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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1481470
story about mythical dark history of a member in a royal family
General: Damn you! How dare you speak to us like that! We are men of war. Where have you been? Safe in you’re bed. Sleeping while we were out fighting to keep you safe, and this is the thanks we get. You will be hanged for this atrocity. Soldier one: General, he’s a murderer! General: What do you mean? He has a bounty on his head. Soldier one: I don’t know but the girl’s dead look!. Lloyd: I’m surprised you’re dummer then I thought for you just noticed and you also must be deaf for you not to here the gurgling screams in the sharply quiet night General: Attack men its only one man. Lloyd: {he whispers} Good dogs, time to die. As they came at me i grace fully dogged them i slashed the throats of the first three but i got to admit the next four were much more fun as one of them bravely tried to run me through with his sword i rapidly turned around and like the demon i was i grabbed his throat with my teeth as i tasted his sweet bloody flesh i ripped his jugular out at the same time i took his sword an all by a beautiful surprise i split the second guy like a banana with it but the third one lets just say his head came off quite nice nicely the fourth i just wanted to see if i could ripped a man limb from limb the captain and patrol officer they were good for the hunt the cowards they ran in stead of excepting there fate like men but after that it was sort of a big blur for a little wile Soldiers: Aaaah, oh no, run, the captain is dead. The patrol officer got it too, and half the platoon. Aaaah, he’s coming after us too. Oh no, run.
General: You coward’s, it’s just one man. Solder one: But general, it’s a demon come to wreak havoc on the land, just like it says in the curse. You know when our ancestors di... General: You superstitious pansies. You really believe that bunch of crap. Now you morons, grab you ’re rifle and shoot the damn beast. . Solder two: What was that? Main character two: Do you human’s think that’s verry wise? How dare you mortal’s think you can fight with cheep games and tricks and not expect one of our brethren to step in and make shore that you human’s fight fair or suf... General: Fire. Main character two: I think it’s time to teach you a lesson in manners!
[Ok if you see these then the main character is speaking with thoughts so pay attention oh yea, by the way, I’m the writer enjoy]. {The guns started to fire. The strange man in black, if that’s what you would call him, he war a black vest that only covered his chest it was tight on him it had long sleeves that were also tight but they also belled around his hand, which is custom made, which his hand had blood red nail’s that were three inches long and had a snake whip attached to his hip were his skirt started and it ended at the ground it was black, also custom made and he war women’s boots that had six inch slender square heels size five it was kindda hard to see his movements because he wore a cape. Anyways after analyzing him for some time watching his every move. Realizing his speed, his agility, his most common defines and his common attack. And after a while of analyzing him, I finely stop, and before I had realized it, the fight had stopped. I looked up at his face and he didn’t have to say a word. You knew he was bored and you could tell that he wanted a challenge. A real fight, one that he’ll enjoy and you could tell that, to him this was a pointless slaughter.
I walked up to him and said thanks for your help. Ya know he did save my life. My name is Lloyd. And before I could say anything, he said his name is Cieris [pronounced Kyrus]. I asked him what was wrong.} Cieris: I normally would love to have a pointless slaughter but I ‘m tired I just want to have a reason, like to avenge someone’s death and die in the process and be victorious, challenge a kingdom, challenge the gods, scar time forever, a mate, and an apprentice. I just want a real reason to have pointless slaughter or wreak havoc upon the land or be put in a situation were its kill or be killed and something gets destroyed and it leaves a mark in history.
Lloyd: Then why did you help me? Do you normally walk in graveyards? Cieris: Ohh. Don’t be so feisty with me I just saved you’re life, {as he circles around me} come on I‘ll take you to the bar its on me. It’s a round the corner. So, how long have you been here? Lloyd: I live here. I am known many places even… Cieris: We’re here shut up and come inside sit here. Lloyd: there are no humans in this bar. Cieris: Why you disappointed? {With a playful tone} Lloyd: I’m still wondering why you brought me here. Cieris: Don’t you want a drink, {still with a playful tone} and play with me or do you want to see Sasha? Hmm, come on make you’re choice. {By the time he sed Sasha he be came deviant}. Sasha: Knock it off Cieris, don’t make me come down there. Lloyd come up here now, we’ll talk. Lloyd: Talk about what, I don’t even know you. Sasha: Careful, you’re already walkin on thin ice. Now remember this is out of charity not priority. NOW COME! . Cieris: Ohh why do you have to go and ruin my fun like that. Sasha: Careful, you’re walkin on even thinner ice. Cieris, you’re my nephew, not my son. Cieris: That’s right isn’t he six feet under, nine to be exa… Main character four: Cieris! My dear living loving brother, if you want to stay that way then I suggest you choose you’re words carefully dear brother. {After that I was superstitious of what I was getting my self into so I was choosing my words very carefully before I spoke. But I was being distracted by the female with fiery red hair, she wore red skirt size five custom made. It was verry short for our era and a tight fit leather weave top, about a twenty-eight DD. She wore black pointed top leather boots. She had ruby red nails, cherry red lips, amber red eyes, and blood red lines that out line the edge of her eyes. What amazed me was that she was five foot seven, which I had to bring my self to reality and back to what was going on}. [Shshshink.]
Sasha: Sieris, knock it off now. you’re going to distroy that sword you can’t just use any dragon scales you have to use the ones that have already been use and stop distracting me . Now were we ah that’s were we are now Come on give me you’re hand. Now, let’s see here. Ah, that’s interesting, now I have a question for you. What do you remember? Lloyd: All I know is that I’m a Lord of a great manor, my name, I know nothing else. Sasha: You’re honest. I like that. [She sits back in the chair crossing her legs]. {She expects me to believe that she’s psychic}. Sasha: So do you remember how you died? No, of course not, but it’s funny that after that incident, a little while a go, you’re still trying to convince you’re self that you’re still human. And, that you’re not that monster you’ve been fighting with the past week. Well, if you weren’t that monster, then would that incident had’ve happened? And you wouldn’t be covered in blood now, would you? But, I can help you. I can make you great in many ways. Do you except? Lloyd: Yes. Sasha: Cieris? Cieris: Yes. Sasha: Get him cleaned up. Sieris? Sieris: yes. Sasha: Go out and get him some new clothes. Guys, I think we have a new recruit.
{Cieris kept trying to talk me into letting him help me bathe and dress, but his efforts and offers were pointless. his twin sister, Sieris, apologized for her brothers behavior and that its not his falt he can’t help it because her bother was raised in the Dungeons of Dream’s. A place not even the wickedest of human’s or the evilest of demon’s deserves to go. It’s one of the places that you go in and don’t come out alive. I asked her how did he get out alive? She said that he was thrown out because he was having too much fun. “When did he get out?” I asked. She said,” About a hundred years ago.” I asked her how long he was in there she said about three hundred years so I asked her where she was raised. She said that she was raised in the Bare Bone Rock Dungeons. Which is about south/east past the Goblin Forest and about two-hundred yards from the Dwarf Mountain in the stonewall, right on the edge of the Demon Kingdom, the most ruthless demon’s alive live there. The most interesting one was Sasha the succubus. For someone to claim to be six hundred, she was sure looking verry attractive. My favorite thing was when she wore that see through spider print evening gown. Ya got to love it.}
Bartender: Sieris, I take it that you’ll have the usual. Sieris: As always. So, do you got any goods on this particular day? Bartender: Ya know I took you’re advice and got those particular weapon’s you were talking about the other day, and I made a fortune in one week. So, I thought I’d give you a choice of what you want for free, and there’s a couple of rare items mixed in with them so look carefully … {She scanned through them carefully before choosing weapons and potions. She picked one up. One weapon that was called the spiked slicer, it looked like an old custom-made plain sword. It don’t look like it has spikes or there something special about it. But, then she picked up a gold lined white dragon whip and attached it to her hip. Then, she picked up a hell fire dragon whip and handed it to Cieris. She picked up a pentacle medallion that kept changing colors and then Sieris put the medallion around my neck}
Lloyd: What’s this? Sieris: It don’t matter what it is. All that matter’s is that it’ll keep you safe. Especially where we’re going. Cieris: Oh goody, do we have to go back home now {with a playful tone}? Sasha: Give him the spiked slicer. Cieris: You’re not going to give him the win…Sasha: That’s enough with you. Why are all vegetarians vigorously defiant and a royal pain in the ass? Sieris: Lloyd catch! . Lloyd: What’s this piece of junk? Sieris: Hey, that’s an invincible weapon you ungrateful bastard. Sasha: Well Lloyd, that old rusty piece of junk is going to save you’re life. That’s if you can learn how to wield and derust it and sharpen it. You have one week, starting now. Cieris: That’s not fair; we haven’t even had our drink yet. Sasha: Fine, starting tomorrow morning. So, eat, drink, laugh, be merry for tomorrow you shall suffer.

Chapter two. Choice

Sieris: Hey, mister hangover, get you’re ass up. You start training now! {As she flip’s the bed over}. Lloyd: Aah wha, what time is it!?
© Copyright 2008 yuki yanagi (evilchukaboe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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