Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1447433-Disappearing-Magic
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1447433
This a creation story that combines fantasy and magic.
A long time ago before all magic had been hidden away from the world; sealed in the depths of eternity just outside the reach of all mortal beings, there were dragons, elves, fairies and all sorts of fantastic creatures that roamed the lands helping and befriending the humans they came in contact with.  All humans at this time had possessed magical powers of their own, but they were neither as powerful nor as kind as the fantastic creatures.  Most of the humans were greedy and selfish and refused to help one another, unless there was something to gain for giving their assistance. 
Because everyone and everything possessed its own magic, the creatures of the world banded together to create a single law that governed the use of magic throughout the world.    In order to create this law and keep the world and all its creatures safe, the creatures created a giant tribunal.  The tribunal consisted of both a male and a female representative from each species, who shared equally in the responsibilities of creating the law and governing over the use of magic.  Because there were thousands of different species, humans included in the tribunal, it was believed by all that it would take several years to come to a unanimous agreement; however it only took a few mortal days. By the time the sun had reached the center of the sky on the first day, the law had been created and agreed upon by all. 
Shortly following the creation of the law, the tribunal sent a message to all beings on the planet through the wind, on parchment, through the roaring’s of the waves and with all flying creatures.  All were making the same statement: “The law has been agreed upon, please adhere, ‘All magic shall be used with the singular purpose of making life better and easier for ourselves without harming the planet or another magical creature.’  Penalty for breaking the law soon to be announced.”
While all the creatures of the land were being notified, the punishment for those who broke the law had been decided.  It was agreed by all that “if a magical being purposely commits three separate offenses, they would forfeit all rights to their magic and immortality, since it was the magic that made them immortal to begin with.”  With the law now established, and the punishment for breaking the law understood by all, the tribunal parted ways and were to meet again on the following day.  As the tribunal dispersed, the punishment for breaking the law was announced to all the creatures of the land.
On the second day, the tribunal had to decide how to monitor individual use of magic.  Some suggested appointing a magical species enforcer, but that was quickly disapproved of because it was considered to be an invasion of privacy.  By the time the sun had once again reached the center of the sky, one of the phantasms floated to the center of the great clearing and made the suggestion to “cast a spell over all the creatures of the land, so that with each misuse of their magic they lose some of their powers, and on the third infraction with the final loss of their magic, so goes their immortality.”
After a great commotion caused by the creatures talking, cheering, and shouting their approval of such an idea, the two humans made their way to the center of the clearing to be heard.  The women started by saying: “my friends, we have always lived in peace with one another and the Earth.  I agree with the Phantasm, however, I cannot help but wonder, what will happen to offspring born after their parents have lost their magic and become mortal.  Are they destined to be mortals too, or shall they regain the powers and immortality which they have neither lost nor used in an inappropriate fashion?” 
The voices of the tribunal grew louder and louder, until a Banshee let out a cry so piercing that, if not all the creatures had been immortal at this time, all would have quickly fallen to the ground like large chunks of hail.  Silence then filled the clearing, and a small fairy entered the center of the tribunal.  “I believe,” she said in a very quiet but forceful voice, “that the Phantasms suggestion is both fair and just.  All creatures, because they are held accountable for their magical activities, will make their choices to use their magic regardless of the penalties for their actions.  It is also my belief that others cannot be held accountable for someone else’s actions, all beings must take responsibility for themselves; therefore it should be that offspring of the previously magical shall retain their powers, unless they also choose to misuse them.  Let anyone who has a different idea come to the center of the tribunal and speak.” 
All remained in their places silent and pondering the Phantasm’s suggestion.  Several hours had passed before anyone or anything spoke.  It was the male dragon who finally shattered the silence.  “With all of your agreement, we support the Phantasm’s proposal.  We, as a collective, shall cast the spell over the whole of the planet when the sun reaches the center of the clearing in two days time. If this is suitable with everyone, you may show it by remaining silent, for any who disagree here is your last chance to speak on this matter.”
After several minutes passed the female dragon spoke. “I take your silence as your agreement.  In order to cast the spell to enforce the law, each of us will have to bring something that all members of your own species have in common.  These items that you bring can be something as simple as a lock of hair, a single scale, a shed skin, or a single tear, what it is does not matter. But there must be one from each male and female member of the tribunal.  If you cannot think of what to bring, come see me in my lair at the base of the mountain where the blue flames flicker.  I will be there with my son, teaching him to control his crimson flame.” 
The two dragons took one last glance around at the other members of the tribunal, leapt into the air, beat their powerful wings, and began to fly south toward the foothills of the mountains.  After watching the two dragons the tribunal quickly began to disperse.  Each creature went hastily towards their homes, chatting with one another all the way about what they could possibly bring to protect the use of magic and bind all of their people to it. The only ones who remained were the two humans.  There they stood in silence as they watched every last creature leave. 
After all was quiet and they were sure that they were alone, the man spoke almost in a whisper for fear that there were still stragglers lingering about them.  “I have no intentions of following the commands of the tribunal.  I will not suffer our people to the same fate as these other creatures.  They have no right to demand that we offer a piece of ourselves, so that they can later strip us of our powers!  I will not, cannot be part of this and you shall not either.  All of humankind has the right to choose how they wish to live and I, we, will not force them to give up their magic.”
“Although I do not think it wise to disobey the tribunal, I agree with you,” the female whispered.  “I will support your decision, but we still must come back in two days time, if not to participate at least to observe.”
“Very well; we shall come back when the tribunal reconvenes, but we must remain unseen.”  And with a great sigh, both the humans departed.  Neither of them spoke a single word about the tribunal.  They had both agreed to return, and there was no need for further discussion. 
On the third day, the dragon awoke at dawn to her son’s flames hiccupping out the entrance of their cave.  She stretched and yawned, let out a small puff of smoke, quickly nuzzled her son and led him out the entrance of the cave to a vibrant meadow filled with wild flowers.  Assembled outside the entrance to their cave was a line of fantastical creatures, each had come to seek her assistance.  The young dragon looked around in awe.  Never had he seen so many creatures in one place.  “Mamma; mamma, who are all of these creatures?  Why have they come here mamma? Are we in trouble?  Did I do something bad?  Why, why mamma?  Please tell me, Oh please?”
“Now, now my young one, they are here for my council, nothing more.  Now go back inside and practice blowing a flame onto the walls of the cave and I will be in as soon as I have finished here.”
Obediently, the young dragon returned to the confines of the cave, but not without a slight amount of huffing smoke and a large amount of stomping his powerful claws upon the ground.  Once her son was inside, the female dragon spoke.  “My friends, Have you all come to seek my assistance in determining what you shall bring to the law binding ceremony?”
Almost unanimously, the crowd of creatures echoed a resounding “yes!” 
“Then come forth my friends and I shall give you my opinion on the matter.”  The first to come forth were the wood nymphs.  “You my friends shall provide a bit of bark and a bit of wood for the casting of our spell, for you are made of and part of all the trees on the planet.  They are as much a part of you, as you are of them.”  The wood nymphs smiled, and agreed that the dragon was right.
The next to come forth were the Phantasms.  Both were barely visible in the daylight, and even the dragon with her keen eye sight had to squint to see them. “You, my friends, shall be the ones to bind the spell for you must be the ones to speak the incantation.  For you can leave nothing physically of yourself, but your voices will work in the same way.”
More and more creatures flew, crawled, slithered and walked to the dragon, and each time they approached she told them to bring what she felt all of their kind had in common, and by the time she noticed how long she had been standing outside her cave entrance, the sun was beginning to set.  The female dragon had provided advice to every member of the tribunal, with the exception of the two humans.  They had not come to her cave and this worried her.  As a matter of fact, it worried her so much she sent word to the male dragon informing him that the humans had not been there and she was concerned for even the wisest of creatures had come to see her. 
On the final day, the members of the tribunal gathered once again in the clearing. All were assembled except the two humans. The two dragons went to the center where rock trolls had created a safe area for a fire, so as to not harm the trees.  The wood nymphs had also made their contributions to the spell already, for the pit which was surrounded by stone from the rock trolls, was filled with bark and branches.  The two dragons stood on opposite sides of the pit, looked at one another and blew bright blue and red flames into the center of the wood nymphs offering.  The wood in the center began to dance with purple flames, and the two phantasms floated towards the dragons, followed by the remaining fantastic creatures.  Each of the creatures, minus the two humans, made their offerings to the flame and went back to their places among the tribunal.
The two humans were hiding in the shadows watching the proceedings and hoping that they would be forgotten.  They had neither brought anything to add to the casting of the spell, nor had they sought the dragons for their counsel.  The dragons, however were well aware of the humans presence, for they were both wise and already had assumed that the humans were not going to willingly participate.    The Dragons, who had been waiting patiently for the humans to emerge from their hiding place, finally beckoned for them.  They did not come forth.  They cowered in the shadows hoping to remain unnoticed.  Dryad, the male wood nymph was sent to retrieve them from the shadows.
“What have you brought to represent your kind?” the male dragon bellowed.
“Nothing,” the humans replied simultaneously, “we do not wish to have our magic governed by the laws of all creatures.  We are able to govern ourselves, choose how we wish to use our own magic, for we are all free creatures of the world.”
         “Yes, you are free creatures as are all of us, but we must all live in this world together.  Certainly you cannot argue with that.” Spoke the female dragon in a much softer voice.
         The female stepped forward and spoke on behalf of the humans. “No we cannot argue, with that.  You are right, but we still do not wish to bind our magic and risk losing that which is our birth right.”
“Just as magic is your birth right, so is the planet ours.  This law is not meant to take your magic away, but to ensure that we can maintain peace and harmony with one another and the planet.  In order to thrive, there must be laws that protect all of our interests.”
         “WE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE!”  The male human shouted.
“This is your last chance humans.  If you do not participate willingly, we must assume that you intend to break the law which we have agreed upon and we will strip you of your immortality and bind your magic to the spell anyway.  You have until the sun reaches the center of the clearing to decide.”
The two humans returned to their hiding place in the shadows, while the other creatures of the tribunal remained in the clearing and began shouting their disapproval of the humans’ actions.  After listening to several of the outbursts made by the other creatures, the female human suggested that they concede to the dragons’ ultimatum.  “Listen to them shout,” she told the male.  “They are furious with us, and now they think that we will try to harm them because we have refused to participate.  We have always lived in peace, we must concede.”
“We shall not concede to the law which they have created.  We are not beasts like them and we need not live by their laws.  I will not give into their request and neither will you!  Humans will govern their own lives, make their own laws!  Others will not make the laws for them,” retorted then man.
“I can see that there is no use arguing with you, but still, I must beg you please reconsider.  If you do not participate, then I cannot either.  The dragon’s said each of us must bring something from our own sex, and I will not bind other females to a law that does not also govern the males.”
         “Then it is settled, neither of us will participate, for one cannot without the other and I will not concede. I will go tell the tribunal that we have made our decision.”
         Hesitantly, the female followed the male out of their hiding spot and back to where the dragons awaited their answer.  The female had a trickle of tears streaming down her face, as the male told the dragon and the rest of the tribunal their decision.  “We have decided,” stated the male, “we have decided not to participate! We will not be governed by the laws that have been created by creatures and beasts!  Humans will create their own laws!”
         Silence filled the clearing as all the creatures began to stare at the two humans and the two dragons.  The female dragon released a small sigh and slowly began to shake her head; the female human began to silently weep; and the two males glared into each other’s eyes.  It was the dragon who was the first to break the stare as smoke and sparks began to fly out of his nostrils. 
“You will participate!  You have no choice in the matter.” 
Just as the male dragon finished his statement, the female dragon reached out and seized the male human.  With a single claw, the male dragon made a small cut into the palm of the male human’s hand.  Blood began to drip from the wound, and the female human began to loudly sob and mutter “I wanted to participate, but he is so stubborn.  If only he would have listened.” 
The female dragon released the male human.  The human tripped and stumbled as he backed away from the dragons.  “You were warned humans, and now, because of your stubbornness, you will no longer be immortals and your magic will be bound to the law anyway.”  The male dragon states as he walked to the flame and flicked two drops of the human’s blood into the fire. 
The female human followed the dragon.  “I wish to participate,” she whispered, “but his refusal made it so the law would be unjust for the females of my kind.  I know that you have made us mortals, but am I too late to willingly add something?”
“No, it is not too late, but I must tell you, even if you willing participate, you will still remain mortal, that we cannot change.  Mortal years are very short, however, if you would like we can extend human years so that your lives will be longer.”
The female human wiped the tears from her eyes and let them drip from her fingertips into the purple flames.  The flames sparked, flickered and were extinguished.  “I would like for humans to have long lives, please make it so.”
The dragons went to the male human, who was silently huddled near some bushes holding his wounded hand.  “Hold out your hand, human.”
Obediently, the male human slowly held out his hand.  The two dragons blew their blue and red flames into the wound and it glowed purple.  As the wound began to close, a line was formed in its place.  “This shall be your life line,” the female dragon explained.  “The longer the line on your palm, the longer you shall live.”
The female human looked at her hand, and just as the dragon’s had said, a line had appeared which stretched across most of her palm.  “Thank you!  Thank you for this gift.  Maybe now, we can all get on with our lives.  Life is too short, for some of us, to spend it away from our homes and our families.”
         The female human walked away from the fire and walked towards the male human, who was still looking at the line formed on the palm of his hand.  The two dragons and the rest of the fantastical creatures began to leave the clearing and return to their homes.  As everyone departed, the female human turned to the man and said to him “You know if humans never see them again, it is going to be our fault.  Because of your stubbornness and my listening to you, humans now have to grow old and die, but at least some of us will still have our magic.”
Neither of the two humans said another word, for the rest of their journey, they just continued home silent and mortal.
© Copyright 2008 Blair-Charles (destinysdragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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