard informed the teacher that Ryu has awaken. Except that she's in deep stress. Momo ran all the way towards Ryu's cell and looked at the crying girl. "Momo!" she called out. Momo knelt down and reached for her hand when Ryu extended it. "Shh its ok Ryu im here now." "How did they captured me?!" Momo sighed sadly and explained the situation to her. |
After the long and tireing explanation. Ryu was just sillent for a long time. "What are we going to do?" Ryu asked "I don't know." Momo said "I have to learn what excatly GAO is planning. When I see a door opening I'll take it." "Did Telekele tell you anything about what he plans to do?" Ryu asked "Aside from the simply taking over the world and creating Furtopia I haven't learned much." Momo kissed Ryu's forehead "Rest for now, I'll be back within the hour." And with that she headed off to the laboratory. There she found Telekele observing something "Ah Ms Momo Kashi, I'm glad you're here." The T.Rex smiled "I'd like you to observe the experiment." Momo looked to a tank filled with red fluid there was a young Ox Chimera floating. "He is one of GAO's volanteers," Telekele explaned "He is taking part in this experiment willingly." The Steer in the tank was catatonic, half-asleep but something was happening to him. His hands became hooves, his headfur fell out his body was becoming less humanoid and more like an ordanary Ox "This is an experiment in develotion." The T. Rex stated proudly "This is what we will do to all chimera who take the human's side." "You're not going to kill them?" Momo asked "I try not to hurt my own kind if I can help it." Tele said "The develoution is not painful in fact it creates a pleasant arousing feeling." Momo looked in the tank, the poor Ox had been turned completly back into an ordanary animal. Momo gulped "What do you suppose would happen if it was used on a chimera who was half-human?" "You mean like yourself?" Tele smirked "We have yet to find out." |
Momo's eyes went wide as she stared at Telekele. She backed up a bit away from him but his gaze still caught onto her's. He begin to move towards her. "Would you like to volanteer for this mrs Kashi?" he said smirkingly. Meanwhile, Ryu sat in her cell, staring at her hand that was shaking. She had that same feeling again, that feeling she had when she bursted from the glass tube. The feeling of rage. She felt something she didn't want to feel again. She focused her mind on that mad Chimera Telekele. She felt like scratching his face off and get Momo out of here. She also felt that her family were all gone. Her mom, dad, brother, even her dog too. She shivered more and felt the anger take over her slowly. She stood up and panted slightly. The gorilla guard watching her thought that she was about to change. But he realized that it wasn't happening for some reason. "Shouldn't the injection take over now?" he said to himself. The guard felt like he should report it to Telekele about it so he walked off towards the other room. Ryu only watched as she thought up of a plan. She could dig her way out in like one of those movies with the framed man who escaped prison by digging his way out. She could also find a way to get Momo back. Maybe, just maybe, she could find her family. |
Meanwhile at The High School of Dr Moreau. The play was well into it's first scene Ichabod dressed as, er um Ichabod stepped on stage and adressed his imangenary class. "Good morning students." He said with mock enthusiasm "Good morning Schoolmaster." The 'students' said as if they coulden't care less "Who can tell me why I ring this bell three times each day?" Ichabod asked ringing the bell three times "To tell your cat girlfriend it's dinnertime!" Lucy Wilcox storted Ichabod flushed bright red "That's not in the script and you know it!" Ichabod growled through gnashed teeth "To scare away evil spirits!" Dojen quickly said to avoid things getting ugly "Very good." Ichabod said. Meanwhile backstage Iris fluttered about like a bat in a belfry searcing for Marzipan "Where is that Cheshire Cat?" Iris asked "She's on in two scenes!" "Marzipan's outside." Alice said while smoothing out her blouse "She said she had to let some boo-hoos loose, by that I take to mean she needs to cry." "Shelly." Iris said "Can you go fetch Marzipan?" "All right." Shelly said "But when I get back Greg better be here with my pancake batter!" Back on stage Ichabod was doing his best impresstion of a boring schoolmaster while explaining multiplacation tables on the chalkboard, Just than a drafty breeze blew the hat off his head, absent mindedly he bent down to pick it up. Unfortunetly he gave the 'students' a pretty good shot of the ripped trousers and his tighty-whiteys! When the titters started Ichabod quickly relized his blunder and stood up covering his ripped pants with his hat. "Stupid nerd wheres breifs!" Chuckled Sammy Smith Ichabod quickly folded his arms and glared daggers at his classmates untill they quit laughing. After they shut their traps Ichabod resumed the 'lesson' |
All the while when the play started, Greg got back and panted heavily almost collapsing. "Greg? Whoa are you ok? You look shocked." asked Shelly as he rubbed his neck. "Ohh ran into someone. Do you know a name called Telekele Rekks?" he said. Marzi stopped crying and looked up at Shelly and Greg surprised hearing the name. "You mean Telekele!?" she almost yelled. Dojen sighed angrily as the same students who were mocking Ichabod. He clenched his fists tight and patted his foot on the floor and fluttered his wings. "Why don't you idiots get off stage before you cause more trouble?" he whispered to them. |
Meanwhile Ryu was digging and digging hoping to find her way out. She heard a voice "Oy! The prisonor's been digging a hole here!" "I'll get it!" Ryu began digging faster and faster but than she felt a cold nose on her feet! "Kid? Is that you Kid?" The voice behind her came from a Basset Hound Chimera "Who are you?" Ryu asked "I'm Lir!" The Dog said "Don't you remember? I'm Lir!" "I had a dog named Lir but I don't see..." She stopped in the middle of her sentence "Lir?" She asked "You became a chimera?" Lir answered by licking her face. Meanwhile back at the play things were moving along through scene 2. Marzipan hung backstage in her Dutch houswife costume waiting. Watching Ichabod 'court' Alice, Marzipan felt that this was the best thing for both of them, but coulden't help feeling sad at what she had lost. She had five minutes to go before she had to get on stage so she closed her eyes and concentraited 'Bast, help me.' She thought She saw her cat ancestors forming patterns in the starlit sky, Bast was at the center of the constellation "The time has come." Said the Cat Goddess "To face your darkest fears, Unless Chimera kind faces its inner most darkness, the chain of life will be broken." Suddenly the vison was shattered! Dojen had tripped on her tail! "Watch it!" Dojen said "You cats are always getting underfoot!" |
Ryu kept digging. The work was going faster now that her Basset Hound Lir was helping her. They piled the dirt behind them, filling in the tunnel as they went along. If the guards tried to follow them, then the guards wouod have to dig the tunnel a second time. "Let's rest a moment," Ryu said. Lir sat there panting heavily. "This is hard work." |
Momo was very nervous. Telekele was smiling that creepy smile. "Rest assured Ms. Kaski." He said "Though it is very tempting to test our develution fluid on a half-human such as you, I'm afraid we don't have large enough a tank for a triceratops." Ryu was terrified, thinking the guards would come after them but Lir, clutched his paw to the ground and began to make the Earth shake! Back at Ryu's cell the roof caved in on the gaurds (They managed to climb out of the rubble though) "How did you do that?" Ryu asked "When GAO evolved me from a normal dog into a chimera they gave me the power to create earthquakes!" Lir woofed Finnaly Lir and Ryu dug out of their prison "We're out!" Ryu exclamed "I've got to tell you something." Lir panted "Remember your little brother?" "Yes?" Ryu said "Well GAO turned him into a brontosaurus, same way they turned you into a Dragon. He escaped into Japan and he calls himself Fuji and he hangs out in apple orchards all day" |
Ryu was shocked to hear that his little brother was transformed like she was. Except not a total freak like her. "What about my parents Lir? Where are they?" she asked though regretting. ".....Their....Their gone kid....GAO... killed them... They tested on them with something... but the testing killed them...." Ryu stood terrified and upset that she kneeled down and began to cry. Her claws scraped the floor and made marks on it. Lir kneeled down next to her and hugged her tightly. Ryu held ontoto Lir as well and cried on his chest. |
Meanwhile at the school play, the magnum opus of the play, the Halloween Ball. The cooking club prepared a feast of all the foods described in Washington Irving's story. Marzipan playing Lady Van Tassel set dishes on the table. Albert murmured to her "Have you seen Ichabod? He looks like a nervous wreck! "He's just nervous becuase in this scene he has to dance with Alice." Marzipan replied "An d I can't blame him. Have you seen his feet? They look like shovels!" The curtain rose up, Ichabod entered stage left "Greeting my most congeneal host and hostess." Ichabod was blushing from having to say such absurd lines He walked up to Alice "And my most humble salutations to you, My fair Katrina." Than he picked up her hand and kissed it!" "Marzipan's ears perked up, That kiss wasen't in the script! Ichabod was getting incredibly gutsy to adlib like that! Marzipan wondered if she had anything to do with bolstering his courage. Several people gathered around the table partaking in the feast. Ichabod hung back. "Ichy!" Dojen said horsly "You're playing Ichabod Crane! You should be devouring something!" "Right now my nerves are frayed." Ichy said "I'm not eating because I don't want to risk vomiting!" Dojen took an apple and shoved it in Ichabod's mouth! "Don't be such a wimp!" Dojen chided Iris quickly took charge of the scene "Nevermind that." She squeaked "Skip to the dance sequence!" She said gestureing with her leather wing. Ichabod nodded and spat out the apple. He took Alice's tiny hand "My lady." He said blushing "May I have this dance?" The lights went down low but most of the chimera kids could see better in the dark better than they could in bright light. Iris put on an archaic record machine a low waltz began to play "I'll try my best not to step on your toes." Ichabod squeaked to Alice |
"Don't worry," Alice said. "Just enjoy yourself." The music played and they moved around the floor, at first clumsily and not so in time with the music, but then something magical seemed to happen. Maybe it was because Ichabod started thinking about how fresh and clean Alice's hair smelled, and how warm she was in his arms, and how soft she was pressed against his chest... maybe thinking about that took his mind off his feet because somehow he was really dancing beautifully. Ichabod and Alice glided around the stage through the colored spotlights and the audience became very quiet, sensing the magic of the moment. When Ichabod and Alice finished their dance, there was thunderous applause. |
Ichabod and Alice finished the scene with a kiss, and anouther thunderous appulse resounded! Marzipan, knew it was for the best for Alice and Ichabod to be together again but she coulden't help feeling sad she walked away for a second to wipe away the tears with apron. Meanwhile Momo was still with Telekele, neither of them knew Ryu had escaped. Telekele led her to a laboratory "This is the weapons lab." Telekele said "This is where we develop our final solution for the human race." "And what's that?" Momo asked fearfully Telekele took out a test tube. "This is a mutant strain of Ebola Gulf." He said "This is a desiese has been specificly mutated to affect humans only." |
Momo gasped as she saw the giant tube with the disease. 'What am I going to do?' she thought to herself. Dojen sat on his prop crate again sighing until he looked up and saw a sad Marzipan. She almost looked like she was about to cry. He stood up and walked over towards her. "M-Marzipan?" he said almost studdering. She looked beautiful to him, but what about Alice? He saw that Alice was with Ichabod and they actually kissed. He sighed and coughed a bit as she turned to look at him. "A..Are you ok?" Marzi shooked her head sadly and ran almost tripping on herself. Luckily Dojen caught her. "Whoa! Marzi don't run so fast here!" he said. Dojen almost blushed as he held Marzi in his paws. He stood her up and wiped his dress. "No Dojen im not alright...." she finally spoke. |
"Is this about Ichabod?" Dojen asked Marzipan pushed herself away from the red dragon, her feline need for indepenence was kicking in "Gods!" She huffed "You are really dim for a chimera, Dojen! You know that don't you!" "Ummmm" Dojen didn't know what else to say "Chimera and humans are forbiddan to marry!" Marzi said firmly "We can have our one night stands, but going steady with one anouther causes shame on both sides of the spiecies spectrum!" Dojen rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably, he knew he had feelings for Alice but what Marzi had said made him even more nervous about his feelings "If you're thinking about courting Alice don't bother." Marzi said turning to the table piled high with food, pushed aside to get ready for the next scene. "Alice isn't the kind who kisses chimera." Marzi grabbed a leg of chicken and headed off to nibble alone. Dojen sighed and looked to see the finale Ichabod's terrifing ride through Sleepy Hollow being pursued by the Headless Horseman. There were no horse chimeras enrolled at Moreau High so Minos the White Bull Chimera acted as Ichabod's mount "This is so humiliating." The bovine grumbled through his bit. Meanwhile at GAO Headquarters, Momo watched as Telekele put the finishing touches on a strange device." "This is the Develoution Bomb." Telekele said "With this weapn we will devolve all chimera who love humans back into ordanary animals!" "How did you program it specificly to devolve chimera who love humans?" Momo asked "It's not really that complicated," Tele replied "It specificly devolves those who have signifigant amounts of human DNA on their skin, like hair follicles, skin flakes and er... blood crispies." Momo looked down with tears in her eyes "Although I am strict I am not without reason." Telekele said "Tonight at Midnight, a letter will be sent to all the chimera who love a human being, we will tell them that if they want to continue being chimera they must find the human they love, kill that human and drink his/her blood and they will be spared develotion." "You're mad!" Momo exclaimed "No, I'm a revolutionary." Telekele said with a smile That night as Shelly and Greg were tucking in for the night, a raven came to the window. It flew to Shelly and dropped a letter at her feet. Shelly read the letter, It was from GAO, telling her to kill Greg and drink his blood. The blue dragon gasped and looked at Greg sleeping in their bed. Marzipan also got a letter even though she had broken up with Ichabod she knew she would become an ordanary cat unless she killed Ichabod! She threw the letter back at the Raven, and yelled at it "Stupid bird!" She got out a rusty dagger "Take me to GAO headquaters or I'll eat you!" The raven nodded and flew off to show her the way |
Shelly trembeled in her step unsure what to say or do. She had Greg's child in him, and she doesn't want anything to happen to it. She wanted Greg to see the child they had together. She didn't know what to do that she began to cry. Shelly cluchs the letter in her hands and growled. "Whoever is do-doing this... I-is going to pay!" she said in rage and sadness. Meanwhile, Ryu finally regained herself and lets go of Lir. She stood up and wiped her eyes. "Lir.... This is GAO's hedaquarters right?" she said. Lir nodded and stood up. "Yeah that's right. Why?" he asked. She took up the confidence and stood firm. "Lir! We are going to start a riot! Were going to get rid of GAO! You, me, the riot and Momo!" Her mind snapped at the moment she said Momo's name. "OH NO! I forgot all about her!" she said. Lir was confused but went along to listen to her plan. "Lir! We have to gather everyone we can here and stop GAO before they do something crazy! This isn't what a Furtopia is suppose to be!" She ran through the unknown halls trying to find a stairway to the building. "Kid wait!" Lir followed his friend trying to catch up to her. "Kid! I think you should know something! Furtopia isn't what these guys were trying to make nor find! Whatever the Chimera's do, does NOT agree to what Furtopia really stands for!" he explained. Ryu stopped and panted but looked back at Lir unsure what he just said. "Kid... Furtopia... Isn't a place for Chimera's to live free of humans. Furtopia... Is a place where humans and Chimera's live in peace. Its a promise land that is not found in this world, but underground!" At first, Ryu almost fell on her bottom. She heard the guards always talking about Furtopia but not from what Lir had said. "When I was an animal... I had visions... Visions of seeing the history of that place. I never knew that it would be real. What these Chimeras are doing is not what Furtopia is about!" Ryu almost made a giant smile hearing Lir's words now. She realized that the Cimeras here were doing the wrong thing. And it was all Telekele's fault! ".....Lir.... Lets find Furtopia.... Lets show these idiots what that place truely means!" Lir and Ryu smiled as they both ran through the halls of GAO's underground network. They ran until they came up to a door that said, 'HQ System and Production control.' The two friends looked at each other and smiled thinking of the same idea. |
Ryu tried to push open the door but it was locked. "Damn!" Ryu said. "Maybe there is another way in?" Lir shook his head. "No, I don't think so. Why don't we break it down?" "Someone will hear us. Wait... I have an idea. You go sit over there and look like a normal dog while-" "I AM a normal dog." "You know what I mean... innocent and friendly, not like you have mischief on your mind. I'll knock on the door and hide behind it when it is opened. Whoever opens it will look out and see a dog sitting there and wonder what's going on. Then I'll knock him over the head and we will go in." Lir nodded. "Then you need something to knock him over the head with." Ryu looked around. "There has to be something around here I can use!" |
Ryu looked around the room and found what looked like a piece of pipe. She knocked on the door and hid. Out of the door stepped a sheep chimera. "Yeah?" The female sheep asked "Who is it?" Ryu hit the ewe over the head and she was knocked out cold! Than Ryu and Lir quickly headed through the door... Meanwhile Marzipan was racing through the dead of the night following the raven. At last they came to a tall glass building. Marzipan stopped right there. Telekele Rekks was standing right there! "Ah Marzipan Cheshire." He said "What an honor it is to know the daughter of Halcon." "What do you know of my father?" Marzi asked baring her teeth "You're father was a leader of the Chimera revolution." Telekele said "He had fire and mettle in his day let me tell you!" Marzipan wasen't sure where this was going but hopefully it wasen't a trap. "My dear Marzipan I do not blame you for your attraction to a human." Telekele said gently "After all you're domesticated." "What's that supposed to mean?!" Marzi snapped "Why your domestication has warped you." Telekele said |
Marzipan stood there all confused but still enraged as he stared at the Tyrannosaurus Chimera. "Maybe I shall explain to you what it means." he said walking towards her. Meanwhile back in the control center, Ryu and Lir kept on pressing every button that was there to try and do something that's worth time wasting. "What button is to the cell?!" said Ryu smashing a keyboard. "I don't know! Try something!" said Lir pulling levers. Ryu looked over all over the panels and pressed a red button that said 'only for emergencies' and soon the whole place lit up red. The alarm was sounded and almost half of the HeadQuarters was locked down. The cells though, were opened and all the humans and some who are Chimera ran out cheering. The Gorilla guard who was in one of the cell blocks got dog piled by a lot of humans and one took his gun. "DEATH TO GAO!" he yelled. Ryu was unsure what she did but she smiled as she saw the prisoners escaping. "Warning. Warning. Emergency overide activated! Lockdown lockdown. Prison cells opened in prson block A-K. All Chimeras please get to your positions for any contamination or Rioters." said the robotic intercom woman. Ryu figured what the button was used for. It was to block off contamination from all facilities in the building but only the prison blocks were open hoping that the prisoners were affected. There was none and now, a riot broke out. They began to smash through the building's walls and doors destroying equipment. But they were blocked from testing areas and disease research centers. "I thinkI hit a bad button." she said giggling. Lir smiled as he saw a lever that says 'Destroy evidence.' A last resort in case GAO was compramised so no one would know what happened here. Destroying diseases in tubes, bombs, test chambers and more. "This shall do it!" he said as he pulled on it. |
Telekele paniced when he saw that his GAO orginasation was crumbling to pieces! He saw Momo running away and he cuaght her by the wrist "What's going on?!" He howled "Heck if I know!" Momo said. Telekele was at his wits end! He decided to play his trump card! "Momo, Marzipan, I hate to do this to fellow Chimera, But I'm afraid I have no other option!" With that he hit the button on his develotion bomb! Momo let out a dinosaur roar with pain! She began growing larger and larger, her clothes ripped and tore, She grew so big she had to retern to all fours. Orange scales and three horns and a boney frill, Momo had become a complete Triceratops! Meanwhile Marzipan was shrinking! Her hands turned into paws, her clothes were becoming looser and looser Finaly she was tangled in a heap of clothes, Out of the neckline popped a furry cat head. Marzipan fled in one direction, Momo in the other. "OH GODS!" Marzi said "What am I going to do?!" |
Shelly felt a roar in pain as she began to transform into her normal self. She growled and ran out the door as she changed into a full fledge dragon on 4 legs. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! PLEASE NO!" she screamed into her thoughts. Lir was shocked as he saw that the devolution bomb was set off.. "NO NO NO!!!! WE WERE TOO LATE!!!!" he screamed as he bashed the keyboard hard. A screen popped up in the windows that showed the devolution bomb. It contains a strange viral substance in it that is only activated once set spreading out into the world. There was, however a file in the recycle bin that shows how to reverse the devolution effects! Ryu moved over and clicked on the trash bin and opened the file. She gasped as she quietly read through the text it was labeled. "Lir! I think I found a solution! But I may need a pure human blood sample in order to do it!" she said as she looked around through the office. "Ryu? What do you mean?" "I remember from dad who was a researcher. He said that by splitting half of each genetic code and connecting them with animal AND human blood, it can alter the animals characteristics and turn them back into Chimeras!" "But kid where the hell would we get a human blood sample at?!" Ryu looked down at her body and smiled thinking of an idea. "When they injected me with that genetic code of a dragon's my body was somehow able to fend it off! Because I already have both mixture of the genetic codes! But only 50% of my blood is pure humans! I can use that and make a evolution bomb and restore the chimeras that were changed!" Lir stared quietly at Ryu amazed by her speech. "When did you get smart kid?" he asked. "Believe me. Being a prisoner of GAO and being injected by crazy crap, you wouldn't believe the intelligence they gave me." Meanwhile outside, Momo roared in angered and charged at Telekele. "YOUR GOING TO PAY YOU BASTARD!" she thought to herself. Telekele almost forgot that once deevolutioned, animals have the abilities to do more than a human before they became Chimeras. He barely dodged her only scrapping his back. "Gah! You bitch! That's it. I might have to finish this the old ways. Triceritops, vs Tyranosarus." he said regaining himself. |
Telekele the Tyranosaurus stood twice as tall as Momo the Triceratops and had a big mouthf filled with sharp teeth, but it was an equal fight because of Momo's fearsome horns. It was a classic battle of teeth versus horns. Telekele tried to get his jaws around Momo while Momo tried to sink her horns into Telekele. They thundered back and forth, smashing everything in sight, but could do no more than lightly wound each other. Neither could land a fatal blow. "Give up!" Telekele roared. "I will let you live if you surrender now." "Never!" Momo roared back. "You are a liar and I don't believe a word you say." Telekele circled around Momo. If he could flip her over he would sink his teeth into her belly. But his little arms were far to weak to lift her. Maybe somehow he could kick her over with his powerful legs. He rushed at her and she lowered her head to meet his charge, but at the last minute he flipped his legs forward so that he was sliding on the ground toward her like a baseball player sliding into base. Momo fell for the trick and charged his feet but as soon as her head was close he kicked upward with his legs and flipped Momo over on her back. Quick as a flash the huge tyranosaurus was up on his feet and thrusting his open jaws towards Momo's defenseless belly. She screamed as his teeth tore into her soft flesh but she managed to rip loose and roll over on her feet. Telekele was in a frenzy with the taste of Momo's bllod in his mouth and charged her again, but this time she was ready for him and his quickness was his undoing. As he lunged forward, Momo used her horn to stick him in the throat and he was brought to a stop impaled on her horn. He twisted free and fell backwards, blood pouring out of the wound on his neck. The two giant reptiles stood apart from each other, breathing hard, trying to regain their strength. Both were bleeding and exhausted. But both had eyes that glittered with fury. The fight was not over yet. |
Momo was extremly tired and extremly angry! With her last once of streangh she charged at Telekele goring him! At last Telekele Rekks fell down dead! Momo sighed and collapsed. Ryu was the first to find her "Oh no!" She said to Lir "We've got to change her back to normal or she'll die!" Meanwhile Marzipan was struggleing in her cat form to get home as fast she could! She dodged cars and dogs, She panted trying make sense of where she was going! Finally she collapsed on the pavement. But too little too late she noticed a barking dog coming her way! Marzipan paniced! Unable to get out of the way she screamed! Just than a large foot came to kick the dog away! It was Ichabod's foot! "Ichabod..." Marzipan gasped "Marzipan!" Ichabod was astounded "What in the world happened to you?" "I've been devloved." She finaly fainted "Oh Marzipan." Ichabod soothed gathering her up in his arms "It's going to be okay." He walked back to his house cradling the little animal. Jonathan was reading a book on the sofa when he noticed Ichabod with a wet budle in his arms "Ichabod, I've thought we've gone over this! We don't want you bringing filthy animals into the house!" "Father!" Ichabod pleaded "This cat is Marzipan! She's been devolved." "Well... That's differnt." Jonathan replied |
Ryu and Lir ran over to Momo and kneeled at her side. The giant Triceritops panted heavily and looked over to Ryu. "Ry....u..." she said weakly. Ryu stumbeled through her pockets trying to find the copy of the reverse serums she made. She took out a needle and injected Momo with the genetic code from her. "Its going to be ok Momo.... Were going to end this." she said rubbing her head. Momo murred and sighed happily until she felt a great deal of pain as she starts to revert back into a Chimera. Though the pain was great, Momo was relieved to be turned back to normal. She sat up and trembeled slightly. She didn't even noticed nor care that she was naked. She looked at Ryu and hugged her. "Oh Ryu! What did you do?! Your brilliant my wonderful heroric daughter!" she said almost crying. Ryu cried too as she held Momo close to her. Lir, all the while, watch happily to see that she was ok. But what caught him off his mind was that Momo was naked. Pretty much and it made Lir blushing very red. "Uhhh... Girls? I think we should... Uhh you know? Get the serum Ryu made and return the world back to normal again and save the day? Isn't that what everyday heros do?" he said. Meanwhile, Ichabod held the little devolved Marzipan tightly and rubbed her back. He stroked the back of her neck as well soothingly making her purr. "Ichabod.....I have to say something..." she said nuzzling under his chest. "And what is that Marzi?" he replied. She looked up at Ichabod and purred again but sadly and guilty like. "Im so sorry.... Can you forgive me?" |
"Forgive you?" Ichabod asked "What for?" "I've brought evil on our heads." Marzi said sadly "Because I was in love with you nothing but bad things have happened to us." Ichabod was sillent for a while "You mean the Hunter?" He asked "Not just the Hunter." Marzipan said "Everyone who hates chimera/human couples." Ichabod didn't know what to say "You don't have to apologyze Marzi, sometimes I feel it was I who corruted you." Marzipan almost luaghed but didn't "Do you mean you seduced me? All you did was sing a song to a flower when I happened to be watching you and that was all it took for me to fall in love." Ichabod stroked her ears trying to soothe away the guilt "You only wanted to cheer me up when Alice broke up with me." He said stroking her throat "It kind of just...snowballed from there." "I don't know." Marzi sighed "The more I think about it...the more selfish it seems. I was being oppritunistic the only thing that kept me from expressing my feeling toward you was Alice." She wiped away a tear "Once she was out of the way nothing coulld prevent me from having my way with you..." Marzi hid her head in her paws "Ichabod...I just wonder sometimes..." She choked up "Can Chimera really love the way humans can or do we just lust? I mean, I know chimera love their children but can animal-people know love like humans know it? Or do we just blindly follow our sexual impluses?" Ichabod sighed and shook his head "You know that's not true Marzi." He said "If you only felt lust than than you woulden't have let me go but you cared about me so much that you would have moved on for my sake not yours." She purred "Remember that song you sang to me in the cabin?" "You mean Sweet William's Ghost?" Ichabod asked "I don't think you sang the whole thing..." She mewed "Please sing it to me in full." Ichabod held her tightly and sang as softly as a brook flowing over pebbled stones "There came a ghost to Margaret's door With many a grievous groan And aye he's turled long at the pin But answer she gave none Is it my father Phillip? Or yet my brother John? Or yet my own dear William From Scotland now come home? Thy faith, I troth, you'll never get And me you'll never win Til you take me to yon churchyard And wed me with the ring. Oh I do dwell in a churchyard But far beyond the sea And it is but my Ghost, Margaret That speaks now unto thee So she's put on her robes of green With a piece below the knee And o'er the live-lang winter's night The sweet ghost followed she Is there room at your head, Willie Or room here at your feet? Or room here at your side, Willie, wherein that I may sleep? There's no room at my head, Margaret There's no room at my feet There's no room at my side Margaret My coffin is so neat. Then up and spoke the red robin And up spoke the grey 'tis time, 'tis time, my dear Margaret That I was gone away No more the ghost to Margaret came With many a grievous groan He's vanished out into the mist And left her there alone Oh stay, my only true love, stay My heart you do divide Pale grew her cheeks, she closed her eyes Stretched out her limbs and cried " |
Marzi purred as she clearly listened and hummed through the song Ichabod sang. She laid her head on Ichabod and fell asleep listening to his singing. It has soothed her so. She whished she hadn't said what she said to Ichabod. She felt terrible about it. Momo, Lir and Ryu both ran in back at the HeadQuarters and into the research center where they first made the devolution bomb. They got Ryu's blood serum and it was enough to make an evolution bomb to set everyone back to normal. All they need was another bomb. Luckily, there was one last spare. It could take months to make a bomb like Telekele made. It was for about an hour that they finally figured how to load the serum and spread it around the world inside the bomb. Meanwhile, the entire SWAT force had arrived at the HQ and began to storm the building. The rioters were all stunned and hadncuffed, but none of which were arrested. Amongst the SWAT forces was Gargomel! It wasn't long until the SWAT finally found the trio and almost arrested them until Gargomel came with his hand raised. "Easy boys! They are not from GAO." he said. Ryu recgonized the dragon she saw and almost fell to her bottom. She was with Telekele when he started to test on her. The only look she saw in Gargomel was nothing but disgust in himself as he looked to the floor. "Prehaps you might not know me Mrs. Kashi but im sure Ryu does. First... I wanted to say sorry for dragging you into this Mrs. Kashi. And for Ryu on what happened to her." Momo stepped forward and waited to hear what Gargomel had to say. "Were you with Telekele?" she asked. "Yes." "Were you part of GAO?" "By part you mean 'undercover'? You could say that. I had to make myself discrete and make sure that Telekele didn't notice my intentions of what to do. I am part of a secret organization formed by the president of the USA. I, Chimera was honored to have this position to honor my kind. When we first heard rumors of GAO we expected that it had involvment in their quest for 'Furtopia'. You all know what it means. But what Telekele would do, he was no different than any other human being on Earth. I was assigned to spy and work for Telekele and find out what he was planning in this facility. As I can see now it was illegal genetic experiments, mudering humans, plans to exterminate the planet, everything. But they had the massive ammounts of money to bribe the government into covering their story, even with the hard evidence we found. What we needed was a living, breathing proof of a test subject. I worked alongside Telekele to gain his trust. But.... when I first saw Ryu I was disgusted, on how she looked to me, it was a disgrase... I wanted to end her... But I couldn't... I finally figured that she was human... Not a freak mix dragon. I blame myself for that.... I had to do everything I can to get Telekele on my side. Then you showed up Mrs. Kashi. And I have to say I am quite impressed by your actions. And Ryu's and the Chimera. You all single handedly brough GAO's HQ to ruin. Now were trying to find the rest of their facilities around the world and shut them down and rescue everyone there. I needed you and the others to help me finally track down this facility. That's why I ordered a tracking device inside Ryu's skin. Again... I have to apologise for everything. My team is doing everything they can to fix this mess up... I figured that there is no Furtopia after all...." Gargomel looked to the ground and sighed. Momo and Ryu looked down knowing his pain. But Lir, saw something different and walked over to his side and patted his shoulder. "Actually Gargomel... There IS actually Furtopia! But not from what that psycho Telekele had put into everyone." he said. The dragon looked up at the dog and grew a bit uncertian. "Tell me more boy." |
Lir hesitated. He wasn't used to having many eyes on him waiting for him to speak. But he knew he wanted to get his thoughts out because he felt they were important. "Furtopia is inside each of us," Lir said. "It's all of us believing in it and working together that makes Furtopia happen. What Momo Kashi did was from that spirit of Furtopia that dwells inside her and each of us. It is our belief in a better world, a better furture, a better tomorrow. We must all work hard to keep our vision strong and clear and to actually DO something to bring it about. Momo Kashi risked her life for that goal. That's Furtopia." "Here! Here!" someone cheered and there were heads nodding approval. "The dog's got it right," someone said. Ryu hugged Lir. |
Meanwhile both Ichabod and Marzipan had gone to bed, Ichabod had put Marzipan in a cardboard box lined with a blanket before tuking himself in. Later that night Marzipan had stirred from her sleep wondering , where she was. Than she saw Ichabod all snuggled into his bed, lying on his stomach, his arms underneith his pillow, snoring gently. Marzipan climbed out of the box, hopped onto the bed and lay herself down on his lower back and went to sleep. Ichabod must've been a very heavy sleeper to not notice the cat on his back. Than when dawn's first light entered through the bedroom window, Ichabod noticed a bit of weight pressing down on his backside. He reached around trying to feel what it was, only to find something plush and furry. "Marzipan." He yawned chuckling "Marzipan you silly thing, wake up." |
Marzipan purred and yawned as she got up stretching. Then she noticed that her body was a Chimera again. "AH~! ICHY ICHABOD LOOK~!" she squealed as she pounced on him licking him. Ichabod finally opened his eyes and saw Marzipan back into her Chimera form. He was so surprised and happy he hugged her. "MARZIPAN! YOUR BACK!" he cried out. Marzi almost blushed as Ichabod had his arms around her and she purred with the feeling of it. Meanwhile, Greg walked around the house hoping to find Shelly. He was worried that something happened to her last night and he couldn't find her. That was until she came to the door back into her Chimera form again. Tears were streaming from her eyes as she ran and hugged Greg tightly. "Greg!" she called out kissing him. Greg chuckled and kissed her back finally relieved that she was ok. "What happened last night love?" he asked. She sighed and wiped away her tears looking back at Greg. "What I thought... Was a bad dream... But something came back and now I feel better." |
Shelly collaped on the sofa exsuasted from her ordeal. Greg meanwhile fixed up some bacon and eggs for her. Back with Marzipan and Ichabod, Marzipan didn't mind the fact that she was naked as she was so furry that her fur hid anything that she didn't want to be seen. Ichabod however got embaressed for her and brought her a nightshirt for her to wear. "Thank you for everything." Marzipan told Ichabod Marzipan's parents later came to pick her up Momo was happy that they had distroyed GAO. She decided to ask Ryu "Would you like to come to Japan with me?" "Of coarse I would!" Ryu said "My little brother is believed to be living there!" Momo sighed happily "I wish to travel back to my birthplace to find out more about my mother." |
Ryu smiled and looked up and Momo nodding. "And maybe I can get to see my brother there! I hope the scientists in Japan found a way to change my little brothe back." she said. Lir laid his paw on her shoulder and patted it. "Im sure they did kid." he said. Ryu smiled and looked down. She was meaning to ask Lir something for a long time. "Lir... Do you know my name?" she asked. Lir and Momo looked at Ryu. Momo looked at Lir curiously. "Of course. Its. Rayana. But Momo calls you Ryu which I think seems similar and better." Ryu smiled and giggled as she hugged Lir. Lir smiled back and held Ryu. "Hey... Do you think I got a chance with that triceritops??" he asked. Ryu almost busted out laughing and rolled on the ground. Momo giggled watching them and sighed. She wondered how long she will be in Japan. So she could see her mother once more. She also wondered when she would be back to America in school again. But all she could do now was savor the moment. |
And so... with the defeat of GAO Momo and Ryu and even Lir traveled to Tokyo to discover the truth of themselves... Hey kids! If you want more stories of the Jocks and the Nerds! Send me good reveiws! The End! |