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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1482753
story of mythica dark history of a member in a royal family
Lloyd: Did she just say please? Ok, I’m scared Sasha: Ha ha ha verry funny. Greeter: Welcome to the House of… Lloyd: Timith just go inside and tell everyone that I’m home, ok. It’s that simple. Timith: Never a day in my life would I have thought that I’d be this happy to here you mispronounce my name. I’m right on it Sir La Lloyd. It’s good to say you’re name again sir. Lloyd: Ok. Sieris: Wow, big house, ya know you could get lost in there. Sasha: That’s if you haven’t been in there before. Lloyd: And you have? Sasha: Only a demon would know a demons house best and yes this is the tomb of an old friend, a very old friend. Lloyd: Can’t wait to meet him [as he smiles]. Cieris: You’re not going to invite us now. That is why I need to give you a personal lesson in manners [as he circles him with his hand gliding on his shoulder’s]. Father: Now that you’re home, I demand to know where have you been. things have been put on hold because of this incident. Lloyd: I’m sorry to have…Father: You’re insolence will not be tolerated. you will be…Lloyd: FATHER! I am a man now. So, what I do is my choice not yours, and you’re insolence will positively absolutely not be tolerated. Do you understand me? Now that is the question from now on. As you said before, everyone that is in this house is my guest, and they are to act accordingly. Am I correct or not? Now the question of this moment is, are you a man of you’re word? So, father are you? Father: You are correct. I did say those exact words I did not expect that you would ever speak to me like that unless you were going to take matters in to your own hands. So, are you son? Lloyd: Actually, that’s what I was doing while I was gone. Now, if this fight is over, I’d like to introduce my adviser, Sasha and my assistant Sieris and my adviser’s nephew Cieris. Rosetda: What is going on here? What was all that yelling about? Lloyd: Now, father you shall keep you’re business meeting and affairs like you all ways do. You don’t have to stop anything, and I’ll keep mine. I’m sorry about my absence. I had important business to take care of and it took longer than I had thought [they leave the room and go up stairs to his room and stay there. And down stairs where Cieris is leaning up against the wall listening to Lloyd’s father]. Father: Samisen, there’s something different about my son. He is a drunk and immature child, rude and never can stand up for himself. He gets beat down everywhere and anywhere. He can’t even argue to save his life. He’s been that way since his mother died and now he’s taking matters in to his own hands and yelled at me like he was the head of the household. Samisen: You know that marriage can change a man, but I must say that adviser of his is verry young and deviant. For someone to have nails that are six inches long, that are black is not a good sign. Not to mention her nephew, and that young rarity that he claimed to be his assistant. She is definitely a warrior. She had two swords on each side of her hips and her attire is not verry normal. All I have to say is keep an eye on you’re son. He better be loyal and he better not harm my daughters’ honor. Otherwise there is no deal, because I’d have to abandon my daughter. Rosetda: I think that Cieris one is not interested in girls did you see the way he looked at Lloyd daddy? And Lloyd didn’t seem to care. Do you think?…whwhwhush...[on the other side of the wall]Cieris: Verry doubtful, but you could always hope, that is, if you have any experence in the matter[as he slowly comes down the stairs wile he swings his hips]Cieris: my pet you are as sweet as a freshly blossomed roses just waiting to be pick here's a flower four you my sweetly blossomed cherrytree now if you don't mind i have matters to attend to[Cieris go's up the stairs with an evil little grin on his face.
Cieris gets back to the room just in time for the discuision about Lloyd's inescapable future ] Lloyd: So what do you mean by that? I’m the true heir to the thrown. chapter three:My Inescapable future Sasha: You are the great grand son of seven generations from the direct line of Dragulla himself. And this was one of many homes. And he told me to keep an eye on his descendents. So, when the rightful heir to his thrown came, to have him retrieve one of three swords; the Sword of Blood Lust, the Sword of Divinity or the Sword of Chaos. They are called the three swords of worlds. Lloyd: What the hell are you talking about, and what the hell are these three swords of what ever? Is there like a story behind them or something or are you just pulling this out of you’re ass Sieris: You don’t know about the three swords of worlds? Ok, Sasha, can I give him a lesson in it? . Sasha: ok have fun. Sieris: The Sword of Blood Lust, it’s legend is that Satan himself took a chunk of metal off his thrown and with the fires of hell Satan himself mended and folded the metal to sharpest point so that it could slice through steel hard rock. And not even lava could melt it. And then he took his most strongest and most ruthless dragon and slain it and took its eye and its soul. And turned it in to a crystal ball that has fiery red swirls that move all the time, and took it and put it on the handle of the sword. And its locked in with a dragon in casing it where you can still see it. And Satan himself hand delivered the sword to Dragulla himself. Lloyd: And don’t tell me, God did the same thing. Sieris: No, God didn’t, Gabriel did. Gabriel knew what had happened and asked God if he could make a sword to give to the most purest of human’s to counteract the other sword. And God said yes. So Gabriel went out and gathered silver, platinum and steel and personally mended and folded the metal with grace and care so nothing evil touch it. It could not without pain and the holy fire burning it. And went to God and said it needs a guardian to watch over it. and the person that bears it and god said to the choir of angles by his side who will be the watcher of man the protector of this holey instrument the guardian of life and three angles said I will all the others said they are still trying to under stand the human species and god went to the three and chose the one that had just been made the last hundred years of the human species and that angle was one of the three and god took him and turned him in to a crystal orb and put him on the end of the sword and had bone like fingers surround him so he could never fall off and Gabriel hand delivered the sword to the purist of beings know one knows who that was some say that because of the sword that he’s immortal and he slumbers until there is a terror upon the land and there is no form of peace. Lloyd: so what’s the third sword . Cieris: the third sword the legend of that one is very confusing it was said that a mortal man with malice in his heart convinced the one and only king of all the tribes of the hell rider clan’s to take the heart of his most desired prized and that he would help him but there was a price to pay and that was three unconditional task’s of any thing he wanted done so he helped the king stele the heart of Gabriel’s one and only daughter and the king and Gabriel’s daughter lived in perfect harmony but 25 years past and Gabriel’s daughter had bared a child 15 years before and the man came to collect his three task’s and the first one was black metal from the gates of hell right were Cerberus lies asleep and so the king did so and the second task came and the man said that he desirers the eye of the dragon of dusk and so the king brout the dragons eye from the center of its head witch contained the sight of the past present and the future and all its power and all the darkness no human can handle and the third task came and since the deal was soul inscribed deal he had no choice but to do as he was told and give the man with malice and torment and total distruction in mind of all that has good to come to an end and with a heart of stone traped unederneth ten miles of ice his one and only daughter half angle and half demon and more power full than both and she had more malice more hate and more darkness and more fickle than the devil him self and she became the sprite and the power of the sword as well as the dragon of dusk of the mortal realm and thus the sword was named deaths gleamer the real names of the swords is deaths gleamer, gods right hand and Dragulla’s bane and that is the legend of the three swords of worlds . Lloyd: that’s all. There’s no special technique. Sieris: Ok, the reason they’re so special is that Deaths Gleamer, if mastered, can destroy towns, villages, countries, and it can conquer an entire kingdom, can also call upon Cerberus and have full control of him. And, it can make its user immortal. And Gods Right Hand can heal any one any were instantly and it purifies any thing and it has been known to cure mental and fiscal genetic defects and it can restore towns villages and save and inter king dome and call upon an inter army of angels and Dragulla’s bane can stele the soul’s from a thousand people and it can turn a thousand people in to vampires and it has the gift of mind control and it can summon a thousand solders from hell and it can call upon the fires of hell and it can call upon Satan him self to aid you in battle and that’s the myth it has been said not even mithryl can stop these three blades from slicing you to bits holey or not depends on the blade Lloyd: that’s some harsh shit man so your saying that i have a choice in wether or wether not i go looking for these three swords an hole shit load of trouble to go with it. Sasha: yes you did have a choice to live your life as a human or a demon but some one took that choice way wen they murred you in vengence or rage which ever it was it had to deal with what your mother did and her death aperintly your mother made some very scadistic enamys who were the wrong people an creachers to fuck with and the onlything that confuses me is that there attacking you and now of all times when your abilitys are just at there peak when they killed you they sped up the proses so you will be truly be immortle and your experancs will inhance fast and with each enemy you kill you will be able to take the life force an abilatys an your nolige will atamatikly inhanceand and improve Lloyd: i serusly don't give a fucking shit who you are don't you dare ever speak of my mother like that ever! or i will rip off god dam HEAD DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR SASHA. Cieris: Lloyd![ Cieris jup's up and grabs Lloyd throws him on to his be wich he was just leneing on before went to attack Sasha Cieris pins Lloyd down to his bed Sieris went to help Cieris and he glared at her an she grab Sasha and went down the stairs in a flash when she stop an let go of Sasha Lloyds father, Rosetda and Samsin were still down there talking every one stop and looked at Sieris just in time to see the look of terror on her face from the look Ceiris gave her to cause that fear as she was gasping for air Lloyds father ask her what happen she just looked at him with terror Sasha sed that Lloyd went to attack her an Cieris juped in an held down Lloyd an Sieris went to help she stop for some reson grabed her and came down here Rosetda seid that i have to go up there and calm him down before he hurts him self or someone else] Sieris: stop if you go up there both of them are going to kill you because you'll get cot in there crosse fire Cieris is going to calm him down the best way he can [every one sat down to eat and over time went in to the den and talked four hours later they came down Cieris wiping off the sides of his mouth and Lloyd went in to the kitchen to get a drink an then went an sat strait acoss from Rosetda both of them were come pletely thrashed an Cieris ceped playing with his hear an what looked like poping his jaw and wen he was done he had a huge smile on his face an Sieris: started to ask him a question and this is were we are] Sieris: what took you so long you cant tell me that you guys fought four hours strait. Lloyd: we fought for a long time then w..... Cieris: then he talk to me the rest of the time then as soon as he was done with me we came down i still wanted him to keep talking to me because i wasn't done. Lloyds father: are you hungrie. Cieris: no i'm full. Sieris: uh huh ok . Sasha: Cieris behave. Rosetda: so lets get started on the wedding plans an invations i just cant wait until our wedding day its going to be so much fun being mearied and just wait until we have kids........{dos she ever stop talking} are you even listening to me because if your not this is going......{just nod your head and say yes} Lloyd: of cores what els would i be doing.{planing my escape} Rosetda: good that means you truly..........{so do what Sasha has planed for me serech for the remains of Dragulland nail Rosetda as meny times as posable and get the hell out of here with out getting caut or traced down}.....so what do think. Lloyd: sounds like you have every thing in perspective ill be up stiars if enyone wants me. Rosetda: daddy can i go up there with Lloyd to his room please daddy. Samisen: NO! now follow me in to the garden your no going nere eny mans room until the day your wed do i make my self clear. Rosetda: yes dad.

chapter: four enter Elemont

i see you not yet i breath you in who not are you but who were you this answer no one know's but me for you i belong to no one my only love for all now knows you as the wind and not as you were death is my wish.

and thats all i have i still have writers block on this story but i am going over old notes to see what to add or subtact i whant to turn it in to a novel so eney advice or pionters would be highly welcomed and an oppinyon about my story
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