Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1450222-Bermuda-Triangle
by NeO
Rated: E · Fiction · Mystery · #1450222
Ancient Egyptian mysteries connected with the un-explainable events of Bermuda Triangle.
Chap: 1
Section: 1.1 “Strange Markings”

It is year 1979; the excavation was going on at the ancient Egyptian site near the Great pyramid. The diggers were very busy in exploring and excavating the site with their tools and machines. Some workers were removing the sand and other diggings on different carriers to clean the site for more digging. Different archeologists were on their toes guiding the diggers and their gaffers to deal it very carefully. It was almost noon, the sun was shining over the Giza plateau, and the effects of heat can be seen by the sweating of diggers. It was a scorching sunny day of June , the dig was headed by Tom Hardis, the lead archeologist and experienced figure in ancient Egyptian diggings and the curator of British Museum, ancient Egyptians section. He was accompanied by Asad Taajuhs. Head archeologist of Ministry of Tourism, Egypt. Asad was involved in the diggings and exploring of all the Pyramids in Giza plateau, including the pyramid of King Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure (Khufu’s son and grandson). He was supposed to be the authority figure in ancient Egyptian pyramids and other findings of ancient Egyptian temples. Both were met at the time when Menkaure’s pyramid was being studied by the British archeologist team, Tom Hardis soon befriended Asad, despite of having the same professions both were agreed to some theories about ancient Egyptian pyramids too.

Asad and Tom were in the chamber of Khufu’s pyramid, examining the walls and floor of the sacred chamber of King Khufu.

Tom: “I have been here before, but today its looks a little different here!!”,
Asad smiled and replied back to Tom,

         “And I felt it every time I visited this chamber…”
Tom laughed back to Asad. The chamber was lightened by the torches they carried, and the surroundings seem to be very dramatic and live.

Tom: “Can’t believe that this chamber was built around 2500 BC… it looks so fresh and alive”,
Asad was examining the sarcophagus of Khufu, just laughed and didn’t said a word. He was observing the linings on the sarcophagus, by running his fingers over it. It was a little astonishing; he had not observed these lines before. He amusingly called Tom,

“Hey!!! this is amazing… take a look here !!”, Tom, who was very much absorbed in examining the chamber floor, suddenly hurried back to Asad, who had in one hand a torch and the other on the sarcophagus, Tom was also surprised by seeing the strange patterns on the Khufu’s sarcophagus.
He turned back to his bag which was lying at some distant, Asad turned to Tom saw him carrying some papers and charts, which he swiftly unwrapped on the chamber’s floor. He was holding the torch and both started to look around the chart. It was a table of hieroglyphs and some other markings that were found in different occasions at ancient Egyptian Pyramids diggings. Tom ran his finger on the chart and tried to find some similar patterns of sarcophagus linings, but failed to find any.
Asad: “This is strange ….” Tom looked backed to Asad’s surprised face. And replied in muttering
Asad: “this can’t be….”. “May be we should contact Richard and Lina, they can help us”. Tom seems agreed with Asad. But he was not sure.

Section: 1.2 “Is it relevant?”

Richard and Lina, both were maintaining a record of all the findings at British museum. Both Graduated from Harvard, expert in computer record keeping, and a bit of explorers too. The environment of museum and the companionship of Tom made them extremely interesting in ancient Egyptian Pyramids. Lina was able to read and write ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, while Richard was interested in riddle solving of the mysteries of ancient Egyptian Pyramids. Both helped Tom and Asad many times, Lina was personally involved in the exploring of Khufu’s pyramid. The time they got call from one of the assistant, both were working on some ancient Egyptian tablet of hieroglyphs in the adjacent room of hall of ancient Egyptian section of British museum, which they converted to a laboratory. Richard was recording the hieroglyphs from the tablet into the computer and Lina was taking some notes on her diary. Judy, the lab assistant, came in their room with the message from Tom about their invitation to the Khufu’s sacred chamber and some bizarre findings.
“He asked you to come ASAP, along with the hieroglyphs charts and the other maps of Khufu’s pyramid structure.”
Judy said it to both of them and returned back her work at the other room. Lina tried to hide her happiness and said astonishing to Richard,
“They must have found something very important and exceedingly interesting… what you think?”
He replied “I agreed….” Paused and then said to Lina, “we should discuss with them the findings of this tablet, I can’t help myself, but I have a hunch that this is something related to what we have found….” Winked at Lina, and she laughed agreeably.
“Or maybe it is just one of yours daydreaming….”. Richard laughed back. As they have been asked to come as soon as possible, they had lot to pack and both of them were working very actively. They have got to catch a plane to Cairo.

Section: 1.3 “We have found something!”

It was almost night; some diggers were relaxing and the other sleeping in their camps near the Khufu’s pyramid. But Tom and Asad were not. Both were once again inside the chamber, examining carefully the patterns on sarcophagus of Khufu.
“Asad… I think I have seen these linings somewhere before… but cant remember where?...” Tom said to Asad. Asad replied with another question.
“Here in Egypt ???”, Tom replied laughingly “that’s a good question….”,
Both laughed together, their sounds were echoing in the chamber. After sometime Tom replied to Asad.
“I guess not… I have seen these patterns somewhere else, with some different aspect….but I can’t remember where?” Asad was tracing the pattern of sarcophagus on a paper lying on the chamber’s floor. Tom sighed and tried to take some rest on the chamber’s floor. His back was touching the wall of the chamber. Suddenly he felt his back was touching something on the wall, he turned, but he was late. Something is already started to happen. Both of them felt some sort of earthquake, shaking the whole chamber. Asad could not help himself falling on the floor, as were the Tom. After a brief shaking in the room, they have seen that one of the big stone on the south wall of the chamber was pushed inside.
“What the ….” Asad nearly shouted. Tom replied “Oh … my goodness….” “Some secret place in the chamber ….” This time Asad was bursting with joy. Tom looked at Asad with the same happiness, “We’ve found something!!!!”

Tom carried a torch near the whole which was created by the movement of that block; both saw some steps that were going down in some darker area. Tom was just trying to make a move, but suddenly Asad warned Tom jokingly,
“Are you sure !!! you want to go in there?”,  Tom replied back with a joyful sound
“Have you ever seen me hesitated before???...”.
“Let’s explore then…” Asad got the other torch in his hand which he carried with him. Tom held his torch and pushed it inside that hole and started to check around very cautiously. He found that the steps were not very deep. He started to descend down on the steps and Asad was right behind him. This was quite a room, with spider webs and dust all around the place and a very creepy smell. Tom said to Asad
“This place has never been opened yet!!”
Asad replied “This awful smell in here, telling the same thing.” The room was around 10x10 feet square, the steps that they have used to descend down was at the corner.
“Careful about any booby traps here, be at my back without touching anything” Tom warned Asad, and then laughed
“or may be … you already knew that. Didn’t you?” Asad just tickled. They found a stone at almost middle of the room, there was something on that stone.
“This seemed carved, with some hieroglyphs….” Tom gets Asad’s attention the very moment. Both seemed very careful and even taking steps very cautiously around the room. After few more minutes of exploring the room, they thought the room was trap free. Asad said to Tom,
“Now the stone…..”, he was very happy and delighted with the thought that they had found a very secret compartment of the Khufu’s chamber that nobody have ever found or known. Both started to examine the stone carefully. In the top of that stone there was some thing lying. Asad took a good look on it, but he was unable to identify it. As were the Tom.
“Careful with that… touching this thing could trigger some trap or …..”, Tom haven’t finished his sentence as he looked on the face of Asad. Asad was laughing. “Hey!!! I am just saying we should be careful….”.
Asad replied “yeah  ... yeah... I know that… We should be”. As Asad circled around the stone, he reached the other side of the stone, he nearly shouted with joy.
“Oh!!! My God…..”. Tom replied
“What happened? What is this …..?”. Asad replied to Tom,
“See for yourself…. You won’t believe it.!!!!”. When Tom saw the markings Asad was pointing with his hand on the stone, he was shocked too; the markings were exactly the same, which they had found on Khufu’s sarcophagus.
“It’s amazing!!!! ….” Tom said joyfully. Asad nodded his head and said.
“It means there must be some connection between King Khufu and these line patterns…”. Tom moved his hand very slowly to that object, which was lying on that stone. First he touched it very cautiously. That thing moved a bit as Tom fingers touched it. Nothing was happened. Asad breathed very heavily. His face looked very satisfied.
“It’s safe … I guess” he said to Tom. And then Tom took that thing, it was made up of metal and felt a little heavy, seemed like a button of some sort. Asad took out his small brush he uses to clean the dust during the dig. He wiped out the dust and webs on it. The both were astonished, it was made up of pure gold, and there were some markings on it too. Their faces brightened up. They really have found something.

Section: 1.4 “This Can’t be!!”

The very next morning was full of excitement for every one at the dig site. By the time Tom’s watch showing 10:00 a.m. Richard and Lina reached the pyramid, they hurried towards the Tom’s camp, following them were two workers carrying their bags and other stuff. Asad was in Tom’s camp, and both were observing that artifact they have found in the secret chamber. Lina entered the camp and saw the artifact in Asad’s hands. She shouted joyfully.
“I knew it ….. You must have found something amazing!!!”. Richards entered the camp just a moment later. Tom and Asad were very pleased to see them. Tom said to Lina.
“This is not the Thing we have asked to you to come for….” He paused few moments and said
“There is something more exciting, you should see…”. Richard and Lina took the chairs and sat around the table, on which the artifact was placed.
“What is that, which is even more interesting than this…” Richard asked Tom joyfully. Asad said to Richard.
“You both should take some rest, it was a long flight, isn’t it?”. Richard replied
“You know me …. I hate the time which I spent away from my work….”, laughing and winked to Lina. She nodded and replied
“I have got the same feeling about it …..”. Asad and Tom laughed joyfully. Tom said
“Ok then after few minutes we are leaving to the site”. A servant entered in the camp carrying some juice and chicken pieces. He laid the tray on the other table, they used for eating. Asad invited the others to join him. After eating and drinking fresh juice, Lina and Richard felt very much relaxed and they were ready for the adventure that was ahead of them.

As they were entering the Khufu’s pyramid Asad started the briefings on what they have found so far. Lina was amazed about the strange patterns that Asad have traced on the paper she was holding that in her hand. She said to Tom,
“Tom, have you remembered these line patterns. These are similar patterns of the Bermini walls over Bermuda Triangle!!!!”, Tom stopped and shouted ..
”That’s it…. Exactly!!!!….Yes I finally remembered where I have seen these line patterns before!!!!. Oh thanks Lina…. You are an angel.” She laughed and nodded. Asad muttered
“Bermini walls, Atlantic City ruins under water…., yes I have got it too.”
Tom said joyfully.
“Yes the one I have told you that professor Smith mentioned about his theory of the city ruins in Bermuda triangle…”. Suddenly he stopped, It seemed Asad and Richards got something. Richard asked Tom very hastily
“That means ancient Egyptian Pyramids have something to do with Bermuda Triangle …….????”. Lina was shocked as were Asad and Tom. Tom said
“Oh my God…. This can’t be!!!!”, “you mean there is some connection between ancient Egyptian Pyramids and Bermuda triangle…”. Asad replied with the same astonishment “We can’t ignore this possibility….”.

A thrill suddenly captured all four, as this could be the discovery of the century. All of them paused, between the steps of [Khufu’s pyramid], deep in their thinking. The silence gripped them for a long time, as nobody said a word. At last Tom broke the ice, and said to the others.
“Let’s find it out…., as Asad said, we can’t ignore the possibility”. As they entered the sacred chamber of Khufu’s pyramid, Asad showed Lina and Richard the line patterns on the sarcophagus. Lina admitted that these are the same line patterns professor Smith has mentioned about the Atlantic City ruins under Bermuda waters. Richards started taking pictures with the camera he brought with him. He took the pictures from different angles of sarcophagus and its placement in the chamber. Lina turned to the place where the block was moved in and some secret place was revealed. After few moments everyone was in the secret room. Lina carefully observed the line patterns on the stone. She was more interesting on the hieroglyphs on that stone. She started translating it.

“A distant place, there lies a city of Amun Ra’. Covered with water around. This is the promise of Khufu for Amun Ra’ to hide the key of secret gate of the city for all eternity. One shall be punished by Gods if one opens the gate.”

Lina was shocked for what she has just said; the other three were not feeling any different. They were seeing each other with quite amazed and frightened. Lina said
“I think we should note down these hieroglyphs, I need to check them with my chart.” Tom replied “sure….”. They were now in their senses. Richard said
“I will help you….”. After spending few more hours in the secret room and the chamber, they failed to find any clue about any gate mentioned on the rock. Finally they came back to Tom’s camp. Asad asked Lina and Richard to have a look on that artifact.
“No doubt about that…. This is some sort of key of the gate in Atlantic city.” Richard said to others joyfully, but he knows how awful he sounds.
Asad and Tom nodded with a smile on their faces, but said nothing. Lina was busy noting down something from the key. The artifact key was irregular circle in shape and the hieroglyphs were carved all over the sides. Asad was reading the translated sentence of secret room’s stone. While Tom was sitting on a chair with eyes closed and deep in his thought. His mind was still ambiguous about the connection between Bermuda Triangle and ancient Egyptian Pyramids and especially ancient Egyptian God Amun Ra’s connection with Atlantic City ruins under Bermuda waters. He remembered that Professor Smith had a speak on a exposition about the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantic City ruins under water, he backed his theory with the strange rock formation which can be seen under water if one flies over Bermuda waters. He suggested the theory that these rock formations are actually city walls. But Tom also remembered that professor’s ideas were not popular at all. And he was opposed by many of his fellow professors, as there were no records found on the subject. He defined the whole scenario to all other three. They were seemed very amazed.
He added “But the writing on the  stone, line patterns on the sarcophagus of Khufu and the key is making me believe on his theories…. He may not be completely wrong… what do you think?”. Asad nodded and said
“Yes you are right…. May be we should contact Professor Smith and tell him what we have found.” Lina and Richard were seemed agreed too.

Section: 1.5 “Hell of a ride”

Somewhere near the coast of south Florida, there was a group of people packing their belongings for a sea journey. The group head Professor Smith said to the ship captain Freddy,
“We’ve got to hurry it’s almost dawn and …..” he was cut by Freddy,
“Relax ….. Professor, we’ve got it. The fairy will leave in few minutes”, laughing at Professor he knew Professor is as wackier as he looks.
“Hey Cotler, the damn thing is fixed? Or what?”, he asked one of his engine man. Cotler nearly finished his work, howled to captain,
“I, I captain, ma baby is ready to fly”. Laughing to himself Freddy asked Professor to aboard.
“Ok… Professor…. Let’s make some waves….”

Professor Smith hired these bunch of sea riders for visiting, virtually the most dangerous place in ocean, Bermuda Triangle. He had some theories that he thought can be proved if he can make it to the waters of Bermuda Triangle. He was in his room, examining some of his published papers and maps, trying co-ordinate the place of Bermini Walls, where according his work, lying a dead city under water. He had some letters and hand drawn maps of the wall, by some old sailor, indicating that the strange rock formation in Bermuda waters aren’t just some natural occurrence, but it is the walls of Bermini, an ancient civilization submerged in water thousand years ago. He wasn’t very much sure since he has got no educated proof for it. “Knock … knock..” some body was outside his room door, “must be Freddy ….”, he said it to himself.
“Come in …” he said. It was Freddy. He came in and said.
“We are very near to the spot you’ve mentioned, want to take a look?”
“Certainly ….” Professor replied and both of them got up to the ships’ top. Professor observing the sea with his binoculars suddenly stopped at a place.
“Hey, captain… guess what, didn’t I told you it will be quite today”, Cotler said to Freddy, who was also looking at the same direction Professor was seeing.
“Sleeping like a goddess of rage…” he laughed and replied to Cotler. Professor turned to Freddy and said,
“This is the spot. You’ve got it right…. But we need a plan”.
“What do you mean? Professor…. Come on… the water is fine and calm”. Professor laughed back at Freddy and said
“I seriously doubt that….” He ran towards his room to get his bag, Freddy followed him alarmingly,
“Wha… What do you mean?” Freddy was really curious, cause he have heard about the rough waters in Bermuda and the disappearings.
“We need to get scuba suits really soon… because just like you said … Sleeping Goddess of rage…” chuckled at him, “I like it though…” Suddenly Freddy realized,
“Oh …. My God, you mean this could happen now….” But he was already too late. The ship started trembling, Freddy ran towards the control room to warn others, but the others…. Already knew that. Professor had merely put the gear on; suddenly the ship was shaking badly. And then he heard a bang, seemed to him, the ship had hit something,
“The wall!!!!”
And that was the last words he said before the water came rushing into the wrecked ship. And soon he was under water without his oxygen mask on his mouth. He started to sink very quickly like the other broken pieces of the ship.

Section: 1.6 “The connection found”

The three of them was sitting inside the laboratory of Richard and Lina in British museum, Lina came into the room and said
“I have the news about Professor Smith…”
“Good… what is that?” Asad asked hastily.
“He was on a ship going towards Bermuda Triangle, and up till now it is considered as … missing…” she seemed upset.
“Oh!! No…” reaction from Tom was obvious,
“Is any sign of their ship is found yet, any piece or …… anything?” he was more desperate than he was worried. All he was thinking that the mystery of Bermuda Triangle will never be solved. Richard was shocked too, but he was reading something, probably the news paper.
“Hey guys!!! He isn’t dead….” He was nearly shouting with joy.
“Look at the news ….” This was even more shocking than the first news.
“He made it …. How come???” Richard opens the newspaper page and showed it to the rest.

Professor Smith was drowning very fast, “the mask”, he realized it in a fraction of seconds, and then he had it on his mouth. Taking few deep breaths he was now in his senses a little. Turning into directions he began to observe the sea water, it was little hazy but soon he was able to see very clearly, the sea floor was not very distant and he was about to touch it. Thinking of the Freddy and his crew he felt sorry for them, but he warned Freddy very seriously, and he never actually believed him until the last moments of drowning. Suddenly he was shocked to see a light coming from the ground of the ocean; it was more like a rock. But as he drew nearer to it this rock beginnings to look like a temple or some building.
“At last!!!!” he thought. The rocks lying under, that he assumed as sea floor, wasn’t at all. It was the wall of the temple. Soon he was swimming towards an opening from where he located something shining. The temple was huge and opening, seemed to be a door. He turned on the torch and beginning to examine the walls closely. The walls were amazingly remained un-eroded by the sea waters. On his backpack he had a powerful torch, which he specially kept for the same reason he was here. He began his flow towards the opening. The opening had no doors; he swam into the hollow room like place. And right in the middle of the room he saw a pillar like rock. He ran his hand on that rock, there were few shapes carved on it, he gaze it for a while. “Oh!!! My God…” he nearly bubbled it out. He did not believe on his own eyes, the sign that revealed under the dust was nonetheless the Eye of Amun’ Ra.
“An ancient Egyptian sign here in Bermuda waters?” He was that much shocked that he forgot to breathe for few moments. He checked the rock from top, there was something shocking too. It was a strange shaped metal. He was thinking to stay for a while but he was soon getting out of oxygen, he thought and tried to grab that metal piece, but it was not something he was ready for. The whole temple started to shake very furiously and he got some sort of electric shock in his hand, and pressure of that, pushed him out of the temple. He barely controlled himself and the walls started to tremble and coming down. He suddenly heard a roaring sound; he never heard something like that. And the whole temple was squashed down. All he remember that he had put that metal piece in his backpack and the sunlight approaching him at very fast pace. He began to loose his senses.

Chapter: 2
Section: 2.1

Few days back in Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda Islands. There was a team planning the aerial view of the Bermuda waters. Captain Hedger and his crew were getting geared up for the adventure of their life. Their STOL (short-takeoff-and-landing) plane was fueled up and ready to fly. Captain Hedger Stahl Jr. mostly hired by small group of tourists to Bermuda Islands which was a tourist attraction. He heard a lot about the Bermuda Triangle, one of his closed colleagues; Tim Harold had been announced officially “Missing”, since he had his last journey to Bermuda waters for having a close look. Hedger himself quite an adventurer decided to team up the best crew he can afford and take a close look to Bermuda Waters from a safe distance. The team was ready and being a captain he decided to have a word with his crew before they start.
         “Ok people… gathered around, I have got something to say before we take our journey…” Finn Oliver, who was an old friend of Hedger’s, knew what he was about to say. He said to Hedger.
         “Last warning to the mischievous, hey lad…”
The crew chuckled loudly, as Hedger was not able to control his expressions too.
Once it was over he said to his crowd who were eager to listen to what his captain was about to say.
         “I don’t have to remind you that the place we are going is not safe, I can’t promise any of us to return back safe” he paused for a while then he said.
         “Although we are planning to have safe distant from the dangerous waters, but you know this is just a precaution, we need to be ready for anything un-expected there, so my advice to you all if you think you are not ready, feel free to walk away”

The crew was as calm as before, even some were smiling. After a brief silence when nobody said a word, Hedger was sure that they were ready. He said.
         “Move on then… let’s do it.”

They were flying over Atlantic Ocean near Sargasso Sea, the weather forecast was today as a Sunny day, so it was. Rocky was in-charge of taking the readings from Altimeter for the altitude control, while Finn was having an advanced compass which was reading the direction and noting down the changes in it as they fly by the Sargasso Sea.

Hedger was on the Pilot seat and it was appeared to be a normal flight. As the plane was getting close to the Bermuda Triangle Finn was having an unexplainable feelings he said to Hedger.
         “Captain could you keep the plane away from the Triangle lines for a while?”
Hedger nodded and said.
         “Sure thing Finn… is everything alright?”
Unexpectedly it was Rocky who replied.
         “When we were getting close to triangle I felt that our altitude was decreasing somehow, but the Altimeter was not showing any changes… right Finn? Is that what you felt?”
Finn said “I am feeling a little stressing on the Compass readings”
Hedger was a little alarmed.
         “What do you mean? We are not even near the triangle, how could it be?”
Rocky was amused for a while then he said.
         “If that’s so, my meter is not showing any changes, but I am still sure we had an Altitude drop”

And then everyone felt a bump, and soon it became a series of bumps…

Section: 2.2

There was an exposition going on in Sydney, Australia. The topic was Atlantic City and the speaker was Alex George, Professor at [Australian University] for ancient history and ancient languages and symbols. The hall was filled with peoples, and the most were students of the different universities around the world, came especially for this lecture on the Atlantic City, a mythical city from ancient times supposed to be drowned under Atlantic Ocean, from where the city got its name.
“The Atlantic ocean, Sargasso Sea, Bermuda triangle and Atlantic City, Is it a coincidence? Research of my team says otherwise”.  He paused for while. Alex knew the art of keeping the audience interested with the speaker and the topic.

He added. “We cannot ignore the fact that the Sargasso Sea is the only sea of the world which is surrounded by the Sea currents instead of land.”

He pointed on the screen, which was showing the detailed map of the Atlantic Ocean, where Sargasso Sea was somewhere in the middle of the map.

“The four great North Atlantic currents—the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current, the Canary Current, and the North Equatorial Current—flow in a clockwise direction around the Sargasso Sea.” He paused with a smile on his face.

“Some believe that clockwise direction is somehow Evil.” The audience replied with a brief moment of laughs around the hall.

“Couldn’t agree more …” he added.

“Although its limits are indefinite, the name Sargasso Sea is most commonly applied to the area between longitude 35° and 70° west and latitude 25° and 32° north.” His long stick was all over the screen as he was directing from one side to the other.

“The Sargasso Sea is noted for its large expanses of comparatively still water; this phenomenon is primarily due to the fact that the North Atlantic currents rotate around the margins of the region. Make it more peaceful than the other side which touches the virtual boundaries of The Bermuda Triangle.”

Few peoples from the audience laughed agreeably.

“Keeping in mind these details and imagining the Atlantic City in the middle of the region as an Island, it is possible that due to movement of the tectonic plates in this area, the complete city was drowned under the Atlantic Ocean.”

He then laughed, as he saw many people were a little confused and not buying what he just said.

“I am not an expert in Ocean currents, but we all know that if there is a hurdle in water it will force the water to change or deviate from its normal course. Is it why we have current flowing clockwise in this region?”

“But we have many examples of Natural currents in Oceans, don’t we?” somebody shouted from the audience. Alex tried to locate the source of the voice, and he found an African person sitting on the fourth row in the hall.

“Please give him microphone; we need to hear what he has in mind?” He requested a volunteer who was standing nearby the stage.

One of the volunteer moved towards him with a microphone in his hands, taking from him that African guy stood up and said.

“Doctor!! This is not the case in South pacific and north pacific, as I am not an Ocean current expert either, but I think we all know about it.”

Alex heard few laughs in the hall that diverted his attention a bit. But soon he was focused. He asked the person.
The African guy replied. “It’s Misa."

He replied. “Thanks for the question, Mr. Misa; I would like to remind you that unlike Saragossa the other currents are due to the land they are bounded with.”
Misa seemed to be agreed with him.

Alex continued. “This is very interesting theory I might say, because my theory matches with that too. I think the inexplicable current movements are… due to the Atlantic City ruins… or whatever left of it as Bermini walls”

There was a brief moment of silence in the hall for quite a time. Alex did felt it, but he was not sure, that is it because everyone in the audience agreed with him, or its just he said something ridiculous.

The applause showed that the earlier thought was correct. He exhaled the breath of ease.

Sec : 2.3

Professor Alex was busy chatting with the fellow professors on the topic he gave exposition on. The attendees were having some refreshments so as his other colleagues.

“It was a very good lecture Professor…” Alex turned and found Misa having a tea cup in his hands smiling at him.

“ I am glad that you liked it…” he returned the smile to him. He extend his hand for shake, Misa held his hands very warmly.

“To the proper introduction if I may…” Misa said while he pointed his hand to the other direction where some chairs were arranged for seating arrangements.

Alex agreed with him, he wanted have a word him too, after what has happened in the lecture. He asked for excuse to the peoples gathered around him and followed Misa to a little quieter place in the hall.

“ Yes sure… as you may know I am Professor Alex, senior lecturer here in this university …” he was not able to finish his sentence as he was cut in the middle by Misa.

“Of course Professor, I know about you a great deal, and that is why I am here far from my home…” he said with the same smile he had on his face since the discussion begun.

Suddenly Alex felt that there is more to his simple smile, than what he thought it was. He just nodded to him.

“My name is Misa Nanda; I am a spiritual guide to the clan of Masai people and amateur archeologist.” He was a little serious and what he said was a little shocking to Alex.

“Spiritual guide, you mean a Witch Doctor !!!”, he was a little amused. “It doesn’t make any sense, no offense but why would be a Witch Doctor may be interested in my work and scientific theories”.

“I can imagine it, because you think that it’s not scientific, just because Science is just too young to understand these philosophies.” His smile was back on his face.

“Please Professor, let me explain it to you in easy words…” he knew that Alex would not wait for him to finish his sentence. Of course Alex was thinking that, what he meant when he said that.

“It’s more likely a perspective of looking the spirituality than understanding, because the both can be true at the same time. Science believes what is practically proved, but you can only prove what you think is exist”, Masai said that but he was not sure how much of this Alex understood.

Alex was getting something out of it, he felt a little exciting like he understood what Misa was riddling about. He said.

“That’s right…” he nodded. “You are right… science would try to prove something it believes exists… its making some sense.” He practically stopped eating the sandwich in his hand; he put it back on the plate, and this time he felt that he is filled with joy as he met the guy he was waiting for; to give him answers to the riddles in his mind.

He requested Misa to accompany him to his study, his flat was not very far from the university, he decline many times the offer to stay in the accommodation given to him in university premises. Misa seemed delighted and both went on finishing the refreshments they had in their plates.

Professor Alex entered his room followed by Misa, Alex felt a little heavy on the head. “This is happening very often now” he thought, right after he put his stuff on his desk he hurried to the washroom to the First Aid box, he usually kept his medicines there. Misa stayed on his study, looking around the shelves filled with books on different topics. After taking the pills for the head ache, he felt relax and joined Misa. He said.
“I am already feeling relaxed right after the pills I have taken”, he was smiling towards Misa, he offered him some water, but Misa declined. He asked Alex.

“What is that, are you sick ?”, Alex replied with a laugh.

“No, no … it’s just a headache I am having lately, increased mostly when I give some long lectures… the obvious signs of old age, don’t you think ?”

Misa laughed back but said nothing.

“You have a big collection of books, I think you never felt bored around them?”, Misa asked him.

“Of course not, Books help me get focused on my work and contribute to my research… and about the thing you said earlier, things… exist but science cannot prove”. He directed his attention fully towards Misa.

Misa sitting near him began explaining what he said earlier.

“The knowledge of witch and other cultists is based on something, science called theories, which are actually not been proved yet scientifically speaking” he paused and then he saw that he has got Alex’s full attention, he added.

“I think that the very first day Adam and Eve left the heavens, they accompanied with them the very thing caused their expulsion, some holy books called it the reptile or snake”.

He was cut in the middle by the excitement of Alex. He asked in a very jolly mood.

“So now you are Christian, or a believer, right?”

Misa delighted, he knew where Alex was going with this, he replied with a smile.

“My friend, all the religions points to some Deity responsible of all this around us. Some says ‘He is the one’, others say ‘They are many’ and there are who says ‘There is none’. What I believe is as per my best abilities and experience that there are forces working around us, against each other, one good the other is not. One help us the other harm us, one put us on the righteous path other on the road to damnation”.

Alex was still not seemed convinced, he interrupted Misa again.

“What about Free Will? Doesn’t that matters?”

Looks like what Misa was expecting to say, Alex and him were on the same page. He replied.

“Exactly… now you got it. The forces around you, they will only try to give you their advices, it’s you, who is going to decide for yourself and leave the false and follow the truth. But yes… the forces are far greater than we can imagine, but in the end the Right will be succeeded.”

“Ok … now you got my attention, but where you taking this to?” Alex felt that his long awaited questions are about to get answered.

Misa had a sigh of relief a bit. He continued.

“These all forces are not allowed to interact directly to us, they are forbidden to contact us until provoked. That is why these forces are not directly responsible to our actions, or I might say not at all responsible. They can only whisper us to the right or wrong, they can’t hold our hands to do something correct or in-correct. It is us who decides what to do. The choice is always ours to take.”

Alex simply nodded, he wanted Misa to continue.

“When the Babylonian peoples learned what we call magic from the fallen angels, and try to use it for seeking not to harm others but themselves, they were seeking a very short term of happiness and joys, regardless of what were the consequences.”

Alex couldn’t hold what he was just heard. He asked Misa in very skeptical manner.

“How could somebody knowingly do something to harm themselves? I don’t get it.”

Misa was still smiling, he said.

“The answer is very easy, what do you think if anyone kills anybody else? What do think he is to be judged as? Is he not receiving the death penalty for himself?  Killing other person is as good as killing himself. Right…?

Alex felt that he had no point in reason with what Misa just said, he simply nodded.

“Haven’t you wondered why there is a snake in the Egyptian mythology?”

[ Thanks for the readers around the World, specially the reviewers for their time. I will definitely finish the book asap.
I am working on a video project simultaneously along with this book, If you feel to check around please do visit the page
http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Why-Islam-/101002869958369 ]
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