Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1458716-Recipient-Rights-in-Michigan
by Jan
Rated: E · Crossword Puzzle · Reference · #1458716
Teaching tool for persons who receive mental health services in Michigan and their staff.
This crossword puzzle was written by a "Recipient Rights Advisor" employed by the State of Michigan Office of Recipient Rights (ORR).  It was written to be used in classes presented by rights advisors for "recipients," who are the persons who receive mental health services through the State.  It is also intended to be used in classes presented by rights advisors for the education of staff who provide treatment services for recipients.  Part of the job responsibilities of Recipient Rights Advisors is to educate persons about the rights of recipients, with the ultimate goal of protecting recipients by preventing violations of their rights. 
 3 Abuse II can be the ---------- use of force.
 5 A recipient's --------- of movement shall not be restricted more than is necessary to provide services, to prevent injury, and/or to prevent substantial property damage.
 6 Each recipient's mental health agency shall ensure that a person - centered process is used to develop an ------------ plan of services for each recipient.
 9 Recipients and their families are required by law to be treated with dignity and -------.
 10 Complainants, ORR staff, and staff acting on behalf of recipients will be protected from harassment or -------- .
 11 A complainant may file a written -------- of the conclusion of an investigation within 45 days of the summary report.
 13 Recipients are entitled to reasonable times and places for -------- .
 14 A -------- who is abused or neglect has the right to pursue injunctive and other civil relief.
 15 Recipients are entitled to receive, possess and use all personal -------- unless officially excluded by the facility.
 16 The Office of Recipient Rights has ---------- access all evidence necessary to conduct a thorough investigation.
 19 The use by staff of unreasonable ------ on recipients is abuse.
 21 A violation of ----- rights shall be regarded as a violation of recipient rights.
 22 Recipients are entitled to unimpeded, private, and ------------ communication with others by mail and telephone.
 23 A recipient and his/her property shall not be --------- unless it is authorized in the recipient's plan or there is reasonable cause.
 25 Anyone can make a ------- , verbally or in writing, about an alleged rights violation.
 27 The Mental Health Code shall be construed to protect and promote the ------ and respect to which a recipient is entitled.
 1 Abuse can occur with or without apparent ------ to a recipient.
 2 Information in a recipient's record shall be kept -------- and disclosed only under conditions set forth in law.
 4 A service provider shall ensure that appropriate disciplinary action is taken against staff who engage in abuse or --------- .
 7 Recipients shall not be subjected to ----- or neglect.
 8 Rights advisors may ------- apparent or suspected violations of recipient rights.
 10 A staff who suspects abuse or neglect of a recipient must ------ it as required by law and policy.
 12 Services shall be provided in a safe, sanitary, and humane treatment -----------------.
 17 Recipients are entitled to easy access to the ------- in their accounts.
 18 A facility may ------- certain personal property from the facility if the exclusions are officially adopted, in writing, and posted.
 20 ----------- is use of a physical device to restrict an individual's movement.
 23 A recipient shall receive mental health services ------- to his or her condition.
 24 The Michigan Mental Health ------- codifies the laws relating to mental health and regulates agencies providing mental health services.
 25 A recipient shall not have surgery performed on him/her unless proper -------- is obtained.
 26 A treatment ------ is a written ----- that specifies the goal-oriented treatment or training services developed with and provided for a recipient.
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