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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Religious · #1471289
Can Kate's godly motives overcome her lack of Bible knowledge to win this game show?
by Laura Milner


PETER STONE  Game show host extraordinaire. Very personable, sophisticated, animated, always smiling.

CODY  Returning champion on this show, CODY is very knowledgeable about Scripture, but much weaker in application of Christian concepts such as kindness, gentleness, patience, humility.

KATE  The challenger, KATE, embraces the heart of the Gospel message and almost instinctively chooses the right actions, but has a very poor grasp of the contents of  the Bible.

PANELISTS  Three panelists are available to assist the contestants in their answers, much like the old game show,  "Hollywood Squares." They have varying levels of expertise, but want to be helpful and encourage contestants.

MARY  The assistant to PETER, MARY shows the correct answers and assists the contestants and the host as needed throughout the game. She is personable, efficient and beautiful.


Loud bell to signal a bonus question
Softer bell to signal correct responses
Buzzer to signal incorrect responses
Five 3X5 cards, one for each contestant and panelist
Five pens, one for each contestant and panelist
3X5 card for PETER to compare Bonus Question responses to correct answers
Two posters to display correct answers, reading: "FIRST CORINTHIANS" and "D," or use of video representations of these answers projected onto front wall.

    This is a game show. During the course of the game, KATE learns that she doesn't have the formal Bible knowledge that she needs in order to win the game. CODY loses his self-control when a panelist fails to help him win extra points and storms off the show, even though he is in the lead and possesses great Bible knowledge.
    The congregation is left comparing their own personal strengths and weaknesses with those of the two contestants. This drama was written for teens to present on a Youth Sunday and intended to stand alone in place of a sermon.


CODY and KATE stand, one at the pulpit and one at the liturgist's podium. PETER moves freely between the two locations. The three PANELISTS are seated up center at a table. MARY is posted where she can easily display posters to reveal the answers to the questions.


(To CONGREGATION)  Welcome back to (big build up) "The Christian Challenge". My name is Peter Stone. So far, our defending champion, Cody, is in the lead with 545 points; and his challenger, Kate, trails by only 85 points with a total of 460 points. So, contestants, what do you say? Are you ready to take ... The Christian Challenge??


Bring it on!


You bet, heavens yes!  Good luck, Cody.


What? Oh, luck, yes. God bless you, too, Kate.


That's right! God BLESS you, Cody! And God bless you, too, Peter, (turns to PANELISTS) and God--

(Loudly interrupting KATE)  Why thank you. Now for the next question, which goes to our current leader, Cody.


That's right! That's right! Come on, "Old Testament!" Come on, "Old Testament!"


The category: "Early Church." "Early Church." Here's the question:  Paul, as a converted follower of Christ, wrote letters to encourage and admonish the churches--




Just a moment, Cody. Let me finish the question.


Oh, sure, sure.


"In which New Testament book does Paul teach the church about the nature of Love?"


Oh! Oh! I know that!  New Testament, of course!


And which of our helpful panelists would you like to help you on this question, Cody?


What? Oh, panelists, right! I'll pick panelist Number Two, Peter.


Number Two!

# TWO 

Oh, honey, that would be the book of Fourth Corinthians!


Fourth Corinthians! There's no such thing!!

# TWO 

(Laughing)  I know, I know!  I mean, that's the whole joke, right??


So, Panelist Number Two, which New Testament book contains teaching to the church about the nature of Love?

# TWO 

Seriously, Peter, I believe it is Corinthians. Let me see - that would have to be First or Second Corinthians now, wouldn't it? I'll say ... "First Corinthians"!


So, "First Corinthians" is the answer. Are you going to go with that answer, Cody, or do you have an answer of your own?


No. I'll go with "First Corinthians",  Peter.


All right. For 50 points, Mary, will you show us ... "First Corinthians"!! (bell rings. MARY shows the correct answer, "First Corinthians")


Yes!! Great! Also called the Love Chapter, Peter, right?  (PANELISTS ad lib: Wow! That's right! Super!)


Right! And now, to you, Kate. Are you ready, Kate?


I'm ready, Peter! Let's have a good category. (prays) In Jesus' name, give me a good category.


And the category is--


Jesus, help me.


"What Would Jesus Do?" "What Would Jesus Do?"


(Delighted)  Praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah! Praise you, Jesus. (PANELISTS ad lib: Praise God, etc.)


All right, Kate-- (continues to speak over KATE'S lines)


(Ignoring PETER) Thank you, Lord. Praise God.


(Speaking over KATE'S lines) Kate ... Kate! Listen closely now for the question: "On your way to a special church council meeting, you come upon a pedestrian lying by the side of the road. According to Christ's teaching regarding the Good Samaritan, which of the following four things do you think Jesus would do:

         A.  Call 911 to report an injured person and continue to church.
         B.  Stop traffic until you find someone who knows the victim.
         C.  Call the church and ask them to pray for the victim as you drive by.
         D.  Get out of your vehicle and offer assistance."


That's a tricky one.


Let me think.


Well, Kate, would you like some assistance from our fine panelists?


Heavens, yes! Panelist Number One, would you please help me?

# ONE 

Of course, dear. Of course.


Panelist Number One, you heard the question?

# ONE 

Oh, yes. The Good Samaritan, that's a good one. Let me see, you didn't mention giving the poor victim a bit of wine, though - wasn't that part of the story? No, wait, that was the priest, wasn't it??


Nobody drank the wine! (rolls his eyes while # TWO, # THREE ad lib:  "No, I remember the wine. Yes, there was something about wine. That's right".)


(Loudly regains control)  What would Jesus do here? "A, B, C or D?"

# ONE 

Now,  you said something about calling 9-1-1, right? That way they could get him transported to a shelter, like the inn, right? That's it.  That's my answer. "A,"  right?


Kate, are you going to go with that answer?


What? No! That's just crazy. You're just gonna make a phone call? That's ridiculous. Jesus would not even do that! (to # 1) Would you  REALLY do that?? (Other PANELISTS shake heads "no," CODY shakes head "yes.")

# ONE 

Well, none of the answers gave him any wine! (PANELISTS ad lib: "Yes, what about the wine?")


No one drank any wine!


I'm sorry, Kate, but I'm going to need an answer from you now. Remember, the right answer gets you 50 points.


(Apologetic)  Oh, I'm sorry, Peter. Right. May I hear the choices again, Peter?


They would be: "A. Call 911--"


(Interrupting PETER) That's wrong!


"B.  Stop traffic until you find someone who knows--"


(Interrupting PETER) Ridiculous!


"C.  Call the church and ask them to pray--"


(Interrupting PETER) That's a good one.


"... to pray for the victim, as you drive by."


Well, wait!  You mean you're just going to leave him there??


And :  "D.  Get out of your vehicle and give the victim assist--"


(Interrupting PETER)  THAT'S IT! "D"!  My answer is "D". It's the only one that even makes any sense!


Mary, show us the answer!  Is it ...  "D"?  (bell rings.  MARY shows answer "D".  PANELISTS applaud.)


Hallelujah!  (to # 1)  I guess I could give him something to drink then, if I wanted to, right??


Well done, Kate!  That brings your score up to 510 points. (loud bell rings)  And THAT signals our special Bonus Question. Contestants, get ready. Both of you will play for this question. Do you have your pen and paper ready? Good. Now, Cody and Kate, you will have twenty seconds to record as many responses as you can after I read the question.  (to MARY) Do I have twenty seconds on the clock?  (MARY nods)  Panelists, you also need to write. Are you ready? (PANELISTS nod, their pens ready to write)  25 points for each correct answer and ... here's the question:

"Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. In it, he listed the Beatitudes. In one or two words, list the main points of each of the Beatitudes."

You have twenty seconds - GO!  Start the clock!!  (after ten seconds)  You have ten seconds. (PANELIST # 1 appears to have difficulty, while PANELISTS # 2 and # 3 are writing feverishly)  Five seconds! (after five seconds, bell rings) Pens down! (MARY collects cards from CODY and KATE, hands them to PETER)  Panelists, hand your cards in. (MARY collects cards from the PANELISTS)  Let's see how our contestants fared. We'll begin with our current leader. Cody, let's see how you did.


Twenty seconds isn't very long, Peter. I didn't get them all, but I know them.


Well, for each correct answer, that's 25 points! So let's see what you've got. Here's the list. "Mourn and Comforted."  Do we have that, Mary? (bell rings)


Yes, we do. "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."


"Hunger and Righteousness". Show us, Mary.  (bell rings)


"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."


"Poor in Spirit."  Can we see "Poor in Spirit"  (bell rings. KATE holds her head in her hands)


"Blessed are they who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God."


"Persecuted"  Let's see "Persecuted"! (bell rings)


"Blessed are they that are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."


"Peacemakers"! Do we have "Peacemakers"? (bell rings)


Yes!  "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."


"Merciful"! Show us "Merciful"!  (bell rings)


"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy."


That's it. That makes six! Six correct answers, Cody, for a total of 150 Bonus Points. And in just a moment, you may choose one of our panelists and possibly add to your score.


I could have gotten them all if I'd just had more time, I know it!


Well, right now, it's time to hear from Kate. How did you do, Kate?


Not very well, Peter. Those Bible questions are hard. I wish it were the "What Would Jesus Do?" category. I mean, that's what's really important, wouldn't you agree, Peter? Now, what good does it do to quote the Bible every ten minutes if you're not going to actually DO something about it?


I really must interject here. The Holy Scriptures are absolutely key in understanding--


(Interrupting CODY)  Hold it, hold it! This is very exciting, but we need to finish our question. Right now, let's take a look at Kate's answers:  "The Sower and the Seed"! Do we have "Sower and Seed"? (loud buzzer, MARY shakes her head "No")  I'm sorry, Kate. That is actually a parable.  Your next answer:  "Exodus".  Let's see "Exodus"!  (buzzer)  I'm sorry, Kate. Exodus is actually a book of the Bible. The Old Testament Book of Exodus. We're looking for Beatitudes. Next answer:  "Restored Sight to the Blind". Show us "Restored Sight to the Blind"! (buzzer) Not there. Sorry, Kate. That would be one of the Miracles of Jesus.


Miracles! I knew that! (aside) I could really use one of those now.


Next answer:  "Faith, hope and goodness"! Is there any "Faith, hope and goodness"? (buzzer)  No. Good try, Kate. Those are actually examples of Fruit of the Spirit, great examples.


I knew I'd heard them somewhere! Sorry.


No, no. That's all right. Those were all great answers, Kate. Just not the Beatitudes. Let's listen to one last answer here:  "The way, the truth and the life"! Is it there? (buzzer) I'm so sorry, Kate. Jesus IS the way, the truth and the life.


(Helping)  The Beatitudes start with "Blessed are ..."  see? (KATE silently nods)


So, no points, Kate. But, since this is our Bonus Question, you still have a chance to get points. Each contestant may select one of our panelists who have also recorded their answers for an additional 25 points for each correct answer. Since you are in the lead, we'll save you for last, Cody. So Kate, who would you like to select?


Well, no one's chosen Panelist Number Three for a while. (to # 3) But don't worry. I don't care if I win or not. I'm just happy to be here. (CODY shakes his head)


Number Three!  Now Cody, would you like to also go with Number Three, or would you like to choose a different panelist?


I'll go with my lucky panelist - Number Two!


First let's hear from Kate's panelist - Number Three!! Let me see the card, Mary. (compares  responses to answers on another 3X5 Bonus Question Answer Card)  For correct responses, we have, one, two, three, four ...(counts quietly) I believe that's all of them. Mary, can you please compare these with your answers? (hands cards to MARY)


(Quickly reading answers)  "... peacemakers, pure in heart, meek, when they insult you ..." (reads silently, comparing to the Answer Card) Yes! These are all nine. (bell rings)


Praise God! I can't believe it! (to # 3) Thank you! Oh, thank you so much! God bless you!


That brings Kate's score up another 225 points  for a total of 735 points! That was a great choice, Kate.


I just went on faith, Peter. Who would have guessed?


And now, Cody. Let's see what we'll be adding to your score shall we? After all, you are still in the lead with 745 points.  Let's see what Number Two said. (reads card, grimaces)  Oh! It looks like we won't be adding any points here.


What?! Let me see! (PETER hands CODY the card, who reads aloud)  Thou shalt not kill, Honor thy Father and Mother - What?? These are the Ten Commandments! (to # 2) What were you thinking??

# TWO 

I'm so sorry, Cody.


Now, now, you're still in the lead here, Cody.

# TWO 

I'm really sorry, man. I should have known ... I just blanked out, you know?


Blanked out?! You should be off the game!


Now, just a moment here.


How rude!! Cody, we're on camera. Do you really want people to see you acting this way?


(To CODY)  You know, another outburst like that and I have the authority to take you out of the game.


(Raising his voice) But that wouldn't make sense! I know the answers! (gestures toward KATE) She can't even tell a Beatitude from a Parable! 


(To CODY)  But I CAN tell the difference between a BE-attitude and a BAD attitude! And you've got a really bad attitude!!


(Shouts) Hey, it's just a game!


(Incredulous)  Really?  Do you really think this is just a game??


Well, of course. But you know what? You all just go ahead and play your stupid games without me. There's better ways to make money! (walks away)


Don't you even want your parting gifts??  (CODY makes a dismissive gesture and exits) Well, Kate, I've never seen this happen before. We have other contestants waiting to play. But since we can't finish this game, I'm afraid we would have to take your score back down to zero and begin again.


I can keep playing? But I did so badly.


But you were never defeated! Everyone stays in the game unless they are defeated.


Actually, I think I'd like to stay in the game.


You had some really great answers, Kate.


Yes, well I don't want to give up, by any means! But I don't think I'm ready to  compete right now.  Maybe I could do a little studying then come back. Could I do that, Peter? (PETER nods)


Sure. (to OTHERS) Everybody, I think this is a wrap. Let's get ready to tape a new show. This one's not going to be aired. (to KATE) Well, Kate, I've enjoyed having you on the show. Just stop into the office to reschedule, okay?


I'll do that. Thanks, Peter. (to PANELISTS)  God bless you all. You were wonderful! (PANELISTS ad lib: "God bless you, too, Kate. Keep up the great work. Hope to see you back soon. Be praying for you. We think you're a winner." KATE exits)


(To PANELISTS)  Let's take fifteen, then we'll get a fresh start, okay?  (turns to CONGREGATION)  Take fifteen!! (exits with PANELISTS)


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