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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Fantasy · #1460412
"What you do with your new lives is entirely up to me. That's the theory, anyway." (full)
You die but moments after you are transported—alive and well—along with a number of people who have also just died, to the interior of an unfurnished Tokyo condominium from which the Tokyo Tower may be seen—and none of them are able to leave. At one end of the room is a featureless black sphere we later learn is called "Gantz". By way of green text that appears on the surface of the sphere, Gantz informs those present that their lives have ended. The following words appear on the black sphere's surface
"Your lives have ended. What you do with your new lives is entirely up to me. That's the theory, anyway." The sphere then opens up to reveal suits that, when worn, amplify the user's attributes, such as strength, speed and agility.

Link to the anime ep the mangga's better and longer though


Gantz forces them to participate in what at first appears to be a reality game show, in which they hunt aliens who are secretly living in Japan but in reality it much worse. Gantz provides you with skinsuits that enhance their strength and resistance to injury, special guns, and a small electronic device that serves as a radar of sorts, among other functions. Each participant has a miniature explosive implanted in their brains that prevents them from wandering outside the designated playing field, much like the explosive collars in the series Battle Royale. The designated area is roughly one square kilometer; if the participants cross this boundary or tell anyone of the secrets of Gantz and the apartment, the explosive will detonate.

If the players manage to survive the mission, they return to the room in perfect health (even if they were nearly dead or missing limbs). When a player is injured in the game and returns to the room afterwards, he/she will have no memory of what happened after his/her injury and will be standing in the pose he/she was last healthy in. This leads to suspect that Gantz "copies" an entire individual and later "pastes" that into the room rather than restoring an injured individual. Also note that it seems that later in the manga, this copy and paste method is replaced with the characters remembering their own injuries. Those who are killed during the mission do not return to the room. Gantz then tallies individual scores based on kills and sets them free, only to have them return to play another time. Points are awarded according to the number of kills achieved by the player, less points are given if the alien is captured. A player still receives points even if he is not wearing the suit.

Those who manage to accumulate 100 points are presented with the 100 point menu which list three choices:

1)You will be freed along with your memories erased (you will slowly remember aspects or memories from the game)

2)You will be given an extremely powerful weapon

3)You will be able to revive a human being from the memory

In the event that the one-hour mission duration is reached without all targets being eliminated, all of a player's points are revoked, and his or her score goes back to zero. failing to complete two mission in the time allotted will result in the immediate death of the entire team. .

None of the rules are actually explicitly given to the players, with the exception of the 100 point menu, which is either given automatically when a player reaches or exceeds 100 points, or is requested by a player, and the 15-point requirement

Instead of being given any training or a list of rules, the participants are simply told to kill their target, and are only shown one or two enemy profiles, which is often not representative of the full complement or ability of their opponents. They are not given any useful information on their enemies' capabilities or weaknesses, or the number of enemies to expect. Unfortunately for the players, the rules of the game (as well as the capabilities of the suits, the use of the weapons, and the scoring system) are learned by one of two ways: either by institutional memory (i.e. a veteran explaining to a newcomer how the game works), or by trial and error, the latter usually resulting in the death of one or more players.
your only hope of survival would be your own guile, cunning, and the ability to quickly figure out and utilize the tools provided.
Gantz sometimes gives hints to the hunters about what they should do, but it rarely happens.
Escape is Futile
If you try and escape your mission once entered, once you go out of the mission field you will instantly die due to explosion of the head

After each mission is accomplished each player is able to go whever they want but when the next mission starts they are forced to particapte with the surviours of the mission last time plus new comers Also never Expect anything Gantz never gives full detail about the targer thier could be more than one and he says thier is only one .
Most of the mission are in the real world but people are able to hear you r see you but the are witnesses of the destruction you cause explosion and other things it like you a ghost until you complete the mission
Gantz Equipment basic:

Before every mission there are certain equipment that you may take depending on the mission at hand. Some of the standard equipment includes:

The Gantz Suit: (to see a picture of click link http://community.wvu.edu/~jco003/equipment/suit1.gif)

These suits enhance the strength and defense of whoever wears it (if it's your suit, of couse). It's not exactly known how to activate the extra-strength feature but high emotions usually do it (maybe adrenaline?). The suit seems to be filled with a black liquid that probably regulates its abilities. It also seems to protect one's head although it doesn't cover it at all. The suit's abilites can be broken either by breaking the buttons on the suit. The ones around the neck are sufficient enough to do this. The suits also give the players a good probability to survive.

The X Gun

The X Gun is the basic weapon that most (Or at least any smart people) people use to survive in addition of the Suit. The Gantz gun has a single major flaw, there seems to be a 5 second delay from when pulling the trigger and when the gun is actually shot. This is a fatal error and gives the enemy plenty of time to move or dodge. However, it does make it hard to know exactly where they shot (Though they could just figure that out with based on where the light that is on the X Gun is pointing).

The X Rifle
It is very similar to the X Gun. However, there are some differences, the first of which is the fact that you must pull two triggers now instead of simply one. of them. It is a two handed weapon and is more powerful than the standard X Gun.

The Y Gun:The only non-lethal weapon in the Hunter's arsenal so far. It is a handgun-sized weapon that has the same lock-on capabilities of the X-Gun, but rather than fire out a lethal payload, it instead launches a homing net that securely ties up the target with a strong wire and then buries the points of the net into the ground. Once this is done, the target is "sent" by means of teleportation to an unknown point in space.

Gantz Sword: The only melee weapon revealed so far. It is a katana-like weapon that is usually in a closed hilt-only state. When in use, an incredibly sharp blade extends from the hilt. It can extend without loss of durability and it is unknown if its length is limited; currently it has only been extended to roughly 30 feet.

1) you have one week too finish your turn or you will be skipped (unless you message me)
2) If you are skipped 3 time in a row with no excuse you will be kick off and your character will be killed in action...
3)have fun you can cruse get bloody as you want i don't care infact i encourage it the anime serious is noted to be ver blood just you can't kill other players character with out permission from the creator or me(i only give permission for rule 2

4) I will create a lot of NPC and they will be either advrage joes who will be killed or the aliens we are to hunt down don worry Each NPC will be real ceative if you have any ideas to make one messge me up

NEW RULE bio must been done within 3 days....im sory it just that im kinda in a rush to get this story up in runing a really hate sitting waiting to get statrted besids it shouldn't take long




occupation:(we are all advrage people your jobs are limitless)



how he/she died:


(note each person is new to the game and is new to what is going on. all so your charater should not be use who people diying at first becaue your an advrage joe and you dont even how to use suits yet)

Thier are vets here to but they are cold and tend too watch people play not giving them any idea what' going on while they use the other as bait to lure the aliens out

Veteran #1

name: goes by Red

age unknown looks too be in his 20s

personality: calm yet very talkative

apearrence he is talk and very bulit

veteran #2
Name: unknown she dosent speak to any one but Red

age: look to be in her 20s all so

personality: quite serious strong willed and detemind to survie

apearrence: she has a nice body with long jet black hair with red highlights in it.


Name: Hiro Nagasaki

age 19

occupation: adult prodtigy

personality:he calm cold and alaways thinks logically even through tuff situtations

apearance: Hiro as short black hair. His skin is pale natrually pale.

How he died: Hiro grew depressed having a higher level of thought than most he could see how the world really ticked people were all pathetic to him. So he took the easy way out and commited sucied

Bio: Hiro in his child hood was one if the most intellgente people the world had ever seen he had become a superstar boy but with all the fame he still felt a lone he eventally began taking anti depresnt pill- they however did not work and he began to feell alone he even lives by himself. he hates people

Name: Geo Ryutachii

Age: 34

occupation: Psychotherapist

personality: Geo is a very silent person. He prefers to let others to talk, so he could listen, analysing every word of the sentance. He is capable of making others talk more, by using little words himself. In a way he is the kind of person who is a very good judge of character and very often a manipulator, using the words to lead from one stage of a discussion to another. That is why he has few friends. That nature of his is well observed when he is in a bad mood. He tends to hurt much more the inner peace rather than the body.

apearance:5'8 82 kg. Geo has short, straight, black hair, crooked nose and brown eyes. He usually wears a white suit.

how he died: One of his pacients killed him, by slowly cutting his stomach open.

bio: Geo was raised with the thought that he is weak. His body had low blood preasure and he felt always weak and sleepy. It was when he went to the army that he found out about his condition. There he was treated and was still using the medicine. He also had the bad luck of being attractive for one of the recruites in his section. At that year he was raped numerous times, before he resigned. After which he continued his college degree at psychology and graduated top of his major. He then was hired as a psychotherapist in one of the best hospitals in Tokyo. He built a stable carrier and was able to cure a lot of people, but ironically, there was no one to cure him of his traumatised mind. Geo was a loner, and he likes it that way, though he himslelf knows that he needs just the opposite. Up till his death he had had no failure when it comes to patients, and as it may seem, his first failure was a killer.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Trevor Strum

Age: 23

Occupation: Navy Seal

Personality: Trevor may be a navy seal but that doesn’t stop him from making sarcastic remarks whenever possible. Trevor is one of the laziest people you will ever meet, however when the time comes to get something important done he becomes another person. He gets really focused on whatever he is doing and takes almost everything seriously.

Appearance: Trevor has the build of someone who would be a Navy Seal. He has short dirty blond hair and grey blue eyes, his skin is a bronze color from all the field work and training although he isn’t all that experienced in real combat. He has been in a small number of life or death combat situations though.

How he/she died: He died after jumping on top of a grenade to save his friends(yes hes that kind of guy)
Name: Masaru Watanabe

Age: 27

Occupation: Engineer

Personality: He has great concentraton and focus, something he learned in the military during his engineering training. A keen observer in any situation, his personality changes like a chameleon to fit the mood of the people around him. No one knows his true self and Masaru likes it better that way. He also has a head for business, building his own engineering company from the ground up and becoming the best known in his field, specializing in earthquake designs for personnel safety.

Appearance: Masaru stands just short of six feet tall. He has broad shoulders, dark brown in a crew cut, and a lean but muscular body. His eyes are dark gray in color which seem to straight a person, figuring them out right down to their smallest atom. His skin is a dark carmel in tone. There is a long, pale scar running along the right side of his face, making him attractive in a rough sort of way.

How He Died: He was killed by one of his rival engineers, being shot in the back of the head nine times.
Name: Angeless Kyoshiro.

Age: 28

Occupation: SAS Marksman

Personality: Calm and collected. Has keen eyesight from his years of training. His ability with rifles is as to be expected above the norm. Has honed his senses to almost inhuman levels of awareness. Instinctivly knows that nothing is always as it seems. Is a joking man at times with some minor quirks to him.

Appearance: Shoulder length grey hair. 6'5. Slim build. Pale blue eyes. Wears a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. Black gloves.

How He Died: A stray shot clipped a grenade he was holding killing him instantly.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Sati Meilate

Age: 24

Occupation: Advertising

Personality: Sati knows how to make anything look good, whether it is or not. So she tends to disguise her problems, refusing to let anyone know she's hurt. Sometimes she comes off as callous, but she's anything but. Because she studies detail on a daily basis, she can tell when something's out of place.

Appearance: She has long, glossy black hair and blue eyes. Her skin is fairly pale and her body is toned from burning her stress by running with her dog. She wears glasses, but only for reading.

How she died: Walked in on a robbery

Bio: Sati was never one to have a lot of friends. She preferred to spend her time alone, or with her dog. When she was working on her bachelor's degree, hardly anyone saw her. That also tends to happen when she's been given a large assignment. There are few who know her name, though she's one of the top in her department. She's remarkably smart, tending to study poetry and philosophy in her spare time.

Name: Dr. Veronique (Vero) Dompierre

Age: 24

Occupation: Archaeologist

Personality: She has an undying curiousity to know everything. She must know every single angle of a situation, even the enemy's point of view. She has some trouble with more-than-friends relationships, becuase she never knew her parents, and also becuase of that, she has trouble expressing any affection. But she doesn't seem cold and distant. She is quite the opposite.

Appearence: Slim build, she can pack a punch though. Short dark brown curly hair, black eyes. She always carries a rugsack with her, filled with archaeological tools.

How she died: On an archaeological dig in Egypt. She found the tomb of Cleopatra with the body inside of it. Her partner, Dr. Bernard Zimmerman, wanted to claim the finding all to himself, and while Dr. Vero was sleeping, he slipped an Egyptian Asp into her bed and it bit her. Obviously she died. Funny enough, She was bitten by the same snake that Cleopatra allowed to bite her.

Bio: Raised in Ireland, She grew up in an orphanange and was able to make the best grades in Ireland, Scottland, and England combined (besides those of Dr. Bernard Zimmerman. Dr. Vero and Dr. Bernard had the same grades.) Vero and Bernard both recived scholarships to Oxford University and graduated together as Vero being the top, and beating bernard out for that by one point, grade wise. She has been looking for her parents for since she could ever remeber and she moved to Tokyo becuase she had a lead saying that the last time her parents were seen, was Tokyo. She was in Egypt becuase she couldn't resist the chance of finding Cleopatra's tomb.


Ken Nara
occupation: serial rapist

Personality: he looks to be a normal person calm and quite but when he sees a girl who he wants all that changes he becomes a whole different person he becomes mad with lust and and attacks the women he get a kick out of them feeling pain, he then rapes them

appearance: he is dressed in a dark brown trench coat a red tie with a white dress shirt tucked neatly in his black pants.

how he died: was shot death by a women he attempted to rape

"I'm supposed too be dead" hiro mumbled to himself looking at his hands and looking around at his soundings from what he could tell he was in a room and alive and well all others were sitting there was a big black ball sitting in the room Hiro thought too himself that this ball had to too be of some importance but he ignored it for now

"hiro you died too" Geo said

"Doc...... this must be hell"hiro mumbled sitting in the conner looking at two guys who looked to be in some type of military near the windows

"aww that just great we cant touch the fucking door handles" Trevor yelled

"it seems we have no choice but too wait then"Angeless said

Another person began too materialize this one was sleeping on the floor it was a girl. following that another person began too materializes a guy wearing a brown trench coat that had wholes in them soon another girl showed up and looking shocked as if something bad had happened too her.

ken began too pace around in circles looking at the sleeping girl then another girl began too show up wearing black tights

"oooo a cosplayer" ken said grabing her but

The girl warped then picked ken up by the neck and began to squeze with a inhuman strength. Slowly Ken's neck bones began to crush and he began to scream out in pain
waking up Veronique -who was still sleeping up. Evryone paused and watch her take ken's life all but one Tervor

"thats' enough you'll kill him" trevor yelled out sudently another person apeared wearing the same black tights oufit this one was a guy Sudently ken scream for help became quite and he became pale and lifeless the vet then dropped her on the floor and angless rushed to check his pulse. Nothing he was dead trevor was too late

"I wouldn't touch her if i were you you'll end up like this guy" Red said

"those suits" hiro whispered to himself. Those suits had something too do with thier strength he thought too himself. Veronique over heard hiro say the suits and came too the same conclusion she got up and sat next to him

"yea i agree we need to find a way to get them and use them too get out of here" Veronique whispered to hiro

"why are you next to me" hiro said looking at her

"why do you talk too your self" she said

"i don't know but why the hell are we bein sarcastic at a time like this" Hiro said

"guys come look at this" Masaru said who had been focused at the ball the entier time words had appeared on the black ball in neon green text. the text read

"Your lives have ended. What you do with your new lives is entirely up to me. That's the theory, anyway.

Then cheerful song began too play and red began too sing along

"Atarashii asa ga kita
kibou no asa ga
yorokobi ni mune wo hiroge
aosora aoge
Rajio no koe ni
sugoyaka na mune wo
kono kaoru kaze ni kirakeyo
sore: ichi, ni , san!" Red sang

"why are singing for" Sati yelled snapping then calming herself down

"listen you fucks your all going too die unless you can find away to survive I will give you 3 rules too follow if you want too keep yourself alive

rule 1 stay out of my way
rule 2 don't leave the mission area or your head will go BOOM
rule 3 at least try to give some effort in killing the alien or your head will go BOOM too " Red laughed and as soon as he fished his last sentence too side compartment frm the ball opened up revealing hidden guns and a cases

Hiro stood up and grabbed the case that had his name on it also grabing Geo case and tossing over too Geo.

"we need too put these on" he said too Geo as he opened up his case revealing a a suit similar to the one red had on. The other began too grab weapons and their cases too. Then black ball began too text something else

Name wolfie
looks: dog like
likes: to eat
faviorte saying BARK

on the side of the text was a picture what looked to be a little puppie.

"this has got to be fake "watatnabe said not taking it seriously

"It's not trust me" Red said smiling and slowly began to dematerialize with the other vet following

"well i don't like the guy but i say we should trust him because we have no clue what is going on he dose that would be the smart thing to do" Geo said

"Yea you might trust him Doc but i don't but i believe this thing we are marked too kill is important too do so i will find it and kill it on my own" Hiro said

"ahhh what the hell this fells weird" Trevor said looking at his hand which was gone his body began to dematerialize starting with his hands and in mere seconds he was gone

"where the hell are we going" Hiro mumbled too himself slowly to dematerialize from the head up every soon every one was gone all but the dead body of Ken and the black ball stayed in the room

"where the hell are "geo said who was the last one too be materialized looking around the group was still together all but red and the veteran were there

"looks like were're free" Masaru said

"yea that's how it looks but it dosen't seem that way i think we should still to hunt this thing" Geo said

"it's look like an alien" Trevor said too add a little comic too calm the situation down it had no effect though.

"guys look" Angless said looking at in the distance.

In the distance stood a huge dog like creature was vicious and had fangs but Angless could make it out it look too be Wolfie.Then from the from distance too other creators came from behind too other wolfies both huge.

"shit we are in trouble" angless said pint the rifle toward their dirrection they were at the rest could not see them because of the darkness of the night............................................
He pulled the trigger and braced himself. No shot came from the Rifle.

"What the hell...This piece of shit Theres no frigging Ammo! What Kind of dick sends us out with no ammo "Shouted Angeless feeling his heart racing.

He Clenched his hand around the Rifles grip and Tried once more but still nothing.

"Scatter and hide now! "he shouted Kicking open a nearby door.

Ducking in he set about examining the Rile in more detail. Prising open the housing he ran his fingers along the inside covering. His eyes darting up at the door once in a while. Already three of his fellows had ran into the building.

"Configuration is like nothing I've seen before....Aspects of a magnetic charge. No cartridge ejection slots. If I didn't know any beter I'd say this was a power pack. ID coding. Some serious hardware "he paused momentarily out of instinct to raise the rifle at the door at a different sound.

His heart was pounding hard enough that he could feel it in his ears. At the same time he became aware that the rifle in his hands had begun to feel lighter. He knew that for the first time in along time he felt nervous holding a gun he didn't know how to use, also being stuck in a situation he couldn't see a way out of. His skin was begining to tingle and it felt unusual.

"Just the adreneline starting to kick in "he thaught to himself as the odd tingling sensation spread about his body even more.

He Concentrated on one thing. That if he saw one of those things even show an intrest in the door hed squeeze the trigger and pray to God that it fired.

Angeless fired the gun unloading lead into the first beast that made an attempt to through the door. They were ugly looking up close from far away they looked like your garden vareity wolves, but up close they were ugly twisted versions that had huge maws with sharp teeth that hung over the side with a blackish grey fur that smelled like a portable garbage dump. Their was total chaos around the rifles that everyone had weree set up to fired on every other shot, and not everyone was a good shot a lot of ammo was wasted.

We're all going to die here if this is kept up. Masaru thought concentrating with ease on his next wolfie target that was trying to come through the door. Angeless tried again, but as the guns were set up to fire on every other shot it was his turn to take cover.

So far about seven of the wolfie's had tried to come through the door and with some of the people out of control things weren't looking good. More snarls could be heard from outside the door.

"Listen people we need to form some kind of line because from what I've noticed the rifiles are set up to fire on every other shot. Every bullet needs to count." Masaru said over all the chaos and was surprised to have everyone quiet to listen. "Angeless, since you and I are a better shot then most here, we need to change our position on the door fluidly." He finished moving into position to blow away the next wolfie that came to the door.

We just might make it out of this alive. Masaru thought watching Angeless take his position.
Vero ran next to Masaru. (Angeless and Masaru had better bloody well know what they're doing, or I'm going to have a few words with them if we survive this.) She thought to herself. The rifles were barrel heavy. She perferred to disarm people using swords, but of course, in this day and age, that would be silly. (But what day and age is this?) she thought. Vero had just discovered Cleopatra's tomb, and before the reporters could swarm the camp that she and her archnemasis/ex-boyfriend Bernard had set up, she had gone to sleep and woke up in that strange room with the blackball in the center.

A howl from the wolfie sent her sprawling back into reality. Suddenly, the wolfie sprang forward and attempted to scatter the group. It worked. Marsaru sent bullets flying, Angeless started shouting something which was drowned out in the rain of fire, the wolfie changed direction in midair, and started flying toward Sati. Sati did not know this, or if she did, Sati did not respond. she seemed to be in a trance, the sound of the bullets wizzing past the dog, made her stop in her tracks. With cat-like reflexes, Vero sprang forward and capulted into Sati, knocking her over, out of the way of the wolfie.

The wofie's claws sank into Vero's back. Vero hissed in pain, but she did not cry out. Good. She did not need to deal with more confusion. Sati awoke from her trance. She looked up at Vero, and realized she saved her life. "Thankyou."

"No problem. Oh, by the way, do you know how to opperate a rifle correctly?"

"You mean other than aim and shoot? No." Sati said. Vero gave a half grimance.

"Me neither."
"Suck it up people...We want to get out of this we need to take out the target "he sighed moving up to the door seeing a wolf leaping through the air toward him.

The wolf seemed to him to be moving in slow motion as he brought the rifle to bare and pulled the trigger. He felt the vibration of the gun fire through his hands and thaught he saw the bullet for the briefest of moments before his perception returned to normal. He stepped to the side as the Dead wolf rolled along the ground. He saw that the Bullet had passed through its open mouth and had literaly gutted it end to end.

"Feel free to stay here....I'm going for a walk "sighed Angeless holding his rifle leveled across his chest.

Angeless shouldered his Rifle and started to run towards the Wolfies. He Sprinted and shouldered his gun taking out the nearest wolfs with single shots and dodging the ones that got close to him. He downed a Wolfie by slamming the butt of the rifle into the side of its head. He raised his foot and stomped it down onto the wolfie's head a few times before he fired of another round at another Wolfie that was leaping toward a reloading Masaru sending its blood in a fine arc. Masaru was closest to him and he made his way over to him in a short jog.

"Cheers...Thaught I was a gonna for a second... "spoke Masaru calmly.

The wolfies had seemed to have learnt to hang back rather than charge for the armed players. He took the brief time to check his Rifle ammo while Masaru shot one of the distant wolfies.

"2 rounds...shit. what about you? "he sighed slamming the Magazine back into the rifle.

"...I'm out "spoke Masaru.

The strangly dilated perception of time that kept happening was tiring him. He scanned the imidiate area and saw their target hanging back just out of range.

"Regroup and form a circle "he shouted as everyone moved up to meet them.

He knealed down and raised his rifle to see through the small sight on it. He found himself wishing he was back with his squad...back with people he had trained with.

"you alright? "asked Masaru quietly?

"I'm trying to calculate the distance....these rifles have a MAC acelerator installed but it's offline...
A Non-Existent User
"Something's wrong." Sati muttered, kneeling next to one of the dead wolves. "They shouldn't be standing there. It's unnatural. How could they know our range unless someone trained them?"

Masaru looked at her like she was crazy. "What are you talking about?"

"Think about it. They're obviously genetically altered, which means someone must be here, controlling them. Wolves don't normally attack unless threatened..."

"Get on with it!" he whispered furiously. "We don't have time for this!"

"I'm trying, just...There it is." she spread apart a patch of fur that was darker than the rest. "Give me your knife."

"Hurry! They could attack any minute!" But he gave her his knife anyway.

Sati slit through the thin layer of flesh until she found what she was looking for. "Here. A computer chip." she handed back the blade and held the chip up. "Someone's controlling them, sending them signals. We have to find a way to break it up, but for now you have to aim for the shoulder. That should disable them."

They all looked at her in confusion, then looked back at the wolves.

"Trust me. I've been taught to spot flaws, I think I can find one in this, just cover me for a few minutes."

Masuru still seemed frustrated, but nodded after a couple seconds. "We'll try it. But you better be right."

Sati gritted her teeth, surprised that for once in her life she was being so forward. "I will. Just aim for the shoulder."
the battle rage on for only 10 but it felt to hiro a life time even thought they had no clue how to use the weapons -each shot they shot off was by pure luck- or what the hell was going on hiro had kind of began to enjpy himself the adrenalen pupmping through his vains made him feel something he hadn"t felt in years............ alive hiro

"idots it won"t work these aren"t being contoled" hiro whispered to himself overhearing sati planing the the idea

"we've got nothing else to lose it's the best option and if i hear another fucking smart remark like the i"ll personally kick your ass when this is over"Angeless yelled out fending of the wolfies

"im just speaking my mind i know you keen observer in all saiti...bu tyou fail to relise that these are not wolves they may be resembled them in some way but it dosent make them wolves and they seem to be roaming this area before we showed up.... i deduct we probably were sent hear too kill these things for a reason what ever that reasson may be were here to do it our lives depend on killing these creatures that"s how i see it" hiro

"how did you come conclusion like that with us only showing up here"angles lashed out

"Most of my theises is based on what red said and what the ball read when it first started, what you do with your life is entirely uo to me that"S what it read and i won"t want too piss of the thing that gave us life again who knows what will happend to if we disobey it's order" hirosaid camy as wolfies swarmed around him knocking him to the ground

the wolfies sinked there teeth into his arms and neck hiro began to secream out in agony and pain thhe right arm of his suit began to tear and the began to quicly shreading throught to the right arm of the suit
owell it"ts over hiro thought to himself as he closed his eyes and began to stop fighting them off of him ot all became quite he could no longer hear anything but his on word ........ LIVE...when he opend his eyes too see who was saying it. It was Geo and vero who were right next to they must pf pushed the wolfies off of him

"you alright" geo said helping hiro up

"how were you able to move the wolfies off of me" hIro said i astonshment

" i dont know i just summed all of my strength annd managed to throw them off of you plus i had a liilte help vero me to throw them off of you it felt like they were nothing when we moved them off of you" GEo said

" well thanks i guess"hiro mumbled looking at the ground

" the look on your eyes is telling me you didnt want tooo be saved vero said" vero said

"what happend to all the wolfies hiro said ignoring vero's comment

" i don"t know theere was a loud nocice and they all just began to run away" trevor said

__________________________________rooftopsof the are where they were fighting at___________________________________

"looks like the bait worked out the boss is coming Red said looking at the other vet

in the distance there was a built green person hiss head resembling a onion wereing a bussniess suit

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOO HURT MY PUUUPPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It screamed louder. None of us really knew what to do, execpt for Red.

"Get down!!!" He yelled.

"What?" Geo asked.

"get down NOW!!!" None of us needed to be told a third time. It was a good thing we all listened, as soon as Hiro and I hit the ground (roof top technicology speaking) the ground started to shake, violently.

I have been in many earthquakes. Once in greenland, a 6.5 on the richter scale, many small earthquakes in Asia, and the worst I've ever been in was in guatemala that was a 9. This was far worse than that. We were grapling for things to hold on to as we all were slipping off the sides. Hiro grabbed my back right were the wolf had clawed me, but I didn't feel the pain, I was more worried about falling. We were about four stories up, so we wouldn't be living if we fell. The Building we were standing on top of was coming apart. Half of all the buildings around us were now piles of scrap metal by the time the voice screamed again.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HURT MY PUUUPPPIESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice screamed louder. Red then shouted out,

"R-don!!! We killed them!!! Let us get out of here!!!!

Who is he talking too? I thought. Not the green Onion man... that doesn't make sense. After a second or two the rumbling and shaking stopped, and we climbed back onto the roof. Hiro helped Geo up, and The oinon man came closer to us. No... he floated closer to us. Finally we were all able to see his face, and he was an ugly green little man.

"Congradualtions on surviving your first mission. You killed my puppies. 5 points to all of you." he waved his hand, and our suits that we had on made a clicking noise, and on the side of our arms, the suits clicked five noches, and illuminatd the number five on the sides of all of our arms, and 65 on Red's. There's something odd about these suits. I thought.

"Who are you and Where the hell are we???" Masaru asked. The man laughed.

"I am R-don, boss unit 3 class R and that is all you need to know about me. Who you are is a better question."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked. Gantz glared at me.

"Don't ask any questions you all ready know the answer too, Veronique." I was startled by the harshness of his tone, but I didn't show it, and I didn't know what he meant.

"How do you know my name?" This time he laughed histerically. This man is prone to mood swings. I noted.

"I know everything about you and your teammates Veronique Dompierre. You were raised in an orphanage in Ireland. You have looked for your parents your entire life."

"Anyone can deduce that I would want to look for my parents if I was raised in an orphanange." I shot back to him.

"You were a famous Archaeologist who worked with Bernard Zimmerman and found Cleopatra's tomb." My mouth opened in shock. Maybe he could have looked up some file of were I was raised, and anybody could speculate that I would be looking for my parents, but their was no way this Gantz could know Bernard and I found Cleopatra's tomb. No one knew that exept for the people who were helping recover Cleopatra.

"How did you know that? Who told you?"

"No one told me. I just know." He paused, then he began to disappear. "By the way, welcome to Tokyo."

© Copyright 2008 Richard_freeman, xx-xx, Lonewolf, AngelinTwilight, xx-xx, Ella Cursed, nightmare, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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