Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1446210-Perfected-Beauty
Rated: E · Other · Pets · #1446210
Beauty isn't just what you see on the outside....
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Perfected Beauty

I was born quite small. In fact, I was the smallest out of ten children. My mother always tells me that I am special. But sometimes I wonder if that is just because I am her only child still living at home.

Sometimes people call me names. They say I'm dumb or that I'm the loon, loony or sometimes the loon tune. They often talk about how misshapened I am. Because I don't look the way I'm supposed to. When I was born, I was missing some of the things that I should have had.

Being the smallest meant that often I would get pushed around, but don't be fooled. I may be small, but I am determined and at times very stubborn. When my big brothers would get in the way of my food, I would just 'politely' ask them to 'please, move over' and they would move out of the way so I could get my fair share.

At times I have struggled with health conditions. Now I love life and I love to live life. Not just lay around and feel sorry for myself. So when I go and play outside sometimes I forget and overdo it. Then I get sick and have to see the doctor. The doctor usually gives me some medicine and tells my mother that I have to take it easy.

Did I also mention that I easily get scared? I'm scared of the dark, thunder and lighting, loud noise, being alone. You name it and I'm probably afraid of it. Well, actually I'm not scared of the vacuum cleaner. My mother, now she hates the vacuum cleaner with a passion. I can't help but laugh when she runs away from the vacuum cleaner and it's not even running!

Well, I may not be perfect by what you think perfect should be or normal by the way you think I should look. But I know that God made me just the way that I am. I also know that I am greatly loved. My family is always playing with me and giving me so many hugs and kisses that I feel smothered at times by the love! I may have some small challenges, but I fully intend to live each day to it's fullest and just enjoy life.

Juni is a Golden Retriever who was the runt of the litter. Weighing only 5 ounces at birth (quite small for our dogs) and having only a stub for a tail (not the norm for a golden). We weren't actually sure that she would actually live past her infancy, but she has a determination and a will that does not give up.

Today, she is a very, very active two year old who loves life. There are times where she does struggle with little health challenges and such, but she always bounces back and is usually more energetic than before she was sick.

Juni may not have the perfect Golden Retriever tail and she may have that little bump on her head and she may look a little weird at times, but she is a great teacher. No matter how bad it may seem she is always smiling. It is very rare to not see a smile on her face and to not see her little tail wiggling. She is a joy to all who know her and is really a picture of perfected beauty.
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