Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1441467-Monster-in-my-Dreams
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Dark · #1441467
A story of the place some people go when they dream..........
Theres something there, everytime I lay down to go to sleep I feel him smiling in anticipation of me joining him in dreamland.When my eyelids finally take their last dip I awaken, and I see through the eyes of him. He is walking down a alley, and the night is misty, I smell the stench of the dumpsters in back of establishments. He stops and leans against a brick wall thats about to lead into the open streets that are full of cars lined up, slowly steering down what I somehow knew as "Hoe Row". The women were half dressed and sassy, some wore only black lace attire with nothing on underneath.

He stood there just watching like a hunter in the midst of his prey. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, flipped one into his waiting lips and lit up. More and more I started to feel one with this man. I didn't seem to be watching anymore, I was actually thinking with him.

I watched this blond give a excellent Bj, and watched as a redhead made a head red. I clearly saw a black chick in a 57 chevy bouncing up and down on this dude while he called her all kinds of vile names. I started to walk down the street right through all the action just to see it all close up. I heard a voice from behind say "hold up there cowboy, want some company?" I smiled sheepishly at her and said "how much we talking about?" she asked me if I had a car, and I said no, so she asked me where did I wanna go, I told her to walk with me to the park about a block away and she hesitated for a minute then said "what the hell, you dont strike me as a serial killer. I grabbed her by the hand and led her down the street, knowing that she would never return to the streets of "Hoe Row" again.

As we walked I asked her what her name was and she said Mystical. I kind of laughed and said why do ya call yaself mystical? She said it was because her life up to now has been quite a mystery. By the time we arrived at the park she had told me her life story, and along the middle I stopped paying attention and started planning her demise. We walked into the park and continued down a narrow path that bike riders usually took because the view was so nice. She stopped and sat down on a park bench saying her feet hurt, so she bent down and took off her high heel pumps and started to rub her feet.

She looked up at me and met total darkness, not a word came from her mouth as she slumped, then fell off the bench to the ground. I quickly grabbed her limp body and drug her into the dense darkness of the park and laid her down in a hidden trench. I took all her clothes off and then buried them in a shallow hole about three feet from her body. I walked back over to her body and knelt down between her legs, as I did this she all of a sudden sat up and said "please dont kill me!"
I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her back to the ground as she struggled to breathe, I looked her in the eyes until her eyes went dark, and a tear fell slowly down her face.

I wake up in my own bed and sit up with that vision of the young lady still in my mind and wonder what will the monster in my dreams do next?.............
Theres something there, everytime I lay down to go to sleep I feel him smiling in anticipation of me joining him in dreamland.When my eyelids finally take their last dip I awaken, and I see through the eyes of him. He is walking down a alley, and the night is misty, I smell the stench of the dumpsters in back of establishments. He stops and leans against a brick wall thats about to lead into the open streets that are full of cars lined up, slowly steering down what I somehow knew as "Hoe Row". The women were half dressed and sassy, some wore only black lace attire with nothing on underneath.

He stood there just watching like a hunter in the midst of his prey. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, flipped one into his waiting lips and lit up. More and more I started to feel one with this man. I didn't seem to be watching anymore, I was actually thinking with him.

I watched this blond give a excellent Bj, and watched as a redhead made a head red. I clearly saw a black chick in a 57 chevy bouncing up and down on this dude while he called her all kinds of vile names. I started to walk down the street right through all the action just to see it all close up. I heard a voice from behind say "hold up there cowboy, want some company?" I smiled sheepishly at her and said "how much we talking about?" she asked me if I had a car, and I said no, so she asked me where did I wanna go, I told her to walk with me to the park about a block away and she hesitated for a minute then said "what the hell, you dont strike me as a serial killer. I grabbed her by the hand and led her down the street, knowing that she would never return to the streets of "Hoe Row" again.

As we walked I asked her what her name was and she said Mystical. I kind of laughed and said why do ya call yaself mystical? She said it was because her life up to now has been quite a mystery. By the time we arrived at the park she had told me her life story, and along the middle I stopped paying attention and started planning her demise. We walked into the park and continued down a narrow path that bike riders usually took because the view was so nice. She stopped and sat down on a park bench saying her feet hurt, so she bent down and took off her high heel pumps and started to rub her feet.

She looked up at me and met total darkness, not a word came from her mouth as she slumped, then fell off the bench to the ground. I quickly grabbed her limp body and drug her into the dense darkness of the park and laid her down in a hidden trench. I took all her clothes off and then buried them in a shallow hole about three feet from her body. I walked back over to her body and knelt down between her legs, as I did this she all of a sudden sat up and said "please dont kill me!"
I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her back to the ground as she struggled to breathe, I looked her in the eyes until her eyes went dark, and a tear fell slowly down her face.

I wake up in my own bed and sit up with that vision of the young lady still in my mind and wonder what will the monster in my dreams do next?.............
"Morning," my wife said sleepily from beside me.

I look down to see her smiling up at me and force a smile to my face. Her hand slides around my body and cups me.

"Ooh, what were you dreaming about that got you so excited?" she asked.

I dare not tell her, instead I turn and move so that she is held in my arms and we are face to face on the mattress. She loves it when we make love in the morning and I don't mind it very much either. As we make love, I see flashes of the young lady I helped kill in my dream and I hear laughter along with her moans and mine. Afterward, we both lay panting on the mattress wrapped up in each other.

The alarm begins to sound and my wife laughs a little. "Time to get up, honey," she says. She slowly crawls from the bed and heads for the shower while I lounge in the bed waiting. No sense in getting up before I have to. Once I see her coming out of the room, I rise from the bed going to shower myself.

I turn the water on and step inside letting the water cascade over my back, my forehead against the wall, seeing flashes of the young hooker laying there naked. I just couldn't seem to get her out of my head. Finally, I force myself to clean up and exit the shower to face my day.

"Breakfast!" my wife calls from downstairs and I slide into my clothes then go downstairs. Already, my paper is waiting next to my breakfast and I sit down, opening it automatically to the front page. I pick up my orange juice and freeze as the young hooker's face stares back out at me from the paper. I manage to set the orange juice back down as my heart begins to pound in my chest and my eyes scan the article....
As i read the article my freshly showered body started to sweat.
My hands, my under arms, and my forehead all were sweating like i've never sweat before. I looked deep into the eyes of this hookers face on the page and said to myself, am i actually looking at a person from my dreams? and i also asked myself was it really a dream?.

My wife came over and said " Honey are you alright?" I looked up at her and said yeah i'm fine, she said "but your sweating, are you feeling sick?" I snapped at her and said "I told you i was fine okay!"
she said "Okay I'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you." I got up and grabbed her from behind as she tried to walk away and hugged her tightly and said "sweetheart I'm sorry I snapped at you after a great morning, I was just reading something that upset me and I don't want to get in to it, But i am okay now.

We kissed and walked together to the front door and then kissed again. She told me to be careful, and i said that i would and walked to my car and got in. As she shut the front door i just sit there with the car running with my mind racing about this picture that i saw in the paper.

I make my living as a Newspaper editor, thats been my job for almost
twenty years and this article stood out to me because it was so indepth. This reporter wrote this story as if he knew who did it, he seemed to be calling out to me. He described the killer by witness statements that said the hooker walked away with a man about six foot tall, two hundred pounds, and wore a black cap with a cross scull on it.

I have a hat like that! I am six foot tall and two hundred pounds! what the hell is going on here! I know that i didn't leave my wifes side last night so am i actually dreaming murders that are somehow coming true? I can't tell anyone about this, cause they'll think i'm crazy or worse, Guilty.

So i'll go to work and come home and continue to live my life as if this never happened, and i just hope the dreams are over.......

I realize I've been sitting in the car without turning it on and turn the key in the ignition, starting the car then blasting the air conditioner. I hold my hands up so the palms are in the direct path of the cold air coming through the vents and at the same time hear the radio come on.
My favorite 80's music station begins to play and it's as if it's blaming me.
"I hear the secrets that you keep...when you're talking in your sleep," the singer sings. I know it's not meant for me but I can't help feeling guilty anyway. It's not like I actually killed her, did I?
I force my hands onto the gear shift and steering wheel and head out of the driveway on my way to work. On my way, I stop at a red light across from the police station and was finally starting to relax when I see a man leaning against the wall wave at me. I look around to see who he's waving at, but I'm the only car stopped. I look back and he grins at me then cocks his head as if to say 'come here'.
I slowly edge forward then as the light changes, I step on the gas and bypass the police station and man. I don't know the man and he scares me for some reason. Of course I am a man and don't admit fear. Tell no one I told you that I said I was afraid.
At the next stop sign, I am forced to pause and wait for traffic going crosswise. As I go to pull forward a man steps out into my crosswalk making me wait. I grow cross, why couldn't he wait until after my turn?
I could feel my eyes widen as I see it is the same man from the police station. I also notice he's the same height and build as me, although nicely dressed in a suit as I am right now.
He tilts his head as he sees me then goes to the passenger side and just climbs into the seat without a word.
What the F*** are you doing man! I said to this character as he looked at me with a sly grin, get the hell outta my car!
He said nothing, just sat there looking me directly in the eyes as if to speak to me through suggestion.

I could hear him say "we are one-I am you- you are me", over and over and over. I found myself hypnotized in his suggestion until I was brought back from the honking of horns behind me, and cursing from people going around me.

I looked to see who was passing by and making lewd noises and then turned back to this person and he was gone...

All the noises of the world like the radio, traffic and even the sound from the air conditioner came back to me, at this moment I felt sick so I got off the road and turned into a dennys parking lot to just gather my thoughts.
I grabbed my cell phone and called in to work to say I wasn't feeling well and would not be coming in.

I got out of the car and went in to dennys and sat down in a booth all the way at the back of the place and a waitress walked up and said "welcome to dennys" I looked up at her and there was the face of the hooker, My eyes had to tell her something was wrong because she asked " Sir are you okay?"

I shook my head side to side a few times and looked back at her and her face was different. I took a deep breath and said I'm okay could I have a menu and some water? She gave me a menu and a glass of water and with a puzzled look said "I will take your order when your ready" Then walked away to the wait station and i'm sure started to telling everyone I was some kinda freak.

I drank my water down, trinkles of it flowed down both sides of my face because of drinking too fast, but I was so parched. Mu throat was on fire and I started to get a headache. I rubbed the back of my neck to loosen the tightness I felt.

I scanned the place for the first time and there was about eight couples in the dennys already eating their breakfast, and one guy sittin alone in a booth with a glass of water and a menu. He turned slowly towards me and it was him!! I quickly got up and hurriedly walked out of the dennys to my car and sped away towards home.

As I am driving and looking in my rearview mirror for this strange man I contemplate the possibility that I am losing my mind.
I feel I am in a old re-run of the twilight zone, but I am not dreaming now, I am wide awake.

At the last turn before home I stop dead at the corner although there is no stop sign and I am free to move on. I can't go there now. Ice fills my chest as I watch my hand turn the wheel in the opposite direction of home and although I can see my hands driving it's as if I am a passenger in my own body. Maybe this is what the killer felt when I was inside him or maybe it was different. Laughter fills my head and I glance in the rearview mirror to see my own mouth open as the sound begins to fill the cab of the car too. Great, now it's not just in my head.

"So, where we going?" he asked and I swung my head around to face the passenger seat. He sat there grinning at me. "Hoe row, maybe? How about a nice bike ride in the park? Maybe you want to gloat over your victim? How come you haven't gone any further yet? Really now, it's taking you forever this time."

"Who are you??" I demanded, practically yelling at the man.

"I told you, I am you. Is it so hard to fathom?" he said chuckling.

"Yeah, it's flipping me out here," I growled at him. I went to pop him for the look on his face, but he put his hand up and caught mine in his. He was strong. Just as strong as me, in fact. How am I going to beat someone who is me? "You won't get away with this." I pulled my hand free of him.

"With what?" he asked slyly grinning now. His eyes gleamed and he reached over straightening my tie. "You look nice today. We look nice today."

"Shut up, just shut up," I said. "I don't want to have anything to do with you." I looked around in surprise as I realized we were already pulling up to hoe row.
The car seemed to park it self in a parking space about a block away from the action of Hoe Row and the we that got out of the car turned into me. I walked slowly toward the lights of the Row and started planning my next move.
As I reached the corner of the block I stopped and leaned against a street light, reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a pack of cigs, tapped the pack a bit, then took one out and lit up.

I watched the smoke as it rose into the night sky and felt myself getting antsy to kill somebody. I started up Hoe Row and began to survey the ladies that walked it, there was white, black, asian, mexican,and he-shes, Small, Tall, skinney, fat and Midgets to choose from, The Row was my oyster.

I walked up to a young female and asked her waht would it take for her services and she said "40 for this" pointing at her lips and "100 for everything" I ask her did she have a place to go and she said yes so we started to walk about a block or so to an old apartment building.
She buzzed up to someone which caused me some concern because now I knew there was not going to be just us in this place.

The door opened and she took my hand and said "come on baby lets do this". We walked up two flights of stairs and down a dimly lit hallway with the lights blinking on and off at different intervals.
We arrive at the door and on the door I saw the number 206. The door opened slowly and there stood another young lady that said "Yall come in".

I could tell she was a Texan by her voice so I asked her where she was from she said " I'm originally from Dallas Texas" I told her I could tell and we all laughed. The young lady I came with asked me if I had decided what service I wanted and I said half jokingly "The plot has thickened" we all laughed again and my hostess said "no shes my room-mate and my watch out because theres a murderer going
around taking out pros.

I said that I understood and said that I would take the 40 and be on my way. She nodded and led me back to a room, we went in and she closed the door behind us. I sat down on the bed and she pulled out a jimmy-hat and knelt down between my legs and started to unzip my trousers when I suddenly grabbed her by the neck and mouth so she couldn't scream and quickly snapped her neck.

I went to the window and looked down to the street and saw there was no way to climb down so it left me no other alternative but to take out the Texan. She had seen me anyway so I had to take her out even though if I could have escaped I probaly wouldn't have.

She knocked at the door and said "I cant hear any moaning going on in there, is everything alright?" I said "everythings fine, I'm not a screamer" as I walked to the door and opened it she looked down at her friend and I grabbed her by the neck and lifted her against the wall in the hallway and strangled her. I watched as her legs kicked wildly and her eyes started to go to the back of her head, then she started to pee right down her leg right onto my shoes.

I looked down at my shoes and loudly cursed "Dammit! not on the shoes!! then was awakened by my wife asking "what are you talking about shoes?" Honey were you dreaming again? I just stared at the ceiling with my inner thought still on those two young ladies.
"Here, turn over," my wife said nudging me. I turned over facedown with a sigh and pulled the pillow so I was resting my cheek on it. I felt the bed move as she climbed to her knees and straddled me, reaching down and beginning to massage my shoulders and upper back. Normally I close my eyes when she does this as it feels wonderful, but tonight I was afraid to. Who would I see killed next? Would my wife wind up in one of my dreams? I loved her, but I knew we weren't as close as we used to be.

"You are tense, baby. I feel sorry for you. Have you been taking your medication?" she asked.

Oh yeah, the medication...well, I took it when I remembered to.

"Want to tell me what you saw?" she asked into the silence. I could tell she wasn't comfortable with the conversation.

"Not really," I mumbled, the pillow making my voice quiet. A quick flash of suffocating a faceless woman with it flashed through my mind and my breathing picked up. I couldn't be seeing this while awake could I?

"Breathe in, count to three, breathe out, count to six," my wife said beginning me on my breathing exercises that helped to calm me. Even though her voice was even, I could feel her shaking as she straddled me.

"Jenny, look at me," I said lifting my head and looking into her eyes. "Come here and look at me."

Jenny climbed off, but hesitantly then did what I said. I knew why. It was better when she listened without any back talk or any talking at all. She laid down next to me gingerly and couldn't help flinching when I reached out and stroked her face.

"I'm alright," I said. "I won't lose control like that again."

Jenny swallowed and nodded her head just a little. "Okay," she said and let me pull her close. Even though she fought it hard, the tears came and she wound up sobbing against my chest. I held her and thought of everything I put her through.

"I don't know how you can love me," I whispered.
Once again I found myself walking down a dark road. The sky was the color of black velvet, it was heavily raining, and once in awhile jagged streaks of silver lightning pierced the sky. I turned down an old alleyway, and a door to my left opened up. Out stepped a young woman wearing a pink wig, fishnet stockings, and nothing else. She grabbed me and pulled me inside. All around me sat all kinds of naked women. Fat women, skinny women, average size women of all different races.

The hooker with the pink wig pulled out what looked to be a dog leashed. "Revenge is ours," she purred.

Suddenly, a beeping sound crashed through the air. I opened my eyes, and saw that once again I was lying in bed next to my wife.

When where these crazy dreams going to end?

I turned over towards Jenny who was facing the other direction and put my arm around her waist very softly to not awaken her, but to just feel close to her. She must be going through hell putting up with me and my secret. I know she knows something isn't right, but she doesn't dare pry.

I decide to pull her over on her back and when I do this I notice her eyes wide open, I say "Honey?" then shake her a little and again say "Honey whats wrong?" Oh my God! she was dead, and it looked as if she had be strangled. I quickly backed out of the bed and hit the floor onto my back pulling the covers off with me.

I get up and start to pace, every once in awhile looking over at her laying there in bed mouth agape and eyes bloodshot and sort of pushed out of the socket.

I'm asking myself could I have done this to the very person that I love more than anything in this world?
Could I have strangled her in my sleep? Oh my God! what in the world am I gona do now?

Will the police believe that I was sleep walking, or whatever they call this when you do something in your sleep?
Will they put this together with the other deaths and figure out that that must be me also?

Even though I know that it can't be me, This alter ego person that comes to me in my dreams is at fault, but they will surely think i'm crazy if I say that.

I walk over to her and stare into her frightened pale face and start to cry deliriously " Oh Honey I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do this"
You didn't deserve this my love, I should have told you what I was going through, I should have shared my dreams.

I crawled in bed next to her and pulled her next to me and closed my eyes, and then heard a voice say "Honey your squeezing me too hard" I open my eyes and she is alive! I start to kiss her franticly while she laughs and asks " to what do I deserve this? and jokingly she asked " Did my baby have a wet dream about his wife?

I just looked at her and said "Honey I love you"
Jenny stroked my face and kissed me back. "I love you too." She pulled her face away a little and looked into my eyes. I'm not sure what she saw there, but she smiled gently at me. "And I'm right here. You look so scared."

"I am scared. I dreamed I lost you," I admitted. I couldn't believe I had just said that to her. I'd never admitted fear to her before. I watched her mouth fall open the tiniest bit in shock before she closed it quickly.

"Lost me?" she asked.

"You died," I said glossing over the murdered by strangulation part. She didn't need to know how she had died in my dream.

"It was a nightmare, honey," she said. "I'm alive and right here in your arms." She kissed my forehead and then my lips then stroked my cheeks with her hands. "How long has this been bothering you?"

"What is today?" I asked. I'd lost track of the days with the dreaming of waking up and killing and then waking.

"Monday," she said. "We have to get up for work soon."

"One night," I said in a tiny voice. "It never happened."
On my way to work I saw an attractive woman cross the busy street and head into Starbucks. Why did she look so familiar? Then I gasped, it was the woman in my dreams, the woman with the pink hair.

"What is it honey," my wife asked me. I turned to her and told her that the woman who had just walked into Starbucks looked familar. My wife's response was to frown.

I dropped her off first, then I went into work. My mind was still in a daze from last night's dream, and the frown that my wife gave me when I dropped her off. I should have never mentioned the Starbucks woman, now my wife probably thinks I'm seeing that woman. Then again, I am seeing that woman in my dreams.

A Non-Existent User
The anti-depressants and valium were not helping the anxiety I was feeling from lack of sleep, horrific dreams and now actually feeling like I’m the murderer who is killing these prostitutes I keep seeing. I decide I can’t keep this secret from my wife any longer; I call Jenny back on the cell phone.

“Hey Hon....first, I...I just wanted to say I’m sorry for acting so weird...and there’s an explanation for me pointing out the Starbuck woman....I ya, I just don’t know how to tell you what’s going on without you thinking I’m a nutcase.”

“I was wondering if I was loosing you to fishnet stockings, Jenny giggles. John, you know I love you no matter what, you can tell me anything.”

“I don’t even know where to begin.”

“Just say it.”

“.....umm...Okay......I’ve been dreaming of prostitutes getting killed. And I’m starting to wonder if I’m actually the one doing the killing.”

“Oh, come on John, you know you are not capable of killing anyone.”

“Look, I even keep meeting up with this guy who I have not idea who he is and he keeps telling me I’m him and he’s me and that we are one......I don’t know, I think I’m loosing my mind.”

“John, you are not loosing your mind, let’s talk this through and figure out what’s going on. When exactly did you start witnessing these murders?”

“I don’t know, a week ago maybe.”

“Okay, was it during the day, night?”

“It happens at night...I don’t know, sometimes I see these during the day.”

“Well, you haven’t been gone from our bed within a week...you’ve been by my side every night...you know I’m a light sleeper, I would know if you were gone.”

“It’s so confusing Jenny, I watch this stuff happen, like I’m the murderer, it’s so surreal.”

“It almost sounds like you are having a vision of some kind.”

“What...like a psychic?? I don’t believe in that hocus pocus shit!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, you’re a dude...don’t want anyone to think you’re turning soft, Jenny laughs. I know this good psychic I see twice a year, her name is Patricia...I’ll give her a call tomorrow if you want.”

“I don’t know, I’ve got to do something...I’m going nuts and the lack of sleep is killing me....okay, make the appointment.”

I drive up to a home that has electric gates, and has an intercom to the left of the entrance, but it is not at a place where you can just drive up and push the button, you have to get out and walk over to it. Therefore, I put my car in park, walked over to the little box, and pushed the button.

A voice on the other end says "hi John", I answer with “hey” and then a Heeeey! How would you know... and then I just stopped and watched the gates open.

I got back into my car and proceeded down the long spiraling drive until I got to the front entrance. I got out looking at this huge home that was two story's high, a big water fountain that shot twelve feet into the air in front, and the front doors were double doors that opened outward.

As the doors opened, I could see this woman Patricia, slowly and gracefully approaching me with her hands out. When we touched hands she immediately pulled away and said "OH my God!”

I asked what was wrong and she said, "follow me" and turned to lead me to a room that was dark except for candles lit everywhere, this was creepy. I sat down at a table that was tusk white with stars and others signs on it. She reached her hands across the table and said," Join me in the circle of knowledge" I hesitated then put my hands on the table and clutched hers.

She started to weave side-to-side saying incantations and squeezing my hands very tightly. I just looked at her with an uncomfortable feeling that this was all just an act.

She then all of a sudden stopped! Let my hands go and started to choke as if someone unseen were strangling her. I just watched and felt very uneasy at what was going on until I saw him, standing there behind her smiling, with his white teeth glowing in the dark. I almost fell out of seat trying to get up! I said, "Yooou!” he said "Yes, YOOU!"

I saw his hands wrapped around Patricia’s neck from behind,
He was strangling her! This was real! I got up and ran to the light switch and flicked it on, when I turned to see who this guy really was, there was no-one, Just Patricia sitting there saying "Please John, try to relax", you were asleep before I came in to talk to you for your psychic evaluation.

"When I sat down, you suddenly jumped up and ran to the light switch and cut the lights up."
She wanted me to explain what I saw, but I was too upset to tell her that I just saw her being strangled, so I got up and left.
As the gates opened, I thought to myself, this was not the answer to my problem.
So, if this isn't the answer to your problem, John, what is?" I asked myself. I drove out into the street wondering who to turn to for help.

"You don't have a problem," he said and I dreaded turning my head. I finally did and saw him in the backseat this time. "You didn't like that little vision, did you?"

"Of course I didn't like it!" I cried out and wondered if the person in the car next to me thought I was as crazy as I thought I was. "I want you to leave me alone! I was fine until you came along." It's a good thing I was at a stop light because I wasn't able to focus on driving while I was yelling at him. I at least remembered to keep my foot on the brake as I half turned around to face him. "GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!" I screamed feeling the veins in my neck standing out.

The car behind me beeped and pointed at the now green light and I turned to look then took my foot off the brake and pulled into the nearest safe area, but he'd disappeared. Surely it wasn't that easy? There had to be some kind of catch, right?

I was definitely right, but I didn't know that then.
A Non-Existent User
I decided to turn around and head back to Patricia's. I needed to at least explain to her what was going on with me...maybe she could help. I approach the gate and before I even push the button, Patricia's calm voice says, "I knew you would come back." The gate opens and I drive on in.

She leads me into her living room where there are big cushiony leather sofas, a cream color shag rug; I sit down, feeling more calm.

"John, first, in order to gain control of your thoughts and what is happening to you, you must not allow this entity to upset you, it will just make him more powerful. You need to learn to ignore the negative energy."

"How do you know it's an entity?"

"I feel it....I'm a medium psychic, this is my line of work. Now, you can either start believing and trust what I tell you, or you can continue to let your life go out of control....it's up to you."

"Okay, let me know what I need to do."

"The entity that is trying to control you is a demonic spirit; an evil person who once lived on earth. I see a male who tortured and raped women, and he would like to continue his quest through you. Now, unless you would like to follow in his footsteps, you first have to ignore his communications; acknowledging him will give him more power."

"What do I do when I'm sleeping? I have these horrific dreams, like I'm there killing these women."

"This spirit is very smart and will do whatever it can to penetrate your mind and soul. So, when you are in a dream, try to wake yourself up, tell the spirit to leave you alone; the spirit must go back to where it comes from, you will not take part in its world. Just do not carry on a conversation with it. This is mind over matter, and you must be strong. Believe in yourself."

"You make it sound so easy."

"It is a process, you must be consistent and strong. The spirit is only as strong as you allow it to be. If you need more help, call me any time."

I got up and extended my hand to her and said thank you so much for trying to help me with this thing, I know I must seem crazy as hell to some, but I truly trust that you believe me, and thats a comforting thought.

She walked me to the front entrance and said "John remember that you are stronger than any entity" I nodded in agreement but in my mind I was saying I hope so.

As I got to my car and opened the door I waved at Patricia one last time, and my mind almost shut down when I saw this creature waving back to me. It seemed to be a part of Patricia's body.
Then I heard Patricia say "John whats wrong?" I was speechless,
then somehow I said..... HIM!!!!!

I see him as a part of you! Then he split from her body and walked back into the house without looking back even once.
I said to Patricia "he just walked into your house"
Patricia said "I feel his presence John, leave! Leave now!

I jumped into my car and sped towards the opening gate without even looking back at Patricia's place.
I was hoping she could beat this thing for me, even though I knew this was my fight.
I flew through her gate and out into the street without stopping to look to see if any traffic was coming. Stupid, I know, but I was intent on getting away from the monstrosity. I heard a blaring of horn and caught movement out of the corner of my eye before I felt pain worse than any I'd ever felt in my life. I don't know exactly what happened next, it was all a blur. I remember sirens and voices but I couldn't answer them as they pulled me out of my wrecked car. Volvo versus semi doesn't make for a good mix.

To add insult to injury they decide that you haven't had enough metal forcefully inserted into your body and decide to stick you with even more in the form of hypodermic needles. Luckily, those needles also contain drugs that make everything a little bit better. In my half groggy and very pain filled state, I was finally able to relax at the hospital. Thoughts of Jenny were in my mind, but he was there too. I wondered if Patricia had been able to fight him off.

"John!" Jenny cried coming up to my side in the emergency room.

Okay, if she was here then a lot of time must have passed because they would have had to identify me then find the home number and go find her. Then she had to have time to get here. I looked up at her through eyes that felt as if they would close any moment. I felt her take my hand and gave hers a little squeeze then gave into the darkness.

When I woke up later it was to find myself in a quiet room in the hospital. It was night outside and there was just the soft white light above my bed. I looked around as best I could and saw Jenny sleeping in a chair by my bed.

"Jenny," I croaked.

She stirred and opened her eyes looking at me and smiled. "Oh honey, thank goodness." She reached forward brushing cool fingers across my forehead. It felt good and I wanted her to do it again. She stood up and bent kissing me. "I thought I was going to lose you."

"Me to," I heard and looked around from her to where he now stood in the corner of my room. "Nice try leaving me with the woman, but you should know I am too strong for the likes of her."

My eyes went wide and Jenny turned to see what I was staring at. She looked back at me. "Honey?" she asked.

A Non-Existent User
"What's wrong?"
"It's him...the monster...he's leaning against the wall in back of you."
"Who? I don't see anything. Honey, you were just in a bad accident and you're all drugged up...."
"No, I'm telling you, I see spirits! Patricia even confirmed I see things. She told me to just ignore him and he'll eventually go away."
"Why don't you try to find out what he wants."
"If I converse with him, it will just give him more power."
"Well, it doesn't seem to make much difference does it, he's around. Find out what this he thing wants. Whatever it is, maybe you can help him go back to where it belongs. But, for now, get some sleep...worry about it tomorrow."
I closed my eyes and opened them back to ask jenny for some water and there he was standing next to my bed. I glanced over to jenny and she was just sitting there reading a mazagine. I tried to call out her name but my voice was muted. I looked back up at him and he said "shhh just listen."

You are asleep right now, and she can't see whats going on between us. You guessed right my man, I am a spirit and I have chosen you to latch on to in order to help me stay in this spirit world.

I asked " What do want with me?" He said "you have the inner spirit to keep me on this plain" But why do want to be here I said, he replied "For no special reason."

I asked " who are you? He said " My name is insignificant, I am a murderer from a different time, and I seek to do the same while I am here. Every murder gives me more strength, more juju so to speak.
You are the portal that brings me to the human plain so that I can do my deeds.

Why Me? I asked, He said "Because in your past life you were me"
I am you.
I screamed noooooooooo! and my wife shook me and said "Honey, are dreaming again?...
"Yeah," I said to her finally after a long moment of consideration. "It's just a dream. It's not real. I may feel it's real, but it's not." I thought maybe this would be the answer. Ignore him and see if he went away. I could resist the urges if I fought hard enough, right?

Jenny smiled at me and kissed my cheek lovingly. "Can I get you some water or something?"

"How about a prostitute?" he asked from beside her.

"A Big Mac," I said and grinned. Her laughter made me laugh a little as well.

"I don't think so, Mr. Big Shot," Jenny said. "Hospital food till you are released."

"I'll starve!" I complained.

"Just consider yourself lucky you aren't in the psychiatric ward all strapped down to a bed," she teased.

"Don't even think about it," he said, glaring at me.

The thought was already there. If I was tied up safely in a psychiatric ward I couldn't go around murdering people. The question was, would he still be able to?
A Non-Existent User
A deep sleep interrupted by a curled lip slowly opens to a wicked smile...I thought you would enjoy seeing my work again.....”
John slowly blinks to clear his vision; the crowd strolls out from the tavern. He’s drawn toward the man and woman who enter an alley. The woman is half-drunk, long silky brown hair, dressed in a strapless dress with a body to kill, and the man perfectly sober and intends on having his way with her. The woman leans against a building to support her reeling senses. The man, dressed in a dark suit, turns the woman around, lifts her dress up, while undoing his zipper. He steadies himself with one hand against the building and holds her waist, her face turned to one side against the bricks, he enters her full force. The woman moans and pushes her ass against him as he makes slow steady thrusts. John closes in on the couple, enjoying the scene; they are oblivious to his presence, as the man hammers away. The man grunts as he peaks, and the woman whimpers, then both quiet. He withdraws and zips his pants, and she stumbles around and pulls her dress back down. Before she can even look up at the man, he puts a hand over her mouth and draws her to him. She struggles feebly, but is much under the influence of liquor to offer effective resistance. Then in an instant, her days on earth are over...her throat slit from ear to ear. The blood spurts from her neck and onto the man's shirtfront. He holds her by the waist and drops her limp form to the ground. Calmly he buttons up his jacket to hide his shirtfront, and casually walks away. John catches his breath and brings his hand up to run through his hair, the droplets of blood on his hand catches his attention. “Oh God, this is not good....”
Just then a light shines upon him and another, then another,
Someone yelled put your hands on the wall! Do It! Do It now!
HE raises his hands in the air with a quirky grin on his face and
says "time to die my friend" I looked at him as he looked at me as
we looked at we, a shot rang out! he feel against the wall but didn't
fall then started to do a silly dance as another shot pierce his body.
He feel to the ground on his back and stared into the night sky, and then there was darkness...

The End!

© Copyright 2008 Pen Point, Jimmie, KD Miller, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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