Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1467426-INTIMATE-DECEPTION
Rated: 18+ · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1467426
Sydney's life had seen ups and downs, wounds, bruises and battle scars.Literally


The day ended in a gradual change between day into night. Syndey stood with many of the other residents of her high rise watching the colors of the sunset fade to black. At sunset the balconies were often filled with an array of couples in love as well. The night black, except for the last glow of dusk fading into the moonlit, starless sky was the time Sydney Cole looked forward to. The artists and the lovers had long retreated into their apartments. Sydney took in a long deep breath as she stretched out on the patio chaise, observing, and reflecting, feeling the cool air on her skin. For Sydney, each night that came and went gave her a greater sense of security. An almost serene assurance of just how far she had escaped from her past.

Sydney, had done well for herself. Her life had seen more than its share of ups and downs, not to mention the wounds, bruises and scars, from the many battles. Literally.

All of this seemed so far away now.

A widow, at a young age, left with an eight-year-old, beautiful daughter, Shelby. That was almost sixteen years earlier.

It all seemed so unreal now, so long ago.

Sydney, found herself being pulled too far back by her own thoughts, memories.  A place she wasn't ready to go right now. She shook herself back, to the present, immediately stood up taking in one quick glance of the view from her 21st floor balcony, opened the sliding glass door, stepped into her apartment, closing the door behind her.

.This was home. There were no demons here. Here in her sanctuary, Sydney was now, a well-known fashion designer and proprietor of her own business. Considered well off financially. The inside of the apartment from the balcony, opened up into a large living room with a combination of marble and wood flooring, carved beams a huge gilded chandelier hung from the ceiling. A marble fireplace separating the living and dining areas. The living room furnished all white, with over-stuffed leather sofa and loveseat, and cherry wood tables and porcelain figurines of various size. Brass framed mirrors and paintings hung on the walls. During the daytime the sun shined in through the large window, and the smell of fresh cut flowers were everywhere.

She still couldn't believe the accomplishments she had made, as she crossed through the living room into her bedroom, where the decor was equally tasteful and classy. Sydney had hired an interior designer to give her the bedroom of her dreams. The kind she wished she had for most of her adult life. To the left was her mahogany wood four-post queen sized bed covered in delicate, fine linens. The wallpaper, colored in hues of lilac, pink and blue.

Sydney found herself again standing in front of her deep mahogany wood dresser, starring at the old yellowing newspaper article. She let out a deep sigh, before tucking it away in a hidden panel of her jewelry box, and deciding to take a shower and retire to bed.

Once in the bathroom, she paused, looking at her reflection in the full length mirror. Sydney was 5'8", with a mane of black, naturally curly hair, hanging just past her shoulders, deep hazel eyes, and a flawless honey brown complexion. Most of her friends wondered why she hadn't pursued a career in modeling.

She had happily chose marriage instead.

That night, as she laid in her bed, wrapped in the warmth of the comforter and allowed herself to remember and dream of the one and only man she had ever loved. He had been the love of her life. He didn't deserve what happened to him. Sydney was determined to make sure the bastard responsible pay for what he had done, by putting him away for the rest of his miserable life. At least that was what her intentions were, long before she knew about plea deals and time served. She was outraged, but there was nothing she could do her hands was tied. So she uprooted her daughter and began a new life. A better life.

Sydney had barely gotten her eyes open as she rolled over on her side reaching for the blaring telephone, on the nightstand. “

What the hell?” she mumbled as she grabbed for the receiver, “It’s too damn early,” she continued, not realizing that she had the phone to her ear, until she heard the loud screams on the other end. The noise jolted her, waking her completely. She sat straight up in the bed. Realizing who was on the other end, she was halfway off the bed. “Shelby?!”...Shelby what's wrong? " she asked trying not to panic.

"Oh, god Mom, I shot him!" "I think..."

“What? ... Who Shelby?....Shot Who!?

"He's dead." Shelby was hysterical and in between the screams and deep breaths Sydney couldn't make any sense of what she was saying.

She knew she had to get to her daughter's side. She had to be there for her, to protect her.

"Okay, Shelby where is he?"

"On the floor in the living room“. She said between sobs and deep breaths.

"Did you call the police?"

"No, I didn't know what to do, I called you! “Should I call them? “ Shelby asked, confused.

"No Shelby, don't call any one, baby, I'm on my way. Don't do anything, I'm coming."

Ten minutes had passed since Sydney peeled out of the parking lot of her building, and turned onto the highway headed for Shelby’s house. She was relieved there was hardly any traffic that time of morning. The highway was clear. She drove on the edge of her seat. Her back rigid, leaning forward giving the appearance it would help the car move forward, faster. She could feel her heartbeat fast and loud in her chest reaching up to her ears. Her mind raced, her voice low, she repeated, over and over. “Hold on baby. Hold on.”

Looking ahead at the road and seeing no police cars she pressed on the gas. Her mind still racing as she tried to make sense of it all.

“Had an intruder broke in?”

“Where was Nick?”

“Shelby has a gun?”

“Where did Shelby get a gun?”

“Did the intruder have the gun?”

“Where is Nick?”

“Oh my god. Is it Nick?” She hoped not.

A few minutes later Sydney turned the car onto her daughters street. As the car drew closer to the house she was relieved not to see any flashing blue lights.

she had forgotten to breath the entire way there.

Her legs felt numb as she stood up outside the car.  They were trimbling and wobbly as she struggled to keep her balance as she took a few steps.  She forced herself to gain her composure, stood up straight, one foot in front of the other, her slippers made a flopping sound as she headed up the driveway toward the front door. 

Instinctively, her hands went down to her sides, surprised, to feel nothing but her leg through her satin pajama pants.

"Damn." she mumbled,  as she looked towards the car realizing with all the excitement, she had forgot to bring her purse. She didn't have the spare key. Ofcourse, she didn't think about grabbing a purse, or clothes or anything else.

She hesistated, listening for any sounds on the other side, before knocking on the door. 


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ID #608984 entered on September 24, 2008 at 12:06am

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