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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1450779
Chapter 2. Continutation
Aidan was finally waking up, slowly and painfully. Her eyes didn't want to open unless forced and that she did. Where ever she was it was darkand quiet. Flinging her hand over her pounding head trying to slow the spinning. Sitting up, she swung her legs over what she discovered was a bed instead of a hamock, something she normally slept in. Her dress had hitched up past her knees when her legs dangled off the side of the bed. Then the door opened, letting light come through burning her eyes as she shielded them until the door closed swiftly behind who ever entered the room.

"I see your awake. Good, I thought I had killed you there for some time." It was a man's voice, one she vaguely knew. Then she heard the sound of boots hitting a wooden floor as the man walked somewhere near her. He lit a candle and when she saw his face, everything that had happened hit her all at once.

She glared at him as he pulled up a chair beside her as she still sat on the bed.
"I still hate you for what you've done. Where's my crew and where in the hell am I!" Aidan stood up then her head started spinning furisouly.

"Sit down before you pass out again." He pushed her back down on the bed. "You're crew is working when not in the brig and you little spitfire are in my cabin, where you'll stay unless I say otherwise."

He had courage she had to give him that, but clearly he didn't know who she was.
"Captain Burke. Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Who doesn't know who you are?" He shot back at her.

She snorted in disgust, "Well if you know who I am, please enlighten me on what you know about me."

Burke's brow rose in confusion for a moment thinking she was playing a game he had yet to learn. "You are the heiress Aidan Maverick, daughter of the lord Silus Maverick. You were sailing home to London on the ship your father had given you, The Jewel, when we seized it and sent it to Neptune's depths. Now my dear you are on The Magic as my prisoner."

A look of shock washed over her face and he noted that she didn't look happy, not one bit. She stood up again, this time sure of herself and this was the first time he actually got a good look at his captive.

She was stunning, a beauty that his eyes never fell on before. Wavy, waist length brown hair, eyes deep brown, lips, redand plump,made to be kissed,her figure slender, one meant to be loved properly.

He was gaping at her and by the time he realized it she had smacked him clear on the cheek, no doubt leaving a red welp her her hand contacted his stuble cheek.
"Don't you dare look at me like that again! You brouge!"

He stood and she began to slink away, afraid of what he might do as he approached her.

"My Lady Aidan, I might be a brouge but I do have a name and it would be proper if you would use it when around everyone. When no one else is around you may call me what ever you please."

She seemed astounded at what he said and stopped slinking away. He took this as the opptournity to seize her. Snatching her wrists from her side he held them above her head as he crushed her into a wall. "Now, my lady, you are wanted in the kitchen where you shall work until night. Mr. Spencer is awaiting you as we speak."

His closeness had made her heart beat fast, clearly out of control and her breath coming in gasps. Still standing there she finally looked at him and studied his feautres which were heart breaking for any girl. His eyes were a blueish grey, his hair black as night, reaching past the nape of his neck. His chin, upper lip and cheeks hadn't been shaven in a few days resulting in a stubble of black hair. Tall, like Amery, and clearly stronger as she noticed how he held both her wrists in one hand above her head and the other at her waist. He was breath taking. Her gaze met his eyes again and he had this grin on his face.

"Like what you see, little spitfire?"

She forced her self not to lose her control and wits for surely she was going to need them if she planned to escape with her crew when the moment was right.

Without a moments haste, he began dragging her to the door and out into the brightness of the day.
© Copyright 2008 Elizabeth (elizabeth92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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