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the third installment of Chris and Dave. It's fairly long |
Chris: oh hellz yes were in the mall, G Dave: G? Chris: yo dawg Dave: Chris Chris: ya Dave: shut the fuck up Chris: alright THE ADVENTURES OF CHRIS AND DAVE PART 3 Dave: well were in side the mall let go find some food Chris: oh sweet a McDonalds I'm just dieing for a burger Dave: umm Chris… Chris: hmm no ones here Dave: Chris… Chris: where the fuck is that Mexican guy who usually takes my orders Dave: Chris…. Chris: he talks funny hehehe Si hehehe stupid Mexicans Dave: CHRIS! Chris: WHAT!! Can't you see I'm waiting for someone to come take my order Dave: no ones coming Chris: hehehe come hehe Dave: oh my god please just focus Chris: I can try Dave: alright there is no one coming to take your orders because EVERY ONE IS DEAD Chris: what about us Dave: well we are technically but ummm Chris: not so smart now are you Dave: fuck you Chris: any who I'm hungry Dave: let's go find the survivors Chris: thought every one was dead Mr.McSmarty pants Dave: I want to kill you so badly Chris: you can't cause I'm dead remember you said so Dave: anger rising Chris: love you to buddy Dave: alright look likes just find some food Chris: now your talking Dave: doesn't look like anyone is around here lets check up stairs Chris: well if you insist Dave: now if were going by movie logic here they'll be in the security room Chris: or in like some fucked up hidden back room that is hidden by a fake wall ment to trick retards like us into thinking there's nothing behind it and we gotta crawl through the celling to get to it. Dave: it's 2008 Chris: TO THE SECURITY ROOM! Dave: oh shit Chris: what? Dave: elevators are shut off Chris: so we can use the stairs Dave: Chris when was the last time you lifted your feet more then 2 inches off the ground Chris: uuummm I don't know Dave: exactly we don't walk we shamble so stairs are our worst enemy Chris: oh fuck me Dave: We need to find a way up there and quickly Chris: escalators? Dave: I doubt their on but we can go check -A few short moments later- Chris: see told you Dave: wow I don't believe it Chris: pays off to have friends in high places Dave: what? Chris: what? Dave: never mind just get on the damn thing Chris: fuck no you first Dave: it was your idea you first Chris: erm… alright but I've heard these things are dangerous Dave: just get on Chris: alright here goes nothing Dave: whoa Chris: JESUS CHRIST GET ME OFF GET ME OFF GET ME OFF Dave: I've never seen a person fall down the up escalator Chris: IT'S THE ESCALATOR FROM HELL! Dave: hmm…Chris there's nothing I can do your just gonna have to wait till you fall back down here Chris: FUCK YOU DAVE, FUCK YOU AND THIS ESCALTOR Dave: look your half way down Chris: SWEET LORD MY LEG, MY LEG CAME OFF Dave: god I wish I could video tape Chris: DAVE GRAB MY LEG Dave: do I have to? Chris: YES! Dave: fine -Countless bruises and laugh later- Chris: oh god the pain….so….much….pain Dave: I got your leg Chris: thank…you Dave: alright time for round two Chris: go to hell Dave -Many hours, wasted on the escalator, later- Dave: well that was harder then I though it would be Chris: ya think!? Dave: guess the undead just aren't ment to use escalators Chris: no shit really? Dave: well lets get to the security room Chris: bout time Dave: Well according to the mall map the security room is right over there Chris: whoo Dave: yep, lets get going Chris: hold up let me reattach my legs -Later- Dave: well here we are the security room and….oh your joking Chris: what? Dave: it's locked Chris: oh that's ok Dave: wow your taking this pretty well Chris: yeah maybe having my brain jumbled by an escalator changed me Dave: well it seems to be a go- Chris: OPEN THE MOTHER FUCKING DOOR I'M FUCKIN STARVING YOU FAGG FUCKING SONS OF A BITCHES Dave: it was nice while it lasted Chris: Dave we…need…something to open the door with Dave: we could see if we could find a key Chris: but that's gonna take forever Dave: well then I'm outta ideas Chris: what if we got cannon Dave: a cannon? Chris: yeah then we could blow the door open Dave: where are we gonna find cannon Chris: yeah I suppose those are kinda hard to find now days…some dynamite would work to Dave: yes Chris because I carry dynamite with me where ever I go Chris: dude that's awesome lets see it Dave:…. Chris: come on dude I'm hungry wipe that dynamite out Dave: I don't actually have dynamite you dumb fuck Chris: god damnit Dave I've told you don't lie it confuses people Dave: Chris shut the hell up Chris: no seriously your always fucking with my head Dave: it's not my fault you can't differentiate between sarcasm and normal speak Chris: you're a sarcasm Dave: oh lord Chris: don't bring the lord into this he did nothing wrong Dave: lets just find a way to open the fucking door Chris: yes captain Dave: well let split up and…what are you looking at Chris: all of our friends coming in Dave: WHAT!? Chris: ya dud there all coming in musta figure out there was food in here Dave: Chris you didn't close the door!? Chris: doors can close now to, wow what will they think of next Dave: FUCK! This is bad very, very bad Chris: I don't see a problem here Dave: All of them will want some of the food we find Chris: your point Dave: less for us Chris: OH SHIT! we gotta get em outta here Dave: it's to late Chris: damn it Dave: were just gonna have to think of a way to keep em away from our food Chris: hehe look at those guys standing at McDonalds like the Mexican guy is gonna show up Dave: alright as long as they don't figure out the escalator and we get to the food first we'll be fine Chris: hehe hey wait a minute is that the…I think it is….yeah that's the Mexican hehe and he's over at burger kind…fag Dave: ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION!? Chris: no…I mean yes, yeah as long as they don't figure out the escalator were safe Dave: yeah Chris: well then your not gonna wanna look over in the direction of the escalators Dave: how the fuck did they figure it out so fast Chris: guess were just retarded Dave: your retarded Chris: no you are Dave: what are we gonna do were gonna get like a mouth full and that's it if were lucky Chris: wait I got an idea, Dave do you still have that dynamite on you? Dave: I wish to stab you Chris: we can do that later but first we need to get rid of these free loaders Dave: alright lets think Chris: wait I got it, IT'S MORPHIN TIME Dave: what are you doing? Chris: going to summon the mega zord Dave: I don't think you fully grasp the seriousness of our situation Chris: no I do Dave: really? Chris: ya Zordons gonna be pissed do you have any idea how much it costs to repair the mega zords? Dave: god damn it Chris please stop fooling around we have a big problem about our food Chris: I like food Dave: ya and we like lots of food right Chris: oh hell yes Dave: good then lets get rid of these fuckers gonna take our food Chris: I'm on it chief we just gotta push em down the escalator that should keep em busy for a few hours…or days Dave: I can't believe it but that actually a good idea Chris: I know I surprise myself sometimes Dave: alright well here it goes Chris: bye you free loading fucks Dave: look at em all Chris: oh it brings back awe full memories Dave: ya…and hysterical ones Chris: no, no just horrible ones Dave: not for me Chris: l-lets just go get the key to the security room Dave: ya lets just hope it's no back on the first floor Chris: oh fuck you Dave Dave: what Chris: you just jinx us you fucker hope your happy Dave: you don't believe in that voodoo bullshit do you? Chris: ahem have you seen us Dave: were not voodoo were genuine flesh eating zombies Chris: WERE ZOMBIES!? Dave: yeah any retarded could have figured that out by now Chris: I though we were vampires Dave:…really? Chris: naw just fuckin with ya Dave: oh good Chris: though we were werewolves now lets find that key Dave: but, what, how would we be were-…oh just forget it Chris: I got a hunch that it's gonna be over to the left Dave: all that over there is the video game store Chris: exactly Dave: you just wanna go play games Chris: yes and no, where else would the key to a door be in a mall filled with zombies beside the video game store Dave: don't follow Chris: have you never played a vide game? Dave: nope Chris: wow your gay but the key is going to be in the least likely spot but hidden in a clever way Dave: umm ok that almost makes since Chris: just trust me Dave: the last time I did that we got a mall full of zombies Chris: alright not my fault how was I suppose to know the door closed Dave: god I hate you Chris: common what do we have to lose Dave: our food Chris: true….very true but none the less lets go Dave: fine but I swear to god if you fuck us over one more time Chris: look the key Dave: how….how did you Chris: magic Dave, magic Dave: alright no time to argue just open the door I'm so hungry Chris: I'm the master of unlocking Dave: now time for our long a waited….there's no one here Chris: fuck fuck FUCK FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK!!! Dave: hmm a note Chris: FUCK THE NOTE I WANT BRAINS GOD DMANIT! Dave: says they went to the military base north of town and they'll be there for five days Chris: what's the date on the note Dave: three days ago Chris: fuck me up the ass Dave: god that a long shamble Chris: I….I think I'm gonna cry Dave: your such a pussy, come on Chris: where we goin? Dave: to the military base Chris: hot damn lets go get our fucking meal THE END |