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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1468512
Yami let's his sister down again. How can he gain her trust again?
Ancient egypt...
"Big brother, where are you going," Amber cried clinging onto him. The pharoah shook her off.
"Amber, I must go. Watch Noah," he mummbled. Her eyes were full of tears.
"But why do you..." she started.
"Amber, I have to go. Take care kid," he said walking off.

Modern day 5000 years later...
Amber was sitting on a bench alone in the park. She was staring at a picture of her brothers in her necklace. Tears welled up in her eyes again.
"Why did you leave," she whispered to herself, clutching the necklace. Amber heard a noise. She saw the bus coming up. Being the new kid was going to be hard. Sighing, she picked up her stuff and stood. The big bus came in front of her. 'Ok I have to do this,' she thought to herself.

Twenty minutes later...
Amber sulked to her first class. She was used to moving around to different schools.
'Why must my life suck?'
Amber walked into the class room and covered her ears.
'Ow! Damn their loud.'
She looked at the teacher expectantly. The teacher grinned at her and gently moved her next to a boy with white hair. He smiled at her though he looked worried.
'Hmm, maybe he's new too.'
The teacher was talking again but she wasn't paying attention. She was staring at the white-haired boy.
'He looks so familair... but why?'
/Because You know me!!/
'What the..."
She thought she heard something. Sighing she shook her head. Amber looked around at the class. She saw a few boys in the back making weird faces at her. What caught her eye was a boy with spiky hair. He was wearing a weird looking necklace that was shaped as a pyramid. She looked up at the teacher who was introducing her and the boy next to her, who was named Bakura according to the teacher. Amber couldn't really concentrate. She was spacing out and walked numbly to the seat next to Bakura.

Now skip to the beginning of Duelist Kingdom...
Amber sighed as she hid in the trees next to Pegusu's castle.
"Stupid, richey no good bastard," she mummbled. Then, she heard a noise. Something was behind her.
"Who's there," she yelled out. Then, Bakura stepped out of the shadows. She glared at him.
"What do ya think you're doing sneeking around like that," she growled?
"I'm doing the same thing you are doing," he answered.
/Huh? His voice sounds... different./
/I can read your mind you know/
"What the hell," she exclaimed backing away.
"Calm down, you're fine. As long as you help me Amber," he said smirking.
"Fine. What do you want."
Bakura chuckled and moved closer to her blinding her with the light from his ring.
© Copyright 2008 serenity (bakuraluver at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1468512-I-let-you-down