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by Tania
Rated: E · Poetry · Philosophy · #1454947
A fable about two perspectives of life
A visitor, wise and mellow
Visited a village below
Where among the fields of grain
Stood a grove of sugarcane
Ripe and juicy, waiting to be cut
Perfumed air at dusk

With a sweet thick aroma
Attracting rats, who attracted snakes
And elephants who loved the juicy cane to chew
Who were irate if ever anyone one stood
En route to their juicy fruit
Thumping, trumpeting delight at their treat

The wise visitor looked at the village, smiling
How simple life can be, theorizing
Only if the villagers knew
All the complexities, the universe drew
Walking back to his high abode
He ran into a village boor

The boor asked him, quite bluntly
What did you learn today, quite frankly?
The wise one said, nothing much
You have a nice village, out of touch!
The boor felt quiet irate, at this fate
Not letting the wise one go, without relishing sugarcane

So this unlikely pair walked back to the fields
And a ripe juicy stalk, was offered to his grace
Rip the outer skin with your teeth, the boor said
And relish the juice within

Sink your teeth into the stringy white husk
Chew hard on it wise one, he said
And as the juice spread in his mouth
A sweet smile released the wise one's dread

When the husk finished its flavour
The boor said, spit out the remainder
And asked the wise one again, quite bluntly
So now tell me now, what did you learn quite frankly?

As the wise one contemplated which theory
Would settle this quandary
The boor reacted in a flash and said
Your wisdom is trash, cant you see!

The juice is all the feelings, life gives us
And husk the dry theory
When we imbibe the sweetness of life
We begin to learn, to be wise

We must extract from every bite of theory
The learning deep within
Quickly spitting out the useless husk
And then, the boor went off, in a huff!
© Copyright 2008 Tania (tania-anita at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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