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A story about two cats from one cats point of view..... |
The Tail of Two Kitties Based on a true story Hi, my name is Jonesy. I was rescued from my local animal shelter and brought to a nice home. Life seemed to be going well. I had a beautiful family, food, fresh water and the window seat! I was just getting settled and starting to really enjoy life when 'It' happened. I don't know It's real name and to be honest I don't really care. Once day I was minding my own business when these people came through the door. Now I've seen them before and they're pretty nice. What I hadn't seen before was the animal they brought with them. She was small and, at first, look kind of cute, but then I got to know her. That's when I found out that we were not compatible! First of all, I am all white with a few splotches of black, she is all gray and black. I prefer to lay back and take life a moment at a time, while she prefers to be everywhere at once! Yikes! I thought life was getting better! Not worse! To my relief, they only stayed a few minutes and when the people left they took It with them. Oh, joy! Sweet relief! The milk gods be praised! Now things could get back to the way they were supposed to be! Then a few days later 'It' came back! What happened! I thought we were getting back to normal! Well, I guess not. So now begins my tail...I mean tale... At first, I was thinking that I could handle It, but soon found that I was wrong. It wasn't long before I was totally going crazy. Every night she decided that this was the time for her to exercise and she would go crazy! I mean, she would be running all over the apartment! Up and down the couch, under the chair, over the chair. Constantly moving. She would also chew on everything! One of my owners has this long cord connected to their nose and she chewed through it! My other owner had to tape it with something called duct tape. Whatever that means! She ate my food, drank my water, used my litter box, slept in my place and even took...yes...the window seat. The constant attack of the hissing and growling was also quite annoying. It was all too much. Soon I was reduced to not even leaving my bedroom. I just couldn't! If I did dare to venture out of my room I would be accosted from all sides by a wild cat! Life was beginning to look downwards. It lasted for a full seven days. Suddenly, one night, quite late actually, those people I told you about earlier, came back! I was praying with all that was in me that they would take the monster. It seemed like an eternity. Until, finally, they left. With them they took the monster. She was gone! I rejoiced, but only for a moment. for everytime those people come I must prepare myself....What if they bring her back???? ![]() *Names of cats involved have been changed to protect their identity ![]() Please rate and review to let me know what you think of this story. Thanks! |