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Rated: E · Essay · Community · #1445136
why things are right and wrong and how to make things better by doing what is right
At an early age we are all taught the difference between right and wrong although some people seem to get them confused as they get older. We are taught not to touch breakables, or things that could harm us from the moment we are born. We are taught the value of friendship, honesty and trust. We are taught to be there for our friends and family members, to not take things for granted, and to be polite to our elders.

Though as we grow older the things we’ve been told that are right or wrong seem to change, as we make our own discoveries and are taught to exercise our points of view. Some people grow to be very well mannered individuals while others go in the opposite direction and say and do inappropriate things.

What we deem inappropriate seems to change from person to person, but the majority say things that are inappropriate in the public eye are cursing, violence, and defacing buildings among a host of other things that people find offensive. They also say people should behave in an orderly manner; we should be polite, friendly, and courteous to everyone around us.

The way we behave seems to depend on our living situations and how we have been brought up. Some people who come from abusive families tend to follow that pattern in later life but having said that, there are the odd few who vow to never follow in their parents footsteps and do a very good job at being supportive, and honest people who never raise a hand to their loved ones, and there are those who come from loving families tend to care about everyone they meet but there is also the odd few who go the opposite way because they are tired of being ‘good’ and feel that being ‘good’ gets them nowhere.

Right and wrong depends on the individual, but by default it usually follows what society deems as what is right or what is wrong. We all know that rape, violence, and extorting someone’s good nature are wrong, so why do we continue to tolerate it? Why do we not take a stand for love, peace and acceptance to reign freely in our lives instead? After all, isn’t that what we all long to achieve?
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