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From high school to college and to the olympics, this is the story of Penny Starlyns. |
Penny stepped out into the stairs and took in the sight. She stood before a broad school stadium and a huge track enclosing a giant field of Green. Penny smiled. This was ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Ore High School. An actual track practice was about to start; and for at least a short time Penny would get to participate and be apart of the girls track team. Penny was excited…and late. "Let's go ladies!" The Head coach shouted. "Stretches! Let's get 'em done!" Today seemed to be an all-girls practice. The track team was already split up into small groups doing individual stretches. Penny vaguely remembered Kenue saying something about the group stretches coming first, and then the girl's track team would stretch as a whole before starting practice. "Hey! You up on the stairs!" Someone shouted. Penny realized one of the male coaches was calling her from down on the track. "Are you here to spectate or participate?" He shouted. Rather than shout back at him, Penny began her careful decent down the stadium stairs towards the field. The stadium stairs were made of concrete so Penny tried no to slip or lose her balance because it looked like it would be a nasty fall downward. As she got to the bottom she could see the annoyance on the face of the male coach at her not answering him. "What was the point of that?" He asked. "I wasn't going to tell you to leave, I just wanted to know if you were here to try out for the team." "...Uh...I came to try out." Penny answered quietly. "...Huh?" The coach squinted. "What was that?" "…I came to-" "What? Could you speak up?" He said. "What's the matter? Can't you talk?" Penny really didn't like when people did that. She looked down at the ground for a second, trying to fight off the feeling of embarrassment. When she looked up the coach appeared even more annoyed but she decided to try again. Penny cleared her throat alittle and forced herself to speak a little louder. "…I said, I want to try out for the track team." Penny said a little louder. "Well for Christ's sake, is that all?" The coach asked. "Well, see this thing behind me? It's called track and field. This is where everybody else is trying out, so you are welcome to join them." Penny nodded meekly and decided that it was ok to dismiss herself from the presence of his less than impressed coach and his giant hands. As Penny walked away, she looked around for Kenue but couldn't spot her. In the midst of such a large track team she did noticed four girls standing in a circle together warming up. The four of them just stood out from everybody else on the field. Three of them looked like seniors, and the last one looked like she was the same age as Penny. The four of them stood in a clear spot on the grass stretching, chatting, and gossiping. Penny decided to go ahead and start trying to loosen up. A slim younger-looking girl was the first to notice Penny. She leered at Penny as if she was out of place. "…Dang girl," The girl said so the other girls would hear her. "You just came from the Salvation Army wit those clothes on or what?" All of the other girls looked over at Penny, seeming to have just noticed her. Penny looked down at the ground in embarrassment again. Just as one of the senior girls was about to say something, another girl came jogging up to the group. "Penny!" She said. "Penny, come on we have to stretch together!" Penny felt relieved. Kenue seemed to come right in time to save Penny from another embarrassing moment. The other younger girl glared at Kenue but Kenue just smiled politely back at her and the group. The younger girl decided right then that she didn't like either one of the two girls. Penny didn't sense any of it though; she was just thankful that Kenue came to bail her out and gladly followed her away over towards a group of freshmen girls. As they were halfway over, Kenue nudged Penny in the arm. "What were you doing over there?" Kenue asked. "...I…I was just stretching." Penny said. Had she committed some crime by just stretching? "With the Senior-relay-team?" Kenue said. "They really don't even want Jelisa to stretch with them. It's not a skill thing; it's a senior thing. Understand?" "…Uhh…huh?" Penny went. Kenue laughed. Penny smiled back unsure of herself. "You're hopeless." Kenue said smiling. _____________________________________________________________ "Ok listen up! Whitley, Shanice, Kendal, and Jelisa." Coach Weiser called. "You girls are relay squad one." "No doubt, no doubt." Jelisa said. "That's for everyone who don't know my name!" "Jelisa! Girl would you please shut up?" Whitley told her. "Oh what now, we need to race each other?" Jelisa said trying to turn the situation into a joke again. "What's up, huh Captain? Bring it on, I'm ready to go to the top today." Whitley decided to ignore that little cocky attitude and let I be seen as a joke since everyone was watching. Watching and waiting to see if she would see it as a challenge from the younger track girl. "Yeah, only in a dream inside your dreams freshman." Whitley told her. The other girls promptly said "ooh" for Whitley's comeback. Penny watched with amazement from the back of the group. It seemed automatic that everyone was on Whitley's side. Penny a little smiled. She liked Whitley. It seemed like everyone liked Whitley. And she was also popular around school. Penny wondered if she would have a chance at racing her. She looked like she was really fast. "The practice team," Coach Weiser announced. Kenue and Penny listened up to see if the coach would call their names. "…Uhh, well I need volunteers. Who wants to run?" Kenue exhaled a long sigh as if she thought the head Coach was a pure idiot. "Who wants to get burnt?" Jelisa asked everyone. "Be quiet Jelisa." The coach said. "Any volunteers?" The coach asked again. "Come on, no volunteers?" None of the girls raised their hands. They were too intimidated by the seniors, and Jelisa only made it worse. Kenue didn't seem intimidated though, so she raised her hand and grabbed Penny's hand and put it in the air too. Kenue knew Penny didn't mind, she was just too shy to raise her hand. "Ok, your names?" The coach asked. "My name is Kenue, and this is Penny." Kenue said. "...What's the matter?" Coach Weiser asked. "Doesn't she talk?" Everyone, including the senior girls, laughed and stared at Penny. "...…Uh, hi..." She said with a nervous smile. Everyone laughed. With good nature though, so Penny didn't feel so bad after that. The head coach nodded at on of her other coaches and they wrote Penny and Kenue's names down on their clipboards. "What kind of name is Kenue?" One of the girls said. "It's Japanese." Kenue answered. "My mom was half Japanese." There were suddenly glances and short looks that came from the whole track team. Penny felt nervous since she was kneeling right next to Kenue. But Kenue didn't seem the mind all the sudden stares. It was like the girls were just now noticing that Kenue had certain Japanese features. Kenue was dark but with slanted eyes and long limbs. It wasn't exactly easy to see the Japanese in her, but if you looked close you could tell there was something exotic about her. Penny thought it was mainly her eyes that were the biggest giveaway, how they were shaped. The staring continued. Penny wondered what would come next, the question about if Kenue spoke Japanese or the one about whether or not Kenue knew how to eat with chopsticks. "Looks like you got competition, freshman." Whitney said to Jelisa. Jelisa looked at Penny and Kenue once and laughed. So did everyone else. Suddenly Penny felt embarrassed again. "Well a'ight miss Keyoko grab ya chop sticks I'ma need ya to write dis down." Jelisa made all the girls laugh. "Jelisa is the fastest freshman and she ain't got no competition! Shi-shi!" "Hey! Loud-mouth!" Coach Weiser said. "Quiet down or you're running extra today." Penny had almost forgotten that the coaches were still there. The sound of coach Weiser's voice restored order suddenly, but it was short-lived while the coaches started writing names down on there clipboards. "Yeah Jelisa, while you doin all that talkin they just might woop yo butt." A light-skinned senior kneeling next to Whitley said to Jelisa. "Ah she don't want to race me!" Jelisa said. "You don't want to race me do you?" Jelisa now directed here insults at Penny. The way she asked it made it seem to Penny like she should say no. But Penny wasn't sure what to say, so she decided to be honest. "...Well, I- I do." Penny said. The other girls said a big "oooh!" Penny felt scared suddenly. Everyone had taken that the wrong way. Kenue laughed. She wasn't afraid and she was happy to see her friend stand up to this bigheaded freshman, even if it was by accident. Jelisa smiled a cocky smile and laughed along with everybody else. "Well what's up then? I'm right here, we can do this!" Jelisa said and triggering more laughs. "I'm the one everybody wants to race anyways! You want some? Huh? This what you been waitin for?" "…Um, well I mean I'd really rather race Whitley." Penny said hoping to take alittle from the Jelisa-situation. Sudden silence. This was going to be an entirely different matter now. Jelisa smiled but Kenue could see she was mad because she thought Penny was being sarcastic. The other girls watched to see how Whitley would react. Whitley only smiled and eyed Penny with curiosity. "…Well, you'll get your chance newcomer." Whitley said. "Alright, track team! Warm ups, let's go!" All the girls stood as soon and started to follow Whitley onto the field. "Hey!" Coach Weiser called after Whitley. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" Whitley turned around and shrugged. "I don't know." Whitley called back. "I think we're already on twelve this year coach." Penny was surprised to see that the head coach didn't look too angry at all. In fact, she only shook her head and smiled. Whitley lead the whole track team onto the field like a commanding queen; and the other senior girls were like her generals, following her lead and backing her up. Penny and Kenue followed last. As they walked onto the field Kenue elbowed Penny. "You just challenged two of the fastest girls in the whole district." Kenue said. "You do know that don't you?" "What? I didn't really challenge them," Penny said. "I was just saying that I wanted the chance to race them." "Well that's the same thing." Kenue said. "That's Whitley Jones. She's the senior captain of the whole track team." "...What about them?" Penny said looking towards the other two girls standing next to Whitley. "The light-skinned one is Shanice Louis and the other one is Kendal Johnson. They're seniors too." Kenue said. "And you know Jelisa Quade now." "…Yeah... she…she's flicking me off…" Penny said. "What?" Kenue followed Penny's gaze toward the other side of the field. Kenue and Penny looked together in awe as Jelisa smiled and waved her middle finger at them from the other side of the field. Whitley gave Shanice a signal, and Shanice grabbed Jelisa's finger and bent it down. "Ok! Ok!" She complained. "Uncle!" Kenue propped her hands on her hips, rolled her eyes, and shook her head; she was good at doing that. Penny crossed her arms behind her back and sighed, she was good at doing that. "She's got a lot of mouth," Kenue said. "But be careful, she's got a lot of speed too. She's the one that really wants to race against Whitley. I can tell she's dying for a shot. " "…Whitley doesn't seem worried." Penny said. "I don't think she can beat Whitley." Kenue said shaking her head. "But she is faster than Kendal and maybe even Shanice." Penny thought of her a little differently now, that meant Jelisa was either the second or third fastest girl in the whole school. A freshman, and already part of the track team's senior relay squad. "Those clothes sure look hot Penny," Kenue said. "Why are you dressed like that anyway? Aren't you going to take them off?" Penny shook her head. Penny didn't like to show much of herself in public. It made her uncomfortable. People would stare, and she would feel even more embarrassed. When the warm ups were done, one of the assistant coaches went over the basics of the relay with Penny and Kenue and then assigned two other freshmen to team up with them. Antwani Eugene was their third leg and Audrey Williams was their anchor. That meant Penny would get the baton second and pass it to Antwani. "Starting positions! Let's go relay teams!" The coaches shouted. "Here we go Penny! This is going to be fun!" Kenue said. "…yeah..." Penny sighed nervously. "I don't feel good." "You ain't going to chicken out are you?" Kenue said. "No, I just…….this is my first time running a relay." Penny told her. Kenue put a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "…me too," Kenue told her. "But don't worry, it'll be fun!" Penny, Kenue, Audrey and Antwani would all run in the second lane while Whitley, Shanice, Kendal and Jelisa were in the first lane. Kenue went off to the starting line while Penny took her position. She turned herself sideways and bent her knees. This would be her first race at practice. "Good luck newcomer." Shanice said to Penny from her own starting position. Penny nodded in thanks. These seniors were something else. Especially the ones that played sports. It was like they had a mythology of their own. They were like royalty all around school. Teachers and administrators alike greeted them, and younger kids moved aside at the water fountains and at the lunch lines. And Whitley and her friends were like a Queen and her royal subjects. Most of the seniors seemed to act friendly towards the freshman. It made Penny feel a little better. For the first part of the race it would be Whitley and Shanice against Kenue and herself. She couldn't ask for a better person to hand her the baton than her new friend. This would be fun. "Ok, here we go!" Coach Weiser shouted. "On your mark!… Set!…." The whistle blows and Kenue and Whitley take off. Whitley literally starts at the same time as the whistle is blown. Kenue pumps her long legs as hard as she can. Whitley approaches fast and Kenue isn't too far behind her. Shanice takes her cue and starts three quarter speed and then Whitley hands her the baton. They're winning. Penny thought. As Shanice passes, Kenue finally reaches Penny. As soon as Penny feels it in her hand she goes full speed. Shanice is really fast, but Penny pushes as hard as she can and closes on Shanice in seven seconds. When Penny gets next to Shanice, she suddenly hears a lot of voices. People screaming and shouting and yelling. It all seems to come so suddenly that it scares Penny. Penny looks around to see what's happening but she realizes it's only the rest of the track team who are watching the relay. The sudden adrenaline gives Penny an extra push she takes the lead and even with a little distance from Shanice to give Antwani a little head start. Penny feels better as she closes in on Antwani. Finally the pressure would be on someone else. But as Penny closes in, suddenly Antwani turns her back and walks off the track. What's going on? What is she doing? Penny didn't know what to do. Shanice had not stopped yet and an anxious Kendal was waiting on her. But Antwani was gone so should she stop or would the Coach be angry? Was this a test? Maybe that's what the Coach was doing, trying to see if she would stop or keep on running. But why would…? The sound of Shanice's cleats takes Penny out of her thoughts and puts her back in the race. Farther on the track, Penny sees that Audrey is still in position waiting for the race to make it to her. Penny hears Shanice closing on her, so she decides to keep on running. She shoots past Kendal. She knows that she has to get the baton to Audrey if they wants to win. She pushes herself on. She can hear Kendal right on her heels closing in on her. Kendal isn't quite as fast as Shanice, but she's fresh and moving. Penny feels her legs getting heavier as she runs and her lungs getting smaller. Kendal suddenly appears next to her and begins to pull away. No! Penny doesn't want to lose the lead. She forces her body to go faster. She needs it to keep running. Penny can only manage to get just a tiny lead back over Kendal as she begins to close on…Audrey is gone. Penny sees her walking off the track too. It was just like Antwani had done. What is going on? Penny's body was wearing down, but she didn't know what to do but to keep on running. She goes on ahead and passes Jelisa right before Kendal gives her the baton. Penny knows that tiny lead isn't enough. |