Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1469097-Destineys-Decision
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1469097
This was a short story written for class.

         As the sun was creeping down on a chilly autumn evening, the call of two sparrows was heard. They were fluttering to the ground as a strong muscular tiger pounced on them with swift and easy movements. Blood spilled onto the leaf-ladden ground just before a high piercing shriek made the tiger's ears twitch. Afterwards, he was bounding into the thicket towards the area where the scream was was heard.
         Entering the human camp made the tiger's tail twitch uneasily. There were a few embers glowing in a campfire, and as he rounded the tent his eyes filled with terror. There, laying on the ground were two humans with gashes in their throat.
         Though the tiger was terrified that the creature that did this could still be around, nothing could make him into a coward. Sniffing around, he noticed that human blood overpowered any other smell. There was just a faint trace of something he couldn't identify.
         Feeling embarassed, he started to stalk off into the shelter of some canopy leaves when he got this strange feeling someone was watching him. He squinted his eyes and gazed over his shoulder, but didn't seem to see anything besides the still-glowing embers.
         That night he had dreams that were very odd. The sun was high and the tiger was basking in the sun on a large white stone that blended into his fur. As he stood up, his mother appeared to him in chains saying, "You did all you could to help me Iceclaw, but you need to help others. Those who will need your help have already suffered enough, and will have great suffering in the future." Astonished that his mother was in front of him, words didn't come out of his mouth. All he did was return her gaze and nod.
         When Iceclaw awoke the next morning, his limbs were stiff and the soft dirt he slept on held his imprint. The entire day was spent trying to figure out what his mother, Frostfur had meant, though his mind couldn't understand.
         Over the next couple of days, Iceclaw had fearful nightmares. Several of them including the ancient snow tigers being chased out of the jungle into very large steel cages. Humans took the cages onto large wooden boats in the vast expanse of the dark blue sea.
         Being the only white tiger left in the jungle, he felt he had a duty there. Knowing humans still came to hunt exotic animals, Iceclaw had to be on the lookout at all times, and not only for himself.
         Days passed since Iceclaw saw the gruesome sight of the murdered humans. Everytime he went near the campsite his blood froze and his senses told him to turn back, but today was different.
         His paws ventured towards the entrance of the tent, and as he listened more intently he heard a faint cry. Knowing some creature was in distress, Iceclaw crept forward only to find a human child no more than four months old, bundled up in many strips of navy blue linen. The baby was surrounded by many unknown things, perhaps to block out the hideous animal that killed the parents.
         Iceclaw carried the baby girl into his den with his strong but gentle jaws. Laying the young child down into his own bed, many thoughts were racing through his head. One question that kept popping up and wouldn't go away was, "How in the jungle am I going to raise a human child? I don't know anything about her, and she will definetly be terrified when she realized I'm a tiger, not a human like her.."
         That night, laying under the bright moon, Iceclaw understood what his mother told him. His destiny was planned out for him, and this was the path he must take.
Chapter 1 - Eleven Years Later
         Gazing at Rockheart, Iceclaw was impressed with the skills she has learned with him. Her hunting is great, and her senses have become very alert for an eleven year old.
         As water rippled past his paws, Rockheart lunged into the water coming up with a fish between her hands. Proud to be her mentor, he padded over to her and bowed his head. Surprised by his actions, Rockheart questioned him, "Why are you thankful I've caught one fish, when you catch dozens at once?"
         Amuzement glittered in Iceclaw's pale blue eyes, but also a flicker of concern clouded them. His thoughts still wondered about what his mother told him the night he witnessed the murdered humans. When he awoke from that dream, he felt fulfilled with power, although it lay puzzled in his mind.
         Then, as he was looking into Rockheart's young, naive, amber eyes he knew what that power was. "You have showed skills far greater than my mind imagined. Prey scampers away when they scent you're near, and you're always alert, even with my distractions." he though, although he doubted she knew what he was saying.
         Rockheart's eyebrows flew up in shock as his thoughts echoed through her head. Realizing she understood him, Iceclas shook with fear. It seemed as if the world was falling apart, and that all the trees that surrounded the river on either side had disappeared. The bond between them was stronger than ever. From that day on, any time their gaze met, one could read eachother's thoughts.
         Later that evening and after they ate Duskmeal, Rockheart rose to her feet and crept towards Iceclaw. She focused hard on meeting his pale blue eyes, but he wouldn't return the gaze.
         As Rockheart settled down to bed in her soft, moss filled den covered in large canopy leaves, Iceclaw needed to think things over. His paws lead him to the wore down old dirt trail. Laying down near the edge of the old human campsite, sleep overcame him instantly. For eleven years, Iceclaw hasn't had a prophecised dream untill this dark, starless night.
         The overgrown moorland was bare, except for one yellow flower as bright as the sun glowing in the center. Iceclaw moved forward, confused about this and wishing to wake up. A distant but distinct voice sounded in dream saying, "This flower sticks out above all the rest, but no one should discover it unless they crossed this deserted moorland. It suffers harsh winters, but when apring comes, it grows anew."
         With that he woke up with a sudden jolt. Terror swept over him when he saw a pair of yellow eyes gleaming in the underbrush. Frozen, he hoped that whatever that was, was not staring at him, but that was a tiny possibility.
         Something was walking behind Iceclaw as he heard twigs snapping. He looked over his shoulder and saw Rockheart making her way through two thorn bushes. When his eyes ventured back in front of him, the yellow eyes were gone, and there was no trace of anything being there in the first place.
         When Rockheart reached Iceclaw, she said, "My heart skipped a beat when I didn't see you in your den. I thought something terrible happened to you so I went looking untill I saw your tail twitching awkwardly in the darkness." Iceclaw just looked up at her with no answer. He started to pad down the trail when Rockheart called out, "Why won't you tell me something, anything! It would make me stop thinking I'm crazy that I might've imagined it." Withought looking back, Iceclaw went inside his den hoping that by morning things would be cleared up. His eyes started to droop and he fell into a peaceful sleep.
         When Iceclaw awoke the next morning, he decided to go hunting so he and Rockheart could have Dawnmeal. Returning by noon, he set down the prey and dashed toward Rockheart's den. When he got nearer, hes feet felt unstable, and his mouth went dry. Rockheart wasn't there, and her scent was stale. Worried, Iceclaw realized she must not have returned after she found him near the campsite.

Chapter 2 - The Prophecy
         Shivers ran through him as he tried imagining what happened to her. He felt sick to his stomach as he remembered those luminous yellow eyes that stared at him the night before. "If that got her, Rockheart's fate may end up just as bad as her parents!" he though anxiously.
         Plundering towards the campsite, Iceclaw caught something in the corner of his pale blue eye. Behind many leaves and branches, something strange was there, but wasn't moving. As Iceclaw made his way towards it, the creature stirred, and as it sat up Iceclaw shrieked.
         In front of him sat Rockheart with still bleeding wounds covering her limbs. Knowing he had to know what had happened, Iceclaw returned Rockhearts fierce, but terrified gaze and said, "Why were you not in your den last night? What attacked you?" Looking away she replied, "After you didn't answer me, I was thinking over my decision to leave when an animal with large yellow eyes pounced on me. That's all I remember."
         Iceclaw heaved a sigh of relief that Rockheart was still alive. There was still a trace of weariness as to why that creature attacked Rockheart, although he knew why it attacked. Rockheart is a human. Remembering the day he found her parents murdered always sent shives down his spine.
         When Duskmeal came, Rockheart and Iceclaw, both, didn't have an appetite. They retreated to their dens with such heavy pawsteps that every piece of prey within a mile would be frightened off. As night fell, neither one could sleep, even though they were overtired from the past few nights. Talking to one another seemed to use up more energy than Iceclaw thought.
         The night seemed endless, with no hope of the sun rising. The dirty and unsanitary place where Iceclaw and Rockheart lived was unbelievable. The brambles across both dens were overgrown, spreading across about three meters. On the opposite side, Rockheart crafted a controlled fire which she used for cooking, although the ashes were spread in all directions. Dirt was spattered everywhere, and as Rockheart swiftly exited her den, Iceclaw rose to his paws.
         Avoiding his stare, she dashed out towards the river. Without knowing what was happening, he followed her. Dashing in front of her as she reached for the water, Rockheart started crying. Looking up into her eyes, for once he saw wisdom. Whispering quite softly he said, "What may have triggered this?"
         It seemed like an eternity before she replied. "I had a dream. Quite a strange dream too. I..I'm not sure what caused me to be so emotional, it was just a dream.." Rockheart hesitated before continuing with her story. "There was a very bright and glowing yellow flower. It's placement was in the heart of a deserted moorland." As she paused, Iceclaw thought about how his dream was very much alike with hers. "A fire broke out, but not just any fire. This fire was blue, the hottest of all kinds. It burned the entire moorland, except the flower. When I started walking towards it, a voice rang out saying "The moorland surounding this strong flower got burnt away, leaving it helpless and defensless from the harsh winds. The flower is just singed, but will recover and be as good as anew." and thats all that happened."
         The Prophecy kept drilling itself into Iceclaw's head. He understood that the bond between Rockheart and he was getting stronger, although something was missing. Realizing that the only way their bond could get stronger would be with communication made him jumpy. The terrifying feeling he got whenever he told her something made him worry.
         As evening came, Iceclaw made a decision that would greatly affect Rockheart. Catching her eye he said very calmly, "Your dream was something important. I think it's about,.." He paused slightly but continued. "you." All that Rockheart said was, "I know."

Chapter 3 - What is thought to be Dread and Defeat
         Weeks went by and Rockheart and Iceclaw barely exchanged ten words with each other. Everything was silent around the jungle, except for a few birds every now and then. Everything was the same, every day. Variation didn't matter much as they sat around in silence, trying to solve the puzzle of the prophecy.
         Food didn't seem to be a necessity anymore, neither any of the skills they have been training for their life. As the days passed, Iceclaw figured out one part, but was waiting to see if Rockheart realized it too. She didn't. Just as usual, he was in charge, and Rockheart always relied on him for all.
         Padding over to her den he prodded her in the side. She awoke instantly, fearing that an enemy was beside her. Her limbs relaxed as she opened her eyes and recognized Iceclaw. "I have something to tell you." Iceclaw whispered.
         Without complaining, she sat upright and looked nervous. "The flower is..." Just as Iceclaw was saying this, he was cut short by a strange battle cry and he knew that wasn't good. From the shadows came unbelievable numbers of the creatures with yellow eyes. With fear for Rockheart, he stood in front of her dens entrance hoping she could find a hiding spot there.
         Ready to pounce if any of them were to spring, Iceclaw was tense. This is what he was supposed to be afraid of. His destiny should tell him what he should do, but destiny might choose for him.
         Only one of them came forward, which Iceclaw guessed was the leader, and almost imediatly, a fight broke out between them. He was having difficulty communicating with Rockheart, and knew that if he didn't get to her somehow, this will be it. As tough as Iceclaw was, he was never prepared to fight with another strong animal. The creature was overpowering him easily and as time was slipping away for Iceclaw, more was being given to Rockheart.
         "ICECLAW!!! ICECLAW!!! What's going on out there? How come you're not here protecting me?" He recieved that message quite easily, and he knew now that if he doesn't break through the barrier, Rockheart won't be able to fulfill her destiny. "Rockheart, do you hear me?" No answer came and he knew eye contact was the only way.
         Tearing away from the leader for just a few seconds was all he needed, and he got it. "Rockheart, you're the flower, and i'm the moorland. I'm going to be gone from now on and that will be difficult for you, but you will recover. I'm going to be just as bad as burnt, with no chance of recovery. Please, help to get rid of the filthy beasts, not for me and you, for your parents. Your parents were murdered by these creatures here. Please!" That was the last word she heard from him.
         The leader of the animals pounced onto his back and put a deep gash in his throat with one of his long, dirty claws. A shriek of shock came from Rockheart, and then tears streamed down her face. Not long after that, their black fur vanished in the dark brambles of the jungle.
         Rockheart couldn't sleep. She was startled by any sound. Flashbacks kept coming to her as she thought about what had happened. "How could Iceclaw have known that?" she asked outloud to herself.
         Finally realizing that she was alone now, with no one else there to protect her, of be her company, she was scared. Never in her life had she been terrified this much. Iceclaw was always there if something happened.
         Rockheart knew that what Iceclaw said before he died was true. She was the only one left to fight these beasts, and she knew she could do it. Not only is she going to fight for her parents, but herself, and Iceclaw.

Chapter 4 - The Unbelievable Miracle
         Two nights after the attack, Rockheart was silently hiding in the brambles behind the dens. She knew that those animals would come again and expect her to give herself up willingly.Being able to sense the vibrations, sounds, and sights around her, she knew they were coming.
         As she hid in a leaf covered miniature den, the leader was making his way towards her old den. Before he reached it, something was fishy. Knowing she wasn't there, he dashed over to Iceclaw's old den, to find it also empty.
         Rockheart whistled as loud as she could, and started sprinting towards the river. Just as she thought, the tide is too high for the creatures to walk through it. Atleast now, something will stall them while she draws up the rest of the plan.
         Running over to Iceclaw's favored marble stone was foolish at first. As soon as she stepped on it, the rock tipped sideways to reveal a very long and sharp edge. The thick-headed creatures ran face first into the rock, causing the war to be over, or so she thought. Above heads, thunder boomed, and rain poured down.
         More beasts came out from the shelter of the canopy leaves, and amongst them; the leader. Thinking of another plan would be too difficult and if it was a well thought out plan, that would be much more time than she had. Without much sense, she dashed to the river again, and this time stopped on the other side.
         The creatures came, trying to swim through the flooded river. Before long, each still living member was trying to cross to the other shore. The leader was first, though he didn't get very far when they got swept away in the water.
         Walking back to her den, she plopped down and went to sleep. That night, Iceclaw was in her dreams. "You did it. Without another's help." As Iceclaw said this, he winked at his mother who was also there, free of her chains. "I'm absolutely proud of you. You saved all of us, and yourself. We owe alot to you, thank you."
         Rockheart woke up with a smile on her face. She took a deep breath and said, "There's no way any creature could have survived that!"
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