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by Alikia
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1449615
Chapter Six

Janice was loath to wake, Alyn. Knowing she needed the time to rest. Holding the package she truly did want to know what was inside, “Alyn. Lilly has made you some tea and brought up some toast.”
Noticing the box she had set on the end of the bed, “What is that?”
“This was just delivered for you. Even though there is not a card, I thought we might see what it is.” Handing the box, Janice sat back watching her daughter realizing just how much she had missed over the past seven years.
No longer the same little girl she had left, now a grown woman. “Mother it’s beautiful.” Holding the shawl up, Janice could see it matched her coloring perfectly.
“We really should send it back to the shop, it is not proper.” Watching Alyn she knew she could not. “Maybe we could not tell your father.”
“Thank you mother.”
“There was one more thing. Some flowers and chocolates are downstairs. You will see those when Madame Sinclair arrives for our fittings. There is the costume ball this Friday that I think you might be up to going to.” The sparkle in her eyes told her as much.
“I do feel a lot better. And a costume ball sounds like so much fun.” Holding back many questions she longed to ask. Alyn watched her mother walk from her room.
Alyn knew instantly what she would wear for the ball. These were known for their risqué costumes. A time for the town to relax, perhaps expose a little more than would in the daylight hours. With that thought in mind she did not linger in bed. Dressing in a simple walking dress, walking downstairs. Thinking nothing of her hair hanging free, nothing like the town fashion.
The sight she found was more than she expected. Another messenger stood in the doorway, holding more flowers, another package. “Miss I really do not know where to put it all.”
“Mother will know what to do.” Even the new parcels came without a card, no one knew for sure who they were from, only Alyn knew.
“Dear lord Child what are you going to do with all these flower? I have run out of vases and there is not a clear spot to put another if they come.” Laughing Alyn just smiled when the door opened with yet another messenger. “This really must stop.” Turning to the messenger Dorothy, took a stern stance. “Please inform who ever it is that has sent all these. No more!”
“Dorothy,” Janice smiled. “What harm are a few flowers?”
“My lady a few flowers?” she motioned to the room overflowing with all types. “My Lady there is no space left. If this young man wants to send the young Miss something why does he not make it something practical?”
“You know that he can not do this, because I would have to just send it back.” Janice pushed the door closed, just as another knock sounded, “Yes.” The young messenger was hidden behind a stack of parcels, “Oh dear. Alyn we really must do something.”
Her mothers pleading look sent her into a peal of laughter, “Mother how can we?” sitting down to catch her breath, tears streamed down her face.
“Alyn, there is no need to cry.”
“I am not upset mother. I just cannot believe this. It is…” she started laughing again.
“What is all the racket?” Mathew stormed out of the study, coming to a dead stop at the scene before him. There were to many flowers to count. Numerous parcels, and yet another stack at the door, “Good lord what is going on here?” His house was in utter disarray. Never before had he seen the like.
“Mathew, what in heavens name is going on?” Nathaniel stood beside the messenger laughing.
“Going on? Your guess would be as good as mine.” Looking from his daughter laughing on the stairs to his wife blushing profusely, to Ms. Dorothy their steady fast, stern housekeeper. “Ladies would you care to explain this mess?” waving his hands toward the packages.
“Now Mathew, do not be mad.” Janice ran up to him kissing his cheek. “I can not send them back, there is no card.”
“Then do something with it all.”
“Nathaniel if this is your sons doing, I will have to have a stern word with him. This is improper.”
Nathaniel was not sure, even though it did have the Delmar touch. Everything was always done over the top. He could remember doing something similar to his wife. Derrick had heard the stories. “If it is his work I believe he will show up soon enough.”
“What should I do with this all until then?” Whether it was the utter silliness or just the over abundance, Mathew was confounded. “Alyn stop laughing, and do something with all of this.”
“yes father.” Standing she moved through the piles, not really knowing where to start. A tiny slip of paper caught her interest. Tucking it quickly into her pocket as for the others not to see. “Dorothy if you could have these all taken to the guest chamber I will work through them all later.
“Now this is just interesting,” hearing Derrick’s voice she turned showing him a beautiful smile, blushing only slightly. “I come to see how you are feeling, expecting to be turned away, yet again.” As he spoke there was a certain sparkle in his eyes only Alyn understood. “What is going on here?”
Nathaniel stared at his son, knowing full well he was behind this. “As if you do not know?” Mathew bellowed.
“Me?” Derrick smiled
“Yes you, this is beyond improper.” Dorothy scolded, “You should know better. This is not how things are done.”
“Now Dorothy, we do not know that this is Derrick’s doing.” Janice trying to be the voice of reason.
“I had only thought to come by and maybe claim a walk.” The pleading look Janice received was enough to melt any mother’s heart.
“Go child. Take your cloak I do not want you to fall ill again after just getting out of bed.”
They were out the door before she had finished talking, “I will play escort, and I really have nothing to do for a bit. Mathew I will be back to speak with you later.” Nodding to the ladies Nathaniel left the house.
“If it is not to bold to say.” Derrick pulled her hand into his, “You do look so much better. There is some color back in your cheeks, and that sparkle I saw in your eyes by the lake.”
“You sir, are a scoundrel. What am I to do with everything?” watching closely for any tells that they were truly from him. “Do you always go so far over the top with everything you do?”
“Now Miss Blackwell why ever would you think that I would send all those parcels? I am nothing more than you humble escort.”
“Hump, humble? No sir you have never been humble.” Knowing now without a doubt Derrick was her unknown admirer, smiling she laughed. “Never will you be humble around me. Please no more, I think if another one comes through the door my father might fall over.”
“Serves him right.” Eyeing him closely. Derrick stopped motioning toward the bench. “It seems our fathers have entered a bet.”
“A bet you must be mistaken.”
Looking back to see where his father was, he leaned closer, whispering. “They made a bet saying that we would marry before the season was over.” Watching her expression for any displeasure he smiled, “my intentions are to woo you,” she was laughing again, “Tyler’s idea.”
“Yes my married brother. He seems to think that I need to change my ways, and that marriage is the only way for that.”
“Then what ever will I do? Your father, mine, your brother, the numbers are against me. When you came to escort me, I was set on never marring, now I am so confused.”
Knowing then he would have to change her mind. Convince her if you will make the game even more enticing. “Let me try. Give me a chance, you will see I can make you happy.”

Nathaniel stood quietly by, only hearing little snippets of what was said. Tyler had explained the bet, was all he had heard. Nothing as to whether Alyn was inclined toward marriage. Knowing Derrick would push her in the right direction Nathaniel had nothing to worry over. Once Derrick had set his mind to something there was nothing that would get in his way. Even if it was the young ladies reluctance.
Following the couple back to the house Nathaniel went right to the study, where he knew he would find Mathew. “It seems both of our children know of the bet.”
“I had thought as much. I also believe that your son scalded a certain wall late last evening.”
“Now that would be most improper.” Smiling he knew he had. “Yet turning him away so often, might have led him to take drastic matter to check on a certain young Miss.”
“I had thought the same. Though I do hope that he will refrain from doing it in the future. The front door is open for the normal receiving hours.” Pouring two glasses of port, Mathew handed one to Nathaniel. “I am to assume we should celebrate to our families being joined.”
“Might be a little soon, but I do believe that it will happen, if my son can convince Alyn.” Janice listened at the door finally understanding what had been going on. When Mathew had wanted to send for Alyn, she had been surprised. Now complete understanding set in.
Derrick would make her happy, Janice knew this. Only if she would allow him in. all those years alone had not been good for her. Janice had known this, yet town life was no place for a child. Backing away from the door she smiled, perhaps life could be simple.

© Copyright 2008 Alikia (catzeyez at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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