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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1446967
These are the characters and things of my mind and my stories, some main, some not
These are my characters and ideas, the use of which (unauthorized by me) is strictly prohibited by anyone other than myself. Please respect my authority over them.

This is an ongoing list to help me remember the lesser of my characters. Also, if you wish to grab ideas from here, that's great! But again, as above, please be nice and not use my exact characters without permission. (Why you would want to is a mystery to me, but hey, some people are weird. Making characters is half if not most of the fun of making a story!)

Characters that are main characters will be starred. All character descriptions are general, because I like to change them around a bit to suit my emotions. Sometimes I have a young, teenage, sword carrying warrior that is hotheaded and passionate. Other times I have a bitter old man, who used to be a fighter but now is a trainer, trying to find the one who can carry on his legacy. And they both are the same person!



Changed "Races" to "Species (sentient)" and added "Species (feral, non-sentient". Adding some creatures that don't think like a sentient (animals). Only have one so far, but when the inspiration hits I might have more.



Race: Human
appx age: 15-21
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior (agility style)
Description: Most of the time is depicted as a teenager who is hotheaded and passionate (foreshadowing above =) ). He has short brown hair, hazel eyes, a muscular, but not large body, and is willing to fight for what he believes in. He doesn't start fights, he finishes them, and he defends his friends. Never wears armor, he doesn't like the restriction of movement. His fighting style is to move around his opponents quickly, and use his almost super-human agility to his advantage.


Race: Dragoon (dragon/human hybrid)
appx age: 15-30
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Description: Ruthless, Tactical, and bloodthirsty. Shadowmoon is a born killer. He normally has shoulder length white or black hair and lizard-like yellow eyes. He has draconic wings jutting from his spine and claws and teeth sharper than a freshly forged razor. Stealth is his preference, but he can engage in open combat with lesser-skilled fighters easily. He and Keev generally never meet, but they are assumed to be in the same world and continent.

*Raz'al Tek*

Race: mostly human, sometimes something else, exactly what is unknown
appx age: ???
Gender: Male
Class: Scholar/Sorceror
Description: darn near omnipotent. He is bent on learning everything there is to know about the physical and cosmic world, at whatever the cost! He is loyal to no one but himself. Generic neutral rogue, except he's a powerful magician.
He takes many shapes, but if he's human he is wearing a red robe with a symbolic eye on his chest that represents knowledge.


Race: Giant
Appx age: 17-21
Gender: Female
Class: N/A
Description: Leera is a giant; people come up to around her knees. In her world, giants are hunted down and eradicated by a philosophical, militant group known simply as "giant hunters". She eventually encounters a human along her way named Dox. The two quickly become friends, and they try to make it to "the mountains" where giants are protected by an epic charm that was cast by a council of friendly human mages, as giants do not possess mana (see the Laws of Magic).
She uses relatively heavy items (trees, big rocks, etc.) to scare and fend off the hunters but she never kills them because even though they are her enemies she cannot bring herself to harm another intelligent being, much to her human friend's annoyance. She has long blonde hair, and If she's not wearing leather armor, she wears a red dress that was made for her by a kind hearted human woman.
Later she finds a giant Warhammer that was enchanted by the same mages that created the mountains. At the point she finds this hammer she has metamorphosized from the timid girl that she was into a confident warrior.


Race: Human
Appx age: 17-21
Gender: Male
Class: Battlemage
Description: Dox has a long and mysterious history before meeting up with Leera that I shall withold for the time being as I believe it has some story value and I do not wish to ruin it for you. He pairs up with Leera and guides her to the mountains. He does not care that she is a giant and he always interacts with her the way he'd interact with any human, not treating her worse or better.
Being a sort of battlemage he excels in both physical and magical combat. Though not a master of either, he uses them both in artistic unison to take down his foes. As with most mages he tends to favor one element above all others and his element is lightning.


Race: normally human
appx age: 15-21
gender: female
Class: agility style warrior, else noblewoman
Description: a soft face with long black hair. She plays most of the high class aristocratic princess type parts of my stories on the side of righteousness. However, in one instance so far, she has been seen with Shadowmoon as an assassin/rogue. She was what made him turn bitter to the world after he was tricked into killing her himself. Mostly though, she lives in Zepora, the same city that Keev lives in.


Race: Sulac (Bipedal Lizard)
appx age: 21-45
Gender: Male
Class: Heavy knight
Description: Lizardlike bipeds known as "Sulacs" bore this monstrosity of a person. Largely proportioned homonid, minus the dinosaur-like face, Chak-tan likes to swing his giant battle axe for the side of evil. He smashes his way through everything in his path and gets what he wants. He wears heavy black steel armor that emphasizes his stature: humongous.

Dan-ek "Mountain Mover"

Race: Giant
Appx age: 25-35
Gender: Male
Class: N/A
Description: Dan-ek is from "the mountains". He and his wife, Sava'ai are collectors: they collect trees and food from the forest around the mountains. They are only needed in an emergency, since the mountains are self-sufficient most of the time. Their livestock are bred and enchanted to grow enormously to meet the giants' needs. Dan-ek is extremely large and strong, even for a giant, so he recieves the nickname "mountain mover" from the people who've seen him.


Race: Giant
appx age: 23-35
Gender: Female
Class: N/A
Description: She lives in the mountains with her husband, Dan-ek. She is a collector as well. She is met Leera's Human friend and he rallies her and her husband to Leera's aid. They then travel to the mountains.


Race: Human (strong affinity to animals, which is reflected physically)
appx age: 18-40
Gender: Male
Class: Beastmaster
Description: This character has been with me for quite awhile but I never really emphasized on him much. I wanted to try making a character for the class, and I like what came of it.
He is a beastmaster. Mentally he is more beast than man, so some people generally get confused when they see him, thinking he is some sort of hybrid or chimaera (being animal and human). However, he is in fact completely human. He bends animals to his will, but that does not mean he doesn't respect them. In his eyes wolves and cougars are even better than people: they are quieter, more decisive, and better equipped to survive in the world. All they lack is the capability to reason and learn like humans do, something that he gives to his group freely.
His friends, the animals that follow him, know that he is the pack leader. They do not challenge him for leadership because they respect him as much as he respects them. Together they are a team of nigh unstoppable force.
Physically, he is very dirty (he hangs out in the woods all day with animals), well built, almost primordial. He's just overall made for nature. Of course he wears clothes, (to him, an unfortunate side-effect of being sentient) but they are usually very ripped and dirty. They just weren't meant for nature.


Race: Human
appx age: 18-30
Gender: Male
Class: Archer
Description: Jee-ahr is normally a Mercenary or a type of bounty hunter. He fights to get paid, plain and simple. Archery and killing are his only skills.
However, sometimes he is seen fighting for the side of good, claiming that in some way it will aid him. However, as his creator, I know that within him is a struggle, a hidden ambition to do good to the world. This reflects me, personally, and my hidden ambition.
A lot of times, though, I have to say this guy is my most ninja character. He doesn't talk, he just does. And he's in full dark armor most of the time. Quiet and deadly. Kinda funny actually.


Race: Human
Appx age: 30
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior/Officer
Description: Sadistic in every way. His weapon of choice is a whip, a rather long one with a forked end. In battle the rope is like a black tentacle that streams from an equally black heart and soul, ripping away soldier's weapons and bringing them to their knees. His armor reflects his sadistic nature, and he does indeed revel in the pain of his opponents. He also dominates creatures, similiar to the beastmaster mentioned far above, but through fear and intimidation instead of enticement and friendship.
This character reflects the latent sadistic nature of most humans, especially me. Normally, I try to be very far away from my sadistic nature, but sometimes it leaks out through videogames and some of my mind's stories. This character was one of those leaks. Pain is his name.
I decided on the name Sidhikai (Pronounced SI - dih - KAI) because it sounded malevolent, and vicious.


Race: Human
Appx age: 18-25
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin/Agility warrior
Description: I got a little Unimaginitive with this one. There is a videogame called "Assassin's Creed" and I made this character look almost exactly like him, but younger. He wears the same white robe, but has two hidden blades on his arms that are much longer than Altair's hidden blade, about the length of his entire forearm. He uses both of them with serious effectiveness.


Race: Human
Appx age: 35-65
Gender: Male
Class: Storyteller
Description: He lives in Üohn mostly, and he spins an amazing story. He is the main source of entertainment in his village. However, most of his stories are completely made up. Many would say that he's been "Touched by the gods". In the head. Hard. When he's not telling stories, he's yelling at the sky, or trying to teach a Sand Prowler to use a fork. He's harmless, but hopelessly insane.


Race: Human
Appx age: 50-95
Gender: Male
Class: Cook
Description: Wisdom, an air of dignity and power, and a mean bowl of broth, Ponto is an excellent cook and mentor. Wise sayings pour forth from his mouth as does his world-class soup from the ladel. One has only to listen to learn what this man has to teach. Ponto has had much experience in the world, but he still enjoys having fun. Sometimes he'll act like a child, or a crazed old man, but if you listen hard enough you can hear the knowledge in him.

The Angry Shield

Race: Human
Appx age: 19-40
Gender: Male
Class: Defender/Vigilante
Description: This man is an enigma; no one knows anything about him. He wears a blank mask like the one here: http://www.mooncostumes.com/image/12016 , but with an angry expression on the face. He is known to defend citizens from robbers and other harm-wishers. He is always kind to those he defends, but he brings his wrath down hard on enemies who refuse his offer for surrender.
His weapon's are two oblong shields with bladed edges that cover his arms from the elbows to the hands, reflecting his defense of the innocent with an anger directed at the evil.
Sometimes he'll use a spell that is his namesake, "Angry Shield", which creates a sphere of lightning and other elements (depending on the area) defending the person physically while attacking all within reach.


Race: Human or Spirit
Appx age: 16-30 or ageless
Gender: Male
Class: Wanderer or demon
Description: I decided to give it a name. This character, unfortunately, has always been with me. He's the scariest to me of all my characters...because he's real. I mean, he feels like another literal consciousness inside me, and he forcibly takes control of my body sometimes.
For anyone who speaks latin, you might recognize the name. It means "anger" or "wrath". Ira takes control of me when I get angry. It feel like it anyway, because when I get angry I do things I wouldn't normally do. I'm not me.
I had always considered my "bad" side Shadowmoon, but I couldn't call that Shadowmoon. Shadowmoon is always calm and collected, he doesn't lose himself to anger. No I needed a new name and a new character. Ira seemed fitting.

In Duranoramine, Ira is an insane wanderer. The only emotion he feels is anger, and he feels it towards everything. Rocks, trees, animals, and especially people. As with every stereotypical fantasy land dweller, he carries a sword. His sword is as tall as he is, and reflects him: angry and powerful. He hacks and slashes with a fury that can only be reached with insanity.
As a youth, he lived in a normal home on a normal farm with a normal name, Michael. He lived a happy life with his family, working and playing with his loving siblings, father, and mother. If anyone were to describe him it was caring, happy, and nurturing!
Of course it all had to end. Fate doesn't allow people to be that happy. Raiders tore through their farmhouse at night, killing everyone except Michael. Michael was cruelly spared by the raiders, who wished to torment him. They laughed at his suffering, smiled upon his cries, and poked and prodded him in mockery. after they left him to his misery, Michael wandered the forest for three days, and finally gave up hope and decided to commit suicide but on his way to do the act he tripped and hit his head on a rock.
Red filled his vision, and all the hopelessness melted from his body. Then came Happiness, then sadness, then Love. One by one he felt all of his emotions until it finally stopped on Anger. It built up and up and drove him mad. Along with anger came hate, and he only had the desire to kill.
He never really took on the name "Ira" himself, it was given to him by the lucky survivors of his wrath. But he wanders the land looking for something to take his anger out on. Hopefully, it's not you...

How's that for long winded? *Laugh*

Name: Blade

Race: Human
Appx age: 21-30
Gender: Male
Class: Scavenger
Description: Born in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, Blade learned only one thing: Survival of the fittest, and keep up with the best or die like the rest. His parents died while he was young, and he traveled with many different wanderers, scavengers, and traders his entire life. Almost every time he witnessed the death of someone he traveled with by raiders and marauders. Through this constant stream of violence Blade picked up a few tricks of the survival trade. One day when he was eighteen, he was traveling with a group of five when they were attacked. Blade picked up a weapon, and almost single-handedly killed every last raider...but didn't stop there. He took weapons, food, water, and resources from his group by force and departing, leaving them to fend for themselves in the harsh, unforgiving wasteland.
Being quite intelligent, he tinkered with many of the pre-apocalypse weapons and gadgets, making a very good set of items for himself. Ever since he picked up his first wrench and screwdriver he's been tinkering, modifying, and creating many items. He makes frequent trips into very dangerous places to find what most would consider junk, or what most people wouldn't even think of at all! Scavanging and salvaging has become his way of life, making his treasure from other men's trash.

SPECIES/RACES (sentient)


Main Habitat: Forests or rocky regions
Description: Bipedal, Lizard-like people. Essentially, that's all they are. Imagine a stereotypical green lizard standing up on it's hind legs. Or even better, a human with a lizard head, scales all over, and claws and teeth. They are generally evil and their race is an enemy to the people of Keev's city. They are Conquerors, moreso than Humans.


Main habitat: Volcanic regions
Description: Dragoons are basically just dracomen. They have dragon wings, claws, teeth, and eyes, and Human everything else. Some have other draconic parts. Human/Dragon breeding yields very different results each time, so Dragoon's attributes vary. You might even end up with a twitching ball of scales and flesh that won't live for more than a few hours. However, Dragoon/Dragoon breeding seems to work fine, resulting in a blend of both parent's attributes. The reason for this is unkown.

SPECIES (feral, non-sentient)

Sand Prowlers

Habitat: Üohn, or another desert
Description: As the name implies, sand prowlers (often shortened to "prowlers") live in the vast, sandy desert of Üohn. A sort of mix between desert lizards and large cats, they hunt in packs and are similiar to coyotes.
prowlers have a feline head that resembles a bobcat, and two six-inch fangs like a sabre-tooth tiger. Their four legs are reptillian with vicious claws. Along their spine protrudes twelve-inch spikes ending at their hind, and the tail is feline with more barbs at the tip.
They are mainly carnivorous, but are actually scavengers. They'll eat whatever they can find, an animal, a corpse, or even a person if they get desperate enough. It is rare that people are attacked by prowlers, but it does happen.
The Üohn village is constantly being stolen from by prowlers, and they have become a real nuisance and threat to the villagers. Hunters are encouraged to kill any prowler they find, even if they can't carry it back for food.


Giant Hunters

Purpose: Eliminate all giants
Alignment: misled, religious evil
Description: The first leader was a nutjob. He was the Hitler of his time and world. He gathered a group of people and made them believe giants would rid the world of all resources millions of times faster than Humans would, and that they had too much power over normal people. Giants, in their world, were perfectly proportioned humans, so they weren't slow or loud, so they seemed to have no weaknesses. The Giant Hunter's leader feared them, and vowed to destroy them all.

Ashrock Clan

Goal: Conquer the world
Alignment: Evil
Description: This is a clan of dragons. The elders are solitary dragons that control the clan. Dragoon's are raised in segregation as soldiers and slaves. They normally have no affiliation with their draconic families, and having a dragoon baby is socially unacceptable.

Lexegis Civil Defense Company

Purpose: Bring down crime in large cities
Alignment: N/A. You can't really put an alignment on a company, though a lot of people might say evil.
Description: In the future crime in the bigger cities has gone up exponentially, and the law is on the brink of destruction. The United States government realized that soon they would have no power in some areas like Chicago and New York City. To fix this they poured billions of dollars into a rising company, Lexegis. Along with the money, Lexegis recieved certain rights of administration dealing in the larger cities of the world. In return, they had a few years to bring crime down significantly in all of the cities they were given administrative rights in.
Before the government funded them, Lexegis had been working on 8 semi-robotic exoskeletons, but had to discontinue the project due to overwhelming cost to the company. These exoskeletons were designed to give the wearer a demigod-like power, enabling them to jump to heights of over 50 feet (with a combination of enhanced muscles and a personal jetpack), Lift objects up to about 30 tons in weight, and even fly (with certain attachments). The suit itself is made from a very dense alloy that can stop or deflect any bullet currently in production, and comes standard with chemical personnel enhancements, as well as stimpacks. These chemicals, produced by lexegis itself, can enhance the wearer's reflexes, making it appear to them that time has slowed down. The entire suit feels, to the wearer, like nothing but a standard police uniform, thanks to the enhanced muscle system.
The inspiration for these suits was taken from a number of different places, such as the games "Crackdown" and "Gears of War", and the movie "Iron Man". The suit itself looks very much like the suits from the games I have listed.

Wolf Squad

Purpose: Police the city
Alignment: Lawful
Description: Seven Lexegis police officers were chosen to wear seven of the exoskeletons produced. Along with the suits they were given clearance to various accessories and weapons, but were encouraged to use the suit itself as a weapon. With the suits, any one of the officers could do the work of an entire SWAT team, but the main focus of Wolf Squad was on teamwork.
Primarily deployed for tactical and high-risk missions that require careful thinking and delicate operations, Wolf Squad is the ultimate police force. Missions include, but are not limited to, assassination, infiltration, eradication, general law enforcement (rare), escorts, and guarding high importance targets.

Tiger Squad

Purpose: Police the city
Alignment: Lawful
Description: The only similiarity between Tiger Squad and Wolf Squad is the company they all work for. Despite the name, Tiger Squad only has one officer. This man, Officer Cameron Graumann, is an imposing 6'5'', built like a rock, and with a temperament to match.
Tiger Squad is the heavy artillery of Lexegis. When careful planning and tactics mean exactly squat, they send in the Tiger. The Tiger suit is similiar to the rest of the exoskeletons, but with an emphasis on size and power rather than agility and mission-specific gadgets. It cannot be damaged by bullets, and there aren't any exposed areas of the wearer, so there are no lucky shots. The suit also has the most advanced enhanced muscle system, allowing Cameron to lift up to 65 tons. Considering the Abrams m1 tank weighs about 60 tons and that this lifting power can be used for more than just lifting, this suit is the ultimate damage-dealer, and was considered illegal to use in war by the UN.
Tiger Squad is primarily deployed into violent riots and anti-gang missions. If a gang openly sets up their "headquarters" or "base", Lexegis sends in Tiger Squad, with clearance to level the structure. If a gang takes over a bridge or building, they send in Tiger Squad. If Wolf Squad can't handle it, they send in Tiger Squad.

The Basilisk Project

Purpose: Assassination
Alignment: N/A
Description: Project Basilisk was intended to create a suit of armor that would combine itself with the wearer and augment the user's physical and mental abilities. Their aim was to make it possible to outfit every soldier in their army with the suit, making them all superior in the field. What they ended up with was something entirely different.
The Basilisk Suit does indeed combine itself with the wearer, but after it does they can never be separated. It binds itself to the spine of the wearer initially, then the rest of the suit can be applied to the arms, legs, and torso. Once bound, hypodermic needles inject the wearer with several chemicals over a trial period of one month in order to adapt to the user's body. Once it finds a suitable chemical outfitting, it can inject the user anytime they need a particular trait, such as increased attentiveness, focus, speed, strength, or anything of the like.
On the outside of the suit are thousands of small needles as well. These needles carry random poisons, such as some types of hallucinogens, carcinogens, botulinum, and ricin to name a few. But all of the needles are defensive structures. The main part of the suit is the weaponized needle under the wearer's wrists. The needles are about five inches in length, but can extend to over a foot. The poisons stored in these needle's reservoirs are the most deadly and fastest acting known to man.
Though their main purpose is assassination, they are deployed for other operations that require their skills as well. A couple examples are reconaissance, and injecting known moles or traitors with nanites to learn what they know, and where they go.


Alignment: Good
Description: A nation and a race, it was hard for me to put this into a particular group here...
They call themselves Aüun-waa, meaning God-voice, or the voice of God. To the few that have seen them, though, they are simply known as the Screamers.
The reason for their name is their peculiar martial and arcane arts and fighting style: using their voice. Long ago their ancestors realized that the human voice carried with it a certain power. They devoted countless years into studying that power and finally came up with what they called the Aüun-waa. WIth the Aüun-waa, they could move heavy objects, heal the wounded, shatter a man's hope and confidence, stun a man, and manipulate the physical world in many other ways.
Soon, their culture revolved around the power of Aüun-waa, and they changed their name to their art. Obviously, the human voice plays a huge part in their culture. Every child of the Aüun-waa must learn the art, and learn to sing. Children all learn simple Aüun-waa "spells", as their voices are quite close in pitch, though not completely. As children reach their teenage years, and their voice changes, they are taught different spells, the art of healing for women and the art of force for men. However this is just a secondary introductory teaching. After they learn this, they will be men and women and will be free to progress along their own path and learn what they wish.
Aüun-waa Battle spells change with gender, however. Even though both genders can perform the same spells, each has an affinity towards certain spells. Most Aüun-waa female voices are tranquil, and soothing. Therefore, they have an affinity towards healing and meditation spells. Male voices are generally rough, and physically powerful. They perform more forceful, and violent spells. Exceptions to this rule are the all-female Screamers. They are one of the most dreaded warrior squads in the Aüun-waa. Their shrill, piercing voices can stun even the largest of men, bringing them to the ground, and making them easy targets. Most people know of the Aüun-waa because of these warriors.
Although the Aüun-waa put such high emphasis on voice, they know the importance of stealthy operations. And a part of stealth is remaining quiet. These warriors are known as the Silents. They speak with their actions, and utter no words in the field. Though it is not a place that is held in high regard, the people who become silents do it gladly because it is necessary.
In order to become a Silent, one must live in total silence for three weeks. They are stricken of their voices and sent into the forest, where they listen only to the sounds of nature, or the very few noises in a cave. After they come back, they recover their voices, and decide whether or not they truly want to become a Silent.
Silents, despite their name, can talk and sing with others. However, during times of meditation, training, and combat, they are utterly quiet. During these times, they use a form of sign language to communicate with eachother.
With the power of the human voice, they are a mighty nation. However, becuase of their specialization with Aüun-waa, they tend to be decades behind all other nations. Without technology, though, they are still capable of holding their own.

A long description, but I mixed like three kinds of people, and a nation in there. Sort of an all-in-one deal.


Name: Zepora

Type: Large City / City/State
Description: Home of Keev. This is the Tokyo of whatever continent it resides on, being the most technologically advanced city. It will generally have a clocktower, an arcane university/sanctum, and stone streets. It will always be next-gen when it comes to technology and knowledge.

Name: Vazil

Type: Border city/town
Description: A typical port or border town, many travelers pass through here on the way inland, so there is a huge variety of races, species, and dialects. Sometimes the language barrier is a problem! There is a minor crime problem, but all in all, another happy little town.

Name: Üohn

Type: Village/Country
Description: When one says Üohn, they may mean the country, or the village. Being that there's only one civilized village in the entire country, one might guess it's the same thing.
Üohn is a vast desert land filled with, you guessed it, sand, dangerous creatures, rocks, and wandering nomads and raiders. Every day in the village is a fight to survive. If it wasn't for the single spring of water in the middle of the village, there might be no life in Üohn at all. Of course, along with that spring comes raiders and nomads desperate to steal water from it. Again, every day is a fight to survive.


Name: Viper VTOL

Type: Vertical Take-Off and Landing aeronaughtic vehicle
Description: The Viper is a state of the art air vehicle, with a maximum capacity of two people. Able to be fitted out with almost any type of equipment and weaponry, it is a deadly search-and-destroy unit that almost anyone can customize in any way to suit their fighting style.
An angular design gives it a sci-fi look of a stereotypical lightweight flyer. Instead of being powered by two rotors, however, they have been replaced with rockets feuled by an unkown source. This feul, coupled with the Viper's "Mark VII Transport Rockets" give it an unheard of maneuverability in the skies, allowing the Viper to pursue any foe into any tight spot.
The Viper's weakness is its lightweight airframe. In order to heighten maneuvarability and affordability, armor was reduced significantly. Though it is powerful and agile, almost any hit to the aircraft is fatal. They were never meant to face off in air-to-air dogfights, but it happens very often.
The Viper is the most feared aircraft by soldiers on the ground, but a laughing stock in the air. The only chance it has is in its numbers.

Name: Shadowmoon's Cloak

Type: Clothing
Description: In one of the instances of Shadowmoon, he wears a special cloak that he created himself. Being a potionmaker, he concocted various weaponized chemicals, but had no means of effectively transporting and delivering them with the stealth and surprise that he wished for. So he created his cloak.
in the back of the cloak, at the small of his back, are various pouches that hold glass balls that separate two different chemicals. When these glass balls are shattered on the ground, the chemicals react, and instantaneously evaporate. When a target inhales these chemicals, they are afflicted with many different effects depending on the two chemicals.
On either side of these pouches are either dagger sheaths, or more pockets stealthily tucked away. In the event that he was captured, he could find his cloak and regain his weapons even if his capturers searched his belongings.

Name: Leera's hammer

Type: Weapon
Description: Somewhere along the line Leera finds a great maul, a very large hammer that stands taller than she is. Created by the ancient giants its enchantments allow Leera, a light-built girl, to weild it with the ease of an infant holding a rattle, but with the power ten men.
The hammer only works with giants and can only be handled by those with pure intent, and only by who it recognizes as its master. It will be unliftable to anyone who steals it from her.
The handle is as tall as she is and is tan in color. The head of the hammer starts from the top of her head, and is adorned with magical stones that conform to meet the heart of the wielder. For her, they transformed into ruby and topaz reflecting her love and strength. The rest of the hammer's head is gold.

Literary Examples

Keev stepped out and walked straight inbetween the bandits and the family they were attacking. His sword in hand he faced the enemy, his eyes stern and determined.

"You shall not lay a hand on these people."

The bandits merely laughed at him. They thought him only a boy of sixteen. What damage could he possibly do? Besides, he was just one boy, and they were several in number.

They knew not his abilities.

Three bandits rushed Keev, who reacted with lightening reflexes. He performed an acrobatic aerial, soaring above their heads and landing behind one, striking him in the head with the flat of his blade as he came down. The other two turned to engage him. Keev charged forward faster than they could react and knocked them out the same way.

"You will leave now!" Keev shouted. "Please do not make me use the edge of my blade! This is your last and only warning!" Keev sighed with relief as one or two bandits actually decided to leave. Perhaps they had heard of him. Usually people didn't leave, and it saddened him.

Unfortunately there was still a sizeable force, and it rushed him. Keev walked forward in a flash of steel, disarming and incapacitating enemies. He was a blur as he propelled himself in the air and jumped off of buildings. Many people had called him more bird than man seeing him fly in the air as he was.

Soon only the leader was left. Keev walked towards him with a gait that showed authority. This man knew Keev meant business, and was able to back up with display anything he said.

"I will give you one more warning." Keev said. "You will leave and never come back...or you will die."

Keev's eyes saddened at the thought of killing another human being. He was no murderer and he never enjoyed it, but he knew that sometimes it was necessary.

The bandit leader scoffed and brandished his two scimitars.

"Come and try it!" He shouted.

He and Keev stared eachother down for awhile, each one waiting for the other to make a mistake, any mistake. The slightest sign of weakness.

Finally, Keev got his opening. The bandit's left leg faltered. Keev rushed at the bandit's left side.

The fight was over just as quickly as it had begun. The bandit flashed his blades to block or parry but his bad leg slowed him down too much. Keev's broadsword impaled him through the heart from the bottom of the ribs and exited out the neck. He fell to the ground with a heavy thud. The thud only a corpse could make.

Keev stood with his head down, on the verge of tears. He had taken another life...

At least they are safe. Keev thought, looking back to the four people he had just saved. They had no money, so the bandits would have killed them or taken them as slaves. Slavery was worse than death. Keev had seen it.

Without another word Keev sheathed his sword, closed the bandit lord's eyes in respect for human life, and left.

The three soldiers cautiously entered the cave. Their red plated armor betrayed their positions, for they looked nothing like the surrounding terrain. By their gait one could tell that the first to enter was professional, but the other two were fresh conscripts.

Their general had told their platoon to search the entire area before the army made camp, but these three had decided to play hooky and explore. In their minds, there wasn't any danger for miles; they were weeks of travel away from the front lines.

If they only knew how wrong they were.

"I don't know what's up with the general," One said to the others. "It's quiet, it's dark, we're in friendly territoy, why is he so paranoid?"

"That's just his way." another answered. "Hey, look deeper in the cave, look for any recent activity."

"Activity in a cave?"

"Who knows? There could be something."

The soldier scoffed. "You're turning into the general. Hope it's not a disease, wouldn't want to catch that one." With that he struck a torch and continued exploring deeper into the hole which they had happened upon.

The two that were left sat down and watched the mouth. They were quiet for a few minutes, until one broke the silence.

"Djor, I have something I need to tell you."

"What is it, Gnar?" Asked Djor.

Gnar shifted nervously. "We recieved letters from a courier yesterday. Your wife, she..."

"What about my wife?" Djor sat up stiffly, despair in his eyes.

"They...found another man entering your house. They investigated and she admitted to--" He was cut short after they heard a short but loud yelp from within the cave. Silence then set in, the kind of silence that follows a yelp of pain at night.

"Lenod? Are you okay?"

No answer.

"Lenod, don't do this again, we're going to leave you here!"

Still no answer.

Instantly both soldiers were on their feet and alert. They took their swords from their scabbards and watched the darkness where their friend had gone. A few seconds later they began to get nervous.

"All right, We've got to go find him." Said Gnar. "We'll grab another torch and go together, got it?...you got it? Are you hearing me?"

Gnar turned to where Djor was. He could barely see djor in the dark, but his outline was apparent in front of the light of the moon coming from outside the cave. Djor stood motionless, staring at the deeper part of the cave.

"You conscripts don't listen well do you?" Gnar chided quietly. He lit a torch. "I said we're going to--"

Djor's eyes were lifeless and his mouth hung open. He swayed side to side, the only thing keeping him up was a rope hanging him from a stalactite.

Gnar yelled in fright and backed away, barely able to keep his torch in hand. Moments ago he had been talking to Djor, and now he was dead.

"Who are you!?" Screamed Gnar in a frenzy. "Where are you!? Are you afraid to face me!?" He continued to walk backwards towards the mouth of the cave. "I will slice your head off! Face me!"

"But you have a face only a mother could love." Said a voice from behind.

Gnar flipped around only to face a flurry of teeth and claws. He was dead before he even hit the ground.

Shadowmoon knelt down and inspected the body and, more importantly, the armor.

"Zeporans..." He said to himself. "on the move it looks like. Must've stumbled in here. Bad timing, I just woke up, and I hate waking up. Wonder who they're fighting now, and who'll pay me more."

Shadowmoon spread his wings through the holes he had cut in his cloak and jumped out of the cave and off the cliff. He flew around the army below gathering all the information he could. Information meant gold, and gold meant power. Shadowmoon enjoyed power, because with it he was free to do as he pleased.

After scouting out most of the army, he flew towards Zepora's number one enemy: the Sulacs. If anyone was at war with the Zeporans, it was definitely the Sulacs.

Raz'al tek:

On one hot, sunny day in the desert wilderness a great and ancient stone door stood on the side of a mountain. The yellow orb of fire hung in the sky and cast a light onto it, and it recieved it with a pall. A dark presence seemed to radiate from the door as it stood. It seemed alive, and breathing.

The desert nomads feared this place. They called it "Uganaway-Rutel", or Tomb of Souls. No one dared enter the presence, for all who did died.

Raz'al tek had been reminded of this every step of the way by his guide.

"I am telling you, you must not disturb the Tomb of Souls!" Said the guide. "It is a dark place! Evil magic emanates from inside th--"

"I told you many times before, you ignorant fool," Raz'al tek said with apparent annoyance. "There is no such thing as evil magic, or holy magic for that matter. There is only magic, and powerful spells that the world has turned its eye away from only because it fears them."

"As they should!" The guide retorted. "It is powerful, yes, but at what cost? Is your soul not steep enough a price?"

"Souls are an indestructible force, it cannot be taken from me against my will, and even if it was, I would still exist." The desert man just threw his hands in the air and gave up.

When they reached the mountain surface, the guide surveyed the mountain's face and pointed to a location midway up the steep slope.

"It is up there, but there is no way to climb the face from here, as I continue to tell you! You are mad!"

Raz'al tek took a drink from a waterskin he had bought from oasis village miles back. His dark red cloak billowed in the sandy wind of the desert. He looked up at the great sandstone door. His eyes showed that of a keen observer and logical thinker. Putting his waterskin away, he turned to face the guide.

"Do you know what this is?" He pointed to his chest, where on his robe was a symbol in the shape of an eye. It was golden in color, drawn very ornately, and even though the rest of his robes and cape were torn and dirtied the eye was in perfect condition. When the man shook his head, Raz'al tek continued.
"It is the Eye of Knowledge. It is an ancient symbol and I am a direct descendant of the people that drew it. The Eye of Knowledge was a symbol of their intelligence and arcane mastery. They knew the forces of nature inside and out.
"But," he continued. "they threw it away because they, like you people, feared the power.
"When I came here and asked for a guide to bring me here, no one but you was willing to bring me. Is that true?" He said, changing the subject unexpectedly

The man was a little thrown off, but answered: "Nobody else had as many kids to feed. If I had no family, I assure you, I would not have taken you to this place!"

Raz'al Tek nodded and turned to face the mountain.

"Goodbye then. Perhaps I'll see you later..." Raz'al tek said eerily.

The man turned to leave but was stopped from moving. Trying to jerk his legs forward he realized that the sand had seemed to heave upwards. It acted like a ravenous maw, devouring him.

"By the gods!" he screamed. "Sir, Raz'al tek, help me please!"

Raz'al tek turned to face the man. He stretched out his hand, palm up. For a brief second, it looked as though he would pull the man out with his magical force.

...then he turned his hand upside-down and pushed him deeper into the Earth, eradicating him from history.

"No one else must learn of this. No one must know I was here."

A large stone platform manifested beneath Raz'al Tek and raised him up the mountain. In seconds, he was at the door.

He bent his knees and held his hands to his right side. Slowly, a fireball grew from between his hands. He fed it more and more magical energy until it was about the size of a lion and threw it into the sandstone door.

It exploded inward, and Raz'al tek entered the long forgotten hallways of the Demon's Ziggurat. At the center of the ruins was a ball of energy that seemed to glow, but it glowed black, eradicating any light around it.

He held his hand forward.

"Ye who have fallen from our world, listen well. I have come to learn your secrets, your magic, your power. In return I will assist you in escaping your tomb. I command you, heed my call! What say you, will you pledge your allegiance to me, or rot for the rest of time?"

A single voice called out to him. It carried more than just words, but also knowledge and memories. It sounded aged, as if it had already lasted an eternity. Its dark, raspy voice rattled the room, shaking the foundations of the mountain.

"I will."
© Copyright 2008 omni_squirrel/Keev (blackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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