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A guy discovers, that his wife truly do not love him. |
Can’t you do anything right? Every other woman has a husband that is good at something. It could be fixing things around the house, cleaning, cooking, or even sex. The fact is that you are good at nothing. When are you going to get better Luke? We have been married for 11 years. You keep saying be patient with me, but it looks like you are getting worst. Even your daughter does not want to be around you. She keep telling me mommy you do it because, daddy never do anything right. DOI have to do everything? One of these days I am going to divorce you, and get myself a real man. You have been looking for a better job for eight years now, and can not even get one. If you were a real man, you will have a better job by now. I do not want to hear, you are trying your best. Lora got up and left Luke at the table. That was their argument almost every morning, for the last two years. Luke is not a bad guy. You can say things; just do not go his way. When most men are cheating on their wives, Luke is mostly working trying to hold the bills together. Some times he is so tired; he does not know how he makes it. There are times he wants to lash out and say, if he did not take care of her before he would not be in all this mess. The only reason he was in this mess, was because of love. He was trying to help her, and forgot all about himself. The fact is he loves her now, as much he loved her in the past. Their marriage has been cold and distant. Lora enjoys talking to her friends, instead of talking to him. When he calls to say hello, and say love you. She would say, I do not want to talk to you, and do not ask me how I feel. Let me talk to Tanya. She do not want to talk to you she, she is playing with her toys. Is there anything else? Then Luke will say no, and she will hang up the phone. When he comes home from work, and tries to hug her, she will push him away and tells him he is not man enough. Even with his daughter, he would try to hug and kiss her. She would cry and run straight to mommy. They would be nights; he would leave the house, and go for long drives. He can’t sleep a wink anyway. One time he did not sleep for three weeks. Luke works as a messenger delivering packages in Manhattan. He got a van, and makes a little extra money. He also writes for a music magazine, and works as a security guard. When the money comes together he pay the mortgage, give his wife and daughter money, pay the bills, and do not get a penny for himself. Lora gets a job as a secretary in a law firm. She made around thirty-five thousand a year. Luke would add his salary with hers, and they will get through the month. Luke is trying to get one job that will pay all the bills, and drop the other two jobs. He misses his family so much, but if do not what he do, they will loose the house. Most weeks he only sleeps two days a week. Tuesday he got off work early. Today is Lora’s birthday. He knows they are having problems, but he wants his marriage to work. So he brought flowers and cake to surprise her. He ran up to the bedroom to change his clothes. Lora was not alone. What the Fuck! Why did not you call? Do not move mike. I have been doing Mike for two months. He gives me my sex. The sex is better than what you give me, the pass ten years. What are you going to do? You not man enough. She turned her back to him, and continues to ride Mike. Luke closed the door and went downstairs. You see, is not man enough to pull me off and through me out the house. I am definitely going to leave him this week. Are you sure? Yes Mike I can not leave in this cage anymore. When you marry me Lora you will have the option to work or not. Luke came back and kicks in the door. He had 44mm in his hand, and he was pointing it toward Lora and Mike. Oh my God! Luke! I am sorry please doing not shoot. As soon Luke was going to shoot Lora and Mike, Tanya opened the door downstairs. Mommy I am home. Luke looked back at his wife and mike, bitch pack some cloths and leave with your man. Pack some clothes for Tanya too. You have on hour to leave the house. When the time comes and you are not out of here, I will shoot you and your man. You better go downstairs and kiss your daughter, because she just saved both of your lives. I was going to put a bullet in you and your lovers head. When you are leaving the house call 911 if you want, and let them know I pulled a gun on you. It has been four months since; he kicked his wife out of house. He she have kept Tanya with him, but he knows that she does not loves him. He misses his little girl so much. Luke has drop two of his jobs. The two people he loved most in the world, was not staying with him anymore. He heard a knocked at the front door it was a FedEx delivery. Who can be sending me a package today? When he opened the letter, there was a document to sign, and a number to call her. Luke picks up the phone and call Cindy. Cindy picks up the phone. Hello Cindy, I got your package from FedEx. What’s this entire document, said Luke. Those documents are for you, the company wants to hire you. The only thing you have to do is move to London. You have five months to make your decision. About 3:30 pm someone came to the door. There was a guy in a suite. He said you have been served. Luke open the mail, it was divorce paper from Lora. She was suig for custody for Tanya. In court Lora was printing Luke as a child. He was always forgetting something, he can not do nothing right, and I always have to pick up after him. Luke lawyer ways showing that Luke has 3 jobs, and has the right to be tired and forgetful. It has been like this for weeks. Then one day in the court house’s bathroom, Luke was coughing up blood. All he could say to himself was I give up. I Is her worrying about everyone else, and not myself? He cleaned up himself and went back to court. When court started, Luke asked for permission to speak. I give up your honor. Can you give me reason, asked the judge? I guess the reason came to me this morning, when I was coughing up blood in the bathroom. Luke takes out the paper and showed the court. After my little speech, I am going to the emergency room. When I started to cough up blood, I just realized I am working for people who do not love me. I love my daughter, who does not love me with all my heart. Same thing with my wife. I was taking care of her before we got married, and bought a house. I racked up on bills, but I did not say anything because I love her. I have been married for 10 and working three jobs for 6 years. To have your wife tell you, you not a man for the last three years, but you still do what have to do, because you love them. But I am still not a man. I do not even buy my self anything. I do not even know when last, I took a week off. As for my daughter let her stay with her mother, she do not even love me. Every time I try to hug or kiss her, she just runs away from me. She rather call some one else daddy. I give up. I guess I really found out that my wife truly do not care, is when she was screwing her lawyer. When I found them together, she said what she had to say, and turn her back and continue to screwing Mike. I give up your honor, and I am tired. Although this happened, I still love them both very much. I should go and get my head examine. Then Luke walked out of court, just as he promised. Luke called Cindy in London and accepted the job offer. To months later he was working his elusive job. He was happy and still not happy. He had wanted to share this moment with his daughter and his wife. Luke job is paying him 200 thousand pounds a year. He does not even have a mortgage any more. The company gives him an apartment in London and is paying for it. Back in New York Lora was living with Mike. After marrying Mike, he started to beat her and sometime Tanya. Why did I treat Luke so bad? I miss him now. Luke found out through a friend, that Mike was beating on both Lora and Tanya. He took vacation time he had, and came to New York. Luke knows where Mike was working. Luke pulled up next to Mike with a gun, and told him to get in a car. You son of bitch, you beat on my little girl? Then Luke hit him with the gun three times. The last hit knocked him out. Luke drives the car to an empty lot somewhere in Queens. First he shot Mike in the head. Then he took a cutlass and shovels from the back of the car, and then chops of Mike’s head, arms, and two feet and put them in a black trash bag. After that he put the body in the car, pours gas over the car and body, and set the car on fire. Then walked a walked away taking the trash bag and shovel. Then the car exploded, I should have brought some mash mellows, I hate wasting such a beautiful fire. You should have left my daughter alone. Lora deserves what she got not Tanya. Luke then took the bag and dug a 6feet hole, about 100 feet from the empty lot. He drops the bag in the hole and fills back the hole. It should take a while for them to identify the body. By the time they do I will be back in London. He walked to a car he had parked, and drove off. Both cars were stolen, and Luke made sure he wiped down the car before he left it in a parking garage. Mike has been missing now for a month now, Lora never reported it to the cops. She was happy not getting hit anymore. I miss daddy, he used to read me bedtime stories, and showed me how to ride my bike. I miss him to, he never use to hit me. I have a mouth, and all those things I said to him, and he never once touch me. It has been 2 years, since Luke killed Mike. He is having a blast in London. The job has been wonderful to him, and he met a wonderful woman. Crystal is her name, and she is even more beautiful than Lora. Luke loves her, although he forgets, and can not do a lot of stuff she loves him. She is so different for Lora. As much he loved Lora, he is finally over her. The only thing he misses is his little girl. He misses her everyday. Then one day the telephone rang. Hello daddy, Luke nearly fell out of his chair. Tanya? Yes daddy? How you get my number? I got it from grandma. How are you doing? I am doing good daddy. I miss you daddy. I thought you do not love me, and only love mommy? Don’t you love me daddy? I never stop loving you Tanya. Would like to come and visit me? Yes daddy, said Tanya. Do not hang up; mommy wants to talk to you. Hello Luke and how are you? I am doing great Lora. How is your new job? It is wonderful; I will be going to Germany to work on a project for 6 months. Whatever bills you have for Tanya let me know, I will pay for them. I already started a college fund for her. I have been thinking Luke; I want to get back together. No Lora, remember I am not man enough for you. I met a beautiful lady, and despite my faults, she loves me. Remember what I said in court? I give up. |