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Rated: 18+ · Interview · Entertainment · #1469437
My interview with model Zoe Scarlett
NOTE: This interview was conducted by me off this site. I have been conducting interviews with bands, models, and photographers internationally over the last two years through BBE aka Beautifully Bound Entertainment.

This interview took place June 17th, 2007. If you unsure who this person is you can Google them to get more information. Thank you and please enjoy.

BBE Interview with Swiss Pin-up model Zoe Scarlett

Beautifully Bound Entertainments interview with Zoe Scarlett

Miss Scarlett on behalf of BBE I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit with us for a little while today. I have some questions for you regarding your modeling.

BBE: How long have you been a model?

Miss Scarlett: I started about a year ago.

Miss Scarlett: My boyfriend was away on a trip to L.A. and I wanted surprise him with some cute pin-up pictures of me, so I managed a photo shoot with a photographer and when my boyfriend came back from his trip I had my pictures hanging all over the garage.

Miss Scarlett: The following week an Italian photographer came by to take some photos in the garage of the cars, but instead he saw my pictures all over and started to take some pictures of me in person, He then used those photos the following month in a magazine he worked for.

BBE: Talk about some luck, huh?

BBE: When did you realize modeling is what you wanted to do in life?

Miss Scarlett: Well, after my first photo shoot as a pin-up, I spent a lot of time working on myself. I worked out a lot and practiced how to move in front of the camera. To work as a pin-up model is not a regular model job, sometimes you have to do silly little things, but really this is exactly what is so fascinating about it. I can not stop. It became my passion and part of my life.

BBE: I can tell you have a lot of passion by the way you talk about this, Is this a career for you or just an "at this moment" kind of gig?

Miss Scarlett: For me, it is a career. It is my own little business.

BBE: Really, when you say, "your own kind of business" what do you mean?

Miss Scarlett: I have started my own business within the business, what I mean is I have started my own "Pin-Up hair Jewelery", business and in the next few months we will have some fantastic new products available.

BBE: Are you working on anything else?

Miss Scarlett: Yes, we are working on some "Pin-up" DVDs as well as a special members section for my site.

BBE: And the name of your site is.....?

Miss Scarlett: It is www.zoescarlett.com

BBE: This is a little off of the path we were just on but can I ask you, when you were young did you ever look to any famous model for inspiration?

Miss Scarlett: I grew up in a family that was addicted to American made cars and to the 1950's. My parents had hung a giant picture of Betty Grable in our living room and I really looked up to her but, I really loved Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield my favorite bombshell.

BBE: What would you say is your favorite aspect of being a pin-up model?

Miss Scarlett: Being a model you get to travel a lot and meet new and exciting people, plus I get to see my fans on the road and I always try to spend a few minutes with him/her and answer any questions that they might have. I know they appreciate it and even to mean it means a lot. I love my fans so very much.

BBE: Where do you get all of those vintage outfits and articles you use during your shoots?

Miss Scarlett: Well, if someone books me as a model, they always take care of my outfit needs, make-up, hair, and accessories. If I am shooting photos with a friend of mine then usually I use my huge wardrobe I have at home, which I will say a lot of which came from auctions. I am a little bit of an auction junky....lol.

BBE: What kind of modeling do you specialize in?

Miss Scarlett: I specialize in mainly Pin-up style, but from time to time I work as a regular model as well. I am open for most anything I have not tried before but for now yes, pin-up.

BBE: Does your family support what you do?

Miss Scarlett: My family adores my work. They support me in every way. Even my boyfriend and grandparents are proud of me. They collect everything they can that involves me. It means so much to me to do what I love to do and receive help and support from my family in th process.

BBE: What would you tell someone who was looking to get into this business?

Miss Scarlett: You know, I get a lot of e-mails everyday from girls asking me how they can get into this business. The truth is, it is hard to get into this business and make money doing it. As a professional model you usually work for an agency or a management company. They take care of you and the contracts and basically everything you need. I do not work for an agency. I do everything on my own. It has taken a lot of time this way, but I have learned a lot and continue to learn new things daily.

Miss Scarlett: Now, what I want people who are looking to get into this business is this. You really need to be eighteen years old. Be careful about your choice of a photographer, and always take someone with you that you trust because it is better to be safe than anything. You do not have to pay to get into an agency and DO NOT ever take your cloths off to become a professional model, even if someone tells you the opposite. That is not the truth.

BBE: I agree with you on the last part.

BBE: Where can we see you?

Miss Scarlett: Well, I am always on the road. I attend a lot of "hot rod" shows and concerts. You can find all the dates and info on my site at www.zoescarlett.com or www.myspace.com/zoescarlett

BBE: Do you do any kind of "live" shows?

Miss Scarlett: I was thinking about starting a burlesque show and right now it is just a thought, but who knows, I may start with it soon.

BBE: Do you work with any special photographers on a regular basis?

Miss Scarlett: I know so many photographers but I work a lot with Dirk Behlau from Germany. He is a great artist / photographer. I also work with Pablo Wunsch Blanco who happens to be a good friend of mine.

BBE: What would you say is your most loved memory so far?

Miss Scarlett: My most loved memory, hmm. In the last few months I have had so many special moments. I am traveling a lot, I meet so many fantastic people but I think one of the best moments was almost a year ago. I attended a contest where they were looking for "the prettiest girl next door", in Switzerland's biggest newspaper. I just knew I was that girl. I entered the contest and early the next morning I woke and went to the kiosk and what I saw took my breath away, There I was on the front cover. It was great!

BBE: Zoe, you have been a fantastic guest and you are absolutely stunning.

Before we go can you tell us one last time where your fans can see or reach you?

Miss Scarlett: Yes I can. You can reach me by either of my web listings.




They can also reach me by mail at:

Zoe Scarlett


4410 Liestal


BBE: Miss Scarlett we would like to thank you again for taking the time out of your busy lifestyle to sit and talk to us. I can assure you that we here at Beautifully Bound Entertainment and all of your fans out there will be keeping an eye on you and all of your great work. Thank you so much."
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