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The true story of the inspiration for 5 Days. I suppose that nothing much really happened |
First, the girl A beautiful girl, about a year and a half younger then me. She was 4'11", 110 lbs, had blond hair with hint of brown, beautiful eyes with brown in the center and a ring of blue around that. Oh, and a smile that could dim the sun. It all started Sunday night... I saw Miss Ellen Bush of Columbus Ohio walk into the room. I didn't know who she was yet or what was going to happen, but I knew what I wanted to happen so I turned to my friend and called dibs. Later that night as we were sorted into our work crews we were put in the same one much to my pleasant surprise! Monday morning came with us departing the school we slept at to our work sight. Some how or another the two of us ended up alone, next to each other in the back seat of the van. I was much, much to nervous then to say anything then, though. At first everyone was shy while we worked. Cory, the other boy in the group decided to to what all douchebags do when they hear a silence approaching, and began to talk about him and his home town of Halafax. I sure did learn a lot about Cory and Halafax that day! Using the golden opportunity presented to me I broke the ice with Ellen by making cracks about Cory and his narcissism. Eventually I found myself alone with Ellen on one side of the house and everyone else was on the other. We talked and talked, and Ellen decided to make a hole in the side of the house. To fix her damage she needed to make more, smaller holes and use the wood to fill the big one. Oh clever, clever Ellen. All it took was me leaving her for a moment to talk with our adult John about our plan because I was leader, before Cory decided to let his Douchebagieness shine! I was gone for two minutes at the most, but when I went back around to Ellen, guess who I should find? Cory! He sniffed out my absence with his jackal like sense of smell and pounced. He had brought bigger guns to the fight then I. He had with him a cell phone. Ellen didn't have a cell phone, so he lured her into his snare using it as bait. I barely got another word in with her that day because of it. He did try to start throwing water on her, but I was too nice to let Cory do that. I stepped in the way and made him very angry. He insulted me by trying to say being a gentleman was a bad thing, to which I replied "It's better then being a douchebag." Right! The van ride back. Cory was using his cell phone as bait again. He had given it to her, but then demanded it back, just so he could start fighting her for it and get his grubbing paws all over her. Very not cool. Later that evening I was sitting on a bench outside and Ellen came and sat next to me. We started talking and told me how she had removed me from my youth groups dodgeball team and put me on hers. Even later still, right before bed we were talking again. It was full of awkward silences though, so we sat down at a table full of people we had talked to before and used a napkin to IM and avoid making anymore gay babies (through our awkward silences). We were drawing hearts and stuff, and the topic of who I liked came up. I had said everything short of "I want to have your babies" by that point and she still couldn't tell it was her. Even when a guy said I likd the only girl at the table she just looked puzzled and asked "But I'm the only girl at the table?" Lights out was called so I scribbled down "You." as an answer to her question, but she never read that. The greatest day ever was yet to come. Tuesday morning was the same as monday, but this time it was just me and Ellen from the get-go. We discused lots of things, like what made us blush. I kept asking her what I could do to make her blush but she said she couldn't think of anything. We also got on the topic of who I liked, and she made me list everyone up until my latest infatuation, which is not a long list. When we got to her I was quite reluctant and kept beating around the bush while she prodded me to give her straight answer with things like "I don't know her" "Actually you know her really well." "Well then I won't tell her." "You're going to laugh when you find out." I did tell her though. Kind of just... well I said "Well, I guess I like you." Ellen just sat there and smiled for a little bit before she whispered in the most adorable voice ever "Me?" like she couldn't beleive it. "Yes, you." was my answer and it made her turn her head away. It took me a moment to realize she was blushing. I kept trying to get a good look at her while she denied it until she looked at me, all happy and blushing and it was probably one of the greatest moments ever. For all of that we had been holding a ladder for Cory, and we sat there for a good while longer in silence, her just stroking my arm, both of us gazing at her hand. This time the ride back was much better. Cory and picked up on the two of us and moved up to the middle row, leaving us next to each other. We kept sliding closer until we were right up against one another; the back of our hands touching. She leaned her head against mine and I leaned mine against hers while I rubbed the back of her hand with mine. Slowly I moved it up, first it was just one of her her fingers between my index and thumb, then another, then 3, all the way until we were holding hands. She fell asleep on my shoulder, but only for a moment before our ride was done. We got out and sat a a table, holding hands and talking for a good 2 hours before the dodgeball tourney. All the people I came with, including my mother, walked by us. Our hands were touching, our arms were touching, our sides were touching, even our faces were touching. We had to go to the tourney though, otherwise we would have made our team forfeit. We stood real close before our game. The game was not so nice. We were destroyed. A bit later we went for a walk with this other guy Zach. She spent most of it on his cell phone talking with Julian, this guy back home she likes, who likes her back, but lives 2 hours apart. Sometime during the walk behind the school a bunch of people we had been talking to Monday showed up and asked me what her tongue tasked like while she was on the phone. I told them that nothing happened and Zach was my witness. We all hung out back there for a bit. During the evening service we held hands again. Wednesday was the next logical step to take, so we did. We Talked some more and held hands and at one point I did the whole yawn-arm-around-the-shoulder bit, but she grabbed my arm to take it off. Instead of doing that though, she put it around her waste Right after we ate while still sitting down she put her legs on my lap and I stroked them with the back of my hand. It was time for devotions so she needed to take them off. Of course we held hands instead. It was a short day. We went off and did things with our youth groups until that evenings service which at one point Elaine, the old lady in her group made her get off of me because we were sitting on the floor, Ellens arm around my shoulder, my arm around her waist, both of us holding both of each others hands. When Elaine said that Ellen told her she had an itch, so Elaine asked if it was on my back. Thursday was the beginning of the end. We started out talking about how when ever Ellen wanted her house painted daddy would have the guys come over and she would tell them what to do. It turns our she was rich. Throwing a $10,000 party Thursday rich. It also turn out that there was another guy at home, one who she like and was close. They were gong out. A little later we were talking about girls I liked, which lead to the girl who thinks I'm a creep, which got me depressed, which made me freak out about Ellen and I. I sat alone on one side of the house trying not to cry for who knows how long before I realized what I told you before. It doesn't matter how it ends because it was going to end soon anyway and the good memories were already mine. So I tried to talk to her again but she wouldn't talk to me until I said I was sorry for freaking out and then she told me it was okay. After our make up we were alone again and I explained why I freaked out we talked about how popular she was, that her friends scheduled what they were doing her with their maid before Ellen chose which ones she did by checking them off. She was also telling me how exhausted she was and how she had every day planned until 3 weeks into school with out hanging out with the same people twice. I just asked why she didn't tell them how tired she was and take a break but she said that she couldn't let them down and make them sad. While she was saying that she was barely staying awake and it was so, so heart wrenching. I just wanted to help her so much and her not wanting to hurt them made me like her more but I couldn't do anything about either. I held her close one more time that day. We talked about her boyfriend Joe, and the guy she thinks she might love, Julian. How she usually likes guys who are more like Cory instead of me. Then we went back and didn't talk again that night. Somethings I need to add before the story gets sad: Wednesday we put our hand prints on each others shirts and initialed them. Thursday she painted all my hair brown and it took an hour and all my shampoo to get it off. She really liked our ladies Chihuahua, Little, and kept making me get the lady to show it to her Time for Friday. Friday was bad. At first no one would talk, then she got a text message that upset her and when I tried to ask if she was alright and put my arm around her because I felt so bad she just said she was fine, pushed my arm off, and scooted away. We just sat there in silence for a while. I didn't really talk to her after that Here's the part where everyone dies in Shakespeare. Back at the school, a short time before bed she was writing care cards and asked to use my notebook for the paper. I let her and she said she was sorry for pushing me away and was just in a bad mood that day. I was sitting next to her, but with a lot of space in between us. We both got up an I asked "What happened between Tuesday and today? Then we were holding hands and now we're barely talking." She gives me this disgusted look that screams "what the hell are you talking about," like when a parent grounds you even after you do what they say, and says "I was writing care cards." She puts her last card in the persons envelope and come back. "I'm really tired, I'm going to bed." "Well, I probably won't see you tomorrow so goodbye." That was followed with an awkward one armed sideways hug. I only sent this text message since "I didn't get a chance to say goodbye." "Mk" was her exact response. "Well, It was fun hanging out with you for a while, but I'll probablly never see you again. Nice meeting you." The End. |