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A thanks, to whoever you are.
To my annonymous benefactor,
You don't know me, and I don't know you, and so you won't know that I am too shy to say thank you in public. That is why I write, so that I can show the world a bit of how I see things, since I can't tell them out right. And that is why I am writing this, to let you know how much I appreciate what you have done. I try to keep my chin up and my outlook positive, that's the way I choose to go through life. So I won't complain, and I won't drone on about how I never could have gotten an upgraded membership with out you. If you hadn't been there for me, I would have smiled and used my basic membership the best I could. As it is, I am able to do more, persue more, write more because of you, and that is a gift that is priceless to me. Thank you, kind soul, for your generosity. I hope, if you choose to read what I have written in the future, that you will know that in some way, you have helped me achieve it.
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