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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Writing · #1474311
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.

Sign-ups for Prep 2025 open on Sept. 1!

October Novel Prep Challenge
aka: The Prep / PrepMo / OctoPrep
The juggling octopus that embodies October Prep month.
You CAN win National Novel Writing Month.

What is The Prep?

A month-long, community-oriented challenge
designed to help you plan your novel before writing it.

The Prep was originally created to coincide with the annual National Novel Writing Month  Open in new Window. event in November, but it can be used to prep any novel project. You don't have to already have a novel idea to participate. Your first assignment, on Oct. 1st, is to come up with your idea, and we provide brainstorming tools, plot generators, and a whole community of other novelists to help and inspire you.

Prizes galore!

*Gold* (but replace "car" with "GPs" *Bigsmile*) *Gold*


The Prep Rules:

*Checkr*Each day in October, complete an assignment from the Prep Assignment Calendar. The exercises will help you develop your novel-length story before writing it and prepare for the marathon writing of a full-length novel.

*Checkr*Spend at least 15 minutes working on an assignment each day (no max.)

*Checkr*Log your first completed assignment by the end of Oct. 3rd (based on your local time zone) using the Entry Form.

*Checkr*You're never required to share your writing. Just tell us you finished the assignment. You're on the honor system.

*Checkr*To compete in one of the four weekly "Contest Rounds", submit your entry via "October Novel Prep Contest RoundsOpen in new Window. [E] in addition to logging the assignment complete on the Entry Form for Prep credit. Contest Round deadlines are based on WDC time, not your local time zone.

*Checkr*Contest Round submissions may be any rating.

*Checkr*Prompts, name generators, brainstorming software and other writing tools are provided at the bottom of the Prep Assignment Calendar to get your muse working, since you don't already have your characters, plot and settings worked out.

*Checkr*The point is to get you disciplined into writing every day, but life sometimes interferes. Therefore, you may work ahead or fall behind and catch up later, so long as you don't exceed 72 hours between logging completed assignments. Exceptions

*Checkr*If you exceed 72 hours between posted assignments but still complete all the required work by October 31st, we have a special prize just for you, so please don't give up!

*Checkr*The forum may be used for questions, brainstorming, stumbling blocks you're facing, general encouragement of each other, or anything else you would like to discuss related to the Prep, your novel project, or NaNo in general.

*Checkr*Encouragement of your fellow Preppers *Gold*will be rewarded*Gold* by the Cheerleading Team.

*Checkr*So that young writers may participate in the Prep, please keep dialog 13+ and below.

The Prep Prizes:

Contest Round prizes:
*Ribbonb* 1st Place gets a blue ribbon awardicon and 20,000 Gift Points.
*Ribbonr* 2nd Place gets a red ribbon awardicon and 10,000 Gift Points.
*Ribbony* 3rd Place gets a yellow ribbon awardicon and 5,000 Gift Points.

Want to be a judge? "Prep Instructions: Contest Round JudgesOpen in new Window. [E]

Cheerleading prizes:
Our Cheerleading team will award the following prizes at their discretion:
*CoinSilver* 1,000 Gift Points (unlimited)
*CoinGold* 5,000 Gift Points (unlimited)
*Badge* Cheerleading Merit Badges
Want to be a cheerleader?"Prep Instructions: CheerleadersOpen in new Window. [E]

October Novel Prep Challenge Grand Prize:
Successfully complete all of the required assignments by October 31st without exceeding 72 hours between logged assignments and win:
*People* access to "NaNoWriMo Sprint Writers ForumOpen in new Window. [13+] during November.
*People* access to "NaNoWriMo Brainstorming ForumOpen in new Window. [13+] during November.

*Badge* an Exclusive "OctoPrep" Merit Badge.
Merit Badge in OctoPrep
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on your new "OctoPrep" merit badge for your group,  [Link To Item #1474310] ! Thank you for supporting the Writing.Com community with your inspirations, participation and activities. We appreciate it! -SMs

November NaNoWriMo Grand Prize:
Successfully complete NaNoWriMo in November and win a NaNo Winner Merit Badge.
         Eligibility requirements for this prize:
         *Bulletr* Complete at least one Prep calendar assignment by 10/31.
         *Bulletr* Provide your NaNoWriMo author name via the Signup Form.
         *Bulletr* Your NaNoWriMo account  Open in new Window. must reflect at least 50,000 words by 11/30.
Merit Badge in Nano Winner
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on completing NaNoWriMo 2008!  Go Team Sapphire!

Tokyo: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Mumbai: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Moscow: [Refresh to load countdown.]
York: [Refresh to load countdown.]
New York: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Nashville: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Reno: [Refresh to load countdown.]
Honolulu: [Refresh to load countdown.]
South Pole: Depends where you're standing
North Pole: Only Santa Knows *SantaHat*

The Prep Personnel:

Meet Your Prep Leaders
Your Leadership Team consists of executive leaders, writing coaches, and technical/administrative support. Your leaders are here to help you, answer your questions, explain assignments, coach you in your writing, fix technical problems and keep you informed. Throughout October, we will send out a daily email announcing which participants are still in the running for Merit Badges.

Want to serve on the Leadership Team?
"Prep Instructions: Leadership TeamOpen in new Window. [E]

Meet Your Cheerleaders
Your Cheerleaders are here to motivate you, reward you for motivating one another, and nudge you when you're close to a deadline. Our Cheerleaders will award "Cheerleading" Merit Badges, GPs and other goodies to anyone offering encouragement, whether a contestant or external general supporter.

Want to serve on the Cheerleading Team?
"Prep Instructions: CheerleadersOpen in new Window. [E]

Meet Your Contest Round Judges
Your judges are here to select the winners of the Contest Rounds. Prep participants may serve as judges but are not eligible to compete in the Contest Round(s) that they judge. They are still eligible for the Grand Prizes and to compete in the other Contest Rounds.

Want to serve on the Judging Team?
"Prep Instructions: Contest Round JudgesOpen in new Window. [E]

Meet Your Sponsors
Without the support of these generous sponsors, we could not fund your prizes.

Want to make a donation?
donate: "October Novel Prep Challenge GroupOpen in new Window. [E]

If you would like to help but are not able to donate GPs or time, consider donating one or two of your FREE monthly Merit Badges. They will be required on Nov. 1st and/or Dec. 1st. All you have to do is save them up (don't award a Merit Badge to anyone for 30 days prior), and then coordinate with the Leaders to award a badge to one of our winners on each of the award days.

Meet Your Teammates
This group houses both your fellow participants and Prep funds. When you sign up, we will automatically add you to the group to receive daily emails.

Good luck and happy writing!

View More Testimonials

Important Prep Links:

*Bulletr* Sign up using the 2024 Prep Signup Form  Open in new Window.
*Bulletr* See assignments on the "2024 Prep CalendarOpen in new Window. [E]
*Bulletr* Log assignments on the 2024 Prep Entry Form  Open in new Window.
*Bulletr* Monitor your assignment progress on the  2024 LOG  Open in new Window.
*Bulletr* Compete in the "October Novel Prep Contest RoundsOpen in new Window.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/1474311-October-Novel-Prep-Challenge