Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1474249-Predator
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1474249
Invited to lunch by an alluring stranger, Isis has no idea it might be just a bit literal.
    The way he took my hand in his was so light, so caring, that a light wave of euphoria washed over my now-inactive mind. I was too busy gazing at the face, at that skin, at that aura that just seemed to radiate from him. There was a sweet, velvety sound caressing me that originated from his lips. It encircled me and drew me in even further. I found myself closing my eyes, letting that sweet sound overtake me.

    "Your name, miss?" He dropped my hand, and it fell to my side lifelessly. My eyes were still lightly closed. I inhaled deeply. "Miss?"

    Suddenly I caught on. My eyes snapped open abruptly and I mentally cursed myself for making that wonderful feeling flee. "W-what?" My voice came out cracked and dry as my voice box forced itself into audibility, scraping up against the sides of my throat to gain as much sound as it could possibly muster. My word, I was paralyzed by him! The sound that escaped from my mouth sounded like a screaming jet compared to his lullaby speech.

    "Your name. I asked it of you several times, miss. I should like to know your name." His slight smile almost made me swoon right then and there. I won't say I was infatuated by him, but there was that need . . . It was strong pull --- as if he was an oversized, super-powered magnet and I was the iron shavings waiting to be sucked up into the embrace.

    "I-Isis. My name is-is . . . is--- I'm Isis." Shoot! Why was I stuttering? I was never this bad at conversing with others, much less guys. I was usually casual and carefree around the guys. You didn't have to worry about putting on a show in front of them.

    But this one just seemed different . . .

    "Brady." He extended his smooth, snow-white hand towards me and I nervously reached out to shake it, my hand already in the motion. The minute my skin touched his, an electric shock shot through my body and licked up my nerves like fire --- this followed by a satisfactory chill up my spine.

    I was ready to shake his hand and be done with it, but once he had my hand in his again, he swiped it up to his lips for one swift kiss of greeting. His cold lips touched the top of my hand subtly and rubbed across the largest vein there before quickly pulling away. He sighed deeply as if the same euphoria that had been pulsing through me had transferred to him in that one simple caress.

    "Would you join me for lunch?" His crimson eyes took on a new gleam and a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. Then, he was staring at me intensely again. I was locked in his gaze.

    I was his puppet.

    "Yes. I'd love to." I was no longer stuttering. My voice was mechanical. It wasn't even voluntary anymore. It was some involuntary action that was necessary. I no longer controlled myself.

    My eyes stayed staring deeply into his for what seemed like eternity before he turned and led the way. I shook my head back and forth to ward off the fuzziness and disorganization of my thoughts. I needed to think clearly.

    Time was moving too slowly. I was lost in a fog all the way there. I just kept following the angel walking in front of me, pulling me magnetically behind him, alluring yet evading me. I was the puppet on the strings; I was the loyal, lovesick puppy; I was the iron shavings. Finally, we reached a large manor that I supposed was his. It had to be. It fit perfectly with his manner.

    Hehe! Manor, manner. Ha! Okay, now I -was- delirious.

    He strolled up the neatly arranged gravel path, with never a look back --- me following closely behind. He had desensitized every nerve in my body, every foreboding, any presentiment, down to the bone. Every muscle was completely limp, besides my legs and my eyes. My legs, which followed him, and my eyes, which stayed glued to him.

    He finally halted in front of the huge wooden door and turned around slowly, patiently waiting for me to catch up. When I did a few seconds later, his hand softly pushed the thick, large door wide open, causing an ear-splitting creak to resound through the house and around me. This should have raised a red flag in my mind. How could he open it so easily? And why had it already been unlocked? Had he been expecting me? When in my life had I ever spontaneously panted after a stranger all the way to his house?

    Isis Bannely, you are a strange woman. I chided myself. But did I listen? Of course not!

    No, I just kept following him through the door into the house. Even when I heard the only exit slam behind me, proceeded by a familiar small click, I never batted an eye.

    The next few minutes were foggy to me. He cooked up an excellent lunch and set it before me, which I started scarfing down immediately. He only sat there, staring at me, with a face that expressed want. "Aren't you going to eat?" I inquired curiously with a tinge of anxiety, after I had gulped down a huge bite of food. I didn't realize how hungry I'd been. (Or what kind of cooking I'd been missing.)

    He lightly chuckled and I almost melted. His laugh was intoxicating, and even more alluring. "Oh, I'll eat later. I have my food, don't I?"

    I nodded slightly, not getting the full meaning of this statement. I still hadn't figured it out when he rose from his seat and gracefully marched over to mine. Every movement was like a painter's deft swipe of the brush on the canvas.

    Indisputably perfect and fluid.

    I had hardly finished half of my food, yet I still took his hand and let him lead me down the long hall to the left of the stairs. We trekked down to the last room on the right, where he pushed open the door to a gigantic and exquisite master bedroom. I blushed briefly. I hadn't been expecting this to happen.

    Leading me to the queen-sized bed in the exact center of the room, he turned his head just enough to flash me a heart-pounding grin. My heart felt like it was going to explode from so much work. It was practically bulging out of my chest with each beat. He softly sat me down on the bed, holding on to my arm longer than he needed to. Then, he was gone.

    Vanished. There was no sign of him whatsoever. Not even a whoosh of wind like he had run away or anything. He simply disappeared.

    I was just about to get up and search, when I felt a cool sigh graze across my neck. "Don't leave." he whispered just outside my ear. "It's so intoxicating."

    Me? Intoxicating?! It was more like vice-versa! I was just about to voice this when his lips made contact where my jaw met my neck. I sighed and closed my eyes once more. To any other person, it would have seemed like a caress or a kiss, and it should have seemed like something different to me, but, just as they say, ignorance is bliss. They worked their way down, lightly touching my neck over and over. Right where my neck connected to my shoulder, he stopped. But then another thing I hadn't been expecting transpired.

    A low, almost inaudible hiss escaped through his lips and across his teeth.

    That’s when it finally rushed at me. When reality hit me like a ton of bricks and threw me against the wall. "No. NO!" I began screaming before pushing myself up from the bed. Things were blurring in front of me. The only instinct I had was to run. The only feeling I felt was fear. He was behind me. He was only giving me a head start. He loved the chase. He loved the challenge.

    I jumped through one of the windows, remembering the front door was locked. This scraped me up pretty badly. I didn't care. It would make death come quicker --- less painfully. I jumped up.

    I was going to die. I was going to die quickly. But I'd never forget those crimson eyes.
© Copyright 2008 Willow Raven (thethrill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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