Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1451477-Alex-and-Yohanna-Chapter1-part-one
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1451477
I cant really explain the real story so yeah your going to have to read it.
I arrived at the airport half an hour early I didn’t have anyone to say goodbye to here in California, so I didn’t mind leaving without a single hug. My plane to Michigan was almost going to start boarding, I turned of my cell phone knowing that when I arrived at Aunt Clara’s I would have no one to call everyone would be there waiting for me.
  As I got on the plane I looked out the window it was a pretty sunset, but I didn’t mind leaving it behind, I didn’t mind leaving anything behind, not my parents, not my suitcase that I had pretended to pack so my parents wouldn’t be concerned, I didn’t care about this place just like it didn’t care about me. I’d been staying with Aunt Clara for a while now every past summer I had gone to her house and hanged around with some friends until the summer was over and I had to ship myself back to my parents. It was the only place I could be happy in, the only place that felt like home. I didn’t know why, I had friends in California not friends that cared about me just friends who cared how I looked and if I was popular, which I was but not because I wanted to but because they made me.
  When I got in my seat I felt happy I liked to travel first class because it was mostly business people in the first class so that meant that it would be pretty quiet. It would be the last time before I arrived in Michigan that I would hear the quietness. I went to sleep as soon as I got one the plane I didn’t want to be tired when I arrived at Aunt Clara’s I wanted to be energetic. I thought of all the faces I would see: Lucy, Eric, Bruce, Jared, Lana, Steph, Aunt Clara of course and a few other friends, the group my group of friends. I can’t wait to see Lucy I thought, I was so happy that I finally got to see her the summer before I didn’t have the chance to.
“Hi, would you like anything to eat?” a small lady asked me.
“No thanks, but I would like a pillow,” I replied.
“I will be right back,” she assured me.
    I leaned back in my seat and thought about how happy and crazy this summer would be I was sixteen going on seventeen this summer. I knew Lucy would throw the biggest party for me, she always did. Who wouldn’t do that for their best friend? I did the same for her; we never surprised each other with any kind of party we both knew the one another too well. The lady came back and handed me a warm pillow, it was plain with no designs. I lay down and thought about my coming months, smiled and closed my eyes until I was unconscious.

    When I woke up I saw a cart of food and grabbed the fruit bowl, didn’t care who it belonged to I just wanted to eat. I knew aunt Clara would be waiting for me when I got to my real home. As the plane landed I searched for the familiar face that would be waiting for me in the airport it would be Aunt Clara, like always. I couldn’t see her yet, but I knew that when I got of the plane she would be there.
“Excuse me,” I heard a voice “it’s time to get off the plane.”
    I got my bag, the only one I had brought and started to walk down the isle to the exit. As I walked to the building I saw Aunt Clara at the window staring at me and as I got closer I could see her eyes sparkling in the light from the sun. She was crying Aunt Clara had been sad last summer that I hadn’t come to her house she had been hurt. When I got closer to her I ran and she met me half way, we hugged for a while and then headed for the biggest exit.
“How was the plane ride?” she asked smiling at me.
“It was plain I guess, I fell asleep through most of it.”
“You always say that,” she responded with an even bigger smile “I am glad you’re here.”
“Yeah me too, I had to get away from home I can’t stand my parents anymore,” I said trying to sound casual.
Aunt Clara knew how I felt about staying with my parents, I could almost wait to turn eighteen to get out of that place, it was like a rumble between the two of them.
      When we arrived at the house I looked at the little kids that were now growing, they looked even bigger than two summers ago the last time I’d seen them.
“Don’t be hitting that ball too hard now, you may brake a window,” Aunt Clara scowled them.
    The kids always played baseball in the streets when there weren’t many cars around. The town of Harbor Springs was small, not many people lived there which meant that everyone knew each other. I used to play with the kids all the time and I couldn’t wait to do it again. When we went inside everything was the same pictures of me, from every school year I had attended school in Harbor Springs, were hanged on the wall. Pictures of me and my aunt were on the side tables near the lamps, this room was probably filled with more pictures than ever. As I looked around I found pictures I hadn’t seen, they still had my face on them but they were from two years ago, the last summer I had spent here.
“I missed you and it was the only way to see you,” Aunt Clara answered my thoughts.
“Oh I am sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you last summer,” I responded walking to my room.
  As I walked in my room I saw how it still looked the same I would have thought that maybe she would have changed some stuff, but my room looked untouched. It still had the hot pink walls with light pink designs; the long window seat that was built in the wall still had the white cushions and pink pillows. I thought Aunt Clara would have cleaned my mirror but even the smallest part that wasn’t covered with pictures of my friends from every summer had dust on it. My white dresser was dusty, I looked inside the bathroom and the huge mirror also had a lot of dust with everything in its place where I had left it two years ago.
I put my bag on top of my bed it was small for my room, I had the master, Aunt Clara didn’t want it so I had taken it its too big for me she always said when I tried making her move back in it. My long window was halfway covered with the black curtain I always hung over it and the other half was covered with the window seat. Everything was untouched, I wondered what my aunt had done last summer maybe she didn’t even open my room at all, she could if she wanted to my door was never locked. Why would it if no one but Aunt Clara and I were the only ones that lived there her kids had already gone off to college. I looked at the spacious room, I like that my bed was a twin size I always had sleepovers they usually got loud, so aunt Clara had taken a room on the opposite hall way. Lucy and I could be loud when we were together and that was a fact. I settled in I hadn’t brought any clothes with me so I only had to put my purse in my closet and my personal belongings in my dresser. I was still surprise to look at the huge mirror that was above my dresser and not be able to see half of my reflection, I tried really hard not to have anything in my room in which I could see my face in. there were few pictures of my in the mirror and in those pictures I was always with someone either Lucy, Eric, Bruce, or Steph, the rest were just my friends.
  I went back in the living room and sat to watch T.V with my aunt. I loved her and still couldn’t imagine my life without her, she meant more than my parents ever did, or ever will. It was still early and I was surprised Lucy wasn’t here yet, she was always here when I arrived.
“Hey you guys,” Lucy said opening the door slowly.
  I smiled and jumped on her.
“Wow, I am so glad to see you I missed you,” I shrieked trying not to cry.
“I know me too, I can’t believe you didn’t come last year I was really mad at you, and you know that.”
“Yeah I know I owe you big time sis,” I said holding her tight.
That’s what Lucy and I were sisters not by blood but still we were sisters. We hugged for a while and after crying for a while she started talking.
“So Aunt Clara we are having a party for Yohanna, can she come I really missed her I am sorry to take her from you at this instant,” she started but aunt Clara was already waving me off she knew they were important to me. Aunt Clara and I had the whole summer to ourselves. I had forgotten how Lucy too called my aunt, Aunt Clara and it didn’t hurt me because Lucy was with me the whole summer and she was my sister by heart after all.
“So where are we going?” I asked curious Lucy always threw the biggest party for my arrival and since the town was small everyone knew about it.
“Your favorite place,” she said smiling with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Oh, I love you, for making it happen,” I said honestly “let me go change I need to put on a bathing suit.”
When I came back I was ready to feel free I wanted the water to touch my skin it would be great. I heard a car pull over and looked out the window, aunt Clara had gone to her room so I went to check who it was.
“Hello I am home!” a voiced yelled before I got to the door.
    At first I was like “What the hell? Who are you?” 

{if you want to hear more about this story, because there is more, just send me a messege.}
© Copyright 2008 Martha Salas (lovelivelaugh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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