Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1477414-The-Journey-of-Mending-Heart
Rated: E · Short Story · Spiritual · #1477414
Story created from sketch I did.
It had been a long and great journey for Mending Heart. There were
many things he witnessed and experienced along the way that changed
his perspective, challenged his values, tested his stamina, and
checked his will.

Although he took this journey on his own, Mending Heart met many
along the way. Some were similar to him. Others were quite
different. Mending Heart approached everyone with respect and
genuine interest in the Medicine they taught him. He listened to
what each person had to say and took it into his heart. He in turn
would repair fences, perform smudges, and tell his stories, his
medicine, over a shared meal.

Most treated him with the same respect and reverance that he showed
them. Others didn't want anything to do with him. As he lay silent
and alone under the moon and stars, he prayed that Great Spirit would
touch the hearts of those that mistreated him. He never wished ill
upon anyone, never thought of revenge, and rarely got angry.

On this journey, he grew. He was deeply touched. At his lows, he
was depressed by all the fighting and all those that suffer ailments,
illnesses, and addictions that prevent them from experiencing the
vastness of life. He wept for those who were cut off from Mother
Nature because they were bedridden or afraid to leave their houses.
Many times he would bring plants to those he met and he'd delight
when their faces lit up in appreciation and love.

Though he was away from his tribe, he still performed ceremonies and
dances. Every morning he would stand and honor the sun...the birth
of a brand new day. He saw many sun and moon rises.

One morning, Mending Heart did not witness the birth of a new day.
His body was tired. Pain settled within him and wrestled with his
body at every move he made.

"I must walk through this pain. I must drink from the river," he said
in whisper. His fever was high and if he could drink from the river,
his fever would break.

He dressed slowly, placed his leather band around his head, grabbed
the staff that was a gift from the chief, and stepped out of his
shelter. He looked up and squinted to the sun. "I'm sorry I missed
your birth. Thank you for shining today."

There wasn't a cloud in the sky. A soft wind blew on Mending Heart.
Tears came to his eyes. Each step was excruciating. He slowed his
pace and moaned. He happened to look up and see a great Bald Eagle
flying over head. "Great Spirit, you are with me. Thank you."

Mending Heart made his way step by step. With every step, he thought
about the journey. He thought about the people he met, the many
things he experienced, all he learned, all the beauty surrounding
him, the birth of the sun, the comfort of the moon, and the ancestral
stars that were with him all the while. He thought of his many
visions. He had seen this exact day before. Step by step he was
closer to transforming one final time. He began chanting to distract
himself from the pain and prepare for the river.

Finally, he spotted the river. A deer drank from it. "Gentle animal
spirit, I thank you!" As he approached this deer, it didn't run. He
leaned on his staff for support. Mending Heart was quickly losing
strength. "Just a few more steps."

The Great Eagle was still flying above him.

He heard the words of his chief. "Mending Heart, you travel by
yourself to grow and experience, but let me tell you that we will
always be there with you when you need us most. We will be there to
celebrate your victory."

He looked around and saw more deer and other animals watching him.
The crystal stone on his staff began glowing. When he was a few
steps from the river, he collapsed. The animals drew closer and
encircled him. He was not afraid.

The staff stopped glowing and plunged into the river. Mending
Heart's eyes fixed on the sky and he released that final breath. Two
Eagles flew in the sky now.

The staff floated to a nearby camp. Chief Three Feathers retrieved
it. He called for ceremony where he said, "Our brother Mending Heart
has completed his Earth Walk and is now flying. Let us honor him

The drumming and dancing began and lasted throughout the night. The
flames flickered to the full moon. Chief Three Feathers looked up
and saw an eagle flying below the moon. A feather fell at his feet.
He picked it up, smiled, and placed it on his staff.

After the celebration, Chief Three Feathers placed his staff with the
newly attached Eagle feather at his door. He smiled and said, "Good
Journey Mending Heart. Fly safe!"
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1477414-The-Journey-of-Mending-Heart