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Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1443162
Author explains new life style in Women's World after moving there.
Dear Folks:

    As you know, Joe and I have moved to Women's World.  However, I don't think I have had an opportunity to explain what life is like here.
    Both women and men live on the paradise island, but the women are in command.  For instance, if a woman does not care to have children, her husband is admitted to the Medical Center for surgery.  Men have no rights of divorce; however, their wives may, for almost any reason, divorce their husbands.  If a husband should refuse to have surgery, the wife has one of two choices:  to divorce him or to jail him.  As could be expected, most husbands enter the Medical Center without complaint.  You see, the jails are the only places which are in disrepair.  The men don't want to be incarcverated because they are put on a work detail to repair the jails.
    There is no such thing as doing laundry here.  Perhaps the closest we come to it is that of hanging our bedding on lines.  You see, the sun rays penetrate the cloth and disintegrate the dirt.  Since we do a lot of outside work, our clothes never get dirty.
    As I mentioned, we do a lot of outside work.  Each family grows a garden.  Because of the steam-like climate and the rays of the sun, weeds and insects are destroyed.  Our crops are so hardy that they survive.  We simply plant and harvest.  Sometimes the crops are so big and tall that by harvest time they have fallen to the gorund and we simply pick them up.  While I think about it, I should mention that we have no trash problems here because the rays of the sun also disintegrate the garbage.
    We all have houses which are modestly furnished.  The size of the house depends upon the size of the family.  They range from one to eight rooms.  If a family is too large for an eight-room house to accommodate them, the children are housed with the next of kin.  In this way we avoid overcrowding.  The housing areas are designed so that houses of the same size are clustered together.  By using this method, everyone has something in common with their close neighbors.
    The young, when not in school, work alongside their parents.  They go to school just half a day, but they attend throughout the year with the exception of several holidays.
    Both women and men work.  We have furniture and clothing factories, utility plants energized by solar power, and various other forms of employment in which the whole family is involved.  If a woman works in a certain career field, this is also where the husband and children work.
    You may wonder why the men do not overthrow the control of the women.  For one thing, the men's clothing is made of lighter material which allows more saturation of sunlgiht to the body.  If they become angry, certain chemicals within the fabric react to this sunlight and render them helpless.  They soon learn that anger will gain them nothing and it is easier to cooperate with the women.   
    You have probably noted that most of our life revolves around the sun.  It is so much so that the sun is considered our god.  We praise the sun once a week in regular services and once a month we fast and pray so that we may continue to benefit from its power.  I might explain that only the women participate in these services as it is felt that the men are not pure enough.
    As you can see, each facet of our lives is well taken care of.  I am adjusting well to this environment.  However, I am sorry to say that Joe isn't feeling too well.  You might say, "He got a little too much sun."

In all independence,

© Copyright 2008 Carol A. LaCroix (alateacakes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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