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Rated: 13+ · Essay · History · #1444690
Conspiracy theories on the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy
              It is November 22, 1963.  It is a beautiful day, and you are sitting on a grassy hill in the Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas awaiting President John F. Kennedy’s motorcade to arrive.  As the limo passes and President John. F Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline wave proudly, you notice something wrong with the President.  John F. Kennedy’s head is down and Jacqueline Kennedy is jumping out of the back of the limo to alert secret service agents about what has just happened.  The President has been shot.
              On the afternoon of November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas.  In my research of the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy and the conspiracy theories behind it, I have learned each and every aspect behind the conspiracy theories in this tragic assassination that changed our nation forever.  I will be talking about the four major conspiracy theories in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy: The Cubans, the U.S. government, the K.G.B., and the Mafia.

              The first, which is the Cubans, is a very realistic and believable conspiracy theory behind the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.  This version tells us that Kennedy was killed by right-wing extremists Cuban exiles in America who felt that the President had sold them out.  We all know, and it is almost a proven fact, that Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed former President John F. Kennedy.  In each and every one of these conspiracy theories, you will see that Lee Harvey Oswald is still very much incorporated in the assassination as should be.  Just like in this conspiracy theory, it is most likely that Lee Harvey Oswald was just a follower duped into doing this for the Cubans.  Also, in almost all of these theories, you will see that the most probable reason for Jack Ruby killing Lee Harvey Oswald afterwards was because it was a planned way to guarantee silence from Lee Harvey Oswald after the assassination was over with.  In an attempt to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro, the leader of Cuba, it seems probable that any Castro-obsessed follower would be willing enough to follow through with this attack on President John F. Kennedy.  The more common aspect on this theory is that Fidel Castro had Kennedy murdered in revenge for the numerous attempts on his own life by the Mafia and Cuban counter revolutionists.  Both of these groups were acting on the part of Kennedy’s CIA, The Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban Missile Crisis which only strengthened Castro’s belief that he was in a kill-or-be-killed situation.  The 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion was an unsuccessful attempted invasion by armed Cuban exiles in southwest Cuba, planned and funded by the United States, in an attempt to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro, shortly after John F. Kennedy assumed the presidency in the U.S.  The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States of America, the Soviet Union, and Cuba during the Cold War.  I believe this conspiracy theory to be the weakest, considering there is very little evidence backing it up.

            The second conspiracy theory behind the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy is the U.S. government.  It is quite ironic that this conspiracy theory, which is that our own government was behind the assassination, is so quickly put down by most, but wanted to be believed by many.  The reason for this is very obvious; the fact that the same people who run our country assassinated our president is shocking, but at the same time very intriguing to almost everyone.  The most reasonable way this possibility can be plausible is that the CIA decided to do away with Kennedy for one of three reasons: Because Kennedy gave away Cuba, a country the agency had worked so hardly on.  To prevent him from doing the same with Vietnam.  As a response to a wave of firings Kennedy had ordered in the Bay of Pigs aftermath.  The most probable story of this theory is that the CIA rounded up a team of shooters from the Cubans, Mafia, or some other disgruntled group to take the president out.
            The third major conspiracy theory in the assassination of former President            John F. Kennedy is the K.G.B.  The K.G.B. is a Russian intelligence organization strongly based in Russia.  Lee Harvey Oswald spent two years in Russia, married a K.G.B. leader’s niece, and possibly could have been on a mission for the K.G.B. to kill the president.  With tension building between the U.S. and the Soviets over the aspect of Cuba and its missiles, this easily could have been the reason things happened how and why they happened in this theory.  The U.S. was thought to have believed that the Soviets were in Cuba and possibly with “weapons of mass destruction.  The term “weapon of mass destruction” was actually created by President John F. Kennedy.  In defense, Cuba would not allow the UN into their country to search for these weapons.  This gave the U.S. more reason to believe that Cuba had weapons of mass destruction, and possibly because of the Soviets presence there.  This was the exact reason for so much tension between the Soviets and the U.S. And for that matter, Cuba too.  The Soviets, the Cubans, and the U.S. were in a three-way negotiation/ system for peace.  But Cuba felt as if the Soviets were controlling them; a feeling, which not before long, the U.S. fell under the influence of.  While this theory seems somewhat believable, I still believe there is not enough evidence to back it up.
              The fourth and final major conspiracy theory in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy is the Mafia.  This theory requires a deeper look into the policies of John F. Kennedy and his Attorney General and brother, Robert.  The Kennedys took a much more aggressive stance against organized crime than previous presidents.  The Mafia had three major locations in the U.S.: Chicago, Illinois, Tampa Bay, Florida, and Dallas, Texas.  Along with all these locations in the U.S., they also had strong ties to Cuba.  These strong ties to Cuba were because they were Cuban exiles seeking less-strict policies and democracy in America.  The Kennedys had a top-secret “Plan for a Coup in Cuba”, also known as “C-Day” according to the book “Ultimate Sacrifice”, which was designed to overthrow Fidel Castro on December 1, 1963.  A coup is a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force.  The Kennedys were attempting to bring an organized democracy to the country of Cuba.  The Kennedys pursued their coup plan because Castro had not allowed the UN inspections for weapons of mass destruction that were part of John F. Kennedy’s agreement with a Russian leader to end the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Cuban residents stated that, “Cuba would resist to the last drop of blood if any Soviet attempted to establish a communist satellite in Cuba.  One of the top coup leaders associated with C-Day from Cuba, whose name is still not allowed to the public today, felt like overthrowing Fidel Castro was part of the revolution of Cuba.  He even said that if it meant cooperating with the Americans, he saw that as better than having to obey the Soviets.  In this theory also lays the little known fact that John F. Kennedy was in fact a target during his long motorcade in Tampa Bay, Florida four days before Dallas, and he was also a target a week before Tampa Bay in Chicago, Illinois during another one of his motorcades.  As you might have already noticed, these are the exact spots where the Mafia organizations reside.  The actually story behind this theory is that during the course of planning and near the time of execution of the plan, information leaked and some of the affiliates of the plan got stuck in situations with the Mafia in which they were forced to tell the Mafia everything.  This eventually led to the hiring of Lee Harvey Oswald as the hit man that would assassinate President John F. Kennedy.  Another fact that some people do not know is that Jack Ruby, a bar-owner in Dallas, Texas had ties and was associated with the Mafia.  Therefore, he was hired to kill Lee Harvey Oswald right before he would testify so that not one thing would slip out.

            So in conclusion, I believe this conspiracy theory, the Mafia, to be the correct theory behind the assassination.  Most base their answers on a choice from these four main conspiracy theories to who assassinated President John F. Kennedy.  But, there is no certain answer.  It is up to you, the people, to decide which conspiracy theory is the correct answer to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.  And as the great former President John F. Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
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